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Everything posted by Madkat-Z

  1. I know your feeling. However I work at a college where you are required to prove that you have learned English and if they haven't they must take English classes before they can take other classes. I'm currently taking Japanese in college and I'm quickly learning how hard English is compared to Japanese. So I can understand why some people don't choose to learn it, but if you are planning to live in a country that speaks a different language then your native language you should be required to learn that language.Plus, I agree with you that if the kid doesn't prove that he can speak or write English that he should be required, not optional, to take ELL classes. I have read in the news before about Spanish speaking Americans say that the English speaking Americans should also learn Spanish because so many people speak Spanish. Well all I can say on that issue is, first off, English is dominant language here not Spanish, and Second, its more of an effort to get all the English speaking Americans to learn Spanish as well, then all the Spanish speaking Americans to learn English.Whats odd is I have never heard of this issue coming up in other countries, with the exception of countries in Europe, which is understandable because those countries are so close together. However the United States is so huge compare to the countries in Europe, not to mention most of it is so far away from Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries.
  2. Personally opinion, you should of just called the cops and got a good discription of them insteald of hitting them. However, I do understand how you would of felt. Man if I saw someone trying to steal my car I would of probobly confronted them after I called the cops. However thats not even a good idea, because they could of had a gun and shot you. Plus what may have been a good idea instead of confronting them is to get a camera or something and take a picture or video of those people so that way if they did run away like they did you still have them on camera.
  3. Interesting topic, but I'm in college so I've pretty much figured out what I would like to do. I would love to program and design video/computer games. However, I wouldn't mind do any type of programing for a job.
  4. See I agree with you once a white dwarf can turn into a black hole. However, I'm no space physicist. So some of what you are saying I kind of understand but at the same time I don't. Anyway the whole White dwarf/ Neutron Star theory is what it is, just a theory and like any theory it has its faults.
  5. Ok, I understand where your comming from on this issue, but I think death might be a little bit extreme in this case. I don't think if you rape someone you should automatically get the death penity, however, if you give the person you raped an STD, especially one that could kill you in the long run or have adverse long term effects, or it is done extreamly bruitally then it should be considerd a life in prison or death penitaty case. However the punishment for repeat offenders I think should be if its your third strike then you should be considered for a hefty jail term, but not death. Plus I don't know if this is done arleady, but I rapists should be required to pay the victum compinsation as well, but I know that may not easy the pain of the victum, but at least it might be somewhat a deterant.
  6. I agree with you that it is rather sad that number has been up for a year and not been broken. I know we at Trap can break that number, so why haven't we yet? Com'on people lets organize a date where we all get online and try to break the record! However, I do agree with other people, its hard to get people online at the same time, but hey its worth a shot I suppose. We really do need to break that record.
  7. See I agree with you that it shouldn't be a punishment or first time offenders. I do belive that if they do again a second time it should be just a harsher fine and a longer license suspension, but force them to go to classes, instead of what you are proposing is wait until the third time. If that doesn't work then, obviously rehabilitation hasn't worked, taking away there license and giving them a fine hasn't worked, so why not take away their right to drink. If that doesn't work then maybe both there license and their drinking rights should be taken away, because they are not responsiable enough. I do know my idea is rather extreme, but I've seen people arrested for there 16th DUI and all they get is a fine and there license suspended or taken away. What to those people do, just drive without a license and continue drinking. To me it seems those people need a harsher punshiment and I don't think jail time, fines, or taken away there licese is working. Plus, I don't like the idea that people like that can get away with it 16 times. Thats 16 times they could of killed someone. To me thats like playing russan rulet with peoples lives.
  8. Well I don't know where you live but in the US its a big problem where I live. I live in a college town, so there are alot of younger less experanced drivers on the road. On top of that, the outskirts of the town are covered by farm land and there are lots of trucks and farm equitment on the road. I either A: have a *BLEEP* behind me going well over the speed limit and honking at me like I'm the one not obeying the law. B: Have a truck or SUV on the wrong side of the road, when the road is plenty wide enough for him to stay on his side of the road. I have had many other things happen to me, but those seem to be the most common...for me at least. It rather bugs me when people think that you have to go exactly the speed limit or over it. Com'on people, if its dark and the weather is really bad, do you really want to go 55 miles per hour? I would think not. We don't have expensive german car syndrome where I am but we do have "Truck and SUV Syndrome".The cop thing I do tend to agree with you on, but the problem is that alot of people who do those types of things know where the cops have speed traps and either act like the worlds best driver when they go by it or avoid it all together. This even happens when cops are right behind them as well. They either turn off as quickly as possable or start acting all goody goody.
