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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. I have to start with Kasm because not only was this uncalled for, but quite rude and you were not welcome to do that.

    One time in Tram, a cople in the opposite seat started kissing [not only for greating]then I lectured them. I told them that most of us are having sex home and this is sacrement matter and if you respect his girl he will not do that in public. The girl started weeping and both left. I heared him calling name .

    They were kissing. Big woopty doo. That is a public place not only that what they were doing was legal. You have no moral right to beat people down on their beliefs. If this offends you to bad. It offends me as well as them I could guess that you would give them a lecture about that. You are not their guardian. I would never push my beliefs on you in a public place while you were keeping to your own business. It's just rude and all your doing is making yourself feel better. You really dont think that girl liked getting affection from her boyfriend? If not your wife most never get affection ever unless your inside with curtains closed doors locked bundled in a corner.

    In general I think people has not speak about it. It is privacy matter. Exactly it is similar to how you breath or eat how many times you brush your teeth or doing what we do in WC or bath room. Nobody speak about them.

    Once again i would be sorry for your wife. Your comparing sex with breathing and brushing your teeth.

    Sooner you marry will better. I hope that she not regret that.

    Oh yah, the instant you marry her sex will totally change. It's like BAM! it's different. Funny you say that because you didn't have sex until way later, so i dont think you have a valid opinion. Only someone who had sex with someone before marriage, got married to her then had sex again would be able to state this. She will not regret this. They have been dating for seven years! You would have to be kidding. He is everything a girl would want.

    I have typos, but Kasm i can barely read yours. So many grammar problems and missing words. You're from America also, right?

    Kasm, you make me angry in many ways. You're unthoughtful and uncaring towards others. You offend every male in here that has had sex. I will not contiue, but I feel as though i'm defending peoples beliefs and the poor people you lectured. You have no moral right that would constitute that. Your beliefs are based on bible verses and nothing more. I would find this just as offensive as telling me my religious beliefs are wrong and stupid. If you were truly into scientific reasoning you would have stated it's actually not normal to wait that long to have sex. It's not normal to wait until marriage. Even more, it's healthy the more you have sex no matter what the age. Sex isn't based on love if you look at scientific reasoning. It's based on reproducing period. So, scientifically speaking of course, you should have sex with whoever you feel like as long as they approve without any protection and have as many kids as possible with as many peoples as possible. Why would this be wrong? Of course morally I would never do that and my girlfriend is on birth control and we have never cheated on one another.


    I have sex probably about 4-5 times a week. Me and my girlfriend both enjoy sex a lot.

    I totally agree with Jasper. It's always been like that. People are more open about it, but not having more or less. I dont think a girl can lose it and a guy can't. That's just immature to say. I think there is no age at all to say your ready or not ready. If your planning "In three years" then your not doing it when your ready, but on a specific time. Have sex when you feel comfortable and feel safe.

    Sex is totally natural and to wait until marriage is actually against human nature. If you believe in any religion or not, you are a mammal. It is actually unhealthy. Far more wose if you dont masturbate. I try to look at what it is supposed to be like based on nature rather then what a book or friend tells you. It's healthy and why would you get urges if it's not normal. When was the last time you got an urge to hit yourself in the face with a hammer? Hopefully never. If so you might want to see a doctor about that :lol:

    All i'm going to say is it healthy. Waiting until marriage is stupid based on BASIC HUMAN traits. I'm not saying be dumb about it and do anyone just because it is healthy. I'm saying if your dating someone for 4 months and you have not had sex and your both healthy STD wise why the hell not? Trust me, sex can be very good in a relationship if done for the right reasons.

    Personally, i dont do this but, i dont find anything wrong with having sex with 7 different people in 7 days if your smart about it. Sex is sex. I don't and never have understood why people wait until marriage or think it's some big thing. It's sex. Animals do it to pillows haha. Once again, don't get me wrong, sex with someone you love is 100,000 times more enjoyable because your comfortable with them and sex is merely more enjoyable. I would recommend it, but sex is sex. It's the act or reproducing and it's an urge and it has to be done with you hand or something. Holding it in is not healthy. I could never put an age on it. When you know your ready then do it and go for it. Boy or girl. Girls think they are sluts if they do it, but that makes no sense either.

    Doesn't anyone think rational?

    There can not be a certain age your ready or time or date. You will just know.
    Sex is healthy and waiting until marriage if your both ready is just stupid.
    Just as a good friend or good person wouldn't judge on a religion or belief, to some degree, you shouldnt about sex. If you dont have sex by 20 I would be worried.

    Does anyone agree? Does anyone think of sex as either and/or love making or just pleasure? Why can't it be for pleasure if your safe? Why shouldn't you have sex with 300 people if your safe about it?

  2. Yup, that's why I was willing to help, to reduce the burden from one person, ghostrider can take care of PHP and I can do CSS while you do toe HTML if you want. And yes, collaborating on the graphics is perfectly fine for me! We can communicate through e-mails as usual of course and/or messenger services. I use Gtalk and Y!M but I also have MSN and AIM so I don't think anyone of us could possibly have a problem while speaking to me.

    OK perfectly fine with me. I know CSS super well also and I want it all validated, so if your having any problems ask, or you could write it and i could go over it or something. First we need a name before we can start on the graphics. Should i start a new topic with a poll or just start the poll here and we can add names to this post using the edit option? Also im on all of those usually at once. Where do you live though? Because i might be sleeping when your eating dinner.

