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Posts posted by cangor

  1. Yeah, I hate how schoolchildren get so pumped up over obama despite not knowing his policies and what his plans for change actually are, there are very few people who actually take the time to understand politics... they're just like sheep, following whatever propaganda they hear.however, people in canada and germany are kinda interested in US elections....when obama went to germany he had a crowd of thousands and thousands of people. the US, despite how screwed up it is, is still really important on the international stage, so I don't actually think that asking foreigners if they're glad someone won the election is a stupid question...even if the reasons it was asked were probably ignorance and stupidity.

  2. Wow I really like the new forum layout... Now I'm just going to have to figure out how mycents works. I like the idea of it not running out like credits, and I think with this post and the earlier credits 3.0 one I've got it figured out, but this is still kinda confusing. I hope I'll be able to collect enough cents with posting now...hopefully this really innovative system will be workable. :)

  3. This is kinda random, but...I really, really like butter.So my mom made these amazing rolls over thanksgiving, and I enjoyed slathering them with tons of butter. just realized how great butter is on bread, and I've started having bread and butter like every day now. I read an article talking about how raw natural butter oil is really healthy, so I guess the same should be true of regular butter. At least...until you get fat from eating too much butter. But I've started cooking a lot more with butter now, frying stuff in butter, etc. Anyone else use a lot of butter in cooking?

  4. well if you know what she's thinking then why does it matter if she bottles stuff up? I can definitely understand your frustration, but I think as long as you can tell she's in a mood or whatever the best thing to do it just to be supportive and not bother her about it... just let her know you're there if she ever needs to talk... hopefully it's just a temporary stage that she'll come through. if you guys are arguing a lot, I think the best thing you can do is just try and not be argumentative...even if you're right. ask yourself if what you're arguing over really matters, or if you're just arguing about stuff that is insignificant, because after you think about it, that's the way most arguments are.don't give up on your marriage! if you've been together that long you obviously love each other, and you understand what it means to be committed to another person. things will get better. if you're really worried about it or even changing your behavior won't help your relationship improve, then consider talking to a professional... there are people who know a lot more about this stuff than I do.

  5. Hey everyone.Basically, a friend of mine approached me a couple of days ago and told me he likes this girl. Apparently, he finally "put himself out there" according to him, which was just asking her out to a movie "sometime," and she said sure. He and this girl are pretty good friends, so this is no surprise, cause she probably just took it as a friendly gesture anyway. I of course knew he liked her long before he told me anyway, it was just so obvious...or maybe I just notice this stuff. Anyway, my friend tells me that he did this that evening, so we're talking, and I admit to him that I kinda like this girl too, pretty much because she's one of my best friends, so it's understandable. After a lot of discussion, I tell my friend that he should tell her he likes her, first of all because what he did today basically amounted to nothing, despite his shyness around girls. I also say that I'd rather he tell her that he likes her than me tell her I like her because I've got plenty of close friends who are girls whereas he doesn't really have anyone else he could be with. Everything was a lot more complicated than that, but that's the abridged version. We talk for a while about how stressed and awkward this makes us both feel, then we talk about what possible outcomes we could have that would make us collectively the most happy, but I just tell him to tell her, secondly, because knowing he likes her basically makes any behavior on my part that could be considered flirtatious like slapping him in the face, which I obviously don't want cause he's my good friend. Also, I'd rather he just get if over with, cause I don't deal with uncertainty very well, and I'd get over him being with her a lot faster than I would this awkward situation of my friend liking a girl I do, and I'd be able to be happy for both of them really quick.So, he tells her, and she basically says that she doesn't want to be in a relationship right now. I'm relieved but at the same time I feel bad for my friend, cause it's kinda my fault for telling him to tell her. However, at the same time, I realize and tell him that it's a really important learning experience and he'll be glad he did it someday, and I tell him about the first time I did what he did...Well, I still like this girl, and I could probably get together with her right now if I wanted to, but I don't because she broke up with a guy for understandable reasons a few months ago and she's not really ready for a relationship in my eyes yet, and I want to be able to be her friend without weirdness and stuff. My friend's still feeling kinda bad though and says he's going to be brooding over this for a long time, even though I keep being reassuring and telling him that what he did wasn't a terrible mistake. At the same time I feel partially responsible.That's a really shortened version of the whole thing, and I'll see how things develop, but I was just wondering if someone had advice for me in what I could to to help my friend, cause I'm trying to be the best friend I can to him without totally sacrificing myself (which I did in the past in a similar situation because I felt it was more important than just me), but I feel like I'm not doing too well.Thanks :lol:

