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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. I have been working on making a template for myspace that gets rid of all the nasty crap people put all over. It does this by making the myspace minimilistic, so they can not add much stuff other then what is allowed on this slim white theme. Images included so you can upload to your own host and not have to worry about the bandwidth running out on my end. In depth read_me.txt included also. I add to it with each update. Added a editable .png file in fireworks 8. Download count will always be a little screwed because the download has been through email and on my web host, but now it has been uploaded to filefront.


    Please add any problems you find here in this topic. Also if you want a feature added in the next update ask for it here! I would also love for you to PM me or put a link here so i can see how you used the theme!


    | Download | Version 1.2 | Demo |


    NOTE: The demo has Bumper Stickers section which is in the new version not out yet. It also says Oscar's Myspace, but the downloaded theme says Welcome there.



    Version 1.2


    - Added a CSS valid image which you are allowed to use as long as you do not edit the CSS.

    - Fixed some small errors in the HTML

    - Added an editable .png file that is editable in fireworks 8 for the header (Welcome image).


    Coming Soon


    - A choice of a solid color background OR a horizontal striped background.

    - A choice to add a "Bumper Stickers" section to place some graphics that describe you (see demo above)

    - A blog, block, rate, friends, instant message, add to group, add to favorites, and forward to friend. This is based on request. Not one person has asked for any of those yet.

    - A black version called "Black Licorice" and a brown version called "Caramel" when 2.0 comes out for White Chocolate



    Old Versions


    Version 1.1


    - Got rid of some CSS that was not in use

    - Images are now uploaded on my photobucket account (NOTE ABOUT BANDWIDTH IN READ ME)

    - Added some br tags to cover up people who do not want to delete the stuff in the profile. (this increases the overlay to cover more. More info in read me.)

  2. OK first I want to say, i can't believe the first real logo i made got such good reviews. Also another thing I wants to say was i worked on that logo for so long i totally didnt noticed that i copied the wrong one to make it into color. I had tapered arms already done i just uploaded the wrong one.

    The font I will change also. I just used fontbook and went through a dozen font (and i have at least 300+) and picked the first sans serif even width font I found. I will change it to one that resembles serverph more. I liked it!

    The gloss WAS just thrown on there haha! I didnt know if it looked good or not so i asked you guys.

    I really like serverph idea with coloring all of the people. I think i will make a alternate one and we will be having a critique tomorrow and I will find out which one my class and instructor likes. I really like it though. It decreases the colors also. Then i only have 4 instead of 5.

    I can see it working on posters, leaflets and all sorts of stuff with ease

    Sweet because that's the 2nd part of the project next week. We have to create 3 advertisements. So i will return with critques on that also!

    Only thing else would be to cut the letters out of the middle, make them larger than the circle and paste them back in so the omsi actually extends outside the

    I am not 100% sure what you meant by this. Is there anyway you could show me or explain it differently. Is sounds unique and I want to try it, but i am not 100% sure what you mean.

    Thanks for your input!

  3. The only useful thing that comes from your idea would be if it was water instead of soda, or a hydrating drink. We really don't need soda so it would just be another thing feeding the ever growing obesity.

    Depends in which idea your talking about. Not to mention you can't get fat from something with no calaries. The one drop and your hydrated idea, would not contribute to this at all. It would actually reduce this by a lot. No people would buy pop because, although it tastes good, it costs money and you can gain weight from non-diet pop.

  4. cool thank you! Now, I can do my homework faster but, does it have all subjects like math social studeis ect.. ?

    It would have as many subjects/classes as people submit work in those classes. So if you have a graphic design course you would submit that and it would go under Graphic Design homework. Graphic design homework would then be simplified down to logos, book covers, ect as more homework is submitted.

    It is a really great idea. Because if you have a lot of homework and don't have time to get all your info you could use the paper to get your notes and you would sort of still learn a bit. But it would have to be a site that was not publicly known or teachers would find out about it easily and know if anyone just copied someones paper.

    As i mentioned before the site would only be open to invited members. Yes, and you would still learn it. I would suggest reading the essay at least once and you would still learn quite a bit.

    The idea seems to be more of something closer to a warez site than a homework exchange site. Barring teachers from visiting the site is the same as barring the copyright companies from going to these warez sites.

