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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Is the world coming to an end? Is there more pandemonium today than ever before in history?
    The Iraq war, the Timor Leste insurgency, the Congo civil war, the Thailand political crisis, the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the Japan-NorthKorea-US tension, the Bird Flu, the SARS, the Hurricane Katrina, and, they all seem to point the world in one direction: self-destruction.

    Why is there so much more fighting in a modern world that champions globalisation, peace and diplomacy? Why is there so much more diseases and natural disasters? Is it God, or is it us?

    Haha its not God or else he would have flooded us and gave us an Ark by now (No hard feelings. It's just what the bible said he did before lol)

    Ok for real now, I dont think its worse. I mean before people would fight for land everyday. They would kill each other much more brutaly then today. It was just different. They also had disease, but they could not cure them and people would die much more quickly. Wasnt the average life span in ancient Egypt only 30 years? I do think that global warming will get to us here soon because that happens naturaly and we really have screwed that up really bad with all the damn cars and planes and everything else. The only reason we still havnt tried something else it because the make more $$$ with Gas.

  2. No, the world would not be a better place without religion. it would only be worse. In my opinion Religion keeps less crimes. because if there was no religion, than people would not know anything about the human life or would have no feelings about killing another. and why is now religion being mixed with religion? they are not one related. a terrorist could be somebody your own relgion killing you, i think you are kind of discriminating when you use terrorists and religion.terrorists are not religious people, not matter what they say. those are jsut some iditos who think that, and we have many of those in this world. and i think that no days, when somebody speaks of terrorists is kind of talking about the alquida, but there could be other groups as well, you never know! I think that religion is here to test us to see if we can live in peace with each other, all the different races, religions and everything else that makes us differents, cultures as well. So far, i really haven't seen it working, so much racism and many religion problems.. We all have a heart, breain and feelings, you just gotta know how to use them. Without religion there woul dbe less laws and sure as heck more crimes, trust me, there are many people who respect their religion and try to follow it and stay away from problems, but there are those who just want to scew things up. my answer is There would be no world without religion!!!

    There is no proof there would be less crimes. How do you base this even? I'm not religious and although i have broken some laws such as speeding i really don't think if i thought God was real i owuld do that less. My little brothers have grown up knowing hitting another person is bad because they get in trouble. If they were religious i think they would do the exact same. One is 2 years old and she obviously knows if she hits her brothers its bad and she has grown up without a religion.

    Religion can be simply another word for the beliefs by which we live our lives. In that case, it's inescapable so long as we maintain our humanity. If by religion you mean the organized pursuit of God, we can see what happens in societies that try to eliminate it. Communist countries like China, Cuba, and Soviet Russia have tried eliminating religion completely and torturing and imprisoning all who practice it. Tell me, are those countries any better than those without? Hitler made a society where the only religion was his Aryan-perfectionist ideas, and he killed many Jews and Christians who hid Jews. Was his society any better? By examining societies that have sought to destroy religion, we can thus evaluate the merit of a lack of religion.

    Maybe you didn't read my first post or second or any... I said if God just never existed. The idea never happened. I believe in freedom so i would never try to convert someone and i would never take away their choice of religion. I mean i would fight back if someone like Hitler told me i had to believe in a God.

    Well before I start I want to say that my mom is very spiritual not in the sense of like believing in God and going to church everyday but she is more like the yoga type. She is into the Buddhist sayings. One thing she said to me is that people need to believe in something and they need guidance. She said that many people dont look up to another human for guidance after the age of 30 and most people wont anyway. But believing in a figure like God makes you stay in peace with yourself and calm. Many people will be lost if religion didn't exist like if something went wrong they wouldn't have anything to look forward to and if one is pushed to extreme poverty they might lead into crime but the thought that God is looking at me and I cant disrespect God keeps many people focused. Also there is a famous Bible story that proves that people always need guidance if you don't believe in the Bible it is ok just read this anyway you don't need to be religious. When the Jewish people were in the desert and they told Moses to go and talk to God that their living conditions weren't good so when Moses went to talk to God it took a little long and the people thought that he left them so they built a golden cow and prayed to it for guidance and help. This is just an abbreviation of a story that shows that people desperately need guidance all the time even after a short time they feel lost. So in my opinion religion is very important and people who dont believe in god believe in a good life or something like a goal that keeps them on track but not everyone can do that.

