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Everything posted by jibnet

  1. Its not pointless to change dos commands. I did it to see my programming skills.and it is really helpful to understand the way binary is written to files..and i doesnt change just custom command... It changes internal commands for example Dir,CD,exit or anything elseIf you need the code please reply
  2. Hi, We have been seeing Windows Vista Screenshots and from that we can take a look at the new GUI for Windows. Its called Aero. But i believe it looks more like Linux. Dont you think so. Now the Windows GUI is no longer unique. The are back with same GUI that other Operating Systems Already have and Also just take a look at the icons. They are not good at all.Any information about Windows GUI or you views on it. Please Reply Thank You
  3. Hi, As we are all aware that to sign up for Gmail we should invited by a gmail user. I am here with my invitation. If anyone needs an invitation Just Reply back with your email address. Thank You Notice from BuffaloHELP: Search the forum and learn of our Forum. We already have dedicated gmail invite section. Merging.
  4. I think google must be really aware of all these problem. They have been working on thier products really hard. isnt it??. I mean if you see the google search engine its simply the best since it is fast and simple. Google must have been trying to experiment something through the Google Web Accelerator. I hope that we would soon get to see Google Web Accelerator which would really Accelerate the internet
  5. CS2 is far more powerful than the version 7.. It has a lot more feature and i love it for it is a companion in making web designs.. it really good for making professional web site.. i design most of my graphics in photoshop CS2 only
  6. I always believe in the best.. So i believe if i get any other version other than Vista Ultimate i might just miss some new feature provided by Windows Vista.. and i dont want that to happen... I would really Go for Vista Ultimate
  7. Halo 2 is really good. I mean this kind of network game play has never been introduced before.. Its so realistic.. I have been playing Halo 2 since a long time and i really enjoy it till date. i just coudnt find some cheat codes for the network play.. if anyone has them.. PLease Reply then THanxJibNet
  8. Hey to download Windows Vista Beta 2, you dont need to subscribe to MSDN.. Microsoft has lauched a Beta Testing Program. Register for it and you will get the Beta for free...
  9. thanx alexia... i really needed this information.. i had a site which i need to list to search engines... thanx once again.,.
  10. I agree with u odomike... Google is simply the best and above all it doesnt have any crap on its site... it is the fastest and best search engine that i have known.
  11. Any info about how to add a site to altavista.com??
  12. Hi, i just read your messages.. i was really glad to know that a many people agree with me.. For "The White" i have many sites but i dont have Flash ones... they are all photoshop templates.. but believe me they are really good... i just want to know what u need it for.. and i will(Inshallah) make a good custom webdesign for u... Reply Soon.. JibNet
  13. It seems that the game is too cool.. i just wanted to know is it a sequel of Commandos: behind the call of duty... Just by looking at it.. i can say that it wont be that fun playing it as it was by playing the older version because we had to use the mouse in the previous verison
  14. Hey, i love this game, i used to play it all day and night.. and finally completed it.. I have heard that it has some new versions too... Any information about the versions?? and also do they have some cheat codes...i was only able to complete the previous version because of cheat codes.
  15. It really good to know that Microsoft is making a p2p program.. I would surely use it instead of LimeWire because i am sure that microsoft would have worked hard on security.. security is what they focus on.. and with limewire we get lot of Viruses(FREE OF COST !! LOL) but i believe that the one they would launch would be very secure
  16. Yeah i tried the Beta too, its really good. But some of the feature of it somehow seem to be hidden. A lot of exploration of the program is required. But it is really good. specially SharePoint.. its really good.. FrontPage surely seemed to be less powerfull.. but this is the answer to it
  17. Hey, i was just doing some research on opening files in binary mode and i found that if we open a file like DOS in C in binary mode.. and then search for an internet command with fseek() function and then replace the command with the fwrite() function then the command gets changed.. i tried it and it worked.For any info please mail at jibranbhat@gmail.com
  18. As we all know that there is no cheat code for IGI but somewhere i got this unofficial cheat.. Check it out Hey i was just surfing around and i found that to cheat IGI some guy has made a program called IGI trainer which can be used to cheat IGI for INVINCIBILITY or unlimited Ammo the program is : IGI trainer i dont have the download link.. try in google Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use QUOTE tag when copying from another source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Hi guys, Hey i was just checking the Windows Vista(Longhorn) information. Its true the design isnt too good and the operating system looks more like linux. But we should all have faith in Microsoft for they are the best. Its true that Linux and Unix are better than Windows in power but they are not better in User interface. I mean microsoft makes operating systems which an ordinary guy can operate. Thats the reason why 95 out 100 people know how to operate windows rather than linux. And i believe they would have made something really good since they been successful in provind the best.
  20. Hey, I dont know what this company is trying to do. But there is just one thing i know.. and that is C is the best.. its fun..I dont find anything difficult in it.
  21. Hi, i have made a code which can be used to change the internal commands of DOS. for eg CD can be changed to DD and anything elseYes this is possible..I would like to share the code with all of you and it is written in C..Anyone Interested please reply..i would post the code as soon as i get a replyThanx... for more info mail me at jibranbhat@gmail.com
  22. Its a real good link. i have found a lot of information about what i wanted to learn from a long time.. thanx buddy
  23. When you run the system(FILENAME) to run another executable from within a program. This should be kept in mind while specifying the path for the FILE.if the path is c:\fort\fort.exeit should be entered as "c:\\fort\\fort.exe";to enter a '\' character in a string '\' should be entered twice..therefore the function should be called as followssystem("c:\\fort\\fort.exe"); Thanxfor more info .. mail me at jibranbhat@gmail.com
  24. I just read you problem.. and it is clear that it is happening because the '\n' character is also stored in the string.. now all u need to do is remove it from the string. to do it follow this: int i;i=strlen(array); /*Get the length of the string *//*Note: if for example we get the length of "india", we would would get the result as 5. also note that the last character of "india" is 'a' and it would be stored in array[4], since the array count starts from zero. and also array[5]='\0'(i.e. String terminating character "NULL").*/i--; /*(Remove a character from the string)*/array[i]='\0';/* The '\n' is removed now.. ENJOY*/ for more info ... mail me at jibranbhat@gmail.com Notice from BuffaloHELP: Knowing how to use CODE bbcode is part of Xisto forum rule.
  25. We all know that C doesnt not provide us with any function to enter a password so that whatever we type doesnt get on the screen. I had this problem and i have found a solution. i have made a funtion #include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>getpassword(char[]);getpassword(char password[100]){char a;int ab=0;while(1){fflush(stdin);a=getch();if (a>47 && a<123){password[ab]=a;ab++;}else if(a==8){if(ab>0)ab--;}else if(a==13){password[ab]='\0';break;}}} In turbo C++ 3.0 you can for e.g. call the function getpassword(char pass) which returns the string to pass. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Learn to use correct bbcode for CODEs posted.
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