    We do not ban ANYONE from the site. We simply only let members in with an invite. If a teacher gets one great. If a student wants to give login away fine with us. We just wouldnt show off on google and other search engines.

    With all that aside, you have to understand that the world is a big big place. Not every education system is the same, for e.g. Singapore and USA have different education system, focus and teaching methods. Even their grading scheme is not marked the same way, how would an essay from a top US kid help you to actually learn anything if their scope is different, their focus is not like yours and on top of that, the grading system is different? I find it very difficult to learn in this manner. To download and keep another person's work, how easy is it for that person's style to be incorporated into yours?

    Well the site would be in english unless we had some massive group of people from Singapore. They wouldnt submit stuff and get stuff because it would be in english. That is like saying im going to write a website in C++. They are two different things. Example would be wikipedia. They have english, german, ect.

    It is basically plagiarism you are trying to promote here. A homework p2p site whereby you download others and you qualify for it if you have a homework submitted. The main thing is more people would abuse it rather than actually try to learn from it. How many of us would actually want to spend 3 hours doing an essay which we can get for free in a mere second. We could be spending that 3 hours playing games or something more interesting than writing an essay.

    It seems as though no one really understands this. OK, you have to submit homework. You can not just simply post a piece of homeowork either. It has to go through three people and they grade and then average it. If it passes with at least a D it goes on the site. It is then marked as a approx grade of a D if you turn it in. We would check if it were plagiarism using they same software as teachers It searches the ENTIRE web including teacher submitted homework from students. It not only checks for homeork it looks on sites to see if they copied and pasted. And it's not like the USA's education could get any worse anyways. It's one of the worst in the world. Even worse when you consider the amount of money we have.

  5. OK for a project in my graphic design course in college we have been given the challenge of creating a timeless logo for a number of places i chose Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, or better known as, OMSI. OMSI, the client, wants a new timeless logo for their museum. OMSI mostly appeals to younger children. They have any exibits and children love them. Teens would not be, so interested in it. (I had to do all this research for OMSI) I will show you my black and white logo and explain the concept then my color logo and explain the colors. After that i will show you some alternatives and I would love to know what you guys think is better, worse, helping, cluttered, ect. REMEMBER THIS IS NOT A RENDERED PHOTOSHOP SIG!!! This is a timeless logo. In other words, a logo that should never become outdated except for maybe minor changes. Examples, Playboy's Bunny, Nike Swoosh, Apple's Apple, ect.


    Please Rate on a 1-10 scale and explain why:


    B&W Version:


    Posted Image


    Concept: Text is Gill Sans. It's a sans serif font which suites nicely with a timeless logo while still keeping it in the same genre of science and plants and space. The circles represent atoms/planents. Now they are orbiting, but the orbit are kids holding hands. I did this because OMSI is marketed towards children rather then adults. Because of this i wanted to incorperate children in here while still keeping it clean and not illustrative. (If you cant see the kids the white lines through the black are supposed to be there hands and your looking down at them.)


    Color Versions:

    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Concept for the color:

    In any art book you will learn about color schemes and I used almost the most basic one for children. Children are attracted to the triadic colors (red, blue, yellow) I used the green and orange because it creates a complimentary/split-complimentary color scheme which is also close to the the original original colors liking towards younger children, but different. It's fun, it's playful, but still calm and quite, and best of all clean.


    OK so please, PLEASE tell me what you guys think about the logo. Remember I am designing for the clients and not myself. So if you said,"Have blood dripping off" I would not take that seriously. Tell me if you like the gloss on there also. Here are clickable thumbnails of past versions i got rid of:


    Posted Image Posted Image

    Posted Image

  6. Well your using a wingdings font, which is fine, but not recommended if your going to try and create your own original piece. If you just want one for yourself... It does look really good i like the gradient. It's nice and calm. The green, red, and orange are nice complementary colors. Orange is not part of any certain color scheme, but it plays nicely with a palm tree. You think warm, hot, island. Works nice. I don't know if you need the gloss all over it though. I would try a simple splash of gloss here or there. Maybe look at some logos and how they add gloss. I would suggest apple.com for looking up. I would also not put that in the dead center. Try bottom left or right would be nice and maybe increasing the size.