  9. You might be right, it has been awhile since I've studied astronomy. I tend to get my words mixed up rather easily, but still. Can't there be a Neutron Star that is large enough and dense enough create something that may look like a black hole? There are alot of strange things and really large things out there in space you know.
  10. Well, I'm glad to be seeing the what the other side of this issue finally come up. However, I wasn't really complaining too much about them coming out with a movie based on it, but more like the choice of doing a full scale mass advertising campaign for the movie. I was hoping for more of a less advertising campaign then what they would pull for a normal movie. I'm now seeing more people releasing more documentaries on 9/11 and the TV kind of getting full of advertisements for those documentaries. I'm not saying its a bad thing, since it is getting close to 9/11, but I'm still thinking it is torture for the families to turn on the TV and all they see is people making money off of there misery.
  11. This is based off of the theory that white dwarfs are extremely heavy for there size and since there are starts know as Super Giants that maybe there maybe Super White dwarfs, which could have enough mass and gravitational pull that light could not escape (or anything else for that matter). Also black holes have to die at some time, because there is no proof of there being white holes and unless the law that matter can not be created or destroyed is wrong.
  12. Well I think that its a good idea to punish juveniles as adults for more severe types of offences (Like the ones that Florida has listed but with also Arson as well), since most people who are juveniles and commit those offences only commit those offences because they know they will get lesser of a punishment, then if they where to do it as an adult. However for lesser offences I think they should have rehabilitation, and if they do it again they should be charged as an adult.Anyway I'm agree with what most people are saying, please remember your quote tags.
  13. I agree with you that objects can't overlap in the same space. However, I don't think black holes do absorb things into there same space. Either A: the object would get vaporized by the white dwarf once the it is close enough to the star or B: Gravity would squish the object down so much that it is basically invisible and would start orbiting the white dwarf, like any planet would a star. However once the black hole dies, which is when the White Dwarf dies, all that matter has to be released, but when it is released it is so small it may appear to have absorbed it and haven't returned it at all. This is one of these cases where one law counter acts another law making another law appear to have been broken. Hopefully I haven't misread your post. I know when people talk about physics and stuff of that sorts its gets rather confusing to know what people are talking about, since most of this is all theory and stuff.
  14. Yeah its never too late to be looking for planets to colonize there. With how big the universe is it might take us a pretty long time to find a planet. Plus the fact once we find a planet we can colonize, it is most likely we will have to deal with what ever beings (wither they be intelligent or not) we come a crossed there. The other thing is that we kind have found a few planets similar in appearance to Earth, but we can't tell if they are exactly like Earth or just looks similar. These planets for all we could know could just be like Neptune but with a sea of methane and bits of rocky Terran, which would mean the planet is no where near suitable for humans to live on. Even in the sweet zone of a solar system this could happen, just look at Venus. Its almost as hot as Mercury, but because of the gases in its atmosphere trap heat making it much more hotter then what it would be without it. So with all these factors playing it might be a good long time before we even find one.
  15. I agree with shadowx on this. If the price for starting a war is getting a bomb dropped on you and blowing the whole country to bits, then there would be no one left on this planet, if not then there would be no planet. Plus the fact that there are many innocent people who have nothing to do with the war and don't even want there to be a war that would be killed as a result. I do agree that fighting for peace is not a good way to market a war to people. Its pretty much an oxymoron. I think there is a time and place for war, but I have yet to see that ever happen.The next thing is that if Jews and Arabs are the cause of all war and they should all die because of that. I do not think this is true at all. I'm pretty sure every person in the world is in a group, wither it be religious or nationality, that has started a war and I'm sure you are in one of those groups. So that means you would have to die too along with the rest of the world. I think this solution that you have proposed will only cause more war instead of less and would lead to the end of mankind as we know it. Plus the fact it is extremely immoral in nature.
