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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. OK so I want to put the images on:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (long URL for testing)

    inside the div with the yellow dashes (put those there just until I can get the images inside)

    I don't know why they are breaking out though. It's most likely to do with the float: left. I tried the clear:both but that does nothing. I want it to look just like that, but inside my div with the yellow dashes. All the CSS for the gallery images is at the bottom of my style sheet found here:


    Take a gander and see if you know how to fix it. I have been trying to fix this for a couple days now, so ANY help would be great.

    UPDATE: Just noticed it does it with this also:


    Maybe a block element problem? Maybe not a problem with floats, but ul and li? Because the gallery is made from an ul.

  2. I have been having fun with Fantasy font and that resembles your menu font--which you don't have to use graphics. I thought just I'd share

    oh really! I just tried it on my mac but it comes up as Papyrus which as a designer is not a good font to use haha. And on my XP with IE7 it comes up as

    Sneaky sneaky of you booze for using your myspace template for your portfolio sites

    Actually its the other way around haha. Just changed a few things and made it my myspace.

    is change the images to the validation to match with the site as well.

    Yah I'm thinking of just making my own custom valid icons.

    your left and right arrow script doesn't work in either FF 2 and IE 7(I am assuming you haven't set that up), and in IE7 you can't double click the images to see the larger versions.

    Actually I just meant your left and right arrows on the keyboard although I was making icons for left and right arrows then making that to click on and it will scroll over like one pic at a time. And double click on the pictures? They dont work? Why? Is it the javascript? Any help?


  3. After a year in college for design I decided I have enough material for a portfolio site. Not only this. Next years cumulative final is a portfolio site. Might as well get finished before it even starts :D .


    My teacher Jon had always told us less is more and that is what I tried to do. Not too little and not to much. I was hoping you could tell me what needs to be added (I have a list of stuff I am adding now) what needs to be rid of, and what works doesnt work etc.


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (once done oscargodson.com)


    Stuff im adding/working on is the client section and Others > Userbars. I have client work just have not made the page yet.




    I have one report from a Firefox user (dont know what version) that the links do not open in the galleries. It might be from my reflection.js (creates the reflection on the images and will not show on older browsers. It has to be an OLD browser though. IE 5.2 the JS file works.)


    My site has since been updated to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ along with a entirely new layout. I liked my minimal layout, but i was getting tired of it. I am still adding more freebies and getting a portfolio section layout finished.

  4. uhhh no. the ads are NOT covered up. I just checked it in every browser. Also i can even tell you what the ads said "Drum ringtone! Send this ringtone to your cell phone right now!" and two others. They are white ads. It is for sure showing.So far the entire layout works in:OperaSafariShiiraFirefoxI have ONE problem with:IE7 (the content aligns to the left. Help me? Can't figure it out)Doesnt really work with:IE 5.2In every case however the ads show up.

  5. If you want some Leftover Crack I can give you as much as you want. I have talked to them a few times and they dont care if i give out CDs and stuff. They are awesome guys. So yah I can give you a zip folder of all the songs I have of them (about 3 cds worth) if you want them or just the best of.

    OK well here are the links - name - style of punk song

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - American Revolution - Political

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Johnny's Song - About a teen and mother abused by his dad

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - 123 Push - Humor

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Broken Down - About a girl

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Twisted America - Political

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - F***ers in Blue - About Cops

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Cureless Disease - About having an incurable disease

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Somethings Wrong Here - political

