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Posts posted by cangor

  1. anwiii is absolutely right. Flyingbird, even if things don't go your way you just have to keep trying, and don't get discouraged, and for me the best way to not get discouraged is to talk to other people about what's discouraging me. Even if you don't have many friends, there are always people who are willing to talk to you and help you, and just because you don't have a lot of friends doesn't mean anything, because people who seem to have a lot of friends oftentimes don't have any real friends. So, just, don't get discouraged, because everything that's good can be hard to accomplish, and even though sometimes you might not feel like you're getting anywhere, keep trying, because you will. :P

  2. I think I've always wanted to be a programmer ever since I got my first computer. I know there was a time when I didn't think this, but back then I didn't think about what i wanted to become.

    Haha, that's interesting... I have successfully decided that I NEVER want to be a programmer. I liked programming when I was younger, but now I've decided that it's too tiring and monotonous... I like working with others, too, not hacking around in millions of lines of code... When I was really young I wanted to be an entomologist (that's a guy who studies bugs if you don't know) or an astrophysicist. I eliminated the first one because I realized early on that there aren't enough jobs (depressing thoughts for a seven year old) but I might still be an astronomy professor or something... I think now I'd like to be a professor when I go off to college in a few years, but I'm not sure what in.

  3. Yeah, exactly! Once, I also saw this roll of toilet paper that, on the outside, said, (someone)'s super tough toilet paper - it's rough, it's tough, and it doesn't clean the **** of of anyone. =D The possibilities are endless... Maybe you can have art on them too... imagine wiping your rear on the Mona Lisa... actually, I could care less... but cool patterns would still be neat. I prefer plaid. :P

  4. Man, that's completely diabolical. Like thejestergl says though, it's not really for someone you hate. If you hate someone then you tell them that, and tell them that they're a jerk, and they're not worth the dirt on your shoes or whatever, but revenge is never a good idea. These would definately make for a good prank on a friend though. I like the one about the constantly popping CD drives. :P

  5. you're forgetting the one thing. Infinite. It is a unknown number, I know that infinite is both odd, even, prime, non-prime and all the others you can think of. Because Infinity+1=Infinity, and so does infinity!, and so on...So that proves it, infinity is a prime and so there is no end to the number of primes there are...

    Infinity isn't even a number. My math teacher hates it when kids say it is. It's a concept, and so you can't say that infinity is prime. If anything, it's absolutely unprime and divisible by any number.

    This is kinda just a weird example of a mathematical proof though. Some of them are actually for interesting things, like finding the value of the sum of the first n numbers, or 1+2+3+4...+n = 5.(n^2+n). You can prove that with a mathematical proof. You can also do proofs to get area formulas and stuff people use in real life at work and stuff, because I'm pretty sure there are like two people in the world whose job depends on the fact that there are an infinite number of primes.

    I'm not sure if this prime number proof is correct, because it's just making a lot of assumptions and stuff. Proofs with prime numbers are practically impossible, except to prove that there are an infinite number of prime numbers. And a lot of proofs are for crazy stuff that nobody cares about. :)

    This is the proof that the article is originally talking about. If anyone cares enough they can look up Euclid's Second Theorem, whatever that is. I don't really need a proof to believe that the number of primes is infinite though. If someone tells me then taht's good enough for me. :D

  6. Number 3 man... Look, girls are confusing sometimes... she probably just wasn't ready to make that decision on the spur of the moment... you should have just told her to think about it, but, now that it's happened, just try to be nice and normal, or pull her aside and talk to her... I mean, I'm sure you can come up with something good to say... Don't just ask a girl out, tell her how much you like her and how great she is... My advice is to take her aside and apologize for being kinda premature then tell her how great you think she is and all that stuff, and whatever else you want to say. Just be nice and understanding, and realize that going out might mean different things to her than it does to you.

  7. Hey, first of all, good for you!Well, there's not anything specific you're supposed to do on a date, but, ya know, just be yourself and... talk about stuff. That's mostly what you do on a date... You must be really excited if you've never had a girlfriend before, but, I dunno... just, don't worry... It's okay to be nervous, but chances are she's going to be just as nervous, so just be warm, welcoming, and try to make her feel comfortable... The kisses and hugging will come in time, you'll know when it's right.As for the parents... uh, I know the way you feel, but, you just need to let them know that it's nothing serious and that you're just going out as friends. I mean, that's the point--just enjoying each other's company. Just treat her like you would a really good friend. :) I'm sure that you'll be great. Good luck!

