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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Sprnknwn thanks a lot for that great comment!

    did you make that layout or did you edit the lime div layout

    Awhile ago I saw his and it was ok, but i wasn't super fond of it. There was so many links on it and it had no structure. I didn't copy any bit of it. I did use someones, dont know whos, CSS to find the IDs myspace used, but i didnt copy anything.

    there a good and bad sides to using div layouts because the div tags aint dont dont in some broswes

    The only problem i have discovered after testing in about 9 different browsers was the borders because myspace has just implemented a new feature that it automaticaly converts symbols to the hex ids. For example # is like &hex; (thats not it but for examples) so the only browser that sees the borders is IE because IE doesnt care if you put # in front of the colors.

  2. Thunderbird seems like one of the main ones. I didnt think this amount of people used it.

    the hosting account email. is there so that you can make a Xisto mail? f.ex. myname@Xisto.com? or are we supposed to make a new e-mail account with any other email service and use it as contact address?

    Sort of... You wouldnt have myname@Xisto.com you would have and DO have if your hosted, myname@yourdomain.trap17.com. It's to long so i never use it. I used to have a domain name ojproductions.net that was hosted on Xisto. Then you can do yourname@ojproductions.net. Until you have a domain name its yourname@yoursubdomain.trap17.com

  3. I have to say one thing about Macs because people always bring this up and it sort of makes me mad because i never bought a mac because of this. People always say 5% of people have them and that is it. Well lets say 1% have them. Does that make it a bad thing? No. I want to compare it to a car. Think about this. How many people have a Ford or Chevy compared to a Ferrai? I can tell you right now its not even close. I can also tell you a Ferrai is a hell of a lot better them so ford car or truck. Percentages don't matter it's about performance.

    My Mac at school (i have a laptop and a personal desktop mac at school) froze today. The first time all year. About 5 months. Every USB device i have ever plugged in has had no problems. I can list tons on my PC.

    1. The mouse sometimes gets choppy
    2. My external HD somtimes freezes the entire computer and doesnt read at all
    3. I can't get my printer to work at all with the software even.

    On my mac:
    1. Never, ever had a problem
    2. Takes a little while to start up compared to my PC, thats when it even does, but it always works
    3. I didnt even need to install the software included and it worked. Not only that i have plugged it in to more then one printer and never needed the software.

    Those are only three. Also if you think its a problem with my computer. I have a 2 GHz processor, 1 GB of RAM, 100GB, DUO processor AND is brand new laptop. Bought in July of last year.

    So I went online in hopes to find a better image writer for mac. Since there's almost no third party software available for a mac, it took me a while to find it.

    Kidding? Apple.com has thousands and thousands of freeware. Thats on THERE site even. Microsoft doesnt have thousands of freeware from third parties. By the way i'm only talking about Apple.com

    Windows, because Macs are a major hastle.

    Ok that is for sure a joke. Calling restart after every installation, whole uninstaller to delete a program that doesnt even work every time, freezes, plug and play isnt really plug and play, blue screen of death, ctrl+alt+dlt over and over again to turn one non-responsive program off, or how about amazingly fast search feature that works like *BLEEP* (by the way that was sarcastic) Macs MAYBE a hastle to someone who doesnt know how to use them or to Gamers.

    For some reason Safari decided to name the program .dmg.txt (instead of .dmg, which the file was), a text file, and did this no matter how many times I tried. There was nothing I could do to fix this, since on a mac, changing the extension does not change how the comp tries to read it.

    If it were actually Safari why not try, Camino, IE 5, Firefox, Opera, or just any other browser if you really were trying. And just to let you know, I just tried changing an extension to see if what you said was true, and it isn't. I just changed .jpgs to .pngs and a .mov to a .wmv and both of those said "Unable to read tha data" But when i switched them back they worked fine. Plus, each time i went to change the extension it gave me a warning that you changing the extension and could make the file unreadable.

    I'm a little hostile of people saying Macs are bad because i have used Windows, Macs, and Linuxs and i love Macs the best. That is not the main reason why i hate people who hate macs its because the are ignorant and they speak out there *bottom*. They all have had no real practice on macs and grow with propaganda about how Macs are so bad and dont work and freeze up and turn off at random times in reality they do not what so ever. If they did would 90% of designers use them? Would Adobe make Photoshop and Illustrator and programs like that, FIRST for the mac?

