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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Unfortunatly in New Zealand we do not have freedom like that...We have to go to high school in order to get a good NCEA result. The better the result the better we can do at University.
    Eg. If I wanted to be a dentist I would have to have a B+ on lvl 2.

    That's an interesting concept. Never heard of that. So what if you fail? No second chances?

  2. OK everyone does anyone have a PSP? If not that's OK, but i would like a team of people to help me with the making of a HTML and Javascript based software, you could call it, for the PSP. I was doing everything by my self, but it was getting hard. People were asking me when it would be done and i have to tell them i dont know. I just ned help with graphics, HTML, Javascript, and testing.

    Graphics would be things such as wallpapers, task bar, and start button. Although i got some of those done i do not like my task bar and start button much. If anyone is interested with me there just respond to the post and i can tell you more of what to make.

    HTML would be for the actual program. Because this is not homebrew* it runs in the Internet Browser on the PSP. For it to run it has to be in HTML. It could be in Flash too, but loading time is too long. The HTML would just be like webpages that look like folders and menus. More info if you respond to the post saying you would be interested.

    Now he Javascript would be for things such as the clock and games. I have some other ideas, but i dont think they would work. If someone knows a way that you could push a buton and a new icon/folder is made please tell me how. Also I was looking for someone that could make me a dictionary. I could just copy and paste one from a website, but it needs a search and make it look nice.

    Testers would be just people who find problems and ask me questions for the FAQ. Testers need to have a 2.0 or above firmware and also need a way to connect the PSP to the computer.

    More info on the Windows PSP project at my blog at myspace.com/bumwrecker and also on my new site i put up today hosted by Trap 17 at boozker.trap17.com

    Any help would be great. Maybe just one person to make a start button and some one to write a script for the dictionary and stuff would be awesome. I'll put your name and website in the About page on my site and also on Windows PSP itself. And i'm looking for a team for Buddha Productions more info if your interested.


    *Homebrew is unofficial programs made for the PSP. Homebrew has its name because programmers would make it at there home.

  3. Your right about people running around crazy. First off why woulld they do that. I know someone posted something like that. I mean it worked fine for the Indians. Well, until "Americans" killed them and took there land for there own. haha

    at little big horn national cemetery, there's a monument that reads: "to the soldiers killed in montana while clearing hostile indians away... '

    Does that make sence? Well duh there going to be hostile. They were stealing there land.

  4. Hey i'm getting a new laptop and i was wondering which one i should get. I hope this is the right place since this is the advice forum i thought this is the right place to put it. I have any $$$ amount for one, but nothing like 10,000 dollars. I'll spend a little more for something that is good and will last. I have never had a laptop. I have just always had desktops. Any advice would be great.

  5. Why did you just quote the whole thing? This does not give you points for hosting or contribute towards the conversation.

    But how can you say that if you missed most of your high school ones?
    Two years of high school has two homecomings, junior prom, senior prom, senior slump, tons of hours with friends, and I probably forgot a lot.

    Your right. There is some great times, but there is great times at college. No matter where you go (unless you really hate it) There will be some good times. They are just different good times. Remember not everyone goes to all the dances also. Altough I did, not everyone does. And why can't you have hours with friends at your house or the mall or elsewhere.

    People connect High school with there entire life from the ages of 14-18 (about) You don't have to just go to high school to hang with your friends. Those 2 years i made less good friends then when i went to grade school and have those friends still. My point is that high school is not the only place for friends. I see it as a place to meet new people. Then get there phone number then call them.

  6. Yah i'm looking for a different theme now. I tried reinstalling it. It dosnt work. The other themes work great. Thanks for the help though. If anyone else has had problems with this theme put it in my forum. You can even upload the corrected file in my forum. I made my forum so that there is freedom to any file extension.

  7. I've just visited it and it seems to be loading perfectly. I am presuming that you have managed to fix the problem. Remember, it is best to have everything default, even the theme, until you are certain that it works, then you can start changing logos, themes and other files.

    I went back and it still dosnt work. It loads fine, but it has that error. And i think i'm going to get rid of that theme because i can find the Post New Topic buttons. No i never changed any permissions, or deleted any default files. This theme could be a dud

  8. Well is it case sensitive? The file is there. And it is the exact directory. I did however change the theme and logo. The logo is the same size and same extension (.gif) I moved just the theme folder like it said to do in the /forum/Themes/Anyone else know? I'll uninstall it if no one answers soon though.