    I am not using my hosting for now much, but I am working on the site and other things as well, I use it to host misc. stuff, like a forum for my community on orkut for now, some images and my site's "under construction" page. So I can't give out my hosting either. But I will never be using entire 500 MB so I can share out some, but then bandwidth and URl would be problems! I guess we can figure this one out later on.

    I think if we actually used all 500mbs and/or use the bandwidth up we might as well get some paid hosting because that would be a lot of visitors to a mostly text based site.

    Well, are there any other good features of having a wiki apart from the content being editable by everyone? If no, then I guess there's no reason for us to have a wiki up there. And I personally think we should keep ideas in general, 'cause if we keep on adding features on features, it'll just be a mess and all we want is a autobiography site.

    I dont believe so. I have never used it. I'm sure Ghostrider could add that option. A simple if or statement. If friend allow editing to allowed editing areas and or if they are not friends send a request and deny them editing access. Something like that. That is true also. For now im going to write the list of features on the bottom of this post that have to be done. The minimalist form of the site and then add things later.

    For the tag-line, I guess "Your article, Your story, Your (Name of site)" would do better as the pages on Wikipedia are "articles"? And Wikipedia + MySpace is where this idea came from? But yeah, I'll think of some more for sure.

    Yah i came up with it in about 20 seconds, but I wanted an example. We will have a vote on this also. This would be a great project if done as a collab project. Vote for the name. Have some logos made then vote. Have the taglined voted on. And anything else.


    So features that are the bare bones.

    Needs to have a user system with a the sign up process that we will choose. Right now i'm liking the idea of the photo. If so then we would need a sign up page, yes one page, that would include, but subject to change:

    *Name (first and last in seperate fields)
    *Age (im not sure what the min age should be. Maybe 16 and if younger parents permission?)
    *username (can be same as name)
    *password (4-16 characters?)
    *photo upload for the scamming. (Instructions would need to be provided with a little icon to the right in a pop up window.)
    *Submit button

    Thats the sign up page. The other systems needed would be:

    *Friend System. (People get added and are given permissions to edit parts of page, but not all) Should be able to delete and add
    *A way to edit the pages
    *Edit personal info with religion, sex, etc. which would be on their page in a little box of quick info.
    *A messaging system like in phpbb and here. With a cap limit on sent and stored.
    *Upload form for photos. (Video would be nice, but takes up to much space) Maybe a built in login and upload in our site but it uploads to their youtube?
    *Privacy settings. What parts are viewable and what arent as well as what can be edited as friends/family
    *counter system for each person
    *a personal URL like FirstnameLastname.websitename.com or websitename.com/firstnamelastname whatever is easiest or people would like.

    Other things will be added, but those so far are the basics. Some features i dont know if i should add which could make it like myspace... eww... but could be useful in many ways are:

    *custom HTML support. This could be useful for bolding letters or underlining and the Wiki system is not as well known as HTML.
    *custom CSS for their bio.
    *be able to make a book cover which when you click goes to their bio.
    *convert their bio to a pdf???

    Im thinking a SUPER SIMPLE editor though. All html based (maybe if we want them to be able to use html) and its a blank page. You can edit it totally blank or use templates where you just add text and colors and font weights and links. You can add titles also, but nothing is set in stone where it should go. So we wont have "Your favorite memory of grandma." It's all blank like Wikipedia, but when you tell it to add a header it makes it nice and has a little line or something decorative.

    Possible Names so far are:

    IF Wiki site is chosen:

    If not:

    So there are ideas. Keep thinking! Please nothing with mysomthing or isomething. Something original.

    Thanks maybe get this started in a few days? I could get the main layout sketched out as well as some logos for the final 3 names we choose. As well as choose if we will use wiki or not. Tell me what names you like or really dont like for each Wiki and non wiki.

  3. There is no scientific proof this is bad. This is an old wives tale. This is so stupid and it's even shown at this little kids site: http://www.kidzworld.com/article/1438-cracking-down-on-knuckles I dont know where people get their info, but they must just not. This has been talked about so long and i wish people would give up on it. they have done scientific studies that it doesn't lead to anything but nothing about how it does.

    There is no scientific evidence that cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis. However, it can't be good to repeatedly push a joint beyond its normal physical range.

    So dont bend it where it kills you to do it and your good to go.

    Now are we going to talk about getting in the water too quick gives you cramps?

  4. OK to reply to some of your comments. Also i think since people will help I need to make a project name until a name has been agreed on. I'll name it the Human Autobiography Project or HAP. This will make it easier just calling it HAP.

    I would use this site. It would be good to keep track of what I've done and be able to look back on it. Let's develop it. I have tons of experience with PHP and mySQL and programming in general.

    OK perfect Ghostrider. So you'll be lead programmer? So we would need a user system as well as a way for friends to be able to add onto peoples pages, but non-friends can't. Think you could do that? Also need a way to sort all those bios. A upload form for images would be required also.

    I can just imagine what if we had time-lines there and we suffer an invasion of emo kids like MySpace did... That would be such pathetic, their stupidity is okay but even the faux-sadness makes me sad.

    Emos could join but be subject to terms and conditions. This is a autobiography site. Not a personal social friend site. The could be a restriction, just like here, on messages. There wont be a comment system because there would be no need for it. You would message him and tell him to add you then he could edit it. Its to much of a hassle to add friends who aren't friends. Plus myspace has taken care of the social scene. This would not be a problem.

    sylenzednuke lots of little graphics would have to be made and I can make them so we could collaberate and both do them so one person isn't stuck doing all of it. Would that work?

