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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Thats the problem... they go into the PHP side of it next. I need to set up the database before i can move on and i am totally stuck on it. They are saying to put rows and columns when i can't and everything is simply rows in PHPMySQL. Is there anyway you could put those fields in and take a screen shot as an example using the fields i want such as the ID # and first_name last_name and age ect?

  2. I must say that the first time I saw the vista aero gui, I immediately thought of mac, even though I hadn't (and still haven't) had much experience with Macs. It seems that a lot of little applets are based on stuff from apple, but the thing I find a little scarier about vista is it's similarity to many of the linux distrobutions. I have mainly used debian based distros, preferably with the Gnome window manager, and I was looking over someone's shoulder the other day, while he was messing with his newly installed vista... and SO much of the file management seems COMPLETELY ripped off nautilus and Gnome. Like how you add "favourites" to the bar at the side. The pane at the left... looks like gdesklets... there was a similar system to gksu for performing options as the "Administrative" user, aka root. The list goes ON AND ON AND ON! I am rather shocked, to say the least.

    At this very moment im on my Debian Ubuntu Distro and it's SO much like it. Its a total copy. Actually though Mac has a new feature that lets you go from desktop to desktop (Workspaces on Linuxs) but at least they changed it up a lot. I mean its very animated and so fourth. The idea is copied, but at least they thought up of other things like "The Time Machine" which lets you go back though files and folders you deleted months ago and find things.

    Big whoop if they did one or two things that Apple also did

    1. Widgets
    2. iCal
    3. iPhoto
    4. Expose
    5. Aero
    6. Live Search or whatever

    There are more. Its not the fact they took one or two, its they took the whole thing and made it just look different. I dont care. I dont even use Windows because i hate it and the lack of features, but i posted this topic just to show how funny and how much of a copy Vista is. I mean Apple made the glossy look and Linux made the workspaces and ect and Windows is just a compilation of those. Cant they think of anything is all i'm saying. What is new in Windows Vista that you wished was in OS X or Linux?

  3. No matter what anyone thinks is "right" what is the law? Viacom OWNS these shows. Yes, i think they didnt loose one dime to the videos on Youtube. They probably even made money when people looked through youtube and found a show they wanted and TiVo'd it. But, this not the case. The case is that Viacom OWNS the shows. They made them. I think they have all the right to sue the *BLEEP* out of Google. I love google and they do a great job at what they do, but what they did is against the law period. There shouldn't even be a discussion about it.Maybe the discussion should be, Do you think you should legaly be able to put any show from TV to the internet.I know, because i make indie movies, i would and wouldnt like people uploading my stuff. I would LOVE if people actually spent the time to upload them, but i would also like for the people to at least email me or something and tell me they did. Actually, i have over a dozen websites host my videos i have never even heard of. It's weird. I mean one day i put a video up youtube and the next 15 other sites have it.

  4. I am doing this on Trap.In my books example it says it needs a Member Directory Database, named MemberDirectory, then a table named member. I did that. So now in those rows i put the information i talked about above (name, age, ect) in those fields? Also how do i make a unique member ID number? There are a lot of fields. What things to i put and turn on?

  5. Indeed you would believe him/it, but i wouldn't. It is a known Biblical fact that if God were to physically and literally enter this universe, all this would be destroyed just by His presence (Deuteronomy 5:24; Exodus 33:20). This is one of the reasons why God does not physically and literally show Himself. We have not yet been made fit enough to be able to enter His presence and endure. There has been some that have been made fit (e.g. Moses, Elijah, Jesus), if i'm not mistaken, but not us.

    What I just said was if TomaBom came down. Not the Christian God. You do know, based on science, you have a less then 1% chance of being in the "right" religion when you die. Due to all the amounts of religions. Plus there is no way to prove it for two reasons.
    1. God hasn't been proven.
    2. If it were true, we would be dead if we ever found out :lol:

    Anyways the point im making is IF TomaBom was "the" God and he did that you would honestly say no to him? What would you think he is then? A super powerful human?