  9. Hi i'm VERY new to PHP and i got this error in my forum and i have no idea how to fix it. Can someone help me?Here is the error:Fatal error: Call to undefined function: template_button_strip() in /home/boozker/public_html/forum/Sources/Load.php(1040) : eval()'d code on line 219My forum address is boozker.trap17.com/forumI just set up the forum today that's why there is no posts or anything. If someone could help that would great. Remember i am new so please don't use a bunch of jargon i don't know. ThanksBooZker

  10. It's also mostly (all?) multiple choice, unlike high school classes and a lot of final exams.


    I'm just curious, but did your parents let you drop out or were you emancipated? Are you aware that you're only making more money than your friends because they're training to be able to get better jobs?


    You're also missing a lot of fun high school experiences.


    Your right. Employers look down at GED holders, But when they are 16 and also are almost done with there 2 year degree they all see that as someone who is working hard to get a good career. My parents let me drop out of Highschool as long as i stayed in college and passed the GED tests. The training part is not true. I'm 2 years ahead of all of them in training. Trust me, when i apply for a jobs they all say wow, you got your GED when you were 16. Then they ask why. Then i always say because i wanted to get a head start for my career. They all say great we'll call you and i have never been turned down for a job.


    Highschool experiences are not as fun as College ones. <_<

  11. Adriantc i read your whole post and found it very in depth. I was wondering in your goverment what if the leader becomes corrupted? How much does he get paid? Would your people have any say? Not any person is perfect and what if he makes a bad decision?

    The problem with my goverment would be even if they did not become corrupted people could get propaganda and try to kick them out of office. Another problem is that in any office like that the people who get elected have to have money. The reason they need money is to advertise them selfs.

    I think it is sad in America that there is countries in Africa where little kids are be raped and slaughtered, but we are in Iraq. To me this makes no sence. Then again it does. George Bush is president for 8 years. Not that long. After he is out he will have all this oil money. I would call it his retirement money.

    In your goverment will there be any co, vice leader? Will he be at the same level as all the other people in the income sence? Because in communism there is really only 2 classes. pour and wealthy.

    And this quote i strongly disagree with.

    A great ruler can't be a weak one, he must be feared in a certain degree.

    Look at George W. Bush, does anyone fear him? haha! Look at his quotes that make no sence.

    "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001
    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

  12. why pay to keep people in prison when we could get rid of them and use the meat to feed the homeless.

    haha how umm considerate you are lol.

    adriantc You know know i think your actually a lot smarter then i thought you were. Not to be a dumbazz, but i thought you were talking about having kings. I can understand your way a lot. What country are you from?

    All those rulers you were talking about today were actually amazing people, but the way i see it is how are they any different then Adolf Hitler? They wanted to claim land (the world), so did Hitler. Hitler also killed tons and tons of people in the war. So did those people. Although some of them allowed the prisoners to be slaves if they surrendered this is still very harsh punishment for being in the wrong place at the wrong time..

    Not to correct you and be all anal about it, but democracy is not what makes the rich richer, but it is capitalism. I do not think democracy is the best answer at all. Capitalism is a horrible to me. It is really sad when the pour just get SO pour. And the rich get richer and in capitalism as you get richer the more power you have. With money comes corruption and power. Bad forumla.

    My opinion on the best form of goverment would be a world goverment (United Nations for example) A form of representive democracy. Where there is just one big group of people who make decisions like a jury. The people would elect them t represent them. The world would be the voters though, so that you could get a huge variety of decision making going on. The chance of this ever to even get started is so slim.

    adriantc though thanks for writing all that out, or else i would of thought you were some idiot and hammered you on all the dumb things you said that in reality were thought out.

    In your form of goverment how would you elect or grant power to the person?

    I hope the forum does not care, but this song is perfect about what we are talking about. What adriantc was talking about in Democracy and Capitalism is so true to the extent it is scary. Here is a song and i will bleep out the bad words, but this song has strong opinions. While i do not support all of them i do support some. The towers in the song refer to the 9/11 trade towers. They see this as a fall of capitalism and that in every big empire such as rome or greece they all fall.

