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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. It's really numb to think we can 'help' a country by killing it's citizens and destroying it's cities. Why not invest into their infrastructure, healthcare and such. You might say that all will be robbed, but if all this $$$ invested in weaponry would be invested into food and medicine there would be enough for everyone. Just my thoughts

    haha you make me laugh. WHy would we do that. It makes too much sence for George Bush. George is looking for the most complicated way possible to make money and make it look like he is a hero which back fired on him. Wouldnt you say?

  2. 2. Did we get rid of Sadam - He is in an iraqi prison correct??? So yes.

    Your right yay! Guess what he is doing now? Guess? Well he is suing America for war crimes for invading a country for NO reason.

    You my friend have obviously not talked to one iraqi civilian. I've been there and i am headed on my second tour of duty. I've been thanked by countless of iraqi civilians for what we are doing there. They want freedom. The ones who dont are the ones who were being treated very well by Sadam. I think you hear only what you want to hear and make judgments that aren't based on fact. Until you talk to more then your neighbor to find out how they feel please dont say. Talk to someone who had his family murdered by Sadam. Talk to more then one Iraqi civilian still living in the country today. And thy will tell you they are not ready for us to leave. We are no where near ready to bring our troops home. If we were to pull out now the Iranian special forces that are there blowing up car bombs and killing women, children and other civilians by the hundreds will help overthrow the new regime and we will be back to square one.

    I'm sorry, but this really pisses me off when people talk like this. They don't even think about anything else but what is right in front of them. First off how did America get freedom? We fought for it. Why cant they? The obviously want freedom, but not enough to fight for it. Next is Remember China in tiananmen square? Probably not because if you did then you were refer to it. China fought and fought for the little freedom they have. We didn't help them. People were killed fighting for there freedom. Iraqis have not done anything. Why should we help them then? I don't think it is our or anyones place to go in and give other people freedom although thats not why we are even over there. If it was like in Africa where kids are being killed and women being raped GO THE HELL OVER THERE AND HELP THEM. But no we are fighting a country that has small prblems compared to Africa. You have no right saying anything you just said. I would rather go to prison then fight in a unjust war fuled by money and greed.

  3. First i want to say i have almost ALL of Anti-Flag's songs and CDs. I used to love them, but when they signed up with BMG i think it was i was just confused. They just switched to something they have been preaching was SO bad. As i see it all there songs were just BS. They got millions to sign up. Before they maybe made that in a year now they get more than that in one day after signing a contract. If you like Punk you know they were famous for there songs like "*BLEEP* Police Brutality" and lyrics like "Don't fly those stars and stripes for me..." But why would they do this. They have been writing songs about this since '96. What do you guys think?

  4. ok, i know myspace is a website like any other out there in the world, but what is it that people like about it so damned much? i mean a year and a half ago NOONE knew about it....and it has been the cause of many young ladies being picked up by these oldperverted men and being raped etc...lol before we had to worry about chat rooms....not anymroe its myspace they need to be worried about....about a week ago a 3rd grader asked me how to set-up a myspace account, and i was like pshh im not going to tell you, you shouldn't be on a site like that..lol but please tell me, why does everyone like myspace suddenly? i mean it seems to be the thing to have now adays, i know it has been going on for like 4-5 months now but still....

    First off there isnt that many perverted people on there. Think if there was a city with 50,000 people in it. There is bound to be an amount that are rapists, no?

    What I like about it is its a easy way to share pictures, meet people, keep in touch with friends, find friends that i havnt seen in YEARS, and as an email and to advertise free through bulletins.

    And to answer the question why everyone likes it suddenly, two words, THE MEDIA.

  5. I dont know where to start.First off did you know we have free speach? Or do we? Did you know you can't just go out and protest. You have to get a piece of paper saying you can. Did you also know you are not allowed to protest the president when he is in town. You have to go to protest zones which are far enough away that it dosnt ruin his speach. If the president has so many protesters that they have to move them away from the president, dosnt that mean anything to you?Without people like these we would not have black rights or women rights. You may think what they preach about is dumb, but thats what they thought when women wanted to vote.

  6. Actually i was watching Conan O Brian when that SPECIAL UPDATE came on. I honestly turned off the TV after watching a few minutes of it and went to bed. I am just so angry with our president and leaders right now. I honestly want to start getting into politics to make America better ever since George Bush was president. My best friend said to me exactly," Whats so bad with George Bush. The media says how bad he is and never says why." I litteraly just was thinking what do i say. He is SO LOST. Has he NEVER seen the news before. Does he even know we are at war fighting "terror" that was never there and got invisible bombs that they lied about. No wait maybe it was "screw the UN" attitude when America wanted to go to war with Iraq and the UN said no. No i know! It was the 29% approval rating. I honestly CAN NOT WAIT till he is out of there. He has killed ENOUGH of OUR people. So I say F U Bush. We want our America back.Did you know we have never invaded a country before when they have NEVER done anything to us first. Thank god for George Bush to do it for a completly UNJUST reason.Ahhhhh now i feel better.

  7. I'm not big in programming, but when make a program (for the psp usualy) i always give it free. I never even think about making them pay. They already paid over 300 dollars for all the psp stuff they can't afford anything else... usualy. On the other hand if that is your job and that is how you want to make your money i can understand.So my rules when downloading progrmas isIf im going to use it and then give away the stuff i made with it then i'll pay.If im going to download lets say Windows Icon Maker and make icons for my desktop only, then why should i pay for a program that is only $10 and im using it for my own use and will probably never use it again, but one time.