    So tell me what you think :D

  6. if you say its 51 billion it would over 19 years to catch up to 3 years of war (If i did the math correctly. forgive me if I didn't). I am looking at the long term. Every 3 years of war equals 1 trillion and the president doesnt want to take people out of the war, so don't expect it to end for at least 3 years and another trillion dollars later.But you said it is not about the money. I would like to know what you care about then? You mentioned health care, they dont pay taxes, health care, and as I see it that's all about money. So what are you trying to say then?And lastly I do not understand where you are going with your Native American thing. Most Native Americans were killed. Most did not recieve anything for the land. This is what I have learned from high school as well as college and internet research anyways. Could you direct me to what you are talking about. I know some were traded things, hence thanksgiving, but that was not even close to the majority or even half. Another thing, and this confuses me the most, Native Americans didn't even know you could buy land. They believed land didn't belong to anyone. Unless you created it, it was no ones. That is one reason there was conflict because they were defending the land, but not for themselves, but for the lands sake. Land was no ones in their world.The final word I have though is Indians are from India. This was a MISTAKE made by Columbus. If you did not know this I would suggest looking this up. I call myself white, and I call others black, mexican, asian, etc. I do not call them Indian. That would be like me calling you Mexican instead of American. Makes no sense. They are Native American and i'm not trying to be PC at all. I hate being PC. This however is common mistake such as saying Columbus discovered America when Leif Erickson, a Norwegian Viking, did in the late tenth century.

  7. takotsu although i disagree I have to welcome you here to Trap 17 because not to often we get newbies coming here actually writing good topics and replying in good length. Thanks!

    What I believe you meant was the land trade with the Indians. The Indians sold land to the English settlers. However, the settlers did take land from them. How? Through war, with armies and invasions.

    Yeahhhh... I think about 90% of the time it was from war. If they didn't want to sell they would be killed and if they did sell they would have to sell acres and acres for extremely cheap. Not because the forced them to sell cheap but because the settlers did not have much. The whole reason they left was because of money and religion. Do you really think they rich people with big houses and the religion of the king would leave? They would have no reason to.

    They come here, make money, and take it all back to Mexico.

    Wouldn't you? You have a wife and starving children. Should you wait and make a few bucks a day or risk it coming here making money and making a good amount of money and save your children. I'm in no way saying it's OK to come here illegally and I am also for people coming here that want to stay and getting a valid license to stay, but for many they have to choose. I know for a fact if my family was suffering and I had a chance to get into America I would. Im not saying it's right though do not get me wrong. Also remember though, a lot of them stay here with their entire family and just live here like normal people and even pay taxes. A very good amount pay taxes and live here and work and the kids go to school. If they are paying taxes why does it matter?

    Could it be because you have no other real valid points against illegal immigrants?

    How is a country not being able to function any longer and collapsing not a vaild point? Or that the president along with
    many other politcal and economic professionals have said they need them?

    It amazes ME that you would sit there and try to push buttons on hot topics that are unconnected to this debate in order to contort the views of the forum members by misconstruing the facts. I know that you are playing on the people's dislike of president Bush to push them toward your side of the argument.

    How is it unconnected? You say that for OUR profit the immigrants should go correct? If you really cared about higher taxes and profits and that sort of stuff should you be caring about the 1 trillion being spent on the war? So just economically which is why you have a problem with the illegal immigrants wouldnt you want to go for the big thing instead of the little amount of money. 1 trillion or how about 51 billion? I don't know if i could either spend 51 dollars rather then $1,000 then i would go with the $1,000. Wouldnt you?

    My point and comparison to the war is your not looking at biggest thing. You worrying about the much much smaller amount of money when you could be looking at the mouch bigger issue. Lets not talk about killing and all that stuff if you dont want to, but it would be MORE COST EFFECTIVE to stop the war and let the immigrants work here.

    ill get to the others later, but i dont have time right now haha

  8. I want to know how it started and why so many use it. I believe it started with the iMac. That's a great idea same as iPod. It was original and unique and never done before. Now it is getting SiCK-A-NiNG. How you ask? How about that "gangsters" type with lowercase "I"s and all caps. Example if you have not seen it or form another country, it looks like this:"HEY WHATS UP HOMiE. WANNA CHiLL TOMORROW. iS THAT AiGHT WiTH U?"It is so annoying. I think apple should be able to and should use it as much as they want since they started it, then what about the products and movies like:iLikeFiOSSiCKOiGoogleiJoy (a massage chair)There are to many to count. These are just products and not even emails, chats, posters (I see band posters every day at college with band names and shows with lowercase "I"s). I think this is way over used and as a designer I believe in being original and these are just blatent and they just want to make more money. What do you guys think. It makes me mad people take stuff from other companies that actually thought of a unique idea.

