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Everything posted by MusicOnly

  1. OMG that background will blow my head away. I think that there should be warning like on porn pages. "if you dont like your eyes and you dont need them anymore, enter here"
  2. Hey, i never thought about it in this way. But this is true, really! Because i learned that there is no place like Xisto.com
  3. This isnt argument! I am just saying if you dont know what you are talking about then dont reply to this post.
  4. This is the only advice you know? Ok i managed to fix this error but now i have another message. p.s. grenade, this smfshop only works on 1.1RC3 and higher SMF version.
  5. No i m not leaving this community. I ll be hosted on Xisto - Web Hosting but i ll still be posting here!
  6. hello! I was running away from Xisto just because of one silly reason. Hosting package wasnt enough for me-only 150 mb. so last few months i was on hosts which had a lot of space but they had problems, they werent reliable and fast. I was hosted on Ahplace and it was great, everything was working just fine and then what happens-host was hacked twice and admin decided to shut down host without any email warning to backup our files. my two months of work were gone. they opened new host quotaless, and in start i thought it will be better than ahplace, but i was wrong. they now have filesize limits, ads on your page, and they are scarred of hacking so they dont let you to chmod your files on your own. their community is ok, i met new and interesting people but i now realized that i need hosting on which i can count on. i was looking everywhere and the whole time great host was there where i was almost every two days. Xisto - Web Hosting. i decided to go with them because i find they plans interesting and cheap. now i only need to figure how to pay since i dont have paypal, only egold. :PIn this post i want to apologies to all of t17 members because i was fool and greedy. Sorry for not being that much active here on Xisto. I met a lots of interesting people who are willing to help me whenever i need help . first i want to thank to stuff, especially to jlhaslip, kubi, st. mich and gfx crew and to opaque for creating this great place. special thanks to all the members who helped me with my problems, you rulez! if i forgot someone please forgive me because right now i cant recall all the names.someone may think that i am leaving this community, but not, this is the opposite, i am back! and i have never been happier with another hosts! Cheers, best wishes!see you soon on this boards!sincerely yoursMusicOnly
  7. listen i dont know if you are screwing around with me or you dont know the hell what you are talking about. look the version 1 wont work because i have the latest forum. do you understand?? version 1 smfshop was released maybe half year ago and this is new forum which isnt compatibile with old versions.
  8. I tried with SMF shop 2.3 and still doesnt work. Any other suggestions?
  9. Hello! I am trying to install SMF shop on my SMF and i cant do that. I am using smf 1.1.1 and SMFshop 3. My theme is Musiconica and my board url is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I know how to approach the installation through my admin panel(packages and others) but when i try to install it i get this parse errors. http://imageshack.com/f/8cpicturesmf9ozj Does anyone know how to fix this? i would be very thankful!
  10. Hello! First of all i wont put referral link on this page because i respect TOS. I am posting on T17 because i hope i ll find people who are open mind for team job and for earning. I already have 2 persons in my team and i have joined 2 days ago. I want to start something but i cant start this alone! here are the details about programm but if you want to get $5 from me as bonus please PM me. requirements: -you need to refer at least 2 people -dont spam any forums( you ll need to read the program TOS) -you need to have e-gold account http://blog.e-gold.com/ program info: Your In Success, Antun Tomasevic atomasevic@gmail.com Independent Representative thanks for your time!
  11. Has anyone tried LifeType? Can you tell me more about it? Good or bad? I am trying to install it but my hosting dont allows me to chmod files on my own.
  12. so they take 0.05 grams of gold. Can you tell me how much is that?
  13. I would like to do something similar to that in Mich sign. that picture which leads to websitebydonna.
  14. Hello! Well soon i ll get paid on one of paid to post sites and i want to know one thing. Can you please tell me how much money does e-gold take for their fee. Do you understand? here is an example: my friend has paypal account and when he received his $10 from ptp sites he saw that he only got $9.11. Paypal took him $0.89. Can you tell me how much does e-gold take?
  15. Hi! I want to make my own picture to refer people. you know those pictures which have referral link. Can someone tell me how do i make this?
  16. Hello! Well last few days i tried a lot of things to make extra money and i found site that gives you money for posting on their site. You get $0.25 per referral and you get $0.03 for every new started topic, and bonus, if your topic gets more than 20 responses you get $0.50. it s lot better than mylot because in 5 days on my lot i didnt earned $1 and i had great discussions, but on this site i already have near to $2. In just two days, and i was online for 3 hours. Link to this site is in my sig.Meet you there!
  17. Good one thanks for this. Thanks to BufalloHelp i now understand.
  18. My resolutions:1) be better guitar player2) learn more about programming3) learn more about web design and similar stuff4) stay here on T17 with greatest members on world
  19. I also hate that game. The graphic is bad, and you dont have the felling that you r playing MMORPG. I get bored easily so i dont play mmorpg.
  20. I get it. That is todays situation, but how was it in start? When T17 didnt have so much members and reputation. example: i started my free web hosting service and payout for server is $200 monthly. I want to offer great service to my members but i need to get money somehow to keep up servers running. How can i do this? What are the ways to get money so i can keep my host running.i hope you now understand what am i talking about. and no i didnt started my hosting service, i am just asking.
  21. I dont have to go in other country to do that. It s enough to go in other part of my country. Since i am from capital town, when i go someplace else i find more girls than i can find in my town. Its the same when someone from other part of country comes to my town. Girls like to try something new. Yesterday i slept with girl from Belarus. I learned i little bit of her language, told her that i find her attractive and woila, she s lying next to me. What am i trying to say? That freshman thing is stupid. I dated girls that were older than me. Dont be straight to her, ex. i love you. She ll think that you are weird and she probably want talk to you anymore. Tell here that you would like to go out with her and meet her better. Without any friends. Just the two of you.
  22. There is only one God but it has a lot of names. I think that God have the power to destroy the world and erase humans and everything else from planet Earth. He already did it once( Noah, when he built that ship to save his family and animals) but He made agreement with all the people on earth that He will not do that again, as sign of that agreement He created rainbow. More likely, we ll destroy the world. And i m not afraid of that. We all gonna die. Sooner or later!
  23. I live in Croatia and i would like to come and see how people live in particular places of USA. I would like to visit California, New York, Washington DC, L.A. I dont know if i would want to live in America. I love my country and Europe. So it would be great to visit America but only for one month.
  24. Since guys on T17 dont put forced ads on members sites i need to ask one question. How do you manage to pay bills for server if you dont make money through our sites? I see you got ads on forum but is it enough to cover expenses? I really want to know how do you do this.
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