    It is a direction in which social networking seems to be headed. Since lot of blogs actually are really autobiographies, this may be the place where they all converge. Sounds great but we have to make it work. With the Wiki format, I think it would be a great mimimalistic version.

    To answer you question about social networking site, no. Why, because its about YOU. Not a place for friends (myspace) a place for you. You write about yourself and if you add them as a friend or family member they can add things. I'm not sure how that would work yet, but maybe an approval process or at least a notification. You would only be able to have so many emails in your box and what would be the point of having lots of friends? You could look people up and read about them, but if you dont know them you wouldnt add them because its not about how many friends you have. I think it would be best to even hide the number. You could find relatives and old friends, but you would then ask for their myspace or email because the site message system has limits.
    See im still worrying about the Wiki format also. Minimalistic would for sure be best wiki or not.

    Also Blogs though are not usually like this. They are about one thing that happened or a new application you have and movie and game reviews. This is strictly about you.

    The only problem I can think of at the moment is what if someone creates a page for someone else? I don't want someone making a fake page about my life and then posing as a real one. There would have to be a way to validate it of some sort because people can make anyone they want a myspace with just a picture of them and fake information.

    I thought about this and this could be a major issue. Luckily I thought of two ways that could actually work.

    1. Show proof its you by holding a sign saying something like "http://www.hap.com/
    myusername; and hav your face in it and provide a first and last name. If someone then goes to make a fake one about you the name is in the archive and when they show the face they wont match and then we would work it out to see if they were trying to copy them based on other information like city and county and state your living in and other things. If they just have the same name the name, birth year, and other info wouldnt match anyways. If you don't understand how that would work just ask. I have seen it on some other sites.

    2. This one might not be popular because it could look like we are stealing. You would upload a picture of your drivers license and you could block out any info you wanted except the picture your license number. There would never be anyone else with your valid drivers license unless it was stolen. This is the best way, but least likely to succeed.

    3. This would be with one of the other methods. We would have admins and mods scanning through for fake profiles. "Hi my name is Bill and im so gay i like it in the..." is obviously a fake one. It would be deleted without notice. If one sounds real but we have two of the same names and some of the private info is the same we could email both asking for proof of you and if one doesnt respond or shows fake we would delete them and ban them.

    Myspace is just so bugged out with to many people, crapping coding, and no enough mods. Actually i know one person who had a fake profile made about them with nudes AND they were under 18 and it took them weeks to take the profile off.

    WikiMe? WikiFriends? This is an amazing idea. I want to sign up as soon as it's created. It's brilliant.

    Thanks. I will take those and ill have a vote soon so i can start on the logo process. Thanks for the submissions.

    There are many sites like this already, so it's definitely not a new idea. But I know many people don't join sites like this because of how bad identity theft is and because people are always paranoid about giving their information online (and for good reason).
    I can't remember of those sites that have exactly as you say (though I ran across some on Stumble Upon the other day) but I know a wiki+blog+profile is Mindsay.com and it is pretty good.

    Yes and i looked at that site and it's actually nothing like what I was thinking. It's not a blog. It's one big autobiography on you. When i went there two people on the front were talking about there favorite movies. That's NOT what I had in mind. I'm talking about "In 1990 I had joined the US Marines. The first day I was there they made me run 18 miles through a swamp. I thought I was going to die, but..." This would have basic info about you and i guess "Trivial Questions" about you, but it's more about your life since the start until you leave the site. Hopefully someone who is 12 would sign up and would write and add until they are 90 years old. This is such far fetched example, but just picture that. You scanning members and you can read about this guys actual LIFE not about what he had to eat and what song he is currently listening to, but about his life for the past 78 years. It would have his family members profiles such as grandson and the generations would go on. They could look back or learn about distant family members as well as complete strangers who have the same interest. Such as look up Designers and learn what they did and how it worked and how it didnt work.

    Sounds a interesting idea, but to me it just sounds like a combination of blog, myspace, and wiki software and like Smack mention in his above post, Identity theft and cyber stalking is such a big deal these days not to many people would want to do put up there personal lives for everyone to read and know about.. Also with the fact your introducing wiki software into this, that would mean your bio would be editable and thus people will have the chance to delete everything or post up some bad stuff, especially when its people who loath you or treating you like junk. Interesting idea but again why go through the effort when you can just combine a blog and mypace profile together and display it on a web page.

    It's not a blog. Blogs work, if you use it the way it was intended, to work from current to previous and major events that happend. A journal in other words. Blogs now don't even do that. Its all about opinions and what you like and dislike. I mean look up popular blogs. Engaget and Gizmodo come up. What are those blogs about? Electronics. This would work as a book. Past to present rather then backwards.

    I bet a good amount wouldnt mind posting things about them self. Look at myspace. People put videos of them doing crimes on there. Just here where i live there was some kids putting nazi stuff everywhere and they couldn't figure out who. About a week after that story there was another story about the same kids and how they got caught because someone on myspace saw the video. If kids and adults are willing to put videos on the most popular site on the planet ever i doubt they would care to write a little autobiography about their life up to that point.

    Lastly as I said in the first post you would have to add them as a friend. In other words approve the people who can add. If they screw up your profile or write something bad you delete them and then they cant do it anymore. I would also want strict rules about this stuff and delete their bio as well as ban their IP for this sort of stuff.

