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Posts posted by cangor

  1. I thought EFC was expected family contribution (e.g. what your parents pay for college) but if you're living by yourself or your family isn't very rich then it is very possible that the school only expects your family to pay $437/year. That, however, is in addition to student loans and work-study and stuff.Edit: Yeah, just checked, and I guess that's per year. So, that's a pretty small amount. That's good I guess. <_<

  2. I'd say to little, at least double the amount. Microsoft can pay any fine, so why not make it so why not take enough money which is useful?

    Yeah, Microsoft is really rich, but that doesn't mean they should pay more. Plus, Bill and Melinda Gates donate a ton of money to really good charities, and I think that's a much better place for money to go than to the EU. Plus, it's not like fining Microsoft is going to fix anything anyway, if you really actually care and aren't just being greedy, then you'd take actual actions against Microsoft. Plus, I seriously don't think Microsoft is being really monopolistic. People can still buy Macs and other stuff, and though Vista is really expensive, and I think that's dumb, there are other companies who sell software much more because their software is one-of-a-kind. Does that make them a monopoly? Microsoft isn't the only choice if you're looking to buy computer software and stuff, and they're not being abusive with their considerable market share (okay, well I admit that's debatable, but whatever), so I don't see why a conglomerate of foreign countries should care. Period. :P

  3. Yeah, I guess parenting is a big problem, especially with kids being too spoiled and all. But most of all the problem is that KIDS DON'T CARE. And they should. Here in the US we have wonderful public education. You'd have to be a moron not to take advantage of it. There are kids in other countries who wish they had schools but don't. Read the book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin and you'll see what I mean. Here in the US kids have wonderful opportunities and don't take advantage of them, and they take everything that they have for granted. I see the way my peers act and it disgusts me.

  4. I think that there are some people out there who may seem really great, but honestly everyone has flaws of some kind or another. Even if you think you've found someone who's perfect, they're gonna have problems. It's also really easy to "fall in love" and feel like this person is the one, and they may end up being that person, but they're really not much better than anyone else. When asked why they like their partner people are always like "I'm not a shallow person, I don't care about looks," and stuff and, well, it doesn't really matter. There's nothing wrong with liking someone because they're good looking, but there is something wrong with denying a person's looks as one of the reasons you like them. There is practically nobody who actually doesn't care about how their partner looks. There's nothing wrong with being "shallow" as long as you really do love your partner, and as long as you get along.I think that the only "perfect" boy/girl for the person is the person who they can be happy with, and for some people there will be a lot of people like that and for other people there won't. And there's nothing wrong with being easily satisfied either. It doesn't mean you have low standards, it just means that you can appreciate a wider range of people.I used to subscribe to the "there's only one person out there for me" theory, but now I've realized, though there aren't that many people I would want to be with, that I would be happy with basically anyone who is nice, smart, decent, and relatively low-strung. That rules out a lot of people, but there also a lot of people who are genuinely like that.

  5. Well, I guess it's going around right now, but I've got the flu really badly right now, and I really hate it. :P I'm exhausted and I can't really do anything so I just sit around all day trying to keep some food down, and I have a fever and chills and I'm aching from head to toe. I'd just like to wish everyone who has this right now a quick recovery, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what I could do to recover faster. I'm drinking a lot and sleeping a lot and I'm trying to eat and I'm really careful about not getting others sick but I'm absolutely miserable right now. :P Oh, and happy late valentine's day everyone. :P

  6. Hm... that's kinda interesting that so few people know the actual code for credits... Anyway, i think it's a fair system, it just bothers me when I'm busy and I don't really feel like posting, but, hey, Xisto is great hosting and it's worth it.

  7. Personally I'm against abortion in all cases except where it's like rape or other time when it's out of the woman's control. Like, I'm not against people's right to do what they want, but at the same time, a baby, even before they're born, is basically a person... and that's the real problem with this debate... some people argue that a baby isn't a person until they're born. And really, who am I to say? Though I disagree, and people continue to squabble over meaningless stuff like trimesters, I think that ultimately it is a person's right to make their own decision in this, because there's no way we can really decide otherwise. I just would never advocate abortion personally.And on the subject of religion, I think that a lot of people are absolutely indoctrinated by religion, but there are a lot of people who aren't religious who aren't, and there are a ton of people who let their lack-of-religion or popular demagogues shape their views, and I don't see how this is any different.

  8. Wow man, I just got to say that that sucks. The same thing happened to me one time, I mean, luckily there were no problems, but services like PayPal and Ebay really need to do a better job of protecting customer information... That's why I don't really trust either of them when shopping online or selling stuff or whatever... I dunno, maybe I've just developed a healthy mistrust of internet business, but... like I said, it's healthy. =D

  9. Where I'm from we call it skipping or cutting, same thing. I've personally only skipped class a few times, and mostly only when I can justify it (I was tired and wanted to go home, I was getting sick) but it's always fun. I never skip classes unless I know we're not going to be doing anything in them, because otherwise I miss work which is a pain to make up later.