    We sceptics follow in practice the way of the world, but without holding any opinions about it. We speak of the Gods as existing and offer worship to the Gods and say that they exercise providence, but in saying this we express no belief, and avoid the rashness of the dogmatisers.

    I offer to worship any God also if i have proof. I guess you can call me a sceptic also. Plus i am pretty confused with them also. They aren't even agnostic, are they (from your definition)? Seems to me more like something a lawyer would say haha.

    "I wont say she didnt do it, but if she did she should go to jail, but since she didnt do it she should be freed."

    From your definition it seems more like if you believe there CAN or CAN'T be a higher being then your agnostic, but above seems like non sense. Maybe i am reading it wrong?

    glenstein, lets agree to disagree. We are both Atheists, right? I just can't explain as well as Richard Dawkins.

    Here is a quote i like from him

    It's said that the only rational stance is agnosticism because you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of the supernatural creator. I find that a weak position. It is true that you can't disprove anything but you can put a probability value on it. There's an infinite number of things that you can't disprove: unicorns, werewolves, and teapots in orbit around Mars. But we don't pay any heed to them unless there is some positive reason to think that they do exist.

    This is a better one. What I am saying is yes you can say your are agnostic, but it makes no sense because everyone is one. I guess my You can't be one quote is not correct. I more technically meant if you say you are, so is everyone. Here:

    Well, technically, you cannot be any more than an agnostic. But I am as agnostic about God as I am about fairies and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. You cannot actually disprove the existence of God. Therefore, to be a positive atheist is not technically possible. But you can be as atheist about God as you can be atheist about Thor or Apollo. Everybody nowadays is an atheist about Thor and Apollo. Some of us just go one god further.

  6. I have a book, PHP and MySQL for Dummies, and i guess i am more then a dummy. It is my first time setting up my own database from scratch. In the book it says to set up the table, but it doesnt tell you what to use or anything. Just to set one up and explains what you put and where. Here is where i am:I made a Database called "boozker_aah" (not going to say what aah stands for yet. Its for my new site)Then i want to make a table for the users (right?) I called it "aah_users"Here is where i get confused. I want to make a user system and each user should have this data connected to it:id #(required right?)first_name (I want it to be required)last_name (I want it to be required)email (I want it to be required)Age (Not required)Country (Not required)Website (Not required)Short Bio (Not required)Am i supposed to just put that data in the table aah_users? If so what do i put in the other fields? I am SO confused on this.Also it says if i want to know when and how often users sign in and out to make a table which, in my case, would be called aah_logins. What do i put in those fields?Lastly, what about the MAIN part of the whole user system? The user name and password? What do i do with that? I want a form for them to fill out and it makes it automatically like most sites. Fill in the above data along with a user name and password and it makes you a user. I don't need the PHP for this yet. I just need to know what to do with the MySQL stuff in PHPMyAdmin for the above stuff. It covers what i need to do in the PHP, but i dont know what to do with the MYSQL I am really confused. Thanks so much if anyone actually helps.

  7. Unfortunately you absolutely, totally, completely are saying people have to make up their mind. You are saying that people who consider religion have no right to treat it as an open ended question, and if they have any atheist inkling (which every agnostic does) then they HAVE to commit full force to atheism.

    No im not saying they have to commit anything. THEY ALREADY ARE. That is my whole point. They do not need to do anything else. They ARE an Atheist if the fall under the category i did in my last post. Like i have said a so many times in this topic, Atheist is someone who does not believe in a God. So, if your an "Agnostic" and don't believe in a God until proven YOU ARE A ATHEIST. I dont know how else to explain it. Dont believe = Atheist. Not only in religion.

    What if a person thinks the harmony of the universe absolutely unquestionably points to some higher author of reality, but still insists they need proof to subscribe to it and that for them, these views are irreconcilable after much consideration?