  9. Here is how i look at the rule. First off I am totally pro-gay. Next off is I see as this. A gay guy shouldn't be in the army NOT because he is gay, but because they like men. Let me explain further before you start to get mad. Women and Men don't sleep in the same place so they do not get sidetracked on their work. This is the same for Firefighters these days also... I think this is extremely dumb. My dad was a firefighter and he loved sleeping in the big place with all the guys and *BLEEP*ing with them all night. Anyways, im getting off subject. Since straight men are not allowed to be with straight women, gay men should not be allowed to sleep with men and same for gay women. This is only equal. Now if they do not ask or show they are gay why would it matter? That's how i look at it. It they dont know and can't tell why would it matter to anyone? If they go out with there partner when they are off does that effect anyone in the army? No. That's my point.

  10. I do not think you know much about economics. Let's go over just a few things and maybe you will understand why you can't do what you are talking about unless you want to start over from scratch. Here are my points of why:


    First off we are ALL immagrants and we stole this country from the people who actually owned it and then we killed them. Do not start complaining about this when the only true people who have the right to are the ones who have the country taken from them. It would be like I have an iPod you take it from me then someone takes it from you and you complain about it, but i dont ever utter a word.


    Next off economics. Do you know how the economics of America work? It's a capitalist one. In this matter we NEED them. That is why we all are losing jobs to people in other countries doing the work for us. We need to do the work as cheap as possible and sell for the most we can get for it. If we didn't do this our country would not be as rich as it is. That is also why we do not have health care is because that costs to much. Don't you get that?


    Now the president. He is the most greedy president we have ever had. He only wants money. This is true and you know it. If he were to get all the illegal immagrants out the entire nation would collapse. It really trully would. He needs them. Don't you get that America was built on capitalism and without the illegal immagrants who work for less then the minimum wage our nation wouldn't be where it is at today.


    Did you also know that the government has estimated that it would cost around $45 billion to deport every illegal immigrant in this country?

    Did you know we would also loose just about everything also? the health care and crap your talking about which costs 51 billion is nothing compared to how much we spend on a war to get oil. We spend so much on the war where our children friends and family die as well as the innocent people in Iraq and you are complaining about people whos life are total trash and they come up here to work for our country which NEEDS them. It just amazes me.

  11. here's the thing, when you crack your knuckles, neck, etc., you're putting the joint out of it's normal range of motion. the habit of cracking them would eventually loosen the joints, and usually cause a "loose grip", thus probably some people assume it leads to arthritis. in some cases, the joints become dislocated and in others causes the tearing of the ligaments. whether it's backed up by scientific study or not, the main point is you do more harm than good. whether it would cause you a loose grip or not, the fact is that you develop a habit that lets you crack them more and more. like what i said, just because it doesn't kill you doesn't mean you have to be careless about it.

    So then you're saying that when gymnasts get older they wont be able to walk? Strange because I have always heard that Yoga is good for you and thats moving them in REALLY weird positions. If you do NOT bend them you get all stiff as you get older. This is if your joints are unused.

  12. to sylenzednuke:

    I want to be in a punk band also and I wouldn't even try to put a genre on it because I have written a lot of songs and if you are interested you can read the lyrics. They are punk as well as way funny! They put punk on there band names to make $$$. I salute NOFX and Leftover Crack the most because they are extremely popular in the punk world and they dont go to any corps or music bussiness to make more $$$. Leftover Crack the most though. They actually dropped a music deal because the wouldnt let them put the name Shoot the Kids at School on the cover of their album.

