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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Beware!!!! u sign up the pop-up means u are trapped.
    all this is scam!! scam!! scam!!

    once click -> u get adware
    second click(sign up) -> u get nothing but post ur information to the scammer(pop-up).
    third click(sign in) -> u get spyware and trojan install in ur computer

    so i warning u all don't posting your important information on this all pop-up or u will regret

    By the way, i not a scammer but a trapped person on this scam. just want to tell u all based on my experiance

    That's ridiculous. Have you ever done this before? Well maybe if you went to some site called like freeipods.tk or sometthing. They have to give free stuff when they are sponsored by companies like blockbuster or else blockbuster would sue them.

    Notice from rejected:
    Please refrane from using profanity.

  2. Yes no doubt about it. Every genius there ever was knows this. The odds of there not being one is more then 1:100000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Its true. Think about all the space out there. OK now add all the planets. That's a lot. The only people i know that don't think this is religious people who state that there is not because God never said anything about it in the bible and other things.

  3. And Religion is very important in a conversation such as this, so it must be included

    Why? There is a law that states "Seperation of Church and State" So why should we include it? I never bring religion up in a conversation. 1 reason is im not religious. I'm looking at why they should get married in the legal matters. I don't give a sh** what other peoples religions are. We are looking at Gay Marriage not religious marriages. This has nothing to do with religions. People make it have to do with religions.

  4. 1. No Militarial or Police power, The constitution is just a piece of paper, it doesnt define rights, the police are powerless, and so is the military, they can only control people by brute force because there is no law or "legal"

    They still do that now. Trust me i have 2 uncles that are police and they admit they beat people up all the time. You should look it up. They don't let most of it get out because its a bad wrap. They don't even help out anyway. Sure they catch some killers, but while they spend 5% of there budget on that they spend 95% on drugs. Drug abuse is bad... i guess, but wouldnt you like them to drop that and go after the child rapists?

    2. Trials and crime pointless. The Trials in court, and the crimes committed have no cost, except your own life, because the law can't arrest you without brute force, and will just keep you in prison

    Trials are pointless now. Trials are litteraly controlled by money. If you don't believe so look at OJ Simpson or Michael Jackson. I think court is pointless. They used to take bribes, but they stopped that and instead use the money to buy laywers that pertect the most evil people. So in conclusion this all happens now. Open your eyes and ears. Look into it. I know people will agree with me on at least point 2.

  5. My website has been running fine until a few days ago. First thing i notcied was i made all my nav buttons rollovers and when i uploaded then via ftp the only one that changed was the home page ".../home.html" Then whenever i tried to upload anything else it wouldnt work. It says its uploading, but dosnt. I did all this uploading into the public html folder. Then after getting worried that i will not ever be able to update my site i tried one last place the www folder. What is that folder? It works when i upload stuff and the pages work now, but why and what is this folder? How did my files form the public html folder get in there in the first place?Any help would be great because my site updates literaly every 24 hrs.

  6. there's a biological factor in this. men are obviously men, and women are obviously women. men and women have different sexual organs. these organs are used to produce offspring.
    man and man cannot have children. woman and woman cannot have children.

    it just doesn't fit.

    and contrary to popular belief, homosexuality is not something that can never go away. i read this testimony about this guy that started looking at guys, and then after he became a christian, he wasn't interested in guys anymore

    Ummm first there are many familes in the world that never have kids.

    second he stopped looking at guys because it was against his religion. And who was this guy? Where did you read about it? When did this happen?

  7. satan is real

    Thats the same as saying god is real. There is no proof so you cant just say he is real.

    and you do have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven.

    So let me get this straight. God makes us humans, but then sends them to hell if they don't believe in him. Wouldnt it be somewhat his fault. Think about it. At court you prove your point. If you don't you lose. God has shown no proof to me so will i go to hell even though he has shown me nothing. To other people maybe he has, but to me no. So i guess i will go to hell then?

    the only difference is that we have jesus, and jesus is who we're living for.

    I kinda feel sorry for you in a way. Not to be mean about your religion, but for you. Your living for someone else. You should live for yourself and no one but yourself

    also, life is just a lot easier if you know that God is there.

    How? I have never believed in God nor has my Dad. My mom and other brother have and we are all happy.

  8. It is much better to have Google Adsense if your website has really big amount of visitor and followers. If not I would suggest to just forget about it, You will have a long time earning your first check from Google Adsense. there are times when your website would load slower because of the advertisements, and some visitors just hate seeing ads on websites.

    OK thanks. Yah i hate ads too thats why i switched to Trap 17 and i also got rid of all my affilates that were on my old site.

  9. Don't you hate those pop-ups that say get a free iPod or PSP or sometimes even a laptop? Well i wanted to show how to actually get those things all free.


    There are some things you need to do before we start. First is to make an email address. DO NOT USE THE EMAIL YOUR USING NOW. I would use GMail because it can hold a lot and you'll need the space. You will get a lot of spam.