    Lastly a few issues:

    How can we all communicate?

    I am using my Trap account for my portfolio site which I have to have up for school. How/Who/Where can we get hosting?

    Anyone else want to help?

    Do you guys think we HAVE to have Wiki in there? I bet 3/4+ dont even know really what wiki means. They just know of wikipedia. I bet a good amount dont even know anyone can add anything.

    Any other ideas for the site?

    We also need a tag line. Any ideas? An idea is "Your Place, Your Story, Your (Name of site)"

  5. It's has been awhile since I last posted an idea and winning the Trap 17 Mad Scientist award I feel I must post! Anyways here is an idea and I'll post the good and the bad about it.I'm not sure what it would be called and wiki is used WAY to much, but for now we will call it WikiBio. WikiBio is a site to post your bio and update it. I am not talking about a quick bio like on Friendster and Myspace. A full blown out bio. You write about youself all the way everything you know even your social security number, ok the social part was a joke, but seriously, it's just a place to post a bio on yourself. It's a wiki site for the reason that your friends can add things about you. Past experiences you might have forgot about. Only friends can do this like comments almost in myspace. The layout wouldn't look as nasty as myspace does and sort of like wikipedia, but I want people to go there and know its WikiBio not Wikipedia. Like i said before, i dont want Wiki in the name!So what are benefits of this site? Why would you put personal info down? Think about the future and history. We all wont become famous and we all wont do something that will make the news That's why there would be WikiBio. If your detailed enough you could have a nice bio page and pictures. Friends post things about you so you never forget them. Now think, if it lasted, 100 yeas from now. What was great grandpa/grandma like? Or how about a simple historian looking up statisics like, how many people in Washington state were Christian etc. The search you could look up "Fireman in washington" and maybe find a co-worker you had and learn about them later on. Maybe a friend who moved away and found them on there and see how they are doing. There would be a messaging section, but that's not what it's for. You simply read. I know personaly I would find it interesting to look at people bios and read about them in depth. No matter how small we all have interesting lives in some way. Obviously you wouldnt put anything incriminating down and I bet no politicians would put stuff down.So what do you guys think about this? What name? What would it look like? Would anyone want to help me make it? Would you ever use it?

  6. 1. Clutter - Too much text and too many links is information overload. Simplicity is the most efficient way of getting a point across.
    If you must have a dozen of links in your site, classify them in sections for easy navigation.

    Totally, TOTALLY true. I'm a minimilist, not because it's easier, but because the faster the people get what they want the more likely they will come back. If it takes them an hour to find one thing they wanted they will leave. The links part also. I would stick with no more then 10 links absolute max on one pages navigation. If you have more then that make a simple drop down list in CSS or DHTML and seperate them by catergory. Careful with the pure CSS and DHTML drop downs because they vanish the instant you roll out of them and that can get frustrating fast. Try, if you can, to go with a javascript list that has a timer so if they move the cursor out they have 2 seconds lets say to get it back before it goes away.

    2. Different font sizes- Keep consistency in font sizes for text content of similar nature like headers, footers and body text.

    I have taken 3 courses just on typography. I will tell you for sure go with different font sizes. I would also do compliments to the fonts. This would be like Arial (sans serif) and a writing font like Zapfino. Careful though. Arial and Zapfino are over used and not to mention Arial is a system font supposed to be used for system menus. If you making a link as an image try to use fonts no one uses. For actual texts remember not everyone can see the fonts on your system. Check the web for good font sets. Dont keep them bored with ALL sans-serif or serif fonts. Give them a variety. Example would be on my myspace.com/bumwrecker site everything is sans serif except the menu and this gives them just enough tension to keep them looking.

    3. Too many GIFs - GIFs take a longer time to load and just put people off.

    I dont even use them. I thnk they are just as annoying as pop ups. If you cant get them to look at your image without it being animated and flashing then its not a well enough made image.

    4. Flash - Flash is a brilliant way to desgin content for your website, but do not overuse it. Using too much flash where simple HTML would have done the work is simply annoying. Always have a Skip intro button if you add an flash intro to your site. Provide an Sound ON/Off button if you add background music.

    An intro would be the only place I would have it and I would have both a skip button as well as a mute. I do not have flash because not enough people have flash support as well as a fast enough connection for me to use it. I want them to get where they want fast without all the bang bam bloops. You can't say im just to old and out of style either :lol: I'm 16. People always say that when I tell them m dislike for flash sites. Maybe a nice nav bar and thats it. I have made one flash site in my life and had it up for about a month a made a php site from scratch. Much cleaner and nicer.

    5. No Popups - The thought of using pop-ups should never cross your mind. And these days browsers block pop-ups efficiently, so it becomes useless. Opening clicked links in new windows must be avoided and used only when required.

    I don't know what else to say. No pop ups. If its an ad or not, no pop ups. people block them and all you have to do is open a new page with your content. I would only put _blank when leaving your site.

    6. No Horizontal Scrolling - Internet users are accustomed to scrolling webpages from top-to-bottom. The horizontal scroll must be used rarely for anything unless it is a large image.

    For sure. I would always make sure your site is no more then 800px wide max at all times. 100% is even better, but if you want a set width site no more then 800px in my opinion. It's super annoying.

    7. Design for Standard Window Size - design your fixed layouts for web pages considering the standard window sizes, used by most users. 800 x 600 was the standard size a few years before, now 1024 x 768 is the standard window size.

