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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. I hate pop ups.


    I hate the ads that follow you scrolling down and are right in the way of where you want to click.


    I hate adware and spyware. They just ruin everything on the PC.


    I think the people who make viruses should have to go to jail for ever. I mean its the same as coming into my home and smashing my computer with a hammer. Really though i hate the people who make viruses and all that stuff.


    And if i had dial up id kill myself haha. It would take forever to upload my file to my server.


    And DO NOT GO TO *person*.COM AND TUBGIRL.COM it is so gross. *person*.com is not a gay porn site its this video that repeats and its a prank and the video is two males having sex and they have loud music playing and its very "surprising" when your not expecting it. Just warning people not to go there. And tubgirl.com is not just a porn site. Its really just GROSS!!!! Do not go to those sites.


    They dont let me say the word (it's bleeped *person* above), but it's "omoh" backwords. You guys could send it as a prank though haha

  2. I wonder where this test was taken.
    But seeing that majority basically includes "non-believers," that would mean most of the test included "non-believers". See where i'm going with this?

    This was in newsweek and CNN.

    ANYWAYS i didn't respond to your stuff not because im lazy, but because we are getting off subject haha. So back to the subject...

    What would the world be like if the was never a religion. It never existed.

  3. WEll i have met a few...I have met Joe Satriani (the famous guitar player) He is insane at the guitar. I had him sign a CD and a small poster thing.I met the band CKY and hung out with the bass player before the show. I had the whole band sign my shoe! It was pretty cool haha. And the lead guitar player was drunk off his **bottom**.I also met New Found Glory because my friend won tickets to a greenday concert and we also got to meet NFG. I had them sign my drum stick because i play the drums.I have other autographed stuff, but those are the people i actually talked to.

  4. Windows messenger is installedI turned off the firewall just to see and nothing happened. Still the same.And it is enabled.Ill try to make sure all those things are the same on the other computers though. Thanks, but i don't want to install another program, because i wanted to know how to help people with there problems on there windows XP easy. If they have to install stuff then its not "easy" anymore.Thanks though.

  5. Wow ok well first just LISTEN and ask them questions. every girl has told me im a great listener and they can talk to me about anything. Make sure not to become a friend though. What type of girl is it? Like what does she like? For example: If she likes birds, learn a little about birds and ask her questions about birds that arn't dumb questions. Something that will make her think you know a little. Remember to try to understand her, even if you don't you do. Get my drift. Be just a good guy. Or if shes a "hardcore" type be a bad **bottom**. The best bet though is to find a girl that you have everything in common with and someone that you can talk to and WANT to listen. That is always the best.I don't know haha. Describe her...

  6. Too me i think it's just stupid not to use frontpage or dreamweaver because they save you time. If i were to use notepad... it would take me forever. Plus so many professionals use dreamweaver. I don't know why it's not "cool" to use it or its not "hardcore". I would have to say i have tried tons of different programs and dreamweaver is the best. For books, i know this sounds dumb, you should go to your library and look at books there. They are free and they have some expensive books. I taught myself a lot that way.

  7. Depends on how you look at it. Cause you mention because of her experience in a Catholic school, she decided not to hit her children. So, in a way, it is indirectly from religion.

    Well yes, but thats not how you wanna look at it. Do you really want to look at it as well we beat you so that you don't beeat your kids later on? Probably not.

    Religion is also an explaination for many things. It helps explain the things that Science has yet to prove. Examples: The origins of the universe, how life began, etc. Science does have THEORIES but as of now they can't be proven.

    Exactly, but religion doesnt prove anything either. Either way it's just an idea.

    A world without religion would be scary. The human race just might not survive if they don't have anything to rely on for all of their problems. People would kill each other and steal other's wives and such. Not that it doesn't happen now and stuff, but it would be worse. Way worse.

    I don't understand why people keep saying they need something to rely on. I havn't ever. Why when things are tough can't you seek help from family, parents, girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, husbands, or even close friends? I'm sure for most people there is at least one person they can talk to. Why would people kill each other more? Why would people be stealing wives more?

    If people in the old times didn't believe in a God- we would still be slavers in Egypt or slaves. We would still be stuck behind the sea and we would still live in small bible era towns.

    Huh? I guess that's your opinion and its vaild, but how do you figure? Isn't because of science that we figured out how to do all that stuff such as making bigger houses cheaper?

    Remember that there is a extremely large group of people who do not believe in God. This includes me. Religion is dying. It really is. Not too make anyone mad, but statistics show that organized religion is slowly dropping. I'm guessing one of the 2 things will happen in the years to come.