  7. It's a great web logo. Nice pastelish colors. Text and image use nice 50 50 contrast. website link is there but not distracting. Very nice. I really like it. I love how it's not to BAM! like some of the stuff on here. People seem to really over do it here. Your is quiet and calm. It's peacful and really just nice to look at. Web Logo 10/10Timeless Logo 7/10

  8. Looks pretty good. I'll give it 6 or 7. I would give it a 8 if you fixed the boxes around there head. There is like a 1 pt stroke around them or something. A bit distracting. I really enjoy the poster in a grid format on the left though! Also i like the text on the bottom, but maybe just one of them. I think it gets to busy and distracting towards the piece. Maybe incease the size slightly and delete all but one. I think withh just a few touchups it could easily be a 10/10

  9. I might be able to do this. Except how do you want this coded? Do you want PHP includes? Do you want IFrames or just a place to type in the places you wrote write a frame? Lastly can i have the PSD? I can do if i have it. If not it will be extremely hard. Does the PSD have layers or is that a flattened image?I will be glad to help though. Try to answer those questions to the best of your knowledge haha

  10. Well if your making a logo and you have the whole CS suite i would HIGHLY recommend using Illustrator. This is because itis a vector program and you will be able to blow up the image 1000x and still be just as good of quality as the original. If you do it in Photoshop you will only be able to make it smaller from the original size and not loose quality. Now are you making a logo and not a sig I would suggest keeping it simple, so if you have general user tips like how to use the pathfinder tools then just PM me. I do mostly vector and use Illustrator CS2. Feel free to PM anytime for any reasons. I usually get back to you the same day or the next.What questions did you have though. It seemed like a huge general question, so I was not sure how to answer it.

  11. I'm thinking about making a Anti-Myspace Myspace webpage. And convince people to not make it one of those blaring, clashing, emo-midi-background-music-that-you-can't-turn-off, custom-cursored, tiled-photographed horrors haha I mean its a webPAGE about you. If you want all that stuff make a website.Update: I made MY CSS valid! I bet i'm the only one on myspace with compliant CSS haha

  12. Well normally I would never show any designer my myspace. Myspace pages always look nasty and overly bloated and... ICK! Anyways, I spent a few hours on it today, being bored and nothing else to do, and i made it look really good in my opinion. It's actually one of my favorite designs I have made. Its simple, but i wanted something opposite of what 90% of the myspace community is doing. I have only 3 paragraphs, 7 buttons/links, and only one picture not including the link images. If you wat to see a website that i actually made that wasn't so quick and easy that's http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , but i would rather you not comment about that site on this topic.


    Send me a comment there, leave a post here, or whatever I just want to know if you guys like/dislike the design!

  13. In response to a large number of posts in this topic:To me it seems as christians make up things as they go. For example, my friend who is in a christian school has long hair and is growing it out. The teachers are going to make him cut it because,"It's the way Jesus wanted it." Yes, I am not making this up that is what they said. Not only did Jesus have long hair, there is NOTHING in the Bible that says boys can't have long hair when they attend a christian school. Another example is that my friend's mom (this is another friend) told him he had to go to church, so before we left this is what she said,"Oscar (me), when was that last time you had communion?" My response was,"Not for months." (I am an Athiest, but i never dare say that to his mom!) She goes,"OK, well don't have communion then, because we believe (we as in Christian) believe you need to regulary take it to receive it." My friend said,"Mom, that is so stupid. Nothing in the Bible says that." And an argument started, but that was just to state my point. There are many times incidents like this have come up. How does this tie into your topic? Well, i think that there is no reason for what you are saying. I think Christians WANT to believe in ID. If they really took an open mind into Evolution they would see how, although MAY not be true although most likely is and i certainly believe it, much more of a chance that, that could happen over the idea someone just went ""BAM!" and "POOF!" the world was here. Yes, Darwin said that about how its imagination, but could you honestly imagine him saying that kind of thing then?! Even now, by some, it's hated and the people who believe this are put aside as sinners and will go to hell. Think about years ago when you could get hanged for that. I couldn't and I think anyone with a right mind would also say that.

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