    "Super Tuesday"
    It ain't a mystery, that US History
    Was built upon the graves
    Of native ways and beaten slaves
    Yeah, we're all free and brave
    until we misbehave
    and there's just no escape
    from the crushing weight
    of the police state

    Two towers falling down
    I'll be at zero ground
    We're flying friendly skies
    Until the city dies
    And you don't want to see
    Through human history,
    Empires will always fall
    This is the final call

    the world bank and the IMF have created a system of modern-day colonialism
    to make the people in the developing world poorer,
    and the multinational corporations richer,
    and take the power away from all of us
    it's time to take back control of our lives
    and tear apart these monuments to greed
    and build our new world from the broken pieces

    I pledge allegiance to no flag
    Top the bottle with an oily rag
    we're building up an army fast
    to destroy the pigs and break the upper class
    I'm only one
    This is my voice
    But you're gonna have to make a choice
    I don't care if you disagree
    'cause this "F-ing" thing
    It means the whole world to me!

    We won't be hypnotized, by all the media lies
    it's time the truth is told
    when you're sick to death of being bought and sold
    our freedom's been misplaced
    "F" that, it's been erased,
    the world's our shooting range,
    I'm gonna spare some change
    To bomb the stock exchange

    these skewed development policies kill people every day
    and keep us so hypnotized that even though it's right in front of our eyes, we don't see it...
    world trade is a death machine.

    [Chorus 2x]

    The song was by the band Leftover Crack and on the album "F" World Trade

    If i missed a bad word just tell me.

  13. umm no they dont have children. They adopt.

    Also Dude your living in the past. I just want to know your way of thinking. Male dominant. I can tell you right now that i know people that i think the man is a idiot. Hope to god he is never dominate. Have you picked up a history book ever? Do you remeber the right to vote for women? That was suc a fight yet you still believe that is true? You might say no i don't but what you ARE going to say is tht men are dominate and should be.

    Let's just say this is true, because it is. The Man loves children and lloves to stay at home and watch and care for them. Now the wife loves children, but dosnt like to stay at home. Would you rather have the parent who will not be able to watch them in a good manner then to have the one who loves that job denied because of the the ONE way the bible says? You know how many times christians have broken the rules how about the 51% divorce rate. I'm pretty sure that the other 49% is not all christians.

    *laughs* BooZker: You kinda missed the (what i thought was blatent) bitting sarcasim in the "Ten reasons why being gay is wrong" post by 42ndEndOfTheWorld. It's a farce. Taking the opposition's side to try and emphasis how ludacrist is sounds.

    Haha alright i wasnt sure there. Plus i have heard some REALLY dumb things lately. There is this group of people who still think the earth is flat. Still. lol off subject, but thats why i can't believe anything i hear anymore.

  14. Oh god i have so much to say in such little time

    Another food for thought, if they say a man is the head of the household. Then if there are two man in the household, who is the head? Haha.

    To start off, this is a sexist statement and women should have the right to choose. Something something like this in a job could get you in SERIOUS problems.

    Secondly, what if everyone becomes gays or lesbians, how would gays or lesbians reproduced? Does it mean the termination of the human race that we know of? Of course thankfully not everyone wants to be gays or lesbians.

    Come on now. All of a sudden everyone is going to become gay? This should have never even been brought up because this would never happen.

    4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

    This is a joke right? If not what country are you from?

    7. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

    Also very VERY dumb. How were gays born? Well they need 2 staright people to have them right?

    8. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

    Indeed in some cases yes. Some cases no. That is a closed minded thing to say. Have you actually studied all religions? Of course not. Also i might ask what if it was a strong religion for this? America is holding there constitutional rights back from the right of there own religion. You know that in sports you have to get shots. This is also known as a physical. If in your religion it is against the rules to have shots (Things that God has not giving you and injecting them into the body has givin) You dont have to have it done. I know many people that they do not have shots because of this.

    9. Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

    VERY VERY TRUE! Oh dang it i forgot one thing. 9.8 million familes (2000 census number has increased over the years) are ALREADY single parent families. So you think that it is better to have children is foster care or in countries where they are so pour they have to get rid of them then to give them to gay parents? If so, wow, thats all i have to say about that, wow.

    - If for any reason the gay people can not act as nature expect from them, then let this not by shouting or make prades or asking equality in every items of life . Disable people can be respected but they have to know their abnormality. The blind or deaf people have not to go fight and say it is equality. The people with heart problem have not to practice hard activities. People with bone problem have not to compete in running or swimming. People with sight problem and using glasses better to them not participate in some activitites.

