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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. Hey guys. I was making a SIMPLE logo for my website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , and i was wondering which one do you like better. I don't think i'm going to use this one over my current logo anytime soon, but i change the logos once every 6 months about. I just want to know what you guys think about these. What should i change and add and what not. Remeber i'm not going to put really abstract things, because it does not fit.

    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Like the colors? I think the black might make the colors look to dull. I kinda like the gray a little better, but the background looks to dull. I have no idea, what do you guys think?

  2. I bet one of the countries you live in may even appear on the list. If the majority of the people in your country agreed with your views then all you would have to do is elect a new member to represent your country. If you are allowed to vote that is. However I dont see that happeining since only one member has been taken off that list from the last time i was there. That country is Costa Rica. Keep spinning the facts however you want to. A good chunk of the world is in Iraq right now. Keep applying to your dissident papers that brainwash you daily. IF the United States was not allowing my children to attend school based on their sex. If the USA was beheading people based on religion or tribe, If they were raping my wife, torturing my mother and father....Yes i would pray that some country would come and invade to free us. We need to head to Africa next and start taking care of the gangs there, AIDS, Give them food, water, shelter. We should have gone there a long time ago if you ask me.

    Haha actually in america what is it like 30% don't approve of George Bush and like 15% for vice president *BLEEP*. So majority is over on my side not to mention that in EVERY poll i have seen, people DONT want the iraq or ever wanted it. Your right those countries are helping, but ANOTHER war crime america commited was we went into Iraq without permission from the United Nations. No majority wanted us to go there, but we flipped them the finger and said screw you United Nations if we want to murder the people in Iraq then we can do it. The whole point of the united nations was so that this would never happen. And have any of those countries spent over 440 BILLION dollars. NOPE! So yes they are helping, but now all the children of America will have to pay for this. Do you not know any of this? Because all your arguments are very easy to come back and say, no your wrong.

    1 The Countries helping
    2. Majority don't think like me
    3. We need to go to Africa next... We wont because we have NO MONEY left we borrow it all from China

    I don't want to type anymore because ya, ya, ya Iraq is bad, but there are so many other countries we could have helped, but we just happened to pick one with oil and one that tried to kill the presidents dad years before. They had nothing to do with 9/11, they had no WMDs, they did no wrong. Those beliefs are theres. If you and your people want to change the whole world to be like America go ahead and do so. Just warn you however, every large society in history has fallen. America will fall if it keeps going as it's going now. We are litteraly trying to change the world to be like AMerica. America isn't the best. In schools we are behind third world countries, in money we are borrowing it from China, in peoples wealth they are getting pourer everyday while Sony makes more money then they did yesterday... just in interest.

    You tell me how this is a perfect place. America is home of the free? Your right free to follow all the rules and make as much money as possible and if not they arnt there to help.

  3. MSN:N/A




    Experience in graphics: I have made graphics for many sites. I make wallpapers for pspwallpapers.com. I also make graphics for my many sites. Some include http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Areas of expertise: I consider my self more of a logo and website artist more then a sig and avatar, but i can do those.


    How much you can be on each day: Anywhere from 15 mins to 3 hrs. It really depends, but i am usualy on every single day to check my email at the very least. I have to be on a lot because i have about 7 emails to check along with running my site.


    How many templates/sigs/resources could you make a week: In a week i could probably make about 14. More or less. I have made wallpapers for pspwallpapers.com when requested in an hour or so


    Examples of your work: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (the only graphics i did not make are the black glossy bar at the bottom of all the pages.) I made the logo and nav buttons and everything else though on the site.


    you can also go to my blog, https://myspace.com/browser and if you go from oldest to newest which will be on your left hand side you can see some art i did. I was also in the process of making a PSP Portal which is like Windows on your PSP and i was making it from scratch. You can also see that in my blog. I made the background of my blog also.



    I would love to hear back from you! You can reach my on my AIM: chuckystjoes or email or PM me here. I should get it within 24 hrs.




  4. Any more functionality to Ms Paint would be a plus for me. Considering how standard and basic the program is you can sort of do fun stuff with it. Then sometimes it easier to work with it than the high top branded software like Paintshop or Photoshop or maybe even THE GIMP. Not too showy and stuff would be okay. ALthought it would be nice if they added layer support but that's never gonna happen. lol. Atleast not in my time.
    If it does happen I wouldn't be surprised though.