    So did Einstein and many other geniuses, but they ALL considered themselves Atheist because they were. They did not believe in a God at that time. They needed proof. Just like posts in these forums, i am an Atheist until i fully believe and understand them. Unless they have proof i'm an atheist towards the topics. I might think or want to think they are true, but without proof i either believe or dont believe it.

    That's not what an agnostic is.

    What is it then? Even the definition is that. It doesn't say that exactly, but in other words it is that.
    Here is the dictionary version:

    a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

    I am also an agnostic. But i am an Atheist. You can not only be an Agnostic. That is what i have been trying to say. You are either an Theist Agnostic or an Atheist Agnostic. Yes you can also be an Atheist and a Theist, but you can not be in the dead center.

    You're forgetting about Buddhists. Buddhists, if i'm not mistaken, don't believe in any Deity but are quite religious.

    Even you said though. They are quite religious. They go and pray (Sorry if that's not what you call it :lol: ) and so fourth.

    Have you heard of the Stoics? They practiced all kinds of religious custom and some of them were even priests, but none of them actually believed a god was legitimately provable. They followed religious customs because they were the folkways of the time and they preached that they might as well, because, doubting everything, they believed one path was just as good as any other path. So clearly there can be people who doubt theism but participate in religion and you should be a bit more careful with your definitions.

    They are 100% Theist. Most religious people will say they have no solid proof to prove anyone there is a God. They have faith. What you said is nothing new and would fall under the Theist Agnostic category. They are not agnostic though because they believed in a God. I have read a lot about this. I am not making this stuff up. People have changed this names meaning for years and years. This is what it was meant to be because you cant be in the middle.

    If there has been many warnings about such a being (which there has been, but here's one 2 Thessalonians 2:4) and one claiming to be as devoted as they are, wouldn't they deny this being? Also, having high priority among the people doesn't insomuch make you a very devoted person.

    I would love to hear about someone who turned down something like that. They would just be stupid. Sorry, but they would be. I mean TomaBom comes down and you say well if your god fly me to pluto and make it so i dont die and get there in an instant and he does that, you wouldnt believe him? Amazing if you wouldnt. I'm very atheist, but i know for sure i would.

    If someone wants to be religious or atheist or agnostic, that's their personal decision.

    Your right. It just makes me mad when they say they are something which can not be. Yes i can say im a Theist, but i dont believe in any god what so ever, dont go to church or anything. I can SAY i am, but that is neither the definition of it or what i do.

    All i have been saying is Agnostic has to be connected to another. Without another backing up word your in the dead center. If you want to call yourself something and not know the true definition go ahead be my guest. It makes no sense, but you can.

    Why am i backing up the dictionary and a nobel prize winner and i still get put down? Guess its not what is right its what people want.

  8. That sounds pretty interesting. I'm wondering if they are going to integrate it more with Photoshop.

    I think Adobe would be dumb not to. I never thought about that, but that's a great idea and if they dont do that send them an email haha. I mean Adobe IS macromedia now, so it would make sense and i bet would help sells a bit more.

  9. JDameron91 you know what, i make videos for O&J Productions and i want to make a skit using that exact dialogue plus some more. That would be so funny. Thanks!KuBi as possible123 mentioned, it wouldn't be hooked to the net, i guess it could, but there would be no reason to. No internet = no viruses. But that would be pretty funny to get a virus on your shower. It like says Good bye, and it burns the hell out of you. :lol: add that to my scriptPossible123, did you post that thing on soap and water? I haven't looked, but ever saw it on the forums. I'm going to go look. If you havent post that topic ASAP. Great idea.

  10. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of 666. Best explained by Wikipedia and i think it's funny just how long the name is for the simple explanation.

    Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (literally, "fear of the number six-hundred-sixty-six") is the fear that originates in the Biblical verse Revelation 13:18 which indicates that the number 666 is the Number of the Beast, linked to Satan or the Anti-Christ. Outside the Christian faith, the phobia has been further popularized as a motif in various horror films.
    Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobes will strongly avoid things related to the number 666. A prominent example is of Nancy and Ronald Reagan who, in 1989, when moving to their home in the Bel-Air section of Los Angeles, had the address of 666 St. Cloud Road changed to 668 St. Cloud Road.[1]Some women also expressed concern on giving birth to a child on 6/6/2006.[2]

    Rarer is trying to avoid the number as it relates to other numbers. For example, the fraction 2/3 has a repeating decimal of .666. A severe hexakosioihexekontahexaphobe may avoid all fractions that would include this recurring decimal. Those with hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia may consider it bad luck to get three sixes in a hand of poker, even though this is usually quite a good hand.

    Many are afraid of the digits 666, rather than the quantitative number adding up to this amount.

    In 2006, the BBC listed Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia and its definition as fact #64 in its "100 things we didn't know last year"[3]

    How could you always avoid that number? But, anyways that is what Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is.

    Try to say that ten times fast

  11. Have you seen the smart toilets by any chance? In Japan they have these smart toilets that can heat up the seat for you, flush etc. and there's even a toilet specifically for women I believe to hide any unwanted sounds they may make, not quite sure on that one. I saw some of these. Some look like obviously advanced pieces of technology but there was one that looked just like an ordinary toilet. Maybe you can talk to those guys and strike a deal.

    Heard a little about this, but not to much. I want to buy one. I'm just way to lazy to pull the handle down to flush haha. Sounds cool though... HEATED SEATS!!!

    Ipod support could be added to make it much better, choice of favorite songs whilst youre in the shower..! tongue.gif wow!Groove Armada in the morning.

    Have to admit that would be cool alone. Just a waterproof iPod player and speakers! That's something everyone could buy that can afford an iPod and it hella tight!

    What I do to avoid the hot/freezing shower is wait until the water is at a temperature I like.. I stick my hand out into the shower until it is at a comfortable level and then I jump in.

    WHAT! That's just to simple and effective. Isn't there any other way to make it harder and maybe burn yourself instead? haha

  12. jlhaslip have you used it before? I have used many many editors and that's by far my favorite. It gives you warnings on mozilla, IE, ect on browser compatibility. Plus I dont even use the WYSIWYG part of it. I use the coding part, because the WYSIWYG part doesnt work right since i am using includes. The CSS could maybe be worked on, but the php, xhtml, ect is pretty up to date and warns you and underlines bad code. I DOES have cross browser compatibility tools.

  13. I'm sure your idea isn't original boozker. Not that I'm saying you stole it, it's a good idea and all, but for not too much, a person could install a cheap knock-off of what you're describing... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Sorry man...

    This is about 90% different then what i thought about.


    The other 10% is the name haha.


    The look is bad, not an OS, outside of the shower, no voice activation or voice recognition or anything. It's just a gauge hung on a wall that tells you when the water is warm haha.

    What boozoker had in my i think is different then the one you posted Wm. I think his would be put in the shower and not outside of it, thats why he wanted a waterproof LCD screen. Also, it would help make the water at the temp right when you set it so once you clicked don lets say warm, it will be warm right away instead of having to wait for it to warm up, so if what i said was what boozker had in mind than i think that it is much much different than what you showed us

    At least someone understands. :lol: Thank YOU! Yes, though, this is what I had in mind more. This is not a fricken gauge like the one WM posted a link to.


    It is a useful concept but it not only has been brought up before it's been used in a number of things before. The reason for that is it is one of the more basic conveniences that a person might want. It could very well be something taken for granted in the near future. It's a great idea man but I don't think it necessarily has to be a 'smart shower'. All that's really needed is a few buttons where you can set the temperature and save it so it can be even easier for you the next time. There isn't much need for any graphical interface per se unless you really are rich and you don't mind spending money unnecessarily. What might be best for now is to offer to install an average looking shower that includes the 'smart shower' system. It never hurts to think about these types of innovations. Sometimes you might stumble upon something new. Great idea.