    Two people in wheelchair can get married. Blind people can get married. Hmm... i dont see what point your trying to get across since the topic is gay marriage. Also this is not a physical problem. Some people may call it a mental one (i do not) but the things your saying are physical

    So with all that typing i would love to see more opinions!

  15. adriantc i do not agree with you at all your talking about Kings and Queens. If you havnt noticed that is not around anymore. The reasons?Tons of corruptionPour get pourer faster then capitalismOne sided answers to all problemsNot to mention that it has failed every single time. Name ONE country today that is functioning great today that has king and queensYou would not be able to choose your religion, career, or sometimes even wife/husband.DUMB IDEA. I think when you go to college, or if your in college take a world history class and politics. Think about how many revolutions there has been. Does that not even process in your mind? No matter how smart someone is there going to be faults in there thinking? Albert Einstein was one of the smartest, he was an Anarchist. So this would not work so you would have to pick someone not as smart.By the way that is called Monarchy in which the leaders are chosen from divine right. And to support the death penalty so strongly is not so thoughtful. For one your giving them the easy road out. Second, what if they are innocent? Do you know how many cases there have been that have ended up like that. I'm not religious at all, but i do think killing someone is going back, AGAIN, to the dark ages. I live in washington where it is still legal to hang people and also death by firing squad. I think put them in jail for life rather then letting them out the easy way.Seriously though does anyone agree with going back to the King and Queen ages? They were called the Dark Ages for a reason.

  16. Gay rights has been a controversial topic for a long time. In this discussion i would like you to please NOT include religion. The reason is in America the choices are not supposed to be based on religion. So with that in mind read on.For me i don't understand why this is even a controversial topic. I can understand people who are against it for religious reasons, but why else. If nothing else then it should be allowed right? No, i guess not. Why is it such a big deal. George Bush even wants to make it an amendment against it. The reasons why most laws are made are for safety and so the country does not go into chaos. Being gay, homosexual, does not hurt anyone. In fact it is hard to be a gay male/female. Not many people agree with it and they could lose the friends. So why is this illegal. I think they should be able to get married. They are life partners now anyway. Would it make that much of a difference? I guess they would get tax cuts and a piece of paper showing they are married, but not really anything else. To be staight up i think its none of anyones business.What do you guys think?

  17. jlhaslip yes you are getting me to se both sides. Thank you. and the link is on wikipedia (man i love that site) When you told me to look it up i went to google and wikipedia was on it. The N word is so confusing for a number of reasons. Some of the most powerful black people use it although no one else can. And Oprah has even quoted that she thinks everyone should stop using it even blacks. I think it is just a word that some people like and some dont. Anymore I think its just like the "F" word, different people re act differently to it.

    The link to the quotes is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_discrimination and as you can see i posted the entire paragraph and did not edit in anyway

  18. I think the best place is shorturl.com

    my carpet boarding site (not hosted by Xisto.com) is carpetboarding.2hell.com and it has no banners no ads what so ever and they have SO many choices on domain names. Just sign up with tagworld.com (follow the instruction for free premium service) and you never have to go to tagworld.com again and you get free premium service. The only problem is that its not like .be or even co.uk its YOURDOMAIN.SOMETHING.COM

    But just check it out for having no banners or anything for free its good. No Catch.

  19. Examples of the effects can be seen in both the job market and college admissions. With quotas of minorities to fill, it may be necessary for the common sociopolitical groups to be passed over in certain circumstances to select a candidate solely due to their sociopolitical background. It is worth noting that in particular, racial quotas for collegiate admission were held to be unconstitutional in the United States, although non-quota race preferences in admissions are legal.

    Does that make any sence what so ever. If it does then please inform how. If its unconstitutional in college why not in the work place? This is unconstitional no matter what you put it. Here is how i would say it. We need "X" race so even if they are not fit for the job nor if they even really want it we will give it to them. We will not actually make them work for it. And when "Y" race works hard we will dock them points.

    I think you should also read the quote below.

    Opponents of "Affirmative Action" point out that the "reverse" in reverse discrimination indicates that "normal" discrimination is an attribute of "white" people, inherently. Thus, when racial discrimination is targeted at white victims instead on non-whites it is "reverse". This is considered a misnomer since racial discrimination is discrimination against any human being (including "white" ones) on the basis of race or color.

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