  4. Do you use a client? If so which one? Do you use a website? If so which one?I have tried many clients in my time, but never liked any. I had always used the internet service providers ones. I was curious what Thunderbird was so i downloaded it. I LOVE it. I have had a couple problems with receiving some emails though, but i think that is resolved. I like it because in the Mac version there is a little badge that tells you when you get a new email and how many.So i use Thunderbid by Mozilla

  5. I really like the background. I think if you were to just use less colors (you should try to keep it to about 3 colors) You want to try to get a good color scheme and your ready to go! I would suggest a color wheel. A monochromatic or something color scheme. Your leaning towards a secondary triadic scheme, but it just doesnt really fit. The actual layout and everything looks cool. I would just work on the colors! Great job.

  6. Ok everyone. I thought that doing these things below would be easy:


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Posted Image



    Bur come to find out... It's not easy at all. Not even doable on my part. I can't even get close. My project is to make letters or take pictures of letters and make a book. Now this is a college final so this can not be done crappy. I do not want you all to do all 26 letters, but i want someone to help emulate this effect on photoshop. I TRIED it and i cant really get it to look just right. Could someone help me? I have included a cutout of a mocha picture i took. Its in a PNG file, but i have the 3MB PSD thats all cut out and on it own layer ready for editing if you want.


    Thanks. Remember it has to be a letter created from the creme in the mocha. So please dont be liek I know how, and send me a tree or flower in the mocha.



  7. I have never tried mac before. I have always been a windows kinda guy. One of the reasons I wouldn't want Mac is the compatability problem with a lot of softwares. That Boot Camp thing sounds complicatex and many others may think so too and that may be the reason they wouldn't want Mac. As Windows Vista has come out, a lot of people would rather have that because of all the new offline features it has.
    As for iPod and iTunes: I HATE IT - or i dislike them. I'm not really fund of Apple products, and the iPod is one of those wich I like the least.

    If boot camp is too complicated for you, you probably dont even know how to install a video game. All you do to install Windows on a mac is

    1. Download boot camp
    2. Install Boot camp
    3. Partition your HD
    4. Restart your computer

    And there you go! Next is all Windows installation. You know, that icky, horrible, disgusting blue screen? Yep thats all you have to do on the Mac side.

    And why dont you like iPods? if you HATE them so much why didnt you give at least one example why? I "HATE" WMP because its bulky and not as slim line and clean as iTunes. It has cover flow which is a nice touch also :P Plus, iTunes you can download for BOTH mac and PC, yet PC hasn't released a WMP except for WMP9 and thats only for Power PC and i have an intel so your screwed.

  8. I'm not sure if I want to say yes or no yet. Do you make anything else other then sigs? I mean your sigs are pretty great, but do you have any other art work to share? I think i am the newest new member of the GFX crew so i dont know, but i do not think we need someone who only makes sigs. Maybe we do i dont know! haha Dont get me wrong though! You sigs are great, but i dont want to say yes or no until i see some more art of different types. Even like a logo or header or even web site graphics.Also i dont know why those sigs are bad at all. I was ready to either see nudity or even blood, but neither of those were in those sigs. I think it's stupid you had to do that haha. Just have to wait for truefusion and the gang to come and vote.Good luck!

  9. (EDIT: I would also add that the "other definition" you talk about was never mentioned at all in most every source listed, and when it is, it is rare and less emphasized for a reason. It is that much more biased to favor the obscure definition over the accepted one.

    This is true. I would have to agree. It would be like the word dude. Most people agree that it is a friend or fellow person. Now if you made a topic and were to say "This one dude loves going fishing in his backyard because he lives in the forest" and i were to go, "How is this possible if a dude is someone who is a person reared in a large city?" It just makes things harder for people to understand and is not something which is unnecessary.

