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Everything posted by MusicOnly

  1. i founded this soulution but i dont know how to use it http://www.ozzu.com/mswindows-forum/copy-zip-directory-structure-only-t68389.html can anyone tell me where do i have to enter this command
  2. Here s the thing. I have large number of folders with files in it. i need to copy folders but without files in it, becuase i dont want to write folders name manually( i have about 5000 folders) and i guess i wont be quickly finished.why would i wanted to do that.it s kinda like this:you have dvd file and you want to record the soundtrack into mp3 file. but you want to save them on other disc.its easy with 1-10 folders but i have situation with 5000 folders and i need to do this.so can anyone please help me?
  3. yes of ycourse i am interested but i dont understand one thing. if we create clan can we still win gifts just for one person? i mean can i win gift just for myself. dont think i am greedy i jsut dont know the wright word
  4. so hadi are u going to create clan?
  5. so if i have understand; i need to change font and font color of the boxes, make first letters capitals, put all the boxes on left side. and create drop menus.thanks guys i ll do this and post again pic so you can see is it ok now.cul8er
  6. I wasnt very active on Trap past few weeks because i was working on my first site. This time i included css but the whole site isnt coded in css. So please tell me what do u think? dont be afraid to tell me if you dont like it or something else.Please take a few moments, look the picture and post.Opinion of T17 members is very important to me!
  7. finally i am going on my vacation. so i just wanted to say, if someone would need something or wanted to pm me i am not here. i ll be back for two weeks. bye
  8. where can i see some of your previous work?are you good in php. i need help with inserting php scripts in my web page. and for how many credits would you do that job in php.p.s. if someone else is also good in php, we can make a deal.
  9. The best software for creating sigs is Photoshop.And if you want learn Photoshop visit http://itutoriales.com/ and you will learn the basics.bye
  10. I m not sure where did i saw that you can ask for more MB of space on trap. Is it that possible?I mean, if i use 98% of my 150 MB can i ask for additional 50MB+.
  11. thanks Buffalo. It helped me a lot. And sorry for posting topic in wrong section.
  12. Well i dont know exactly how to say this but i ll try. So last few months i ve been discovering web design, dreamweaver, photoshop. I learned how to create layout and how to preapare it in dreamweaver but now i am stuck with php. I dont know how to put script in desired cell an lots of other stuff. yeah i am stupid, but i am who i am. all those tutorials are not helping me because they dont tell you how to install script where i want. i am going to explode. i tried to find finished script on hotscripts.com but i cant/dont_know which one will suite my needs. my layout is here. You see, i need shoutbox script, search script like one here where i can search by song or band names, script which will show the most downloaded songs ( top 5 songs on my layout), and script which will show last 5 updated items.. and so on.. list is quite big, because i have big plans for my site and php is my only problem wright now. My main question would be how to install damn script where i want? Second question would be can someone help me? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title is very important. Please make it very specific. Modified.
  13. but if i now wanna get hosted to transfer credits i ll lose all of my credits:~80
  14. Since you are from croatia you could buy BUG. Computers magazine, only 35kn and you get dvd with new programs. probaj nabaviti broj u kojem je tema prijenosnici do 8000 kuna.so much from me
  15. Well i posted topic here because i didnt know wher to put it. Do i have to be hosted member to transfer credits to other members?Thanks
  16. Hi! i know that you are new one and you are trying to get posting credits, i dont blame you, but you could use search. You see we have at least ten topics about web browsers and we dont need another IE vs. Firefox vs. Opera. Use search and you will find what you are looking for if you are realy interested in chosing browser. Bye
  17. Well i`ll try to explain you and if i am wrong i am sure that one of advanced members will correct me. Points: you post on fourm and you get for that post credits. That doesnt mean that one post is one credit. How much credits per post? Well you need to have quality post, that means that you wont get credits for posts like "lol","and?" and other short posts.Basicly, you ll get more credits for longer posts. Then when you get hosted, one credit 1.0 = one day of inactivity on forum. If you go deep in negative credits your account will be suspended. Hope you now understand credits?! Secondly, yes it is true. You can check other users sites and see that this is true. Hope you now understand, and welcome to Xisto fourm.
  18. well here is my web site layout. can anyone help me. i need to create spaces betwen shoutbox and top 5, and betwen top5 and last updated. how to do this in dreamweaver.p.s. oh, i almost forgot, rate it.
  19. I also worked a lot on this list. These are the bets freeware programs in 2006. To make things easier i devided it in groups: Desktop, movies and multimedia, comunication, photo, safety, internet, office, for coders, the best of the rest. WOW, i did it. i can hardly see what i have wrote but i am sure that it will help a lot.