    Punk bands aren't supposed to be well known, they're supposed to be non-conformist and build a small group of loyal followers in an organic fashion from grass roots using cutting edge technology or completely antiquated means or a weird mixture of both. But they are out there.

    Exactly. So when you say its dead it actually is supposed to. If you think its alive then they screwed up... badly.

  13. fall out boy greenday etctera etctera and those "punk pop" scum shall never die NEVER!!!!!!!!

    haha Fall Out Boy is just not punk at all. It's Alternative and Rock kinda Pop. Greenday used to be kinda punk and if you noticed they all die.

    Also i dont see many punk bands, or the good ones i have heard at least, complain how they are misunderstood. I think you don't know or even listen to punk when you say that. I have made this small list of what the songs I listen to that are punk, actual punk are.

    * Killing/beating/whatever Cops
    * Being drunk
    * Being high
    * Sex
    * Politics (this is the most common)
    * War
    * Unity (Pro-Gay, Anti-Racist, Pro-Choice, etc)

    those are the top subjects of my punk and what actual punk is. I dont know what kind of punk you people listen to. Also i have come to find out this extremely annoying thing:

    People put the word "punk" to become more popular. To give it more appeal. If they just said Pop guys and girls wouldn't like it. They dont want to say my favorite genre is Pop.

    ALSO Punk is NOT DEAD. Punk has never been popular or else it would be called POP! Doesn't anyone here actually listen to punk. Like actual punk. Punk will ALWAYS have less followers then pop and emo and whatever because that's the whole reason punk came out. To be Anti-Popular. That's what punk is all about. Burning flags, killing cops, and saying *BLEEP* you to the president. Wether you like this or not that is what real punk is about. Not about how pretty girls are, how in love you are, how perfect life is because, sorry to burst your bubble, it isnt. They sing about how life actually is. It isnt full of pretty white doves and perfect families.

    Sorry to tell you but the world is filled with liars, killers, and scum bags. And they aren't the ones you see on the side of the street. They are the ones you see on TV with suits and ties.

  14. I got my Linux problem out of the way. I guess you can't put Ubuntu on an Intel Mac because it looks for Windows. Oh well. I put it on my Windows system. not a big loss. So what I have learned about Linux is...Beryl is amazing! It's like Expose on Mac, but with more customization. I actually use it now to make my websites because of the FTP support. It's like your website is just a folder on your desktop or wherever you place it. Very handy. I then your Text Editor for writing my website because it has tabs, color coding, and saves to an FTP. DW8 is to big and clunky when I write pages and pages of code.I love how you can customize Ubuntu so easy and you really can customize about every aspect there is. Best of all, you can do it with tons of support. Unlike Windows trying to block everything from you. Mac is also semi-easy to customize, but not as many options.There is one HUGE disadvantage I have found out though about Ubuntu. There are a lot of little problems. For example, my track pad on my VAIO in which put it on is ultra sensitive and i turned it down all the way and still ill be moving the thing around and it will click on things. The most annoying thing ever. Also the battery timer doesnt work. The % does, just not the timer. Those little things aren't anything, but that trackpad problem a pain in the *bottom*.

  15. Recently I have totally moved all my coding to Linux! I used to do it on my mac, but i moved it. Now this is how it goes!I have Illustrator CS3 I design most everything with graphics wise. Even better I get the whole suite for free!!! And I didn't download it or steal it! So anyways thats what i useI dont use an FTP program I just use Ubuntu 7.04 and it has that built in. You go to your websites files just as if they were a folder on your computer.Then I use the default text editor on Ubuntu called Text Editor (imagin that haha) I like it cause its minimal and DW8 which I used to have was so big and I didnt use a lot of the functions on it because I would type it up myself. Also Text Editorhas color coding which i love, tabs which makes it super easy to switch, and will save to a FTP. Has all the features I used on DW8 but much smaller! I love it.