  6. yeah... that really annoys me. it's impossible to get a decent domain name nowadays because they're all taken by people who just buy tons of domain names and auction them off to the highest bidder. I guess the best way to go is to come up with some obscure domain name that's kinda a word and build your empire off of that...like, say, google. :lol:

  7. Yeah...I think it would be possible to have yourself cloned in the future but there'd have to be some way to preserve your memories...and that's just way beyond anything we can do now with current technology. If scientists do ever figure out how to store and implant someone's memories, then I suppose you could create a version of yourself that thought it was you, but that's assuming we can figure out how to do it and we can get all the problems with cloning ironed out. However, cloning kinda seems inhumane and unworkable...and even not considering that, how about your "consciousness?" Like HDuffRules was saying, just because this person is exactly like you doesn't mean you'll share a common consciousness... I'm not even sure how that would work, and this is the part where you end up getting into a spiritual/religious debate. I, as a human being, believe that I have a consciousnes, that I'm not just seeing and processing information but that there is something inside me that makes me ME and not someone else...if that makes any sense. Obviously I'm not me one second and someone else the next, so a clone of me isn't going to be me, it's going to be someone else, like a whole new person. So essentially, you're not going to be able to travel through time, you'll just be able to make a copy of yourself...which isn't very exciting and even seems like it destroys your individuality and is really wrong. I suppose some people might argue that we don't even have a consciousness and "life" is just what it's like to be sensory, but I think that's ridiculous.So, while it's an interesting idea, I don't think it's possible... though we never know unless we try I suppose.

  8. ^I totally agree on that hahaYou know what I think would make a great idea for a website? Someplace where it takes all these game ads where you have to shoot or hit or toss or whatever except they're not ads and when you click them they don't open up some spam offer, you just get to play then for fun.... Hey, shooting the ducks can get pretty interesting. :lol:

  9. Honestly, I think abortions are wrong... especially late term abortions where there's obviously a living being "in there." If you're worried about having a baby then be safe and if an accident happens use the morning after pill...it's seriously safer than aspirin.However, on the other hand, I understand why many people believe it is a woman's right to have an abortion. I guess if someone really wants to have an abortion, it's their choice, but isn't an abortion, especially if we know for a fact that the baby is already sentient, (which we don't really...) just like murder? We don't have the right to choose to murder someone.I dunno. It's an interesting issue. I guess in the end it's a person's own choice because it isn't for me or anyone else to say if the baby is alive or not, and I really hate the government telling us what to do, but there are cases where it is good, as in cases protecting human life...but there's a huge debate about when a human is even alive....and honestly, we don't know. Sure, we can sit around squabbling over trimesters, but that won't get us any closer to the truth. I'd rather error on the side of not killing someone, but if someone wants to live with having gotten an abortion, it's not my place to stop them.

  10. I don't really think walking slow is such a bad thing, I mean if you're relaxed and can take your time that's great. I'm one of those people who usually walks really really fast but when I'm in no hurry to get anywhere I find it refreshing to walk slow and not worry about where I have to be. However, I really hate it when I'm trying to get somewhere and a bunch of people are walking slow in front of me. :P Like in our school the hallways aren't that wide so if three people are walking side by side you can't get around them. Me and my friend call it "blood clots in the arteries of the school" :) Walking fast is better exercise though, so maybe everyone should try and walk faster. :P

  11. In terms of trying home and/or natural remedies for health problems I've had a lot of success with curing problems...oftentimes there's a good reason why certain home remedies that might seem stupid are actually really good for your health or really beneficial in curing ailments.In terms of self-medicating for chemical medications and stuff, I haven't experimented too much, but I think as long as you know what you're doing you will be okay. Don't ever experiment with something you don't understand.

