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Good Grief Graphics

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Posts posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. tricks? TRICKS? TRRIICKS? Is that what you call them boy? !?! It's hardwork! Sitting there for hours and hours.. click..click..click.


    black make up is so sexy on guys.. GRRrrowwl


    haha, calm down. (Some people just don't know)


    The ONLY thing I'm not quite sure I like are the black splatters nehind his head that blend in with his head. I would personally prefer they were a dark gray or something, but, that's me. Other than that, it's some freakin' good ps vector work.

  2. not too bad at all, what are all those little icons suppose to be pictures of? Overall i like the mouse over links and the way the background goes along with the rest of the content. The only thing i would change is to make the text a different font just for display purposes.


    You click on the icons, you can then see larger versions of them.



    And I still can't figure out what everyone's problem is, I've seen my site on three different computers, one laptop and two desktops. I have absolutely no problem with readability.


    I just added nine more images to the Personal section.


    to panda- I doubted that the word "portfolio" was going to make sense to someone who obviously couldn't recognize one, so I didn't bother using it.

  3. I have no problems with readability on this site, and I'm using a 19" crt monitor at 1600x1200. I'm also about 2 1/2 feet away from the screen, and I can read it just fine. Also, there's rollovers on the navigation to make it even easier to see. I will admit, the white text is a little iffy, but if I can read it with what I'm using, I doubt that anyone else would have a problem.


    I saw this site and I think it's a very cool one. Could you give us more details about it? How did you get to make the background image and all other stuff? What program did you use? I suppose Photoshop.


    Just tell us more about your work. You have a talent indeed.


    It's a useless site, but it has good graphics.


    I would think that after looking at the site (andd perhaps seeing the name of the site) that what it's for would be obvious.


    How is it useless? You know, some people have websites that show off their work so that they can show potential clients examples, so they know what to expect and to see if they like it. And yes, I used Photoshop.

  4. I need to access my website so that I can download it and upload it to my paid hosting and domain at accidental-design.com. I am currently in Alaska for Vacation (I live in Ohio) and I need to access my site by June 11th at the latest, now would be better. The main reason for this is I'm visiting http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ on June 13th and I would like to have my site up and running when I'm there. I just would like to know why my website is gone, I have plenty of credits and posted at least twice in the last month I believe. (11 credits or so left right now, I had 50 a while back.) A quick reply would be nice. My site worked on the weekend just fine and now it's gone.

  5. Basically, trying to learn own your own isn't a bad idea. Tutorials are there to help you learn some techniques and become more familiar with photoshop. http://www.bluesfear.com/ is a decent site, and http://www.good-tutorials.com/ is a good site with many tuts. I started out without tutorials at first, and I just learned what most of the tools and filters did. I then used tutorials to learn more in-depth on combining the many tools that photoshop has. I now just do everything on my own without tutorials.

  6. Imageshack requires no sign up, well you can if you want.  Photobucket isn't better.  Btw, you using new cs2 for that?  You know thet new function, i think patch function of something.  sometimes it's a little obvious where you take things away but still, it's nice!


    The tool that you're talking about simply is a different version of the healing brush that takes information from around the brush instead of defining a source. Usually the regular healing brush works a lot better.


    You messed up a little when removing his head, you left a tiny spot in part of the wall where you can see you used the clone or healing brush tool instead of making it match with what is above and below it. Right where the chin was.

  7. i dont get it why do people discredit themselves for being so young its not really an excuse... i mean some 8 year old can probably do a better job on graphics comapred to some 40 year old who has never done anything on a computer... sorry it was a moment thing... anyways back to the point.


    i would give the sig 5/10 the background is good, the charaters edges can be seen maybe a blurring would be nice, the text looks too much like a word font like arial black... and on these graphics a "different" font looks better. anyways good job keep it up.


    I agree with that point.


    Any why are some people so strict on age? 12 is just a year under 13, what's the big deal?


    Anyway, it's pretty decent, just I don't recommend using that text in that way, experiment with using two seperate colors, and use other font's. You could make the clan tag one color and your name a different one, and change the layer blending mode to overlay or soft light or something. White text usually does look okay if it's set to soft light or overlay on the layer blending mode, though.

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