  8. Well, you probably know what's best, like, the person in the relationship always does, even if it's in some far corner of your mind. I dunno, like everyone else has said, I'd just wait it out a while and see what happens, like, it sounds like you're not super committed or anything, so it's not like a breakup will be tons of tears and pain, so, I dunno... I guess just see what happens and if it turns out to be a really great friendship then great, but if she turns out to be a loser then just dump her... I dunno, though, I'd try to hang out more if you can... Being with someone in person is always better it seems, like they've got some magic or something... See how you feel when you two hang out.

  9. Okay, so I am clinically bipolar but too stubborn to take any medication for it, but I probably should sometimes...What you are feeling is totally not normal, I mean, most people are a little sad occasionally, but depression is a lot worse, and it sounds like that's what you're experiencing. My advice is that if you can't sort it out yourself, which it sounds like you can't, is to go see a psychiatrist. Ultimately, the only way you'll probably be able to solve your problems is with the help of a professional, and not going is just going to hurt you more.I hope you will get better :)

  10. Okay, so, I actually was kinda in the... uh, exact same position a year ago, and things worked out for me, so here's my advice.Okay, well, it's not italian class, but whatever.Anyway, this was the first girl I ever really liked, I mean, as more than a friend, because most girls seem totally shallow, self-absorbed, and totally vapid, but, anyway, we met in class, and we kinda became friend I guess and... okay, well, this worked for me.- talk to her more, try to be friendly, um, I'm sure you have a sense of what's appropriate.- uhhh I don't think her friend hates you, but I couldn't be sure from what you said, maybe (maybe) girl you like's friend knows that girl you like likes you but doesn't want girl you like to not spend as much time with her or something like that- yeah, as for swapping emails or chat or whatever, um, just wait for a good time, I think csp4.0's advice is pretty good. I waited until just before the beginning of summer to ask so we could stay in touch over the (long, boring) summer, though right now is October so I'm assuming that isn't an option, but, hey, you sound smart, you can think of something. before summer was a pretty good idea at least for me though, because we ended up hanging out quite a bit over the summer and having a lot of fun.- Put yourself in her shoes. Like, I mean, what's the worst she could say? Girls and guys aren't really that different, but they psyche themselves into thinking they're so different from each other. Play out scenarios in your head, thinking about which things you can say can't have a negative outcome. Think about if some girl you didn't like but didn't really dislike came up to you and said such things how you would respond.- Remember her birthday. Whether it's just saying happy birthday, making a card, or buying her chocolate and flowers, it's always a chance for you to be incredibly smooth.- There's really no bad outcome. You always have to remember that this is another human being you're dealing with the same basic emotions and feelings as you, so this isn't anything to take lightly. However, my philosophy is that, no matter what you do, as long as you have good intentions and follow your better judgment, you can usually make things work out in the end.Last of all, remember that the most important thing is that you just want to spend time enjoying each other's company, and if things don't work out, your heart will heal eventually and there are plenty more fish in the sea.Good luck with everything!

  11. Wow, I guess it's just chance that you're lucky, but your friend is right, you should try. Not necessarily to be number one or whatever, but, ya know, just... try. Because if you don't try in life then there's no point to... living. Don't be the kind of person that stuff just happens to, be the person that makes stuff happen. :rolleyes:

  12. I just read about this the other day. It's absolutely fascinating... when I see 3^2+4^2=5^2, it's surprising that there isn't anything for higher powers, but I guess that makes sense, because 3^2+4^2=5^2 has two things on the left side because it's squared... I bet there are a bunch of solutions for a^3+b^3+c^3=d^3 has solutions, because that would make sense, three variables for the third dimension... I think I'll look in depth about how he proved it sometime. Or maybe I'll try to prove it on my own. :rolleyes:

  13. I think tuddy's absolutely right. Guy #2 sounds decent but you screwed that up by cheating on him, which was your fault, I'm sorry, but it's the truth. And Guy #1, even though he's supposedly better than he used to be, is probably still a jerk. Like, I don't know why you said he was a *bleep,* because if he just broke up with you because of school that's completely reasonable if you ask me. But, assuming he was a jerk, well, I am a guy, and based on what I see of other guys and the way they treat girls, he probably hasn't changed at all, he's just trying to get you back. Like, if a guy is super super great and nice and makes one mistake, that's no big deal, but if you just thought he was a total jerk back then, he probably still his now, he's just putting up a facade.Guy 2 like I said sounds really great from what little you said, but you screwed that one up already, and I highly doubt, unless both of you honestly want to give it another go, that you'll be able to fix things. I mean, it sounds like you never really liked him that much, and so you're just going to be shortchanging him if you get back together because he really likes you, and if you can't reciprocate that then you shouldn't be together.The best thing is to just talk to them, and be open, and get this stuff sorted out, but, at the same time, trust yourself, because inside I'm sure you know what the right thing to do is.Well, good luck

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