  16. OK i'm just waiting for people to respond to this topic some more. If not I'll personaly message and get everyone ready or have people do things and we can just name it. I think we have like 4 or 5 people willing to help. Once again. If you want to help please respond saying "I AM WILLING TO HELP" and then tell us what you can do. I ask you read about what things we were going to do with the site and state what you could help with and ill make a list and put up some deadlines and if people start to slack on them we can either give them help with others who arent doing anything or got something done, or have them do something else.

  17. OK ill write back to some of the Qs. I have about 13 things i wanted to reply to. Sorry for the delay. Ok now back to business. Maybe we can get this going no later then a week?


    but you still need a way to let people easily make the page look presentable. An idea would be to allow people to post their snippets of text or whatever and provide a settings page somewhere to configure text colours, backgrounds and things like that. A really simple JavaScript colour picker or something similar would also work quite well.

    I was thinking something like on Blogger or even on Trap 17 when your posting something. What your talking about is just about what i had in mind. Does anyone have any ideas on how to write it? Ill make any icons although most of the icons are fairly normal and used all over.


    In the US you need to comply with COPPA if you allow access to children under the age of 13.

    Then that is what we will do. I will get a copy of it for the sign up process. Anyone under should have to do the process of written permission that is emailed or faxed or something.


    Anyway, I'm willing to help out with any PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS or design stuff if you need it.

    OK rvalkass. How about could you write a script for posting things? Get as much as you can and then when you get to a point where you just add the info like URLs and links and tell me and possibly get an example up?


    I really think we should have voting for almost everything from names to tag-lines. 'cause one person deciding stuff will definitely not be a good idea.

    OK. I have an idea and if someone can write it i can place it on my site and add to it, but we need a poll. So we could have just ONE webpage that you go through and vote and then at the end of the week whatever has the most votes, or whatever hits a certain amount of votes before the week is up, will be what happens. Make it with cookies just to make it more of a hassle to vote more then once and i dont want anyone voting more then once, but i dont want people to sign up and everything.


    And yes, I guess we should get paid hosting and what about the domain?

    I think we should get it after a few months of having it up. I think we should get a domain name asap though. we should have a poll created to vote on a domain name SOON.. We can get paid hosting later when we need it.


    Will there also be an image, music, pic, etc upload tool? It would be cool, but not sure what it takes to make..and it would be a waste of bandwidth lol. Maybe it would be best if they just hotlink their content But if there was an upload tool, it should show you the code to implement it once submitted. Then, after submitted, you can click on a link 'Previous Uploads', that would show all content (clips on pause, and music files with Just the name, or maybe all with just names and extensions), and next to all of the content, include it's code.

    I like the code previous uploads idea a lot. I would want that implemented. As for music, i dont think we need music, but after i thought about it for awhile, we should have it so people can TALK or SPEAK what they wrote for blind or hard of seeing. I wouldnt want music unless it is their created music. This would have people uploading music that isn't theirs but we should have a HARSH email then if they are caught again delete their bio as well as their IP. It would be good for muscians though because their bio would have mostly music stuff.


    As for the idea of only allowing certsain people to see certain content, maybe there should be like a BBCode type thing, where the user would input [friends]Friends only content here[/friends]

    thats not a bad idea for a quick fix. I was thinking though you could just push a button on the editor or the actual bio page (if its your bio and your logged in) and it will lock it from non family members or friends.


    I personally find the idea sort of dumb because all users on wikis get userpages, and in Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia you can stick pretty much whatever you would like in your userpage, though there are some limits, and those limits pretty much equate to what MySpace or any other Social Networking site would probably think is the limit in their TOS

    This ISNT a social network and this ISNT wikipedia. Once again i will repeat. This is a BIO. On your user page its a PAGE. This will be a book. I would even like it to be able to be downloaded to a PDF with a push of a button so you could download it and print it out and read. It will have pages and a cover and everything.