  12. Goth_Punk that's actually a pretty funny story... :) Though I'm sure it wasn't at the time.kevlar...wow that's ridiculous and that girl definitely has huge issues... but I guess just be thankful you're out of it now. I can't stand insecure people in a relationship, and plus she was going out with a bunch of guys at the same time... wow what a loser...

  13. Yes she is scary, Hot but scary. But to be honest both parties are a little scary to me. Obama, just the name alone reminds me of 9/11
    and Mccain? too old.

    I agree with the fact that mccain is kinda too old, but I don't think just because of his name obama is a bad candidate... well, I dislike a lot of obama's policies, but the way I see it, no matter which candidate wins we're going to be screwed in some way.
    I don't really understand what everyone's problem is with palin... I mean I don't really like her, but people think that whatever she says is ridiculous, when in reality it really isn't... if you look at where she's coming from and what a lot of american's actually believe, what she says makes sense. and when we quote parts of what she says out of context, we're doing the same thing as when we say "mccain wants to keep us in iraq for 100 years" or obama saying

    'I will stand with the Muslims, should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

    ...basically, politicians quotes are so often misconstrued that we can't view them objectively... and also most people don't even know the policies of their presidential candidate of choice...now THAT'S scary...
    Oh, and also, this is the full context of the above obama quote, if you're wondering:

    "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

  14. I think tons of videos are stupid on youtube, and I'm not even talking about random conspiracy-theory videos...we'd still have those even if there wasn't a youtube...it's just the stupid videos that nobody would want to watch of people doing stupid stuff... and by stupid I don't mean funny-stupid I mean pointless-stupid.But what is really annoying on youtube is the people who comment on videos who have no idea what they're talking about or who just spam for the heck of it. like if you read the thread for any popular video, you'll have a few people saying random crap, two or three people making outrageous uninformed statements, and everyone else telling the stupid people to shut up...there are very feel worthwhile comments it seems. I mean, it doesn't really bother me that much, but I really think some people ought to get a life instead of making random stupid comments on youtube videos. And same thing with people who spam wikipedia... I mean it can be funny, but most of the time messing up an article is just stupid and annoying for people who actually want to get information about something...I guess it's just the inherent flaws in people-created information...you'll always have people who are dumb and screw stuff up...

  15. I remember one time on the multiplayer map that's relatively dark and you can fly up to ....anyway I remember ramming myself into a wall somehow and I fell through the wall.. I forget what the message it said was...something about being killed by the guardians or whatever... anyway I thought that was an interesting glitch though I haven't been able to repeat it. Another interesting glitch is on ascension you can sometimes fall into the fog but not die but just stand there.... that's pretty much useless though.

  16. Yeah, it's really not a big deal. I mean, I guess most people have had their first kiss younger, but I think it's a lot more important to have your first kiss and mean it....not many people who had their first kiss when they were 12 can remember it as being something special...whereas if you wait for a person you actually care about then you'll at least have something special to remember....I've kissed plenty of people before (as in, for real,) but those times to me don't count... I'm still looking for the right person to make the "first kiss that I've meant" a special moment I'll remember...I guess that's a good way of thinking about it, right?

  17. that sounds really strange... I know your body paralyzes itself when you're actually asleep because it doesn't want you killing yourself in your dreams or something... it used to really bother me when in my dreams I realized I was sleeping but couldn't wake up but eventually I learned to wake myself up when I was dreaming... at first my eyelids feel glued shut and I try to move but nothing happens for about ten seconds and then my eyes open....maybe if you can lie awake but not move it's just your body waking up but your brain not releasing you from paralysis yet... if it's a real problem I think you can learn to break out of it like I learned to open my eyes and wake up during dreams.

  18. I don't really mind getting my blood drawn too much but I haven't in recent memory gotten an injection in my arm but I'm pretty sure it's bad news, more than the pain itself what's getting injected into you. So many vaccines are ineffective or harmful to your health because of toxins in them... like thiomersol vaccines...which thankfully aren't used in many countries any more... but thiomersol vaccines contained a lot of mercury which is really bad for you, and even some more modern vaccines contain heavy metals which are bad for your health...I'm kinda weird that way I don't really like the idea of injecting chemicals into my body, but if it has to be done then it's not really that bad from a pain standpoint...It's just strange.

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