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Everything posted by BEagle

  1. To be fair the whole point of designing and making games is to come up with something original, u couldnt really get a prof job using this. U get pre-loaded images etc, which takes the fun out of makin the game, the point is to make ur own stuff. You'd be better off learning to code and use programs such as 3DS max to make stuff.
  2. n1 man works well, cant see any mistakes, good tut for peeps startin out GJ
  3. Second one on the left looks hot to me, dont like the grainy effect that much, although i also like the second to last one, GJ man, keep em comin.
  4. looks kool m8, simple but professional, love the banner at the top, perhaps split the bottom section up with a pic or summet, as to me it would look a bit more enticing as i dont like seeing large clumps of text but that jus me lo looks hot anyway m8 GJ!
  5. Yea GJ m8, looks hot! but after seeing your last post of the template i thought it would have been bigger when uploaded etc, but obviously not, as other replies have said make it bigger and a bit wider and it will look much better as theres too much blank screen around it, plus you can fit more content into it lovin the template though m8, its hot.
  6. love the animations on 1-3, did you do it yourself or did you use pre-made animations on a pragram to do it? love the font on 6 GJ man
  7. Yeah n1, animation is really smooth, i agree with the saint perhaps make the text a tad smaller, and maybe have the blood and holes disappear before the sliders close instead of when they have closed but thats just me GJ m8 lovin it
  8. First one isnt to my taste either the second one is much better although i'm not keen on the background but a very nice sig anyway GJ
  9. I prefer the second one too, although i think the white is ok, looks great, but i agree the boxes should be on BG and not render would look mint m8 GJ
  10. ooh a free for all, some very nice sigs here, gonna be a hard one to vote on. heres my entry
  11. Doesnt sound scary, but interesting i'll have to watch it, even though Cena thinks its really boring lol
  12. Kool nice one, i'll be reviewing these tips in more detail, cos my pc is really bad security wise.
  13. Enough time to look at the old and new posts on graphics forum and the new posts on the other forums love it.
  14. It's the best game ever, graphics are awsome gameplay is great, i love the new weapons.Although i do think better games are going to be released in the near future, with better graphics as they have to contend with HL2. Which will hopefully be worth waiting for.
  15. I like it, simple but effective, banner text could be a little bigger but otherwise its great n1, keep it up
  16. love it nice one, thats some good cutting
  17. Just what i was lookin for very nice render, i'm gonna go use this now hehe
  18. Very nice m8, bit choppy in places but still very good renders thnx for sharing
  19. nice tutorial m8, i've used this style a few times, very effective.
  20. I dont have hay fever myself, but i've heard eating local honey can help, something to do with bee's collecting pollen or summet, i'm not an expert or anything so if you try it and it doesnt work dont blame me
  21. Maybe you could try playing on an actual airsoft site next time then you wont get so hurt, as there'd be marshals and i hope no bedsprings to trip over. i'm guessing its not illegal to play on the street with airsoft guns where you are, but jus goes to show, u should always play on a site where you'd be more safer.
  22. I find it hard to believe he could do this, and even if he did would they allow him to do an interview? seems a bit fictional to me, either that or he's mentally disturbed.
  23. made a quick one not so good but
  24. BEagle

    Graw Pc

    Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, anyone played this yet? either for the PC or xbox 360? i'm trying to download the demo for PC, looks great on the screenshots and i bet the gameplay is sweet too. If anyones played this yet, tell us what its like plz
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