    Why do they even put paint on windows? I use the calculator more then paint. To me Paint is a waste of space. Why use up the space with something that is horrible. If they made it even 1/2 as good as photoshop and fireworks i would use it.

    I just used today and i just copied a screenshot of a video i made for my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it saved the picture as XXXX.JPG when it should be XXXX.jpg. I did't catch it at first and i uploaded the new webpage with that pic and the pic wouldnt show in any browser and it took me forever to figure out it saves them in .JPG instead of .jpg.

    It's the little stuff like that, that makes me never want to use it. The only plus i can find is that it takes no time to start up. That's why i like the new internet explorer 7 because it has all the features of firefox, but takes no time to start up.

  5. This happens to so many bands after a while. In every genre, throughout the history of time. Bands cave into what they think people want to hear instead of doing it 'for themselves.'

    I don't understand the thought process in that though because if people like you why change it? Thats what made you famous, and you stilll want to change it? I dosnt make any sence to me. It's all about money anymore. Damn i wish that just ONCE a good band wouldnt change after signing up with a big record company.

  6. 1. Has WW2 statred because Hitler want to do the holocaust?. This misplaces "cause" with "effect". Be logic. It is funny to put this as reasons for the war. Study the history. Read books and gain knowledge.

    He didnt want to, but he did. He knew he was going to kill people to get the to follow and believe him. Does this make it right then. I guess what your saying is, It's OK to go o war if you don't know its going to kill lots of people.

    2. In WW2, 20 millions from the Soviet Union [which was Russia and other 15 Republics if you don't know]was killed. It is not only the jews were killed, Frensh, Polish and others were killed. Many countries even which didn't declared the war have suffered . For example Egypt where Athe famous Alemin Battele occured. Until now big area from western desert of Egypt full of mines and I wonder why Egpt don't seek compansation from Germany as Jews did and received. Hitler bomped Alexandria[the second city in Egypt if you need add knowledge].

    Are you arguing that this was NOT a holocaust. Because, yes, i now that. He wanted to get rid off everyone who was not perfect in his eyes. Sorry next time i wont use Jews as an example.

    3. You find the Words "marry" , "married" and marriage in the new and old Bible and also the definition by Jesus and Moses.

    That's great, but i really do not have the time to be looking up stuff in some book when it is not the law, and i was responding to how you said its scientific why you do not think gay marriage should be legal.

    5. 3 years old knows what the parents show them and not their genes . From the attitudes of the adults, from films, etc

    True somewhat, but don't ou think they would figure this out when the other kid they are playing with goes "OW OW THAT HURTS. STOP IT!" I think they would figure it out without adults. Although i don't have proof like you always want even when it common sence, but this is what i think and what i think many others would think also.

    6. Then it is naive method to think by using "1,000,000,000,000" to convice that "Animals can be Gay too. It is not by adding 12 zeros or more you prove your idea. It is abuse of mathematics. I need one case only that "Lion" live with "lion" or male dog" hasa sexual relation with male dog". Enough for me one approved example. and not by words as all your reply did for all points.

    Jease... can't you take a joke. I was using it as an adjective, which is legal in the english lanquage. It's also known as sarcasm. And it is not an abuse of mathematics, because it was a joke like the numbers "69" and "420" if i were to say those numbers you would say the same thing, wouldn't you? And if you want to give me proof i'll prove it like all those people in the gay marriage post, here, and other places. I just don't believe that you want proof... again. How many times do people have to show you this. I you think wikipedia is lying and those scientific documents then that is one thing, but your just always saying "Give me an example" or "Give me proof of that" and it just gets tiring.

    P.S. someone has been mesing with the poll because it was like 14 - 6 now its like 14-13. Someone has been deleting cookies of their computer. They should get warned. It just ruins the poll.

  7. 2. It is wrong to think war was only for religious. WW1 and WW2 ware not for religion.

    You have to be joking. Seriously. Ever heard of a holocaust

    Holocaust The genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II: Israel emerged from the Holocaust and is defined in relation to that catastrophe

    Just in case genocide means:

    The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group

    In this case it was the Jews.