    Maybe, but maybe not. When i'm sad or mad or whatever i turn to a friend or a girlfriend. I don't need a golden cow, Jesus, or something like that. If i need guidance i turn to another living human i can talk to and receive answers back. Some people say they talk to them and dreams and so fourth, but there is no proof. If you have a vivid dream and you were christian and the dream was of Jesus saying,"Kill your child and come to heaven" would you? Some people say yes. Now if you were talking to a human leader not a spirtual one like the President and he said the same thing almost everyone would try to get him arrested.

  3. Hmm I don't really like the style of websites you create, all the graphics dont merge with each other really well. A good website is a website where all elemets merge into each other so it looks more as a whole than just a header with a menu and a content area. Keep on designing tho, you will be able to make great websites if you just practise enough...

    I understand. Thanks. I dont really like sites though that have graphics all over the place. I know thats not what you meant though.

  4. This is a great service! For all of you guys who dont have it and want an email with your name on it you should for sure get this. It's just like GMail, chat and all now. In the Admin page you can add people very easy and it gives you temporary passwords to give your users. Right now though the free service only allows 25 users. For me that is plenty because i only use about 4 emails. If you guys want to know how to get this service running just go to: https://www.google.com/hosted/ and follow the instructions. If any of you need any help feel free to PM me!

  5. *cough* I'm writing a story of sorts on my blog called "The Price of Perfection." Do a search for it in the Google search box on the top if you'd like to see what I've got (as of the time I'm writing this, I only have the prelude).

    Wow that is a really good script. I will have to show my friends about making that movie. It seems like we could make it. There is nothing that would cost way too much money.

    I also have a question. Is OJproductions a professional or is it something you do just for fun? If it, by any chance is professional, I would love to show you a whole story I would love to get published.

    O&J Productions is not professional yet. We only have 3 people and we have just added another member Jessie to the O&J Crew. Our movies combined have gotten over 76,000 views. It has been gaining popularity slowly. We have added:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - O&J Productions mail for anyone! Just email admin@ojproductions.net if you think you would like to sign up. It has over 3 GBs of space.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - O&J Productions news and other updates to our site and movies.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Carpet Boarding has been our most popular videos, so we have made a site for it.

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - We finally got a forum

    As you can see we have been growing, slowly, but we have been growing.

    I actually have an idea that id like to see. Football movie..
    a bunch of nobodies.. ..

    movie starts off with a bunch of kids playing street football.. the entirre movie is about street ball.. how some of the guys make it either to college, ngfl, and the majority still playing that streetball.. plot of the story is mainly about the friendship this certain group has, and the things htey go thru as they groww up and continue to play the game they love..

    you can name the movie something like

    HighSchool Hero

    and it will definately have to be a comedy.. and some seriousness..

    Thats not a bad idea. Email me more of your ideas about this movie at oscar@ojproductions.net. It seems like it would not have to be that high of a budget either.

    id like to see some more movies like kingdom of heaven with the medieval fighting
    also would like to see some like underworld with the action vipire vs warewolf type stuff!!!

    another thing that would be cool is like saving private ryan with the real history movies and it shows what life was like back then during the times of strugle

    Medievil fighting is cool but i think a lot of people feelthat lord of the rings has been there done that. No more please.
    Id like to see a metal gear solid based film (wouldnt ever1) but
    that would require a huge budget to make it good.

    We dont have enough money to do these movies... yet. lol I am going to college and want some good ideas for movies because i will be able to use all the cameras, tripods, ect there.

    Thanks a lot for all these ideas though. We will look into everyone. We will probably make at least one of the movies posted here.

  6. ( but in your site its a bit sly that you've made the link to freewebtemplates so small its unreadable unless u zoom in by an extreme amount )

    I'm not sly at all. That is how big THEY made it. And anyways i make most of all the grpahics for it and everything. I just used the basic HTML. The free web templates link is the same as when i got it. So please don't think im trying to hide it in anyway i kept it the same.

  7. Ok well i couldn't sleep tonight so i was looking for something to make. I saw one of my old Tom & Jerry toys and thought it would be cool if Jerry had a mohawk. So i drew him on a piece of paper and it turned out better then i thought. I was wondering what you guys think. It's supposed to be cartoonish by the way while a slight bit 3D (more of a bevel, but whatever)


    This was my first finished product.