    Yes, you could have just a few buttons, but its the same as if you conpared it to a car. You CAN have a tape deck and it plays music, but wouldnt you rather have a AUX and have iPod hooked to it with 10,000 songs? Either way you can listen to the same music and it's only music. A modern convience as you said, but would it be so much better if you had a AUX iPod jack rather then a tape player? Mine would have multiple users, voice activation, and more. This is not just to be flashy, but to be MORE convienent.


    Think of walking into you bathroom saying shower activate, it asking your name/user and then heating up within less then a minute, and telling you it heated and ready for you and when you get out, say shower off. All done. Yes, you for sure don't need any of this and could get by just fine without, but wouldn't it be nice?



    Now for the quote I wanted to reply to most :lol:


    ## Advertising


    ## Installation fee


    ** Installer's salary

    ** Installer training

    ** Misc. installation related fees ( tools, gas, van/truck, etc. )


    ## OS programming costs


    ## Hardware costs


    ## Assembly costs


    ## Shipping costs


    ## Worker recruitment costs


    ## Factory costs


    ## Voice activation programming costs ( voice activation is hard to program )

    One by one i will explain just how easy it is.


    1. Yes, this would cost money. Isn't everything advertised though? I see sink and faucets advertised all the time.


    2. Installation fee = $0 more than a normal shower

    2a. Why? Because there is no installation any different then a regular shower faucet piece. You know, the piece that makes it hotter or colder? The shower head can be the same.

    2b. Only cost would be a manual which is included with EVERY shower system now anyways.


    3. OS programming costs = $0 more than a normal shower.

    3a. Have you heard of open source? Before this would be made we would have a Linux distro help us out with a basic OS, test it for ANY bugs, and voila it's done.

    3b. I could even program it if i wanted. A simple user system and a even simpler heat gauge to sound. (When it hits X degress say Y)


    4. Voice activation programming costs = $?

    4a. There would only be a handful of commands. Activate, Preset (#/name[if not to hard]), shut off, and your name/username

    4b. Yes it would be hard, but think about how many voice systems their already are. I'm sure pitching the idea and giving Apple or Microsoft a bit of money from it would help haha


    All the others are just what a normal shower would cost. It is all contained on one lcd monitor/computer. It's a water proof touch screen device also. Simply connect to shower head. The battery is a rechargeable battery. The largest capacity that is out at that time, You push a buttonand from the bottom the battery pops out. Charge it over night and stick it in when you go to take your next shower. A cord would be available to those who know how to install one.


    Still working on a picture, but i hope this explains it a bit better.

  14. OK, here is another one of my amazingly genius ideas since i am the mad scienctist and all. haha.


    A smart shower! Dont you hate it when you jump in the shower, and, OUCH! To hot! Jump back out or move to the side and turn it down. Or you dive in (not for real haha) and eeeek! To cold!


    I have found the solution and if anyone wants to help me make it i would love it, doubt anyone can, but it would be cool.


    The solution? Put a microchip inside. That simple. Have a waterproof LCD screen (I am working on an image) and have a ultra simple OS built in. Most likely a linux. Before you get in the shower you push your name and/or picture on the screen. Pick a preset such as "Oscar's Hot Shower" or "Oscar's Cold Shower." Step back take off you clothes. Sit on the can and wait, and when the water is all heated to the tempature you have set it to the shower will SAY,"Oscar, the shower is now operational."


    How cool is that!


    Some other things i though about for it would be voice activated. Maybe for one male and female user. The male (deeper voice) says shower activate. The shower asks,"How would you like your shower today Oscar." You say "I would like my Hot Shower preset." "Alright Oscar. I'll call you when it's ready," the shower says.


    Or maybe... DUN DUN DUN... the secret weapon of the, SMART SHOWER. Every time you take a shower in the smart shower you puch your name, no preset, and after about 10 showers it remembers how hot you keep your showers! So no need for presets, but simple push or say your name, wait for it to call you, and its set to the perfect tempature!


