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Everything posted by MusicOnly

  1. Hello! i found this funny template for wordPress. You can check it out here https://wordpress.org/themes/ it s kinda hard to control this site but i think that who ever did this has done a great job. What do you think?
  2. no i ll never forget them and i dont want to do that. There was 10 girls who were looking at me and smiling to me before gig and after our performance hey were also smiling to me but in other way. i felt so embarrassed!
  3. I can play guitar,bass,violin, keyboards and a little bit of drums! I prefer guitar the most and i cant get my hands of it. i love playing it and without it i dont know what i would be doing. losing my time maybe?!
  4. Bullet in my head would be perfect! painless and quick! i think that this would be reward for someone! this is the deathwish!
  5. Seems to me that no one will suggest me anything! Well i am waiting your answer and right now i am using WordPress. Its ok but i dont know is it the best?!
  6. I was always wondering how much female are on Xisto. hope this pool will make this clear! Great idea and i hope members will vote!
  7. I just got back from my gig! I had gig in my school where i was taking my guitar lessons. I was very surprised to see how much people have come to hear me. This wasnt my first gig so i wasnt really excited. First of all, my teacher said me to come one hour before the gig. When i got there i saw that i ll play with only two of eight people from my class! i thought maybe they will manage to be rhythm guitars since i am solo guitar. Gig started half an hour later than it was supposed to start. We were the last on the list. At the beginning of the gig room was full and you couldnt even breathe! But at the end i have played in front of 20 people. my "friends" who were supposed to be the rhythm guitar for me got scarred and started to play really fast and incorrect. I was so angry! I finished my part and ran out of the room. I said to my teacher very impolite things like f*** you and so on. I was really pissed of. Then i found out that i cant get my jacket for another 20 minutes because other people were having gig. I said to principal that he can s*** me and i got inside to get my jacket. Now i am sitting in front of my computer and writing this to my friends here on Xisto. I practiced really hard for today and my friends disappointed me. I hope i ll never see them because right now i hate them and i hate that stupid school. 6 months of hard work gone in wind because of someone who didnt wanted to practice! my father promised to buy me very expensive guitar and now i feel like i dont want it. I feel like i have failed to practice and that i dont deserve this new guitar. f***i m over with this school and i ll continue playing at home. Hope to see this school in ash! ;)
  8. MusicOnly

    I Hate Greenday!