  16. Well actually I think we are moving away from the sun for a different reason. As the sun gets older, it loses mass, hence forth the gravitational pull on the planets becomes weaker and the planets start moving away from the sun. This is why Red Giants are less likely to have planets orbiting them because they have a weaker gravitational pull.I don't know if you where talking about the same thing, but this is what I have read in science journals.
  17. Well I think they fell into too many ditches "Semper Raeda in Fossa Est." :)Ok I had to say that. Anyway my real theory for why I think the Roman Empire fell, was mostly because of leadership issues. I don't think that Christianity really played a role in Romans demise, but it could of had an effect. There is also a theory out there that lead in the water supply was the reason the empire fell. For some reason I can't see how that could of have caused an empire of that size to fall, but its just a theory.
  18. Well I have to take a shower ever other day because if I take one every day my skin drys out way too much and my skin starts to crack. Even with putting lotion on after taking a shower and using a moisturizing body wash my skin will crack if I take a shower every day. I don't smell at all, but I don't normally take a shower that last less then 15 minutes. The shortest time I've every spent in the shower was 10 minutes.
  19. Ugh, I know how that is. I try to keep my codes as organized as possible and I put in documentation everywhere, because either A: I would fail my class because my professor couldn't read it or B: I couldn't figure out what I was doing when I come back a day later to work on it.Thats how alot of people in every programming class I've taken have lost alot of points because they didn't put documentation in or the code looks like a two year old wrote it. I'm actually rather glad they are stressing that among students who take programming classes. I even keep my code organized and still put documentation in even for programs I write outside of class. I know classes are probably nothing like an actual work environment, but I still know your pain.
  20. Eek...well, I know when I had to take my laptop to get the latch fixed they tried to charge me $100.00 for a entire shell and they took my whole laptop apart to figure out "Oh the latch is broken", which was pretty visible I suppose. If it was that broken I wouldn't have been able to open it with a paper clip and I specifically told them that the internal parts where ok. So, I was charged $60.00 to put my laptop together. I went on the internet and found a LCD latch kit for $12.00 and fixed it myself.I would of personally asked him to see his manager. Did he even look at your connection? If he didn't I would go back on a different day and say "Well I was here a few days ago and I was refused help by one of your employees and he didn't even take a chance to look at the problem I was having. After a few times of trying to get him to look at my laptop, I lost my temper with him and stormed out."
  21. Well just as an update to my board, I haven't heard anything on the news saying bad things about it, actually all I'm hearing is good reviews so far. I guess that could of been a reason for the advertising campaign to have started so early and was so harsh, so people could prepare to actually go see the movie. However, I have also seen a recent flood of documentaries on 9/11 on TV shortly after the movie was released. I know next month is the 5 year anniversary of 9/11, but its still a month off. I'm guess they TV industry wants their cut of the profits as well.
  22. I use Avira. I use to use AVG, but I like Avira alittle better. I tend to hate Norton, because you have to pay for it and I swear that it misses virus that Avira and AVG both find. I personally think that virus makers pay them to keep there program from finding their viruses, but thats just me. Both Avira and AVG have free versions that work just as well as the paid versions and they update when updates are available.
  23. Hopefully I'm understanding what you are saying. That's the reason why most scientist say that white holes do not exist because in order for them to exist they would have to bend/break the laws of physics, which can't be broken. However, there are a few scientists out there who think that under the right circumstances the laws of physics can appear to have been bent, but haven't. I have heard of some rather interesting theories about one law counter acting another and canceling it out.
  24. There was a board about this awhile a back, at least with small children and babies in movie theaters. In a situation such as if your on a bus or at a store I can understand not taking your kid outside. It would be a rather inconvenience to have to get off the bus or run outside of the store every time your baby cries. However, I feel in a situation such as Church or a Movie that you should take your kid outside and calm them down out there. Not because its annoying, but its just makes it harder to hear the movie or person.
  25. Well this brings up the point that anything can be used as a weapon. You can kill someone with a toothbrush even, why not bring down a plane too well your at it. However, why didn't they think of this before someone tried to do it? Com'on we all know that hairspray is explosive. It even says right on the label do not use around an open flame. Same thing with hand sanitiser. Plus the fact that there was a board posted a while back talking about dell laptops exploding because of a battery defect. Not to mention I've heard quite a few horror stories of peoples cell phones bursting into flames. Why not banned those from even be able to be put on a plane? How do we know that your electrical item could not explode well on the plane?
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