    But we are looking over the features ourselves so I don't think a Wiki would be of any use whatsoever. Maybe it was only to make the site popular? I mean who wouldn't like to experience another Wiki?

    I really dont think we should use Wiki anymore. Let's not even talk about it anymore. We will make out own site all hand coded. This will get rid of a lot of hassle. No editing but just make things the way we want right off that bat.


    Wikimarkup will work pretty well, and I don't think users really deserve CSS on a social networking site. If you've ever looked at any MySpace, you'll see how much it's abused - to the point where the profile is terribly ugly, unreadable, and choking CPU times.

    It doesn't matter. It's their bio. No one will read their bio then. Most of all, im totally not worried about this because why would they? People will be to busy getting the last 30 years of their life typed up.


    Don't even try to give your users the ability to customize with PHP!

    Others have mentioned this already, but just to make it clear, NO we will not give them PHP. Probably just HTML and CSS.


    It would only allow friends/family view certain parts of the page, but that might mess up the idea, as people may be adding content already added, that they just can't view lol. Forget the idea.

    Not at all. This is a bio site and you should have as much freedom to YOUR info as you want. As long as you dont use it to host your stuff and then not write anything then your free to go. even if you were to make every last word hidden to the public, but you actually write stuff go ahead. We would still want you there!


    But here, look at it as a BIG essay, and not a profile where people will have glitter-graphics with text "I am Cool!" or whatever ... it won't even be a blog where you put your everyday happenings, just basic things about your life, how you've gone through it, the most memorable times and stuff like that. While thinking of this, remove the entire "social networking" thing from the topic and add only one word "autobiography", maybe the image will be clearer then.

    This is EXACTLY right. I would like this PMed to people who ever bring up social networking or stuff like that. This is a autobiography period. It is a multipaged bio site in which you will be able to upload your voice, music, photos, and more. (videos,no too big in size maybe later with another host).


    Ok so first thing is first..


    WE NEED A NAME. In your next replied please post:


    A VOTE FOR A NAME. Doesnt have to be one someone or we already talked about just anything that you think would go good then ill make a logo for it as well as others and collab on it.


    IF YOU WILLING TO HELP. If not just dont say anything about this, but anything, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, anything please say something and ill put you on a list for Admins and Mods to the people who will start up the database.


    I ran out of quote blocks so i used code boxes.

  18. My dad's face and fingers swelled over the years, but we thought it was fat. We thought because he drank beer he got that. Also, the night before he died while cleaning after dinner he told us about a dream he had that he was in a plane underwater and all of sudden he wasnt in the plane anymore, but he was drowning. He said it was so real... because it was. Read below.

    Warning SignsCardiomyopathy triggers a set of what Dr. Choi calls "five cardinal symptoms" that should be taken seriously:
    Dizziness, light-headedness, and fainting due to obstruction
    Dyspnea - water stagnating in lungs, resulting in breathlessness after only mild exertion or even while resting
    Edema - mild swelling of the feet and ankles caused by fluid buildup
    Angina - chest pain
    Palpitations or other signs of an irregular heartbeat

    The symptoms may vary depending on the precise location of obstructions created by the thickened heart muscle, says Dr. Choi. "The sites of the obstruction determine the symptoms," he notes.

    If symptoms are present, heart specialists can conduct a battery of tests, including an echocardiogram (also called ECG or EKG), to check for the existence of muscle thickening and to determine the exact size of the heart chamber.

