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Everything posted by matto

  1. I've seen several pieces of evidence in support for the fact that the universe IS expanding. That is true. I don't think that the universe has any boundaries: I believe it is impossible to hit a wall and not be able to pass it. I also believe that the universe has a FINITE amount of matter in it.But something else Hawking mentioned in one of his books is that it is possible that one could continue traveling in one direction within the universe, and eventually end up on the other side (like traveling around the Earth: There are no boundaries, there's a finite amount of matter, and yet you never come to an end)
  2. I doubt that both Yahoo! and Microsoft combined will be able to defeat Google. Microsoft is already too friggin big to do anything good, adding more people won't help.
  3. That's kind of off topic... why'd you post it? Did you have any conclusions you'd like to make about it or what you think its relevance is to there being more than one universe or not?
  4. I like the teachers at my school. It isn't the highschool with the best rep in the city (san francisco), but it's rising above. THere are lot of people who have no homes and are fairly poor, and it isn't academically averaged anywhere near the top. But it's a hidden secret, I swear. The teachers are friggin awesome (most of them are new, last 3 years or so, which happens to be the time in which the school's test scores have gotten 3x higher) and nice. My math teacher is an MIT Grad, my math teacher next year taught at Stanford, I got a PHD biology teacher... it never ends, I swear. The teachers are wonderful at my school. I believe that AP Statistics comes before AP Calc, and perhaps Lindear Algebra too. In fact, I'm taking AP Statistics next year as a sophomore woot. And I haven't taken precal yet, so I hope not....
  5. Yeah, I've kind of confused myself But I'll try to explain: here is the secibd message I replied to, when things started getting confusing: His idea states that if we were able to move along the 4th dimension axis (time), then we would be in a different universe. This is feasable. But it is not possible for anything to travel back or forward in time. If any particle or atom was able to go foward or backwards in time, then another universe would exist, but since that is not true, then no it cannot work. The whole idea of a black hole slowing down time does not make a new universe, nor a wormhole into a new universe (though possibly a wormhole into another place in the SAME universe). The fact that time slows down does not make it go forward nor backwards in time, so it is still in the same universe. This: is still true. We are unable to see nor move our position in time. That "postulate" does not in an y way make there a universe outside of our own. Nor does it counter the fact that the universe means "everything," and there can't be another universe because the matter in that universe will be included under "everything," making it part of our universe anyway. That wasn't very organized, I was sort of regurgitating my thoughts into the post. Ask questions, and I'll give answers =D
  6. Infinity isn't a number, and thus a number can't be "bigger" than a concept.Infinity is just the state of going on for ever...
  7. Heh my school has blocked google images. Stupid losers looking up porn at school ruined it for everyone. x_x
  8. Ah 'tis my subject. I've done a bit of research in this for some projects of mine for school. I got to talk with some former professor at Harvard about it, but I can't quote stuff because I don't remember the exact words so bear with me. =) There most certainly is a cycle. If we allow it to continue by not stopping our greenhouse gas releasing, it will result in the human race (and other species) becoming extinct (eventually... talking 100-200 years or so), or at least some chaos because we'll run out of oil eventually as well. Whichever happens, right after there will be an immediate decrease of the amount of CO2 being released, and thus the temperatures will cool down again. I'm not sure if the cycle will start up again and have life form after that, though... =p I'd love to see some evidence of that. Can you explain the amazing increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere recently? It is a huge difference, and I don't see how anyone can say that it naturally occurred. Here's a graph of it I found online, though I cannot guarantee its validity, I doubt that it is inaccurate. As you can see, it was previously going up and down, but staying at a somewhat constant amount. Until about 1900.
  9. quickly quickly install the shoutbox!! House is about to be on.
  10. Actually, I don't think that it is genetics, but rather different cultures (or families) use the same methods to bring up their childeren, and their childeren's childeren, etc. So when one family raises their childeren right, their childeren will raise their childeren right, and make it seem sort of as if it were genetics, but it really isn't. And that method doesn't always work. I know a family with two very intelligent siblings (out of 5 childeren), and the rest are all complete morons.
  11. Firstly, time has been proven to be a dimension. Secondly, if you were to experience time 2x faster, then the day would be 12 hours, not 48. That is the same as saying that the past is existing at the same time as the present, AND at the same time as the future. THere is a possibility of more than one universe existing on the axis of the fourth dimension, but it won't work since there cannot exist two places in time at once. Actually... maybe there can be, like the whole theory of time slowing down in a black hole. But that isn't in a different universe, as we can still get radiation and stuff out of black holes, and thus signals from astronaughts fallen into the blackhole, as Stephen Hawking used as an exapmle in "A Breif History of Time". It would still be the same universe, and thus it is impossible for there to be more than one universe. edit: No but seriously, you've got me thinking about this now. I'm thinking there can be more than one universe, but only one can exist at a TIME. No, but it's the same universe. That's like saying that yesterday we were in a different universe than the universe we are in right NOW. And when I typed NOW, I was in a different universe than I am in NOW. So it's really still 1 universe that is "refreshing" constantly.
