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Posts posted by BooZker

  1. You know, I kind of agree with your point of view. All this hype and push about piracy is mostly done by companies trying to get the most out of their record deals even when they're doing quite well. I don't think piracy is such a big issue that the government needs to encourage kids to act as vigilantes for huge companies that make a whopping profit in any case. Of course we hear about Millions of dollars in losses by the record companies because of piracy, but no one talks about how much these companies are already making in regular sales. And by governments backing up such schemes, it sidelines the more important issues, as already said, like human rights.

    glad someone does! haha. Arn't they only losing that money on CD sales though? What about iTunes and things like that? Legal downloading has increased a lot too, but they don't tell you that. Why would these companies tell boy scouts to do this? I don't know, i think this should be treated just like child labor laws haha/

  2. A little while ago i found / I have come to really like it! What it is, is a site where you can make your own radio stations based on your musical likes. First you make an account. After that you can go and create a new station. To start off the station you pick a song or artist you like and then it will find artists and songs that match that genre. It actually works very well. I have a Punk Radio station and also Ska Punk station. I have found many new bands that i really like from that website. If they start to play a song you don't like you give it a thumbs down and it will not play that song anymore or songs like it.

    If you like punk/ska/or hardcore punk check out my profile!

    Post your channels also i wanna hear some of your stuff.

  3. http://yourspins.com/

    In case you have not heard of it:

    Your Spins is a online remixing community where members can remix songs and other can comment. With artists such as Moby in on it at only the BETA stage this could become a very popular site. I joined pretty much at the beginning. They have a great site idea. You can download a program that plays and allows you to remix the songs offline. It is called a Di player. Hence the file extension is .di It works in Windows Media Player. Although i have had no luck with this method i have hardly ever had problems with the online flash editors. This site is just for fun and nothing big. I am hoping to win their first contest and you guys should also try your hand at remixing. Right now there genre choice isn't that large, but then again it is the BETA stage.

    If you are an artist you can download other software and have other remix your tunes! Just email them.

    I am a member and is the 2nd most active person in the Forums. I am 2nd to the Admin lol. So if you wanna join PM me your EMAIL address and i will get you in. It's like GMail. You need someone already there to sign up or have to wait months to get in. At least check it out! It's a lot of fun even though i listen to punk, ska and metal i still have fun remixing the rap and techno tunes.

  4. 1. MySpace has terrible accessibility. Its main appeal is its puppylike accessibility! You may not have to be a tech wiz to navigate MySpace.com, but you do have to be using a web browser with image support and you must have good vision. I once visited MySpace with images turned off in my browser and it was very hard to use the website. Anyone using a text browser (a category which includes any blind internet user) will have major difficulties using MySpace.

    Yes this is one thing i agree with you with. I don't even try to use it on my PSP anymore. It is too slow because of all the images. IT will take my PSP Browser a full 2 mins to open my home page (the cpanel you could say of your myspace)

    2. MySpace has terrible coding. I am not merely talking about the horrific cut and paste crap I see in every profile. MySpace's own coding is such a mess it looks like something I would've created in FrontPage when I was twelve. My MySpace profile has no less than 238 errors. I'm sure the backend coding must be just as bad, considering how often I get errors on MySpace. The very unfortunate thing is this will likely never be fixed. In order to be fixed a complete overhaul of the entire engine would have to take place. Every profile with custom stuff in it would break and there would be a community outrage.

    I don't understand why this matters? Every browser i have used has never had problems except for what you were saying in number 1. I use Opera, IE, Firefox, Netscape, and other ones like the AIM browser and never had trouble due to the coding. I hope they don't make it so that you have to pass some kind of HTML code test. I mean look at it, there are some huge morons on there. I can hand code my CSS and HTML, but i never do because it is easier to use some generator. I like copying my quiz results and things because they are funny and interesting. There is no real problems with this.

    3. MySpace forced me to be friends with Tom. Right after I joined MySpace I went to my profile and was rather annoyed to see that it had given me an automatic friend, Tom. Tom, go out and earn friends the right way. And recode your site, damnit.

    haha i deleted him too. I think they should get rid of this too.

    4. MySpace is littered with more ads than my inbox. Good grief, I don't know how anyone can browse this site without Firefox's wonderful AdBlock extension.

    I have never ever had a problem with the ads. Why don't you just NOT look at them. I always play those stupid games like George Bush VS a Cow and stuff though haha. My main point though is there is no problem with these at all. Who here has actually had to stop doing what ever they were doing due to the ads? No one. They make the site a bit slower (myspace is slow period. They have 2 servers haha. You'd think there would be more with how many users there are), but the ads are just a small reason for that. The servers are the main reason.

    5. MySpace interrupts my Carmina Burana with crappy EMO music. MySpace allows you to add a song to your profile. Even if I check the box that supposedly disables these songs from automatically playing it will still play fifty percent of the time. Furthermore, this feature is practically useless considering the fact that people like to embed twenty music videos and thirty songs in their profile at one time. The only redeeming factor about MySpace's music features is that it gives Wizard Rock a home.