    As i said above. 1024 is by far way more used, but using all of the peoples screen area, i believe, isn't very nice looking.I think people like having this breathing room around the website.I have always used 800 and even smaller. Right now, just for my portfolio site, my content area is only 435 across. It has a 600 pixel border, but thats just a border. Trust me. It's pretty looking :D

    8. No long URLs - Keep your URLs short and related to the subject matter of the web pages they link to. There is no point having URLs larger than 30 to 35 characters long.

    30-35 is even long. Think about the most popular sites. Yahoo.com (9) Google.com(10) and myspace.com (11). Personally i would keep it no longer then 20 max.
    Im a graphic designer and of course I dont know everything, but I think what has been said through me as well as Delivi is extremely good points and I would go with what has been said. Breaking the rules above could dramatically change how people view your site. Good luck

    OH YEAH AND...

    Not only GIF images lag! Maybe you meant BMP image files? lol, these lag the most. I advise you never use a BMP file unless you need to show a high quality image that gets destroyed in GIF or JPEG form (such as a high resolution site preview would).

    I would NEVER use BMP ever. If you have to show an image in high quality use a PNG! Or even better PDF. Even a RAW image file for them to download but BMP is horrible!

  7. I learned from two different ways. I first started on W3schools.com and then after i got the basics and passed the quiz i went on to other means. The other means was when i had a problem ask SM (Saint Michael haha), ok, no really, When i didnt know what a tag was or how to do something i looked it up in google. The practiced a lot. I made about 3 different sites.

  8. Trufusion, here is the population question.

    It is estimated that the 18 million population of Germany was reduced by two thirds to 6 million.

    So the population was 18 million. I would say thats a pretty good amount. even think of 1 million people. Just so no one gets confused i said earlier they lost 1/3, i meant to write the lost all BUT 1/3 sorry.

    the people the law was given to were very stiff-necked people (Exodus 32:9); they needed very strict laws to cause enough fear to prevent them sinning

    Did they need strict rules for laws or to not sin? Laws and sins are very different from one another. For example, a sin is to work on sunday, a law is you can't drive 60 in a school zone in America. So did they need strict rules for laws or sins? If it's for sin why would it matter? Everyone has a free will right? They don't if they will be killed if they work on Sunday. I guess you CAN do the act, but then be killed. Not really a choice. By no means free will.

    [3]Do you know those who preach have a more strict judgment? Wouldn't you want to spare the women from a strict judgment?

    That's not why they wrote that. Maybe that was an effect of that, but it wasn't the meaning for doing it. Women were never treated equally then.

    In this part of the Bible a girl gets raped and ten stoned for not asking for help. If she would have asked for help she wouldn't. Have you ever thought she was to scared to call for help? Maybe, maybe not, either way it just shows my point that women were teated horribly then and up until not many years ago they were treated like that here in America. I don't understand why God, the all powerful, is so demeaning towards women if he created them. Even the name Women is a take off of Men. (Deuteronomy 22:24)

    Secondly, there are plenty of Bibles out there that are specifically made suitable for children while maintaing accuracy in translation

    Your right, but why is that needed? Why do you have to make one of those? You dont need to hide the US's laws from children. They don't make the laws so gruesome they need one set of laws written for kids and one for adults. Why does they Bible have to be so nasty? It's to scare people from sinnning, correct?

    [3]He did not attempt to get rid of everyone. Like always, there is no mention on why God did so. Surely it's been repeated plenty of times—is that why it was not mentioned here? Or was it so you can make God look bad? Re-read the all the chapters relating to the time of Noah.

    OK how about this. Why did God, only God, kill 2,500,000 + people yet the devil killed i believe 10 or 11 with gods permission? Doesn't it seem it should be the other way around? I thought God was supposed to be the one giving out free will. So what if they were horrible people. God should have never stepped in. Then the devil and god make a bet? I'm sorry, but this is so far out there. God kills 2 million and people pray to him and the "devil" kills less then a dozen people and our punishment is to meet this person? I wouldn't want to meet someone who has killed 2 1/2 million people. Would you?

    But why is it that i always hear about the Catholic Chruch, or Catholics? Surely there are Catholics out there that are not like the ones that you mention.

    Simply because i spent the first 9 years of my life believing in God in a Catholic way. I don't know as much. I just know what i had learned first hand in school every day for years and wonder why they skipped parts and so forth. They have never said God that many. They never said God put women down. The things you skim right over in the Bible is huge. How about this?

    When Lot was a very old man, he had sex with his daughters on two succesive nights, and both daughters became pregnant (Genesis 19:31-38). According to the Bible, Lot was a "righteous man" (2 Peter 2:8)

    [3]In my opinion, those must be some children! I mean, to be able to understand everything and act properly by what they are told to do at that age, is really something.

    They dont have to follow them, they just have to believe them. Then as they get older there belief is stronger. Why wouldn't it get stronger? Unless they were like me and spotted things that make no sense and so forth they only have two routes. 1. believe in a God or 2. Dont. Simple. Most people are not like me and most people get more hard headed to new ideas. They wont listen. But at the age of 5 if you tell them to believe in a Pop-Tart monster who lives under your bed and THERE IS ONE! And you repeat this to them and tell them they will burn forever if they dont, ya, they are going to believe it.

    [4]I'm sure plenty of schools have seen all the things Hilter has done.