  19. My dad was only 43 when he died. I want people to know how he died and how horrible it was because you need to get checked for this.At 5:30 ish am my mother heard my dads alarm clock going off repeatedly. This was normally a hint my father would give for my mother to do upstairs to cuddle or talk (they slept in seperate rooms because he snored). She walked up the stairs to his room with the clock buzzing over and over again. What she walked into was the worst thing a wife of almost 25 years could see.When she walked in she saw my father, her husband, on the floor belly first face to the side. His arms were stretched in front and legs in the back in a frog like stance, but laying down. His tongue was bitten down on so hard it blead. He was all purple because of how he died. My mother walked, yes walked, into my little brothers room saying,"You dad is having breathing problems im calling 911, but stay in here." She knew he had passed, but she didnt want to scare him. She ran downstairs and grabbed a phone. Went into my room and said "Oscar get up. I need you to help me." I left my room going up the first flight of stairs, i thought something had happened to my baby brothers or sister, but we turned the opposite way. Up the next flight of stairs i thought my brothers friend had something happened to him. He spent the night, but we turned the final turn. I saw his door. It was cracked open. I could see the foot of his bed, but no feet sticking up. Everything was in slow motion. The light coming from his window was shining through the door way so bright and glittering. I knew then... my dad was very bad, but i couldnt see him.I entered the room and saw him. I dont remember what i said or did at first. I knew he was dead. I looked at my mom and she said i have to call 911 now. I dont remember that call much either. I do remember this though, My mom wanted to turn him over because we both knew he wouldnt have wanted to be seen like that. I said no at first. I couldnt touch him, it wasnt him. It didnt look like him. I have never seen him sick all the almost 17 years i knew him. I couldnt believe it, but i knew. She said i had to, we have to do this. I walked over and grabbed his leg.His leg was so cold. It was purple and stiff. His skin felt tight around his body. His eyes were blood shot because the veins had popped. My dad weighed about 230 lbs and he had always told me dead weight weighed a lot, but i just lifted him up. He was as light as a feather. Over he went. Then the worst of this... My dad said when people died like that they have air in their lungs still, but once you flip them it leaves. When we flipped him he released his last breath. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah he went. That was the worst thing in the world. A tiny bit of me was saying he can be saved, but i knew he couldnt. His arms legs and everything were still in the same position because he was stiff. The fireman came and everything and took him away.What did he die of? He died from an elarged heart. That is rare and undetectable unless you ASK for them to look for that. Only ONE test can find it. Only 2% of people with enlarged hearts die instantly like my dad died, but this can be toally stopped with meds. IF YOU GET IT CHECKED. No one ever thought this could happen to him because he was SO healthy. Even worse, this is rare but, 50% of offspring get it and it never dies of the years. If i dont have it my children can. He was purple from the blood going to the bottom of his body.You need this checked before 30 or else a pace maker will be needed.This is the worst thing in the world, but it could have been prevented. Get your heart checked for this!

  20. I'm sorry. I'll try to read as much as i can, but my father died on Sunday night and found him on Monday on my floor. I'll post a topic about this, but i have his funeral to go to and i have been very busy. I NEED this site now. I NEED to write a bio for him. He was such a great father. The worst part... he was 100% healthy no one expected it and one day, at 43, his heart exploded from its elargment.Thanks ill get to this ASAP. Please dont let this topic die. I want this site i just am busy! Thanks!

  21. so is there any scientific proof that it's good? i'm just wondering, since you think it's stupid, maybe you could put something up so you could back up what you just said. what's even more funny was you keep on saying that you doubt the credibility of the information given, but you want to keep yourself on a safe position by stepping back a little and say "they must just not". the reason you find that article on a kid's site is because it's an issue that is getting an alarming response from kids and parents themselves. sure some moms might think the sound is annoying or distracting, and that they use the "arthritis" reason to scare the kids from doing that, but i think they're only using that so kids would stop doing it and not ask any more questions. but the website isn't all hoax about the information, they even gave a few detailed information on what is happening when you crack your neck.

    Why do i have to prove it doesnt? You have to prove it does. Just like anything. I dont try try to NOT prove there is a monster under my bed, i try to prove there IS. If you show something that proves it then great. There is no proof. Cracking knucles releases air that is all. Do you know how what arthritis is? How does it start? What causes it OTHER then supposedly this? Read that before this. I have actually read a book on myths as well as just about arthritis.
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