    Yeah you are right! They have only three power chords and they dont put a lot of work in guitar but their songs sound simple and people actually like that. People are tired of metal and punk so they search for something that they can listen every day, no matter how they feel that day. Metallica is now bigger crap than Green Day. They have ruin everything after their black album and after St.Anger they have lost a lot of old fans. They say that this year will be the great year for Metallica and that their album will be better than St.Anger because they played master of puppets on tour. to tell you the truth, i dont think so. Sorry man but i dont think that this bands are much better than GD. Coldplay has guitar that sound like crap and Maroon 5 also. The conclusion of the whole topic: we can complain a lot on todays music scene but guys from GD or other commercial bands dont care. Music is today a great business and GD apparently found that thing they have been looking for over 15 years. Have you seen how many people was in england on their concert? I think they wont stop playing while they are selling their cds. I agree with someone, today you can see a lot of kids wearing GD shirts and makeup but they dont know what is the real punk. They call them self punker but they have never heard for The Clash, Sex Pistols... Sad but true. This world is right now going to no where with music. We need someone to bring back the old fame to rock n roll music. I hope i ll be alive when this happens! Cheers
  9. Well who doesnt hate school?!? I think that this is normal, to hate school! I am going in very strict high school and teachers are stupid. They like revenge. one guy accidentally hit teacher from physics and he was very mad so he decided to ask all the day. That day the 50 students got an F. And the teacher was smiling all the time. God i hate him! I hate school and everything related to school! I hate the fact that in my school we only have 50 girls and about 1000 guys. And girls arent pretty at all. I think i made big mistake by going in that school. Stupid teachers, ugly girls, and too much guys. Every day i have fight with one of the professors. They are unfair and i am rebel with the reason.
  10. When it comes to recommend someone new script or CMS i am the last person here. Well i used Joomla, pmachine, Nucleus... well i started with joomla and i learned a lot. it was difficult for newbie to understand joomla but as you have seen i have managed to get it up and running and even it looked cool. Well it depends on your needs! if you need powerful cms for every day updated with a lot of content i would recommend you joomla, otherwise use one of the blog scripts. not very helpful but sorry that is the best i can do!
  11. Although i dont like windows because GUI is poor i ll stick to them. I was raised on windows and i ll probably die with windows. I know that mac has better gui than windows but like you have said this is new os for you, price is high and you wont get all the programs working on mac. i know that price of the mac is very high in UK but i can tell you that price is for about 40% higher in my country. and i dont have money to buy it like the most of people in my country. sad but true! i ll maybe try linux besides windows but i am sure that i wont be working on it for a very long time. i need all of my software running on my pc and my family isnt that good in windows so i guess they ll hate me if i change os!
  12. Thanks! I guess he did the exactly what you have said. Well i ll try this! Maybe it will work! Thanks for your reply!
  13. Hello! I am hosted here and i want to start with one of the blog scripts. my choice is between these two scripts: Nucleus and pmachinePro! Can you please suggest me which one is better/safer/easier? I am thinking about getting pmachinepro but i like the nucleus templates. I like the fact that in pmachinepro you have file manager and other things but i dont understand their rule. I cant use it for commercial use. Does this mean that i cant use adsense on my site? Thanks in advance
  14. 9.5/10I really like your wallpaper and now its my background.This is great work for your first wallpaper ever. I dont like that red color in left down angle. It s strange in some weird way. Maybe try making it more darker. But great work!
  15. first of all thanks for such a great tutorial! it is really helpful! I didnt know how to set rss channel for my ex site but i think that with your tutorial i will make rss channels here on Xisto. Once again thanks!
  16. Hmmm... I saw one page which is created like search site and guy is having cool background and few Google referral buttons and his site is up normally. I can remember the name. i wonder how did he managed to do this!?
  17. Thanks BuffaloHelp for fixing this problem! as you can see now i am hosted member! And finally things are getting better with my host! Thanks BuffaloHelp and thanks OpaQue for fixing problem! I am now proudly hosted memberof Xisto!
  18. I agree with this! in this egold games there is high risk and admin takes your money, you may won once in a 2 months but all the other times you are the looser not winner. you deposited $5 and get $10, but how much money did you lost before you got $10. I bet it was more than $10!
  19. Yeah I know that free paypal account is fee less but the problem is that my country can only have paypal account but really cant use it. I cant send money or anything else so i dont see the point of having that paypal account. I am using e-gold because its accepted world wide and i registered it when i was starting in one MLM program. Thanks for the information guys!
  20. Is it against Google TOS if i create site with nothing on it, only Google pay for search bar and tell my friends to use it instead of Google.comexample: i create http://www.musiconly.com/ and have only search bar on it. instead of google.com as their homepage my friends or other people use my site as search.
  21. thanks for upgrading forum. i need to report problem! every time i try to terminate my account i get the message "cannot continue". Where is the problem?
  22. HEHE, i got hosted but i dont belong to hosted members group so my points werent decreased!! Lucky me!! I can be hosted really for free! Dont worry i reported this problem to BuffaloHelp and hope he will fix this soon. Since i am not hosted i dont belong to hosted members group and i dont have rights to post in hosted members area. Well i dont want to be different from others so i am reporting this here. I m not cheater so i reported this as soon as i figured out. hopefully they will help me with my problems. until then i am enjoying my free hosting
  23. We all know that technology is going to change but we dont know will people be different. Will there still be wars, hunger, crime? And about music, do you believe that they ll still listen to music? I hope i ll be alive to see where the world is going because right now world is pretty *BLEEP**y place to live.
  24. Yeah i used Joomla on my previous host. This is one of the greatest CMS. I like the fact that you can get almost mod for everything you imagine. Great thing to save time and money.
  25. Man, please dont you ever respond again on this topic. You make yourself look like THE n00b. i am sure that you only want to help me but please dont because you dont know what you are talking about! Listen very carefully, i shall only say this once: THERE IS NO THING LIKE Simple Machines Forum 3!!!
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