    Next is to have a piece of notebook paper and pen OR use notepad or something on the computer to type in it and save.


    OK with those ready you just have to find a site that gives those away free. Best bet is to find one like this http://superbrewards.com/404?214a


    After you fill out your email address you made above fill out your name and all the other info it asks. After that you will come to a page with sponsors you have to sign up with. Find the ones that are free (almost all are free) and sign up with them. This is when your pen and paper comes in. You need to write all the info about the place you just signed up with on the paper. You have to write down the date the free trial ends, so you can call them up and cancel. Make sure right down these four things:


    1.Name of sponsor

    2.Phone Number

    3.Expiration of their free trial.

    4.Date you signed up. (for legal reasons)


    Any extra info is great. MAKE SURE TO USE THE EMAIL YOU MADE ABOVE.


    Next you just have to keep this up and look at how many points you need. When you cancel from a membership you have to wait till the last day it says or else it wont count towards the reward. After all this you just got to fill out the form they give you to get the reward. It sounds easy, but you have go to pay attention to when the other offers end. If you wait even a day to long then you'll have to pay. If your on top of your game and paid attention you should have your gift within a week.


    Hope this helps. I do not take responsiblity however if you somehow get screwed by them or there sponsors. You do this at your own risk. I have gotten a few friends free gifts with this tutorial, so i thought i'd share. Remember to check the bad email you made and see if the sponsors emailed you a legit question towards the reward.

  10. OK i'm not talking about having a glass of wine a dinner. I'm also not talking about people who have drinking problems. I'm talking about why do people decide to get drunk for fun? Don't call me a prude cause i have drank before and even gotten into trouble at school for it. I did all of those because it was "cool" I have never understood why people just decide to get drunk though. One of my friends that comes over and is also one of the the main person in the O&J Productions crew (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ my site) Always goes," we should get wasted tonight". I usually say why don't we make another video/movie. My friend who used to be a chain smoker quit after he started playing music because he said he was just bored before. Now we jam and he has gotten really good because everytime he is bored he plays the guitar instead of smoking.Maybe its just me, but i'm not into getting drunk and feeling like poop (can't say the "S" word) in the morning when i could be writing music for my band, working on my site, and/or writing and filming movies.

  11. I was thinking about getting it, but i don't know of anyone that makes any money what so ever on there. Youd have to be like Myspace to make decent money. Another question is it worth all the work to sign up? My last question is just should i get it. I would put it on my 2 sites http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I get a good amount of vistors, but not a lot.

    P.S. could i put it on my myspace page?

  12. [3]Evil is the absence of good.[4]Well, it's against Christian rules to cheat on your partner. Divorce isn't really that much against Christianity. There are, i believe, 3 exceptions where you can divorce. Plus, "till death due us part", means death is a form of divorce if you were married.
    [6]They don't have to go to confession. God will hear you no matter where you are. You don't have to talk to a person in the other booth, in order for God to hear you.
    [8]You mean, like abortion? Yet, it still goes around.

    3. Well what is that? Isnt stealing gum from someone not good?

    4. What are all those reasons. There are reasons i can understand, but one i can't is when they have kids any they go, "they just arnt the same" or," I just dont really love him anymore" I think once you have kids you stay together for them even if"you dont love each other" anymore.

    6. Then why do they even have it?

    8. Well abortion is with your consent so it was never the Dr.'s choice it was the mother.

  13. I hate them too, but you can actually get a free iPod. Free shipping and everything. I dont do it becuse im not 18, but i know someone who has and it came within a week after he filled out everything. You should try it. Big items like Laptops take longer to get enough points for, but worth the work since a $2,000 is completly free. I do hate the pop ups. There is a 1,000,000 different ways they could do it. And i never get spam in GMail.

  14. IPod linux is so slow on mine. It is cool that i can look at photos on my iPod that is in black and white, but i would rather have speed then "coolness" It would also freeze all the time. I couldnt even lay some songs" I know i set it up right though. So i just uninstalled it and my iPod was as good as new and fast again. Thats why i don't like it. If i could get it to go faster and not freeze it would be awesome.

  15. Inevitably someone will see in their own eyes a better system of management, and it will be that person's endeavour to mould the nation to suit their political interest. All it takes is for one person to desire a governing entity and anarchy's over

    I dont think you understand Anarchy, because if you did you would know that people arnt just going to let some leader takeover their freedom. Lets look at it this way:

    You have a house or living area right? There is no "goverment" there. There is however, basic rules. If someone were to break into your house and say this mine what would you do? There is lots of different things you could do, but i as hell sure NOT let him do that. I would go over there and throw him out of my house. It would not be pretty, but i would not just let him in and claim my house.

    Maybe i dont understand what your saying. This argument truly makes no sence. No person or persons is just going to say," Hey wanna come into our free land and claim it yours and change all the rules!" No. Anyone with half a brain knows that people throughout history have at least fought for there land.
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