    Posted Image


    This was my second

    Posted Image


    Now this one is not done yet. I still have to make a background. It's going to have a mosh pit.

    Posted Image


    This one is done, but i think it needs something.

    Posted Image


    this is just a template i use, but i thought i would post it here.

    Posted Image


    If you have any suggestions for what Mohawk Mouse should do in his next picture post it here. Or if you think there should be changes tell me. I really like the idea though.


    I want to make a flash movie later with someone about Mohawk Mouse. I suck at flash though, but i would love it if someone could help with it.

  8. I've read somewhere in last weeks newspaper that the USA are considering to lower the american presence in Iraq with more then 70%. If you ask me that is at least far-fetched since withdrawing from Iraq before peace is restored would make USA look weak to the rest of the world. It would be Vietnam all over again...

    Too late. I know lots of people who call it the 2nd Vietnam war. I have no idea, but hasnt there been more protest for this war world wide then the vietnam war? I'm pretty sure. That's kinda sad actually.

    Kioku, fellow human, I really have to disagree with you

    haha i have to respond to this cause how you phrased it was pretty damn funny. You seem so warn out about how we liberals make so much more sence then that ummm "not so nice" president. You know i am really tired of this. You know it feels so hopeless. People tried to impeach Bill Clinton for something that had nothing to do with the goverment while George W. Bush is litteraly the most worldwide protested human EVER. More then Hitler, well because he would kill them, but still. Wait did i just compare him with Hitler. Yep.

    Hey and we are going to try to invade Iran. Isn't the saying go 3's a charm. All i'm going to say is that America has pissed off A LOT of people and if we keep this up for another 2 years until the next election i truly don't think America will put up with this *BLEEP*. I think once the Americans who support the war see all the damage it has done to the USA they were demand something different. Let's be relaistic here also a war on "terror" Why dont we all have a war on jealousy as one man said. It's the same thing. It will NEVER end. Don't you morons see that at all. It will NEVER end. Please inform all of us liberal "whiners" how we will just one day be like, oh, hey, look no more terroist! Yay! Please tell me.

    And to respond to someones thing about gas, the gas companies are a private company. They can set the prices to whatever they want to some extent. This is the same way with lets say pop. They could make it $4 for one can of pop. There is no stopping them. It is their product. The goverment supposedly made sure that they were not jackin up the prices, but of course in our capitalisitc goverment, they found no proof they were ripping us off. Imagin that.

  9. I don't want to make anyone mad, but i am just supporting someones quote.


    Logic, I reckon, can only happen when people are in the correct state of mind. When people let the head rule the heart and not the other way round. Does being entirely scientific allow people to have perfectly logical ideas? There will definitely be times where even the scientist loses control of emotions and turns irrational and illogial. Human beings are, after all, not robots, but living and thinking creatures with emotions and impulses.

    You replied to the person above who said that religion makes people think in an illogical way. How is it logitcal to believe in any God? Think about that for just a second. I'm not saying it is "bad" at all, but just ask that to yourself. It is a sort of ghost in the sky. There is a King, you could say, of the world. You can never see him during your living life, but after your dead you can, in a place in the sky, if you will. If your bad you go down in the Earth and down there is a evil king who tortures people for being bad during there life on Earth.


    I am just making a point. To me that sounds like it could be a child's book. Think about if you have never heard of religion before and you read the Bible. That would be odd, wouldnt it? How would you explain that this story is real to an adult? You wouldn't be able to. So my point is religion really isnt logical. It is based on beliefe not logic. Which most people would agree on. Is it not true religion is based on belief?



    1. The debate point is :"has the WW2 was for religious reason?. I said and history support me it didn't. Hitler didn't start the war to kill Jews. It is in result of the war. That why I said you misplaced "cause" and "effect". I also gave examples of 20 million persons from Soviet Republics were killed and Egypt which hasn't declared war was bombed too.