    Panning Gay marriage is not only for religion issue. It is because against the nature. Many times I asked people to show me any another animal has *person* marriage. It is also out of the meaning of marriage. Gay can live to gether but is not called marriage and you can name it another name if you want.

    The meaning of marriage? Between a man and women right. In the bible dosnt it say that? They took that law from the teachings in the bible right? And also for the 1,000,000,000,000 its is NATURAL! ANIMALS CAN BE GAY TOO! LOOK IT UP.

    12. The religions are the rules of ethics. What bad if they call to not kill, not rape, not lie, not steal.

    Yah well the "rules" are a great thing. Look at the leader of the United States. He sends people to die everyday. Not to mention he allowed the excution of a mentally handicapped man in texas.

    15. You have to see the big picture . Read history of the world and civilization. Religions organised the society, the family, schools, laws,..... Without it tribes killing one another. Investigate the history of civilisations and how countries formulated.

    So your saying without any religion the world would just calapse because we wouldnt know whats right and wrong. You only need 10% brain to figure out that hurting people is bad. A 3 year old knows that. And stealing DUH, chating on your wife, DUH. These are simple ways of life. You dont need a damn book to tell you this or form a society. You need common sence.

  8. This system was made this way so when you get low in credits it is a lot easier to earn those credits back.

    Oh i was wondering this before. Why is it so hard to credits now. I have like 60+ points and every posts it got harder and harder.

    I have a question though

    If i were to write

    "The Red Dog Runs Fast"

    Will that get the same amount as if i were to write

    "hgf lok jvu nhfb sewd"

    Although the last one does not make any sence?

  9. How can you not support something, but then have a bunch of friends who are that, and say you love them?

    HAHAHA that exactly what i was thinking when i read the message you replied to. How can you say they are even your friends? I have friends that dont support gay marriage, but i dont support them on it. What do you say when they bring their boyfriend or girlfriend along. Oh hey guys im your friend and all, but i wish you werent and remember i dont support you.

  10. I prefer IE + popup blockers to FF. I know it's not as safe, but IE has less toolbars and seems less crowded. And I can't seem to get the font size right on FF

    I know! i dont get many pop ups and i really dont care if its not safe. I have had only 1 virus on this computer (well that i know of or has caused any damage) and that was form limewire. And i like the clean and simple look. FF is so packed with stuff that i will never use... ever

  11. anyway i'd just leave them be and go find another band to enjoy.

    I have. Leftover Crack is awesome. Actually i have started listening to The Briggs too. I heard of them before but never really heard anything except one song that came with a compilation.

    Well now that youve explained what they did in your second reply I do think that they are hypocrits. At first, I voted for what is Antiflag. I dont even know who they are, but if I probably knew them I would have voted them as hypocrits. At first I thought this was going to be another fan hates the band cause its going mainstream, but I guess it wasnt, it was just that they diss everyone who is mainstream but then they become mainstream. That really is being a hypocrit.

    It really makes me mad to. When i was younger i got into punk because of Anti-Flag and i really listened to their "message" but now it just makes me mad. It would be different if lets say they never dissed mainstream then went mainstream AND didn't change the style to more pop punk. Like Listen to

    One Trillion Dollars on there new album
    And listen to just about any other song on there old song. (Except Protest Song cause its a accoustic)
    Youll see how much they changed. One album they had Police behind the shields and stuff and no they have one with a star on the front?????

  12. Hey guys and girls,

    I am looking for some good script ideas. I have a site for O&J Productions at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and we have lots of ideas, but would love to hear some new and fresh ideas for movies and short films. We are not too big in horror and romance, but anything is great. Music videos, comedies, commercials, talk shows, you name it and if you have a good idea and possibly a script post it here. Plus if someone is onto something other people can add stuff to the script and so on to make it perfect. So go ahead and post what you think would be funny, scary, or make you want to cry.

  13. I have looked all over the far corners of the internet for a video converter. No, not a .mov to .wmv or anything like that. I want ANYTHING to a DVD. No VCDs or anything like that. I want this because i make movies for my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (no, nothing illegal going on here) and i would like to put them on DVDs, but they are in .wmv and .avi and others and i can't find any free software that is any good without watermarks or time limits on the internet. I was thinking about buying the program from Roxio, but its like $80+ and i want to make sure there is no free software like that.

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