    Not sure what you meant. Did you mean the video was about Hitler? It was not. Did you mean the kids might grow up to be like hitler so they tell them what hitler did was bad? Sorry i just don't understand how hitler comes into that video.

    [2]I'll have you know that there are a lot of families out there that let their children choose. Many families believe that the best way for their children to come to the faith is by letting them choose.

    They are much fewer then the ones that make you go to church on sunday. Much, much smaller. Most adults just make there kids do everything to be a christian. The following also kind of replies to the other thing you stated below this statement. If you tell your mom/dad you don't believe in it/him/her it's a big deal. When my best friend gets mad at his parents he theatens them with becoming a Jew or something other then Catholic. If you can threaten someone like that and they get that worked up then you don't have much of much of a choice to be whatever you want to be until you move out unless you hide it.
    (Speaking of christians of course because i grew up like that)

    I'll get that verse TF and also i have to admit you get me thinking more then anyone else in this forum. What would i do without your responses! There is no one to debate with other then you ;)

  9. I was wondering why my site is down. I thought because of the HDD swap, but it still doesnt work. I would really like to know whats going on.My site is boozkerstweaks.trap17.com and i know i have an index page so thats not the problem.The FTP wont connect. I have tried different FTP clients.I have tried this on Linux and Mac neither work.I have tried it also on different browsers.I have 180+ credits so i dont know why this is doing this. Any help or why this is happening would be great. Hope my stuff didnt get lost in the HDD swap. ;)

  10. @ Truefusion. If you believe the Bible is real, how about take look at JUST in the bible. There is a lot so i put it in a spoiler box.


    SAB, Brick Testament Number Killed Cummulative Total

    Lot's wife for looking back Gen.19:26, BT 1 1

    Er who was "wicked in the sight of the Lord" Gen.38:7, BT 1 2

    Onan for spilling his seed Gen.38:10, BT 1 3

    For dancing naked around Aaron's golden calf Ex.32:27-28, 35, BT 3000 3003

    Aaron's sons for offering strange fire before the Lord Lev.10:1-3, Num.3:4, 26:61, BT 2 3005

    A blasphemer Lev.24:10-23, BT 1 3006

    A man who picked up sticks on the Sabbath Num.15:32-36, BT 1 3007

    Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (and their families) Num.16:27, BT 12+ 3019+

    Burned to death for offering incense Num.16:35, 26:10, BT 250 3269+

    For complaining Num.16:49, BT 14,700 17,969+

    For "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab" Num.25:9, BT 24,000 41,969+

    Midianite massacre (32,000 virgins were kept alive) Num.31:1-35, BT 90,000+ 131,969+

    God tells Joshua to stoned to death Achan (and his family) for taking the accursed thing. Joshua 7:10-12, 24-26, BT 5+ 131,974+

    God tells Joshua to attack Ai and do what he did to Jericho (kill everyone). Joshua 8:1-25, BT 12,000 143,974+

    Joshua kills 5 kings and hangs their dead bodies on trees Joshua 10:24-26, BT 5 143,979+

    God delivered Canaanites and Perizzites Judges 1:4, BT 10,000 153,979+

    Ehud delivers a message from God: a knife into the king's belly Jg.3:15-22, BT 1 153,980+

    God delivered Moabites Jg.3:28-29, BT 10,000 163,980+

    God forces Midianite soldiers to kill each other. Jg.7:2-22, 8:10, BT 120,000 283,980+

    The Spirit of the Lord comes on Samson Jg.14:19, BT 30 284,010+

    The Spirit of the Lord comes mightily on Samson Jg.15:14-15, BT 1000 285,010+

    Samson's God-assisted act of terrorism Jg.16:27-30, BT 3000 288,010+

    "The Lord smote Benjamin" Jg.20:35-37, BT 25,100 313,110+

    More Benjamites Jg.20:44-46 25,000 338,110+

    For looking into the ark of the Lord 1 Sam.6:19 50,070 388,180+

    God delivered Philistines 1 Sam.14:12 20 388,200+

    Samuel (at God's command) hacks Agag to death 1 Sam.15:32-33 1 388,201+

    "The Lord smote Nabal." 1 Sam.25:38 1 388,202+

    Uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling 2 Sam.6:6-7, 1 Chr.13:9-10 1 388,203+

    David and Bathsheba's baby boy 2 Sam.12:14-18 1 388,204+

    Seven sons of Saul hung up before the Lord 2 Sam.21:6-9 7 388,211+

    From plague as punishment for David's census (men only; probably 200,000 if including women and children) 2 Sam.24:13, 1 Chr.21:7 70,000+ 458,211+

    A prophet for believing another prophet's lie 1 Kg.13:1-24 1 458,212+

    God delivers the Syrians into the Israelites' hands 1 Kg.20:28-29 100,000 558,212+

    God makes a wall fall on Syrian soldiers 1 Kg.20:30 27,000 585,212+

    God sent a lion to eat a man for not killing a prophet 1 Kg.20:35-36 1 585,213+

    Ahaziah is killed for talking to the wrong god. 2 Kg.1:2-4, 17, 2 Chr.22:7-9 1 585,214+

    Burned to death by God 2 Kg.1:9-12 102 585,316+

    God sends two bears to kill children for making fun of Elisha's bald head 2 Kg.2:23-24 42 585,348+