    Well he wanted to take over the world. He also, from day one, wanted to make the human race different. He wanted to make them all super humans you could say. To him blacks, jews, mexicans, ect were not the perfect match. If i'm not mistaken it was blonde hair and blue eyes and were followers of him and his religion were the perfect match for him. So now how is this not a war about religion or race? If you said you didn't want to be a Jew anymore and wore a special badge they would not do anything to you (or so they said) because you were no longer a "weak" human. Now you are part of a super race. Not a war about religion or race. I beg to differ. Your are right about everything, but you missed the small point about why the war was started. He wanted to take over the world AND wanted to make a super human race.




    3. If you don't have any time to give me one example about homosexuality in the animals of the nature, then don't argue. I gave you some examples that lion has a particular space and doesn't allow another one in his space. BEE queens divide the kingdom to not allow two female in the same place. Instead of saying millions in last reply and now saying it was joke and wrote 5 lines having nothing , give me one exampled with reference by page or issue. That the logical discussion. Saying wikipedia and stop is not the answer. You have to post the url by which I visit , read and investigate. By the way for your knowledge "wikipedia" can be edited (including addition) by any one then it is not the final say. Exactly as you accused some by deleting cookies and affect the poll results. But minimum give it to me. I like to add knowledge.

    I do know about wikipedia. And that is why i have found you some scientific books. Here is a link to the best one which is also the first book that coes up in the search below:




    Also if you have the time you could look at all the results in Google Scholar which are found at:



    If you don't like those results because some are tested in labs you can go to this search i did for you which is 'homosexual animals in the wild':


  10. I came accross this problem a few years ago (when I did not use PHP for websites).
    Here is a solution:
    FIRST, MAKE A BACKUP OF ALL the files you are going to use **VERY IMPORTANT**
    rename all you files to .php (using a mass file renamer)
    download this mass replace tool from <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target="_blank">http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;
    Now, copy the header code of your website

    <td><img src="images/header.jpg" alt="logo" width="798" height="238" border="0" usemap="#Map" /></td>
    <td><img src="images/AK-tutTemplate02_05.jpg" alt="nav bar" width="21" height="28" /><a href="home.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image14','','images/home2.jpg',1)"><img src="images/home.jpg" name="Image14" width="58" height="28" border="0" id="Image14" /></a><img src="images/AK-tutTemplate02_07.jpg" alt="nav bar" width="100" height="28" /><a href="videos.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image13','','images/videos2.jpg',1)"><img src="images/videos.jpg" name="Image13" width="58" height="28" border="0" id="Image13" /></a><img src="images/AK-tutTemplate02_09.jpg" alt="nav bar" width="102" height="28" /><a href="pictures.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image15','','images/pictures2.jpg',1)"><img src="images/pictures.jpg" name="Image15" width="58" height="28" border="0" id="Image15" /></a><img src="images/AK-tutTemplate02_11.jpg" alt="Nav bar" width="97" height="28" /><a href="downloads.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image16','','images/downloads2.jpg',1)"><img src="images/downloads.jpg" name="Image16" width="98" height="28" border="0" id="Image16" /></a><img src="images/AK-tutTemplate02_13.jpg" alt="nav bar" width="89" height="28" /><a href="contactus.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image17','','images/contactus2.jpg',1)"><img src="images/contactus.jpg" name="Image17" width="96" height="28" border="0" id="Image17" /></a><img src="images/AK-tutTemplate02_15.jpg" alt="nav bar" width="21" height="28" /></td>
    and paste it in a text file (notepad)
    Now open the replace utility from step 2
    There are four fields in this utility: Base Path, Find, Replace, and extentions
    Under base path, browse to the location of all your site files
    Under find, paste the new header code (with the forums link)
    under extentions enter 'php'
    And for the replace field, enter CODE<?php include("http://www.ojproductions.net/inc/header.php;); ?>
    Now, create a file called header.php and paste the NEW header code in it. And upload this file to a folder called 'inc'
    Now go back to the replace utility, and find '.html' and replace with '.php' (Since we have changed file extentions, we will need to change internal links.)
    Upload all the files to your server and it should work fine
    I reccomend creating a separate footer and header file and including them in the templates. This will make it simpler to edit the template and links

    If you need any help PM me

    I have done this multiple times and i can't get it to work. I have created the file and folder for the header. I have pasted the NEW header in the 'find' section and in the PHP file in the 'inc' folder, but it never turns out right. here is what it says the last time i did it

    > File: C:\Documents and Settings\Oscar\My Documents\O&J Productions BETA\inc\header.php [1 change]Finished. Time taken: <1s
    659 files searched.
    1 replacements made.
    1 files updated.
    No changes made. That was only a test run.