  10. Thanks a lot. I really hope people use this layout. Not to just get my downloads up and stuff, but to make myspace decent again. The default profiles on there are ugly and then the ones people make are not even close to much better. I would rather have the default one. I hope you can use it at sometime. And I will most likely just have three profiles for each theme coming out and then explain that there is a striped background you can add and another div or "Bumper Stickers" you can add on to it.

  11. I think most people, Atheist or not, agree with me. No one is in general are that smug. I believe certain Christians are more smug, but that's an opinion and seems more people agree with me. I am sure there are Atheist that are smug as well as every religion. I do not believe in being Agnostic even though i used to say i was. You can't really be Agnostic. 98% of those who are Agnostic believe there is no God and never will be. The fact that we will ever see a God is so unlikely anyways, so you will never have the proof.

  12. i say mac has to make its move, its a sitting duck right now. they make very little attempts to integrate their os to have global compatibility. everything is windows, mac or linux. if macs were more versatile (i.e. easily upgradeable like pcs), and could run beasty games i'd go with a mac anyday. its just the lack of functionality that comes with them. it seems they're too restricted to design, not everybody is a designer though. ;t

    To be honest I am using once now and i think the are MORE compatible. Windows can't connect well with Macs. I got it doing it, but it does it super slow also. Macs connect at one hell of a fast speed. They also can connect over LAN to Linux, Windows, and other Macs. You can use any usb device. You can even install Windows on a Mac. The ONLY downfal i find to macs are the lack of support in games. I almost never play games, so i dont care!

  13. OK first off we were cool in the shout box right? ok just my opinions remember![startrant] :P Who goes door to door selling their religion? Not only does that beat out every Atheist rant, but it's just plain rude and intrusive. Who THREATENS non believes, wether they be Atheists or another religion, that they will go to hell? Who makes posts about Atheist to shut up? haha. Honestly though go on this board and look at the topics based upon believers who start it and Atheists? Look at the Atheist topics and how they start. Most say somewhere in there "I dont care just wondering" Rather then "You will go to hell..."?Plus this is not the main reason. President Bush (the old one haha) once said "I do not believe Atheist should be counted as citizens" Now i am not just saying that he is the only one like this. Do you know how we feel? If you believe in Jesus, in person, we DARE not say how stupid or how we dont believe it. We will be attacked with threats of hell and, yes, violence. When was the last time you heard a Atheist going and setting fire to a Christians home? What about shooting them? Not as much as the other way around. We as Atheists feel alone. Just as gay kids do growing up (in my opinion growing up). How black kids felt left out years ago in America. Did you know more people would vote for every type of religion, race, and sexual orientation BEFORE an Atheist? This has been concluded in many studies. We feel as though we are hated. So yes, we do get a bit edgey when you talk about your God repeatly and everyone respects you so much more then if you say i dont believe in a god or even worse, ATHEIST DUN DUN DUN! It is true. Don't believe me? Try this. The next time your with someone you dont know to well and have not yet told them what your religious beliefs are say this "I am an Atheist" simply say that. Look at how they look at you. Listen to the completely just flat out rude questions they ask. They look as though your a complete moron. Then do the same thing and say about your current religion. People will respect you.Atheist want respect is all. That's it. We have none. No Atheist campaign as that. It's litteraly called suicide. The president doesnt want to call us citizens even? The worst part about it is you are made felt ashamed of it.[/endrant]

  14. Logo A: Better for a banner/header for sure. Also if you were to take that shield out and use that for the actual logo for the site, that would be great. Did you make the shield in a vector program? If so then yes, make that your sites logo by far! If it was made in photoshop or a pixel/bitmap program i would redo it in a vector program so you can blow it up and shrink it without loss of quality. If you want more info on that PM me or post something here. Ill get back here! I also love the typography in this one!Logo B: Looks a little weak. Not much there. Very static. I would develop that a little more. Although the one above blows this one out of the park. It has potential for a even stronger header/logo then above it's not quite there. Also is that a font? If its a font did you stretch it or increase the font size? If you stretched it thats a big no no in the graphic design world. It might just look like that, but i pretty sure it is since it has the same width as below, but is at a larger font size. Hope my comments help at all. I really like that shield though. Simple, but pretty strong and effective. Because of the angle it is also interesting and becomes less static.

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