    Trampled to death for disbelieving Elijah 2 Kg.7:17-20 1 585,349+

    Jezebel 2 Kg.9:33-37 1 585,360+

    God sent lions to kill "some" foreigners 2 Kg.17:25-26 3+ 585,363+

    Sleeping Assyrian soldiers 2 Kg.19:35, 2 Chr.32:21, Is.37:36 185,000 770,363+

    Saul 1 Chr.10:14 1 770,364+

    God delivers Israel into the hands of Judah 2 Chr.13:15-17 500,000 1,270,364+

    Jeroboam 2 Chr.13:20 1 1,270,365+

    "The Lord smote the Ethiopians." 2 Chr.14:9-14 1,000,000 2,270,365+

    God kills Jehoram by making his bowels fall out 2 Chr.21:14-19 1 2,270,366+

    Ezekiel's wife Ezek.24:15-18 1 2,270,367+

    Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-10 2 2,270,369+

    Herod Acts 12:23, BT 1 2,270,369+


    Now the next im not going to say how many were killed, but JUST Christian acts.


    Salem witch trials, Peasants War, The Reformation in Scandinavia, The Reformation in Switzerland, The Reformation in France, The Reformation in the Netherlands, The Reformation in Scotland, The Reformation in England, The Thirty Years War, that one had 1/3 of the german population killed. No i could write more, but i am tired. Now, please be my guest, show me where Atheists or non believers have killed a third of a country? Also Truefusion, the link wasn't working. You seem to refer to that site for most of your stuff. I'm not saying that stuff is false, but are you sure non of it is propaganda?


    the common mistakes with the bible is taking up verses and using it as a bases for arguments without first understanding who the author of the book was and why he said it and to what context the verses are part of. thats why christianism has the most branches becuase every verses and chapter can be interpreted in a hundred different ways specially if not taking into acount to waht context it was written with.

    That is so true. I have the verse, right off the top of my head, 2 actually, that talk about eating your children, YES EATING, your children in the name of God. Now it might just be me, but doesn't that seem just a little weird? I have that one, but its gross and i can PM it to you if you wish. Also did you know if you work on Sundays/Sabbath days, you will be put to death! Or how about Women should NEVER EVER speak in church? No one follows these rules, yet you seem you could base off of other verses. I think you should stay consistent instead of saying, well, i know it says that, but i dont believe that i believe this, but not this. Write your own book then. Make your own religion as so many denominations of Christians have already.


    I kill ... I wound ... I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh. -- Deuteronomy 32:39-42

    PLEASE PLEASE explain to me WHY you would want children to learn this? It's gross and distasteful. It's a shame children, as i did, have to learn about murder and how it's OK as long as its in the name of God. If its not you will go to hell. So confusing and hypocritical. Maybe since Adolf Hitler was raised that he had meaning to do what he did. It makes sense, no? Seems so. God had killed everyone on the Earth with a flood. He killed, sorry, tried to kill everyone on Earth except the people he wanted and specific beliefs and... hold up... i think that sounds just like something from the Bible. Never mind probably just me. Did you know at first the Catholic Church rooted for him? Then when he started killing many people they got worried. Why would the Catholic Church EVER support murder like that? Quote FROM him:

    "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

    Now your going to say that was only one, but how many does ONE have to kill before someone says something? How many people does religion have to brainwash at the age of 2. How many? How about an entire school ever seen this film?




    Its so sad people do this. Children will believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and more and these freaks, YES freaks, send these kids away to a camp to be mentally abused. They should be told both sides of the story not about how evil people are who do not believe the exact same as they do. If you believe in something and you have kids you should explain what you believe in and why and let them choose what they believe. Forcing a belief and calling a 5 year a catholic/christian/jew or anything is such *BLEEP*. They are not old enough to choose what they are. Leave them alone. Let THEM choose. Just as you would let THEM choose when Santa is no longer real.

  11. Wow, this is really great. It seems like a lot of credits. I have been here just about a year at hit the 200 mark, but as you know, the more credits the less your post per credits is. It seems like I will never reach this point. I am one of the top daily posters for the last year (I am actually on top a lot of the time) and i write good, long, posts, yet it seems that that many credits is to much. I wont be able to contribute my credits to the community things such as the awards, and ect. I will probably end up posting a lot of posts, hit the post limit, and take a break :lol: that is A LOT of credits. Its a fantastic idea though and i will apply if i ever can reach that point.

  12. and it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

    You are kidding right? Religion is fading away as we speak. Do you remember that 200 years ago about 95% of people believed in a religion. Do you know what its at now?
    In 1990 8% of people did not follow an organized religion. Less then ten years later its at 14.1%. Oh yah, its sure not going anywhere. Less then ten years it goes up that much and you say no where?

    whose recent tyrannical exploits are responsible for the death some 140 million people

    Are you saying that a form of Atheism people did that? And oh my god look how many? Christians alone has killed way more then that. and even worse "in the name of god" they have done that. Don't go off ranting about how many Atheists have killed when everyone knows Christians have killed more then Atheist ever will.

  13. I am 100% pro CHOICE


    Because yes at certain time the fetus is a child. But when do we determine that? What if you wanted an abortion in 3 days after you became pregnant? What about 2, 1, or 122? Is there a time limit? I would say third trimester. I mean when its actually a baby. there is no one here that would say, don't masterbate because its murder? So when is the sperm a baby? The INSTANT it's inside a vagina? How are you going to say what is right and wrong? Not to mention if your in America/USA i HIGHLY disagree with bringing religion into it. Seperation of Church and State is a great thing, when people actually follow it. Because of all these IF's i say let the mother choose.