  11. First of all, when it comes to polls and percentages of appproval, how many of you actaully voted in these? i know i did nor anyone i know. These are not correct numbers and those who study statistics should know that its all a numbers game and that these can be altered very easily to go in the favor of whoever is reporting it.

    OK so lets say its REALLY far off by let's say a whole 20% That still makes it about 50 % That is still less then any other president ever. Are you saying, "Oh its ok the polls arnt right. So what if he has done more bad then good then any other preseident in history because he is trying his hardest and the polls are ALL wrong"

    Secondly, like many other have said before me in this forum who arent opposed of the war, look at it from the Iraqi people's point of view, it sucked worse before. Also, i know people all around the world have different religions but isnt one of the many similar concepts, love everyone and stand up for people you dont even know when they are in trouble? Live a good life and treat people right. In going into Iraqi, we are helping those who need it without regret. Help those who arent able to help themselves. Stop being selfish and start living life the way it is meant to be lived.

    I think your being selfish. Your not looking at it from OUR soldiers point of view i guess. They have to risk their life everyday because they are just trying to help? I can see where this is good, but i don't see it in this war. Sure it "sucked" worse before, but look at it from a larger point of view. Look at the other countries that have litteraly nothing, but little shacks and huts. Look at the countries that there children are kidnapped and forced to fight while the women are raped and left to die. Many awful things have happened in Iraq, but there is worse. I want to know how people can think this was the worst place out of all the countries in the world.

  12. Hey i think i did it right, but it didn't look the same way they said it would. I show you the directions then show you what i did.

    1. Login to your ISP using the username and password associated with your domain. 2. Navigate to an MX record maintenance page. MX records are special DNS (Domain Name Service) records, and are often located under sections titled "DNS Management," "Mail Server Configuration," or "Name Server Management." You may need to turn on advanced settings to allow editing of these MX records.
    3. Delete any existing MX records before entering new MX records.
    4. For each MX record, enter information according to the entries in the following table.
    You may not be allowed to enter the priority values exactly as they appear in the table below; in that case, simply ensure that the server addresses are prioritized in the same order as they appear in the table. (i.e. The priority ranking [1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5] should work just as well as [1, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10] so long as you keep the addresses in the right order.)

    If you're asked to specify the type of each record you're adding, enter "MX".

    MX records often require the specific format of DNS records, including a trailing dot (".") at the end of any full-qualified domain names (e.g. "server.example.com.")

    Set any TTL values to the maximum allowed.

    MX Server address Priority

    So i logged in the cpanel.
    I then went to Modify Mail Exchanger (MX Entry)
    Then clicked on [ Change a MX Entry ]
    I wanted to change the ojproductions.net name so i clicked the pull down list and selected ojproductions.net
    I then changed the settings the the first one because there is only one box. So i changed it to ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.

    Is this right. It said it was right after i clicked submit button, but i can't check to make sure its right for 24hrs because that is how long it takes Google to see these changes. So is this right? If not could you tell me how to fix it.


  13. Well if you go to my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and go to the home page you'll see the main nav bar above. With Home, Pictures, Video etc. I want to put a Forum button, but i have a lot of pages and i don't wanna put it in the nava bar in every page. I have like 50 pages (Under videos you'll see video pages on the left. That's a lot of them) So is there any easy way of putting it in all the pages without opening each webpage and adding it? I have Dreamweaver 8 also if you know how to do it with that.

    If you know how THANKS A LOT. Check out my forum also haha http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  14. You know i have 2 baby brothers and a baby sis. I love kids, but this really gets on my nerve. I think the worst is when they KICK THE BACK OF YOUR CHAIR OVER, AND OVER AGAIN. Why would you bring a kid to any movie other then a kids movie, unless they can behave. My baby brothers and sister act great, but my baby sister makes noise so i would never bring her to a movie unless it was like "The Teddy Bear Adventures" Do you guys know what i mean. I think if it's a kids movie let any kid go. I think if the kids can actualy sit and dont kick the chairs and wine and yell then let them go to maybe a PG movie or something, but if they start making noise TAKE THEM OUT OF THE THEATRE!

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