  20. Well even those this is old topic, maybe someone will look for tips. So i ll share my tips.Please note that all of this tips are working on my computer and i didnt had any problems with my computer.SPEED UP YOUR INTERNET!Well today we have a lots of software which will speed up your internet speed but you dont have to buy that apps because you can speed up internet speed with a little corection on registry key. Lets start!Open REGEDIT(Start->Run->Regedit)Now you ll need to find a key on this location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows -Current Version - Explorer - RemoteComputer - NameSpace"When you got there you ll need to delet this key (D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0O60F5BF}You dont need to restart your computer.LOCK YOUR COMPUTER WITH SYSTEM KEY!1. START->RUN->SYSKEY->OK2. IN FIRST OPENED WINDOW CLICK ON UPDATE3. IN NEXT WINDOW BE SURE THAT "System generated password" IS CHECKED(MARKED)4. INSERT EMPTY FLOPPY DISCET AND PRESS OK5. EXIT THE PROGRAM, EJECT THE FLOPPY DISCET AND RESTART COMPUTERWhat happens? Floppy now contains hardware key, so you ll need to have floppy if you want to run the windows.CHANGE USER PASSWORD WITHOUT KNOWING IT!To see all user accounts:1. Start->Run->CMD2. Enter NET USERS in comand promptTo change password:1. While you re logged on computer as an administrator do the first step from" To see all user accounts"2. In comand prompt window enter NET USERS and name of user account + * , press enter to confirmExample: net user administrator * or net user "Joe Smith" * ("" are important if user name contains spaces between words)3. Now computer will ask you for new password, enter new password and reenter it to confirm.If you get this message "command succeeded successfully" you have changed password.Hope this will help!
  21. First of all i would have to agree with other members, this is one silly idea, and only kids still do this hiding stuff. If you want to be with that girl you shouldnt hide her in public. She will think that you are embaresed when you are with her. If you wanna be with her you need to know that you will need to go out with her, buy her presents for her birthday, valentines day, christmass and so on. You need to know that you cant visit girl once a week and dont even say hello on street. My friend is 20 yeras old and he scored a really nice girl but he was dumb so he is now single because he "used" your advices.
  22. Recently called Ewido anti-malware, product of Intel and Grisoft, has changed his name in his 4 version. Last few months users on forums are posting about this software.New version got better look, but it is also does the better job. It is also good when you install it on already infected computer. Of course, installed earlier he prevents adware, spyware, malware, keyloggers, worms, trojans and other crap.App could be better in graphic look, but ad this program to your antivirus and firewall package and you will have great level of safety.Price: 27 euroScore: 4/5
  23. well i have seen this layout somwhere on turtorial site. you didnt tried to do site on your own? but if you are beggining it s great start
  24. I have 5 best friends for last 10 years and we are like one huge familly. We spend a lots of time together. For past six months two girls are going out with us. One girl(Ann) has fall in love for my friend and the other girlHelen) is coming with her for no reason. in the begining i didnt like Ann because she teased me for being year jounger than anyone else in my crew. i didnt payed attention on her, because i am 30 cm higher than she so i also teased her. then something new happened. We were in disco, they all were having great time except me. I was sitting in the corner and drinking my beer asking myself why am i still going with them out. it was obviously that guys dont need me anymore. suddenly, helen joined me. we started talking and we get to know each other better. i tought that we could start dating because i really liked her, and she liked me. but next saturday she was drinking bear with my friend from band. i sad wtf is she doing?Wtf is he doing? I tought she likes me, and i tought he is my friend he wouldnt do that to me. But it happened. They are now official together. She is coming on our concerts and i cant stand this anymore. i know that i am losing my friends, and my band is falling a part. My whole life is now empty. i dont know what to do. I really dont wanna lose my friends but most of it i dont wanna lose my band when we are close to record our first cd.music is everything to me. i live for guitar. But i cant look her motherfu***g face anymore. i hate to see her on our concerts. she fu*ked me.any advice? how to keep band? i dont care anymore for price. if i lose my friends fine, but i really wanna keep my band.I feel lot easier now. because i have friends here on t17. well i cant lose you guys!
  25. O.K. I have seen somwhere topic about this but i cannot find it. I tried search but didnt find it(wrong keywords maybe). Well i am starting my new site and i got one problem. I will get hosted on T17 but 150 MB space is too small for me so i need extra space. I need free file hosting which needs to have this:-at least 5 GB space-account on that server-no file size limit( or 15 MB file size limit)-and no deleting files from their side( if files arent used/downloaded in ex. 30 days)I need this to store mp3 for my site.This project is something like test. If people would be very interested in this i will consider getting a paid web hosting.So, please help me.
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