    Another small feature I was thinking about was it would warn you, like a battery meter on a cell phone or laptop, how much hot water you have left before it goes cold. I HATE COLD SHOWERS, but no more with the Smart Showers cold water warning lights! lol


    So what are you guys and gals's thoughts on this?

  15. 2. You are assuming that everyone has to have their mind made up on the subject, which they don't.

    I never once said they have to make up there mind. I said being agnostic is like saying i have no clue what so ever what i believe in, which is fine, but you have to have NO CLUE WHAT SO EVER. Not even the slightest bit. If you do not ever do anything towards a religion why are you NOT Atheist.
    Yeah, this is my question to people who say they are agnostic because this will get the point i'm trying to get across.

    If you do not pray, go to church, read the bible, dance to the rain god, or whatever how are you NOT an Atheist? If you do not do anything pro religion how are you not? If you say i believe in a God, but just dont do any of those things then your NOT an agnostic either. Yes, you can say, well i'm waiting for a God to come down, but aren't we all? Let's say the most religious Christian person in the world, how about the Pope for my example, sees TomaBom (my made up example god haha) come down and everything freezes and something amazing happen that I can not explain in words, and says, "I am the true God. Christ is a false God. I can prove I am God." And he does things impossible and proves it. Would the Pope actually say nope, i'm christian. haha hell no he wouldnt.

    The fact your saying your "waiting" is so stupid. When a God comes down and shows himself to us we will ALL believe in him. Atheist and Theists alike. I have no doubt about that at all.

    Here is how you can see if your an Atheist or Theist.

    Atheist - If you do NOTHING pro religion or if you do not believe in a religion/god

    Theist - If you believe in a spirit/god or anything greater then human, a God.

    Saying your waiting for proof before making a choice is fine, but at the moment which one of those two above are you? "Oh i dunno" you can only get away with for so long. Everyone has an opinion. Maybe not a strong one, but they do.

    To make sure everyone understands, being an agnostic means your in the middle line of I dont know. You have NO opinion at all. Right in the dead center. I highly doubt this is possible.

    A lot of Atheists, on the other hand, stubbornly refuse to accept proofs, often attempting to disprove them in far-fetched ways.

    I have actually never seen ANY proof, PROOF, at all. I have read the Bible ( i was in a catholic school for many years) and have talked about this matter for years. Show me proof that would hold up in a court of law. Not I believe, but some proof. They have a belief. They call it a belief for a reason.

    You could say that an agnostic's god is "malleable" in that the agnostic can accept valid proofs and dis-proofs as they come by.

    Right there. You are a Theist, or at least your example is. Once someone has a God they are not an agnostic. Agnostic, once again, means no opinion at all until solid proof comes along. Which can be great, if it were even possible, but opinions are like buttholes, every one has one, and they all stink :lol:

    I'm not replying to the rest because what i just said would be repeated. If you believe AT ALL in a God or higher being, your a Theist, if you do not think there is anything like that, or dont until you have proof, then your an Atheist. You can change the definition of an agnostic if you would like, but it means being in the middle without an opinion until proven.

  16. You can not be Agnostic


    You either kind of believe there is or is not a god. Be honest with your self people. I have read many many books on this subject. For one, if i said there is a green monster in your closet, but he is invisible and doesn't make any noise would you believe me or not? You would be an Atheist on that matter. Although you can not prove it, you personaly believe there is no way a green monster is in the closet. Maybe you do, but even just a tiny tiny eenie bit. Then you are NOT agnostic about the green monster. zyzzyvette, you ARE indeed an Athiest. You believe there is NO god unless proven right? Has it been proven? No. Can it be proven with science? No. Then you are an Atheist. Even the most Theist people can not PROVE there is a god, but, they do not call themselves agnostic. Because there is no proof technically, EVERYONE is an agnostic. I dont know how else to explain this. Look up Richard Dawkins if you dont, but you can not be an agnostic. You can say you are, but your just hiding from calling yourself Atheist. You really are and it's sad that people are scared to call them selves that.

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