  8. What Are Name Servers For Xisto 1. ns1.trap17.com
    2. ns2.trap17.com

    This was in the readme. So i change my current settings to those above? Just a question, but when i switch it over i know it takes some time, but does my website address stop working or does it just keep working, but the setting just don't change till after the 24-48 hr period?

    Thanks so much for all this help. You guys really do have the best free hosting.

  9. I think youtube is the best video community right now and that´s the reason why it´s experiencing a great growing, similar to what we have seen in myspace before. I didn´t know about youtube one day and the other there I was, watching lot of videos of jokes, music, trailers, etc. And there are ways to download them, so it´s cool.

    I want to say first i dont care, but i think its funny that i asked how do i put the stats table in my site and it turned into what is better lol.

    Also i want to say i think ifilm is the best because the videos are good quality and they are easier to find without having a bunch of junk videos like a girl dancing like an idiot for 10 seconds. If your a you tube person you know what i mean. It is a great way for our videos to get out there though. Through there are videos have had about 75,000 views and like google they have had only like 10,000. Since we make videos that wouldnt be in a search like hot girls or system of a down it's hard to get our videos out without advertising.

  10. If anyone has you tube then you know when you login there is a box that says like my stats on the left right after you login. The stats shows how many times you videos have been viewed, times your profile has been viewd, ect. I was wondering if anyone knows how i can put that table in my website and have it automaticly update like on the website. If i just copy the table know they views always stays the same. I want it to update with the you tube website. I looked in there html and could not find anything that updates it. No HTML, javascript no nothing. If anyone can help i would love it. My website is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you can see where i put my number of video views on the home page.

  11. I have a few questions about this.

    Is it free to park domains?

    If so how do i park one?

    This is the error i got when i tried to park one

    Add Parked Domain
    Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than ( 0 ) parked domains!

    Will this go away after i sign up?

    If i park a domain what will my url box look like. An example is:

    you go to ojproductions.net (right now i am just forwarding my ojproductions.net to ojproductions.trap17.com) Then it says ojproductions.trap17.com then click lets say on the downloads sections right now it says ojproductions.trap17.com/downloads.html. After i park my domain name will it say: ojproductions.net/downloads.html?

  12. Also, the anus is a muscle. When having anal sex, the anus is forced open, and the skin can possibly rip. The makes for a very easy way to get AIDS and other STDs. Originally when AIDS was discovered, most people thought it only happened to homosexuals because of that. People have passed on this belief through families, but without reasoning.

    I'm mature enough to read that like you said, but why did you bring that up? You can't get it if you or your partner dosnt have it. Gay or not gay both have to know about there partner before having sex without pertection.

  13. I agree, no big company would sponser a company soing illeagle actions, they can run these things and still make a profit because people do forget to cancel their accounts and get charged much more than the cost of the free goods. But still alot of these companies are scamms but it seems as though they just get their sites shut down and they start a new one. Its really stupid. I hate scamms!

    You would be amazed at how many people forget or are just too lazy to cancel the memberships. If anyone actually does do this email and tell me how it went over. I would love to know if my how to works.

  14. Awesome suggestion. Genius? Ummmm,...I don't know. No just kidding, no really nice suggestion. I will have to try it out sometime. I wonder though, is it legal? I actually think it is. I will have to read myspace's TOS and Rules. The last thing you would want is to get in trouble, but I suppose it could work, and actuallyu, with all the junk there anyway, it probably doesn't matter, although I will be checking it out just the same. But thanks, taht is an awesome suggestion.

    They have way too many people on there. Like over 50,000 if im right.

  15. if i am understanding what you are saying, is that you still want your .trap17.com domain to be directed to your .net domain name so you dont loose visitors?
    if so, i do not believe that Xisto will do that.. if you were to go to https://support.xisto.com/ and change your domain name there and it will just change it basiclyy eliminating your .trap17.com domain name...

    Ok well what i want is...

    To get rid of the ".trap17" on my URL. I have a domain name already. Can i use it free on trap 17 or pay to use the domain name? I just dont wanna lose 15 credits.

  16. Actually one wayis to use Myspace. No not YOUR myspace, but start a myspace account like uhh Mickey Mouse for example. Then after you get 1000s of friends then every now and then post a bulletin like hey yous guys check out this cool site. Or mine has videos so i say in a bulletin"haha watch this video on [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm not going to say what "character" i am on myspace but i have over 2,500 friends and couting and when i do that i get at least 100 views within minuets. Just try it. It takes awhile to get friends though. Just a suggestion, but it works! This is because you have 2000+ people on your friends list which = 2000+ people reading your bulletin = HIGH chance of them clicking on the link.

  17. Well i was wondering if i could use my domain name i paid for a while back that i used on my old site. I know some website hosts make it so you have to have a paid account to use it and not to forward it. Right now i am just forwarding the ojproductions.net domain to my ojproductions.trap17.com account. Is there a way however i can make the free account use that name? Like so like the home page would be ojproductions.net/home.html instead of ojproductions.trap17.com/home.html? If not cool, but if so how? Or is there a way to mask the original URL so it says ojproductions.net all the time on the site?

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