    Fact: When they legalized abortion the crime rate went down dramatically. I really dont feel like typing the ENTIRE thing of why, but if people do not believe me then I will. The jist of the reason however is that people were having kids they didnt want and were not good parents if parents at all. Abortion = less unwanted children. Unwanted children = problem children.

    if people choose to have pre-marital sex, and not pay for the consequences, well, that's their problem

    This actually makes me mad. What the hell does that supposed to mean? People are married and still dont want children. It's not like you get married and BAM. Hell yah! I want children! I'm sorry but ignorant responses make me frustrated when a topic can be so much more influential to people choices. Then people make statements which make no valid sense at all. Have you ever thought people dont want to get married, but want children? Have you ever though people are not in the same religion as you? Have you ever thought people are married, but dont want children? Have you ever thought of rape? Any of those things? You should try to be more open minded when making such bold statements.

  14. I must agree with this. Why get paid for something that we volunteered to do in the first place? If this idea of yours, Boozker, were to go out, everyone would wanna have an honorary title just for the extra credits and so long as there are others doing the job for them, they coud just sit there earning extra credits for no reason. Did you consider how we would keep track of everyone with honorary titles? If you want extra credits, help support Xisto by purchasing them.

    I dont mean get credits when you HAVE an honary title. Like if this were in place and i posted here, i would not get any credits. But when i do work for the GFX crew and finalize a product/design and they accept it and the topic is close i think you should get a bonus. A good job bonus. Not everyone who posts something and it wasnt even used and they get credits, no not at all. My procedure to get extra credits would be:

    - Submit your work to the client
    - Wait for Client to accept
    - When accepted and topic closed GFX Crew Leader/Moderator is informed
    - Credits are then given to the person who made that

    The volunteered thing is right, i just thought a nice incentive to the people who actually submit quality work that is used should be promoted and goven a bonus to keep working and making them want to work.

    Well the spam badges were never asked for, so therefor, not volunteered. In this case i think a bonus would be nice. And yes, we SHOULD all want to stop spam, but ill admit that i would turn in posts much more with maybe 1 credit per post that was reported spam and then mods considered it spam and deleted. I dunno just an idea. :lol:

  15. I actually just did a banner today :lol: Doing some revisements that SM thought would be better and seeing how those will turn out. But yeah, same here. I'm busy enough with college majoring in graphic design and to make MORE stuff for people here is not easy. I try to get some stuff done and i work hard on them, but its just hard. Plus now i decided i would help someone make an entire layout for a website and write the code! So yeah, just anything extra would be nice. I'm not trying to be greedy at all. Just a nice incentive i think.

  16. (I looked this up in the search, and didn't find anything. Sorry if its already a topic)I think GFX crew, mods, spam patrol, and other should get a small bonus to there credits per post. So, for example, I post one sentence as a normal user/hosted member i get 1 credit. A GFX crew member or other special member would get 1.5-2. I know its by content and length and stuff, but you know what i mean. I was thinking also, what about GFX and spam patrol people who help out with extra stuff? For example, someone requests a sig/header/layout whatever (each could be a different amount) and i, or another GFX member does it, we should get a bonus of maybe a week of credits or something. Not even a week, but you know what i mean. Another would be if you get the Spam patrol badge and whenever you point out spam and the mods delete it, you would get 7 days.Do you guys/gals, understand? I think it could be a neat concept and could even get more GFX crew members to help out even more and people to report more spam.What are your thoughts about this system and would it be beneficial to trap?

  17. OK,


    That is the demo page for your picture on a black background.

    I will take that down in a week, so if you want it save it :lol:

    Now i am still looking for a font like you asked for, but i went through my 450+ fonts and couldnt find one. I am looking online now for one with a license of free so you can use it.

    If you want an .eps, .svg, .pdf, or .ai so you can edit it further email me in the email i PMed you. Or if you want it in any other format (jpg, png [thats what it is now], gif, or whatever), feel free to email me.

    Do you want any changes?

    Also, i would like a "Header design by Oscar Godson" and have an email link that would be nice :lol:

    Changes the header to whatever after i make more stuff for you like we talked about.

  18. CREATE TABLE `aah_members` (`loginName` VARCHAR( 20 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'login name',`password` VARCHAR( 16 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'user password',`createDate` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT 'user sign up date',`lastName` VARCHAR( 50 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL ,`firstName` VARCHAR( 40 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL ,`email` VARCHAR( 50 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL ,`country` VARCHAR( 50 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL ,`age` CHAR( 2 ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `loginName` )) ENGINE = MYISAM;

    Does this look right? I made another one from scratch as practice, but added login name sign up date and a password. Would those be right? I want all those to be required also.

    I'll check out that link also.

  19. I got about 80% of that right :lol: I messed up on the Collation and a couple of the types and 2 actions. Thanks so much. That taught me a lot. Now i can finally move on from page 52 :lol: I read 52 pages in one day and finally got stuck on that stupid page. Thanks. I know there is so much to learn. When i signed up at trap almost a year ago (April) i barley knew HTML. Now i know all the XHTML rules, CSS 1-2, and learning XML all within a year. So I have been learning a lot. It just takes me sometime considering i didnt even know what PHP was 8 months ago. Then Paul on the forums showed me some PHP Includes! God how i love those!

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