  10. That's great! Well, I wouldn't worry too much about your moron boss. It just means that you're gonna be more valuable, you have more leverage for getting a raise-like you said, at the rate you're moving you'll probably end up having his job. Plus, at least he isn't a total jerk boss or something (or maybe he is) but, anyway, good luck in your new job, though it doesn't sound like you'll need very much! :o

  11. I think a lot of the color attributes are totally made up, but definitely there are some emotional responses associated with each color, and color therapy definitely affects how you feel. Another important thing is how bright or dark the color is, because darker colors can be more depressing.

  12. Haha, nice rant. Don't worry, I don't think that there are billions of spiders constantly out to kill you in Australia. As for the heat, well, yeah, it might be hot in the outback, but I'm gonna assume that in Brisbane, on the coast, that the weather is generally pretty nice. I'm as uneducated as everyone else, but at least I try to think sensibly. :o

  13. I say go Ron Paul, but chances are he's not going to get elected. My question is why you hate Hillary so much? In my opinion, she's still way better than Obama, but people just don't like her because she's a woman and we have some sort of problem with a woman being in power.

  14. Uh, tricky77puzzle, I'm not even a particularly devout Christian, but I think it's kinda ridiculous to have these sayings removed from coins.. these are principles our country was founded on, whether you're religious or not.Then again, like seez, I'm kinda split. I mean, some people might find it offensive, but I'm just so sick of political correctness in such trivial things that I wish people would just lay off it.

  15. So, here are the ratings each face received on average, the highest being a 6 and lowest being a 1.
    On average, men rated faces .12 points higher than women. You can take a look at your favorite face's ranking and see which ones did best and worst from these numbers. We found that characteristics that were considered attractive in womens faces were also usually considered attractive in mens faces, and that men and women tended to view the same faces as attractive and unattractive. We also found that men were almost universally nicer in their ratings than women, and that while the more attractive women were considered, the more men and women disagreed, the more attractive men were considered, the more men and women agreed, which means that men and women tend to disagree a bit on what is attractive in women and what is unattractive in men. Also, we found that people over 30 tended to be much nicer in their ratings of both men and women that people under 30 considered unattractive.

    Some interesting stats in...:
    Facial Structure:

    Round faces are those that appear round, plump, and not well-defined.
    Thin faces are those with a well-defined facial structure and are thinner widthwise than lengthwise

    Women with round faces were rated an average of 2.31 by men and 2.17 by women. Women with thin faces were rated an average of 3.56 by men and 3.53 by women.
    Men with round faces were rated an average of 2.67 by men and 2.61 by women. Men with thin faces were rated an average of 3.56 by men and 3.55 by women.


    Thin eyebrows are those that are not well-defined and not well filled in.
    Defined eyebrows are those that are well-defined and appear dark and filled in.

    Women with thin eyebrows were rated an average of 2.48 by men and 2.27 by women. Women with defined eyebrows were rated an average of 3.69 by men and 3.67 by women.
    Men with thin eyebrows were rated an average of 2.80 by men and 2.61 by women. Men with defined eyebrows were rated an average of 3.40 by men and 3.29 by women.

    Skin Color

    Pasty skin is that which is pale and blotchy (not uniform in color.)
    Tan skin is that which is darker and of uniform color.

    Women with pasty skin were rated an average of 2.56 by men and 2.37 by women. Women with tan skin were rated an average of 3.69 by men and 3.67 by women.
    Men with pasty skin were rated an average of 2.73 by men and 2.46 by women. Men with tan skin were rated an average of 3.47 by men and 3.52 by women.

    So basically, tan skin and well-defined eyebrows and facial structure are all very important in determining attractiveness.

    Here are the original charts: The first table is of the women faces, and the numbers are the overall rating they got, the average rating they got from men, and the average rating got from women.

    Face # Overall Men WomenW1 2.68 2.82 2.53
    W2 4.34 4.09 4.59
    W3 2.21 2.18 2.24
    W4 4.31 4.27 4.35
    W5 3.42 3.36 3.47
    W6 1.65 1.64 1.65
    W7 3.34 3.09 3.59
    W8 3.70 4.00 3.41
    W9 3.54 3.73 3.35
    W10 3.30 3.73 2.88
    W11 2.25 2.45 2.06
    W12 3.07 3.09 3.06
    W13 3.15 3.18 3.12
    W14 2.48 2.55 2.41
    W15 1.95 2.09 1.82
    W16 1.79 1.82 1.76
    W17 3.19 3.45 2.94
    W18 4.09 4.00 4.18
    Women Avg. 3.03 3.09 2.97

    Face # Overall Men Women
    M1 4.22 4.09 4.35
    M2 2.75 2.91 2.59
    M3 3.49 3.64 3.35
    M4 4.21 4.00 4.41
    M5 3.39 3.18 3.59
    M6 2.33 2.55 2.12
    M7 2.44 2.82 2.06
    M8 2.88 3.00 2.76
    M9 2.54 2.73 2.35
    M10 3.89 3.91 3.88
    M11 2.73 2.82 2.65
    M12 2.19 2.45 1.94
    M13 1.92 2.09 1.76
    M14 3.79 3.64 3.94
    M15 4.21 4.18 4.24
    Men Avg. 3.13 3.20 3.07

    Thanks again to everyone who participated!
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