    No more religion at all
    Or people will have there own beliefs, but not organized religion.

    Just a thought.

    All of your opinions are great! Thanks for posting. I kinda thought this would be a good post. I get lots of points too!

  8. I have tried tons of times and i can not get it too work. I did't even know about this until Paul from Trap 17 used it to help me with something on my site. Whenever i try it, it never connects. I have tried all three ways. Email, MSN, and download the file and send it. Both computers are connected to the internet. On microsoft's site they have a lot of people with the same problem, but no one ever helps with it. They are all unanswered.Paul: If you read this i know you know how to do it.

  9. Depends...make a site like Myspace, yes.make a site like mine, no.If you want to be rich you need to work for it. Most people will admit that Myspace, if they use it or not, was a good idea. There are better things out there, but they were the first... i think, and people like it the most.

  10. 1. Hitler hadn't told anyone to believe in a God. This is another myth and confusion.

    I said IF


    2. You said you have broken some laws. That happened because no one observed or noticed you do that. But if you know that even no one caught you you are guilty and under God judgment, You will be better.

    OH no i have been caught... trust me. And how would i be better? God will not punish me. He hasnt yet. I have a great life.


    4. What children know is bad is result of the current values and culture which formulated by re legion one day as in USA founders did. Moreover they are influenced by peer, teacher and what they are watching in TV Programs and films .

    That's dumb to say because my mom went to a catholic school and the nuns used to hit her when she did anything bad. Now she learned thats bad from her self and telling her self she would never hit her kids or let anyone else do it. She never learned that from religion at all.


    He became one of the great saints, St Moses the black.

    Why is he called "the black"? I'm just curious.


    8. Hahha is must be to 'BooZker" who change things 180 degree. Who say that Jesus wasn't lovely peaceful person and oppose bi lions of Christians that believe in that.. Who asked to love enemies and pray for them. Who loves poor and sinner to call them to repents. You can deny Jesus existence but if you recognized him you have to tell what the history said and not as you think.

    I don't really understand what you are saying, but here is what i believe.


    Jesus WAS a real person. He was very nice and caring and peaceful. I have never met him so i dont know what his beliefs are on certain subjects, but if he is what they say he is in the Bible he would love EVERYONE and forgive EVERYONE. Not the everyone that some christians say. Not the everyone who is not christian and who is not gay and who dosnt forgive his sins. If he was the Jesus they say he is he would love EVERYONE. I believe he was the Jesus that loved everyone, no matter what.


    11. I Still waiting to specific one animal has homomesual marriage.

    Animals do not marry one another. They do not have marriage because marriage is something humans thought of. They have "mates" who they mate with to have children. If your asking for a certain animal that mates with others of the same sex i can tell you right off the bat apes do it all the time. They do it sometimes to show who is dominate, yes they have sex to show that.

  11. But that's the thing, if that's what you consider religion, then Christianity is not religion. Yes, just thinking God will punish you or something is wrong won't change your behavior much. Simple religion isn't enough, what's required is a very change of nature. In James 2:19 it says even the devils believe there's one God, and they tremble. So in the sense of simply believing in God, even the devils have religion. Does it make them any better? As it goes on to say in 2:20, that kind of faith is dead without works. And since as Galatians 2:16 says, by the law of works will no flesh be justified in His sight, that kind of faith is dead indeed. We can never "earn" our way to heaven through doing good works. As Ephesians 2:8-10 says, salvation is the GIFT of God by GRACE (unmerited mercy, we don't deserve it) through FAITH, NOT of works.

    I dont think i understand. How much better of a person can i be? I'm not saying im perfect, but you arn't either. I dont drink, smoke, hurt people, i never fight, i go to college, so could i become a better person? Argue less or something i guess.

    The saving faith Paul speaks of in Romans 10:8-10 is more then just believing there's one God. It's a heart transaction based on trusting Jesus, repentance, and turning our lives over to Him. As Jesus says in Luke 13:1-5, "unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." We have to realize, truly realize how evil and hopelessly short of God's standards we are. The reason I started seeking God was because my life was a mess, I got in fights and even hurt my brothers, despised the way I said hurtful words to others, lied, and did things of which I was ashamed. I knew I was evil and needed to change. We all have to reach that point of recognizing our need for God's MERCY before we can truly come to Him and have a relationship with Him.