  12. That's so true. I read the first book for the first time in third grade. Now I'm in 9th grade, and I've read each one as it came out and liked them, but sometimes find it a pain to go back and read the first ones that I used to enjoy so much. Have you not listened to anything at all in this thread? The movies suck, almost everyone in this thread so far would agree. Read the book, don't watch the movie.
  13. Honestly, shots, and other things like shots, aren't so bad. It doesn'ts eem to hurt as much as it used to. Don't know why, really... But it doesn't. The last injection I've gotten was a tetnis shot a few months ago. It hurt for like the first half a second, when the skin was actually punctured, but once it's in it is like pishposh. <_<edit: so no, I don't mind injections nor blood tests.
  14. I'm so young ~_~ The first computer in my house that I was ever allowed to touch was a windows 95. I think I was either in kindergarten or the beginning of first grade... so about 5 or 6 years old. It had something like <=64 MB of RAM, with almost a 4 gigabyte hard drive. It had a 4x cdrom drive. I don't remember what processor it had, probably a Pentium II of some sort. It was a fricken slow piece of crap, but I regret that my parents threw it out. I wasn't as savvy when it was thrown out as I am now, but it could have come in handy for a poor little 14 year old like me
  15. maybe it was overheated, and in the time it took for you to unplug and replug in it cooled down enough to be completely operational again.just maybe.
  16. Well then, sir, good luck in your high school career! Though I am unable to help you with some of the other problems you seem to be experiencing, I can give you a tad of advise. Pick up some hobbies. Don't just endlessly surf the net... Find some things that are educational or brain-working. Give yourself some mental and physical exercize. Do some sudoku. It's a lot "healthier" than endlessly surfing the net.
  17. haha. it's been though about before. Check out this Google Author Talk, of the book "How to survive a robot uprising." http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. If it ever is possible, there will be an increasing definition of the "most intelligent," because people would be creating ones that improve in intelligence in competition. Unless someone figures something out and doesn't release any secrets, so that no one is able to catch up (something like the whole Google search algorithm - no one has been able to top it at this point, so it remains at the top).
  19. No. It has been proven that if either quantom mechanics or the theory of relativity is completely true, then it is possible that what we are talking about may be true. It simply proves that at this point it shouldn't be regarded as impossible, not that it is 100% possible and probable. While that is true, we only know of ways to slow down and travel through the fourth dimension in a forward manner, not stop it nor go backwards in it. So, I guess by your post (unless I am not understanding it properly) there are infinitely many universes, one is created and destroyed every infinitely small amount of time that passes. So, even if that is true, we are still only able to be in one universe that constantly is destroyed and recreated over and over again... Which is really the same as saying that there is only one universe. =P
  20. The layout of it seems somewhat, erm..., crowded. Plus, one of the best things about Gmail's layout is the fact that its ads are text base only. Nothing pops out at you nor distracts you while you are trying to concentrate on important things.I think Gmail's auto draft-saving feature is amazingly helpful. I wonder if this new hotmail/windows live mail has that?
  21. Firstly, I think the concept of worm holes were supposed to mean traveling from one place of the universe to another place, still in the same univese. And I don't think that Einstein, nor Hawking or anyone else, have ever specifically said that they think that there is more than one universe. Actually, I think that there cannot be more than one universe simply because the definition of the word 'universe' doesn't allow it. The universe is specifically: Everything. There can't be two everythings! That's like saying that there is a 2*infinity amount of stars in the universe, it's the same as saying there's an infinity amount of stars in the universe. Here's the def'n: I don't think that that definition allows for there to be more than one universe, though I do think that the universe is so fricken huge that it may seem to be an infinite, or "double infinite," or even two universes into one, but in the end all of those boil down to the same thing...
  22. I agree with gaea in the sense that if a user is trying to crack the software, they probably are not willing to pay for it anyway, and thus it is not a loss to the company if they crack it because the company wouldn't be getting the money for a legally purchased one anyway.But, that doesn't mean that this is fair for the companies, and I don't encourage doing it unless you are unable to purchase the software in question.And lastly, if the company in question is unable to secure their software good enough, then they have a bit of work to do and should be worried about fixing the problem rather than suing people who beat them.
  23. I haven't been into watching sports much, lately.But... since I Started really getting into basketball and seeing my potential in it, I've started watching what I'm able to without cable... Quite entertaining.That's all that I watch regularly, though.
  24. We took the California high school exit exam earlier this year (again: 9th grade), and I passed easily. It was at 8th grade level. But passing the exit exam doesn't mean that you have all the education you are able to receive in high school! Getting a GED doesn't mean that you were able to thrive as much as you would be able to get in taking AP/Honors classes in high school with other students. Being able to pass without doing all your work doesn't mean that, if you actually try hard, you won't be getting a good education. I do agree that the grading system in high school is much more lenient than it should be, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a way to get a good education if you want to get a good education.
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