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Posts posted by cangor

  1. I learned through statistics that the only place that has ever had school shootings are in America. Where are you all from?

    Yeah, that's definitely not true, just google "your country" school shooting and chances are an article will come up about shooting going on at schools.

    I go to public school in an area where most everyone is upper-middle class. So basically we have a bunch of snobs and quite a bit of drinking, but there are rarely any fights anything, and I don't think we've ever had a shooting at our school.

  2. Glad to hear you're better, it sucks being sick over break. It seems like I'm always sick on my birthday, too, which really sucks, and a few months ago I had some type of cold that got me up to a 104 degree fever, but I strangely felt fine except for my joints aching and barely being able to stand.Perhaps the suckiest time I have been sick was on the day of the SAT. And I was even avoiding sugar and washing my hands like mad the entire week before just so I wouldn't get sick. :)Oh well, I'm better now, and so are you. Good luck finishing up all your work, by the way, because I know how awful that feels. Have a lot of smilies and be happy. :)

  3. Wow, that's kind of a jerk thing to do... just trying to get her mad???Well, yeah, the problem is that a lot of people just say they are Christian (or whatever religion they are) and then don't follow any of the rules and ideas of their religion. Which is really hypocritical and reflects really badly on all the people who actually are amazingly religious and great people.

  4. Yeah, Saint_Michael's probably right. I mean, first of all, if she's hanging out with this other guy instead of with you, that's really bad. I mean, it's not like she's just talking to the guy, she's practically dating him. Secondly, the amount of interest she's showing in him basically means it's not working out between you and her. Third, she probably already has cheated on you with this guy and was just saying that she was scared cheating will happen or whatever because she was waiting for you to say, "well, if it does, you can come back to me," or some baloney like that, which you should never say, because that's just letting her take total control of her.

    My advice is just to dump her. I mean, it's not easy, but it's easier to dump someone than to get dumped, which is what will happen eventually. If you think you still have a chance, then sit down with her and just tell her, "I don't want you hanging out with this guy anymore. At first it was fine, but now you're ignoring my for him." Chances are she'll say something that's a load of BS, like, "Ah, we're just friends. I let you hang out with your friends..." when what she really means is "I want a shoulder to cry on when this jerk dumps me because otherwise I'll feel even more insecure than I already am."

    I mean, if you really think you and her have something going on, you can try talking to her, but I mean, man, you're just going to have to dump her in the end.

  5. Saint_Michael: The black plague was not carried by rats, it was carried by fleas which infected the rats, and it was only the special variety of black rat that carried the flea. One of the reasons we don't see big cases of the plague in recent history is because the brown rats basically kicked out the black rats, and brown rats don't carry fleas. Granted, rats can still carry disease, but so can any other type of animal, like dogs and cats and other animals that we keep as pets. That's why we don't keep feral dogs and cats as pets. Rats, however, still make good pets and they're not as big and all-consuming as dogs.

  6. I do actually think a certain type of dream can kill you, but only if you have a mental or physical condition which makes you that fragile... I, like anwiii, find dreams really interesting, but I'm kinda pissed off that I don't dream that often... Something interesting about dreams that has happened to me is that I was shot a gun from behind, and I woke up and felt a really strong sting in my back. I think dreams can incorporate what is happening to you in the outside world at the time, perhaps.

  7. A good way to save a bit of money on college is to go to a local community school for your first few years and get through all your general education classes, and then you can go on to a state college or whatever. Getting a job can help, but it usually doesn't pay for all your tuition unless you're at some big company and they say "we'll pay for the rest of your college if you come and work for us."Also, if you're in a low income family but have decent grades, most colleges will give you some grants, which is nice. Other than that you just have to be amazing and hope you can get a full scholarship I guess. :P

  8. My least favorite sport to watch is probably golf, just because it's kinda boring, but my least favorite sport in terms of playing is basketball. For some reason I'm good at every other sport but I SUCK at basketball. Like, really, really badly. As in, I suck so much that if I sucked just a little bit more, I'd suck... just a little bit more. :P

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