    Well i'm sorry i don't believe in things i can't see or somehow see the proof. People say graivty you can't see, but you can do many different things to see the effects of gravity. There is nothing i can do or say that would give proof there is a God or Jesus. For me anyway, i can't just read a book and go,"Wow, you know what since this is what is says ill follow it." Faith is not enough for me to change my lifestyle.

    We have to trust solely in what Jesus did on the cross to save us. If you read the Gospels with "ears to hear" you'll come to realize Jesus is more then a story or words on a page. He's not the peaceful guy everyone talks about, though He chose to live peacefully. He came out of love for us, not the romantic-type love everyone thinks about. Love is simply seeing someone for who they really are, so that we care about them unconditionally regardless of what they do to us or what they act like. It passes mere concern about them, for it's caring about them BECAUSE OF WHO THEY REALLY ARE INSIDE. This is the kind of love Jesus cared about us with, that made Him die a death so horrible even He feared it.

    Haha you make me laugh here because it is so false. I DO think Jesus was a loving man and he wanted to help people, but the people following him, i don't know it makes no sence what so ever. He says he loves everyone right? Well not if your gay, don't believe in him, believe in another god. He also said not to kill right? Well look at the American leader now. He says God speaks to him and he is at war right now? I don't really don't know. I could never believe in someone like this. Maybe Jesus wasn't like this and maybe he was. It's all these maybes that make me not want a religion. I want a religion where the answers are there not in some passage that your supposed to guess what they mean.

    And it's the kind of love as Christians we are all called to care about others with. See, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 says even if we give all our goods to the poor, give our body to be burned for the sake of Christ, have all knowledge and wisdom, all faith to work miracles, and speak in tongues of men and angels, but don't have love, we are nothing and have no eternal reward. We're called to do good works of love for others, not because it's the "right thing to do" or because we "think we should" but because we care about people and God and want to take care of them, do what's best for them. As Romans 13:8-10 says, love fulfils all God's commandments, because it does no harm to others. All the commandments are briefly comprehended in the saying "love your neighbor as yourself." If we cared about others as ourselves, we wouldn't lie, steal, be jealous of what they have, commit adultery with their loved ones, murder, rape, etc...

    Just like what i said above. So you think war is justified? No because of that. You think gay people are NOT sinners right? Well i don't know, but if i had to guess you don't want gay marriage and have done nothing to try to stop war.

    Whoever believes that Jesus died for them can go to heaven.

    Sounds like a great guy. Here is how a conversation would go if this is true.
    Jesus: Welcome to Heaven. I see you have never done anything bad your entire life. You have always been a great man and forgiven everyone who has wronged you. Wait

    Guy: What?

    Jesus: Well here it says you don't believe in me.

    Guy: Ya, but i have been a great person and i just grew up as a Jew.

    Jesus: I'm sorry. You'll have to go to Hell. Good Bye!

    does that sound like someone who is loving of everyone?

  12. Hey the code you gave me didn't work, but i got an idea from that code you gave me. Here is the code that worked.

    a.footer:link {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:visited {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:hover {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:active {color:#FFFFFF}

    P.S. The footer of my site is using PHP if thats what you meant by are the anchored already on the webpage. They were not already anchored because the entire footer PHP code is this.

    <style type="text/css"><!--a.footer:link {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:visited {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:hover {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:active {color:#FFFFFF} .footerlines {color: #FFFFFF}--></style>  <p><span class="footerlines"> <a href="http://ojproductions.net/thanks.php" class="footer">Thanks To</a> | </span><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; class="footer">Search</a> <span class="footerlines">| <a href="http://ojproductions.net/contactus.html" class="footer">Contact Us</a> <span class="footerlines">|</span> <a href="http://ojproductions.net/about.php" class="footer">About Us</a></span></p>

  13. On my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i'm trying to get the footer the right colors. I want the links to be white(#FFFFFF) At all times. I want no mouse over effects and i want the visted link to be white. Here is the script im using now. I have tried a lot of things, but i can never get the visted link to be white. Its always the default purple.

    <style type="text/css"><!--a.footer:link {color:#FFFFFF} a.footer:visted {color:#FFFFFF}a.footer:active {color:#FFFFFF}.footerlines {color: #FFFFFF}--></style>  <p><span class="footerlines"> <a href="http://ojproductions.net/thanks.php" class="footer">Thanks To</a> | </span><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; class="footer">Search</a> <span class="footerlines">| <a href="http://ojproductions.net/contactus.html" class="footer">Contact Us</a> <span class="footerlines">|</span> <a href="http://ojproductions.net/about.php" class="footer">About Us</a></span></p>

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