    I REALLY hate that. Most people always pause it too. I do not put music videos on mine as common courtesy. I hate those too. This is another thing i agree with.

    6. MySpace creates yet another avenue for people to take and upload twenty pictures of themselves looking "sexy" (ie, not smiling). All of the pictures are from one photoshoot and all look almost identical except for the angle. The user then adds witty descriptions like "morbid" or "anarchy".

    Who cares. It makes people feel better about themselves when people write "sexy" haha Im just joking, but seriously speaking for a second, i never read the captions anyways. Plus it's a good way of knowing what the people look like before you meet them for the people that use it for dating.

    7. MySpace creates even more stupid High School drama. LYKE OMGZ IM NAWT IN UR TOP ATE!!!! (by the way, if you think any one of this misspellings was less than intentional, quit reading now)

    OK this gets annoying. Agree 100%

    8. Idiotic kids meet strange men on MySpace who rape/stalk/kidnap/kill them. This is actually not MySpace's fault. It is really the fault of parents who do not discipline and educate their kids well enough. I also think it has to do with the "badass" culture promoted by those whiny middle aged men in "punk" bands who sing about their parents and how bad their lives are as well as those disgusting "GANGSTAAAAS" running around glorifying booze, drugs, gang life and disrespect for women/authority.

    Ok first how many people have actaully been raped or even killed? What is the ratio to people being raped and/or killed from myspace and people who have not? what like 1:45,000. No matter where you have that many people there is GOING to be stupid people and criminals. Get over that.
    Also just to clear it up Punk bands almost never sing about how bad their life is or even less about parents. Most punk bands are about politics/drugs/cops/racism/sexism/freedom/protesting. I think it's dumb too bring down a genre of music when you don't even know the background of it. And pleeeeaassseeee. The thing about disrespect to women and rap? Come on. Who are the people dancing in the music videos? Women. They dont have to do that. I think it's horrible they rap about that kind of stuff, but thats the genre get over it. I don't hear that many women complain about it. I don't listen to rap, but come on now. Do you know how many girls i know who listens to rap and don't even notice that is disrespectful. I mean THERE ARE WOMEN RAPPERS WHO SING ABOUT HOW GREAT IT IS. Heard the song Candy Shop or something by 50 Cent. Isn't that with a women in it?

    9. MySpace has members who think they are vampires. Need I say more?

    Ok so 8 reasons haha. This isn't really a reason.

    Don't get me wrong there are tons of problems with Myspace, but most are just little things. Most are little personal issues people can't get over like the misspelling and such. Get over it or leave myspace. Don't compain and use it. If you don't like it don't use it. I hate how slow it is. I hate how the music plays whenever you open a profile and how annoying it is. I have had lots of good things from it. I met a girl i REALLY like from it. That is + that will over shadow the little dumb problems i have no problem with.

  5. I have seen this site before and, yes, google has done some dumb things. The only thing i don't get is why every company that makes more then $1,000 a month has to be harrassed. I am a very liberal person and i think it is horrible how much power lets say Pepsi has over the government, but China has it's own laws then they must follow those rules. I do not agree with them giving out your info at all, but if you really have something to hide maybe you should be caught. Who here is actually worried about Google going to "catch" you?

  6. Wow this is amazing. Just keep it turned down. My god how dumb can people be. Just like the cases like the women that WON when she sued Mc. Donalds for the coffee being too hot and not having a warning label. I have an ipod, i play the drums, i play in a band, and i'm no def and still have perfect hearing. This argument should not even be an argument. I think apple should try to get her in a mental hospital because i guess she can turn the volume down when it becomes too loud.

  7. I'm a musical artist myself and i do not find downloading music bad at all. I find that it actually helps you because some people will not buy your albums, but if they think they like you and search limewire and find your music and listen to more of it they might end up liking you a lot more. That is how i discovered my favorite band. I have bought all of there albums now just because i like them so much even though i have already downloaded their music. This is horrible. All your doing is telling kids that ratting people out is a good thing. It's not murder or rape it's music that is being downloaded by 15 yr old girls and boys wanting to listen to the newest 50 Cent song. Artists don't even make most of there money from CD sales. They get it from the sign up to the record company. This is just my opinion and everyone has one, but make sure to read mine and try to understand it before writing back something stupid that i will probably agree with.

  8. I have been using Opera only now for awhile. It is a great browser. If Opera wasn't around though i would pick IE because it has the tabs just like firefox, and doesn't take anytime at all to startup. I have never been a fan of firefox. It is really over rated. Don't get me wrong it is a great browser, but not THAT good. IE however has some issues that hopefully will get worked out. It has lots of little problems such as when your in google and press back in the image section it goes all the way back to google.com. It makes me very frustrated. Even with that i would always use IE because it is quick to load and is very simple and doesn't have a bunch of stuff i will never use.

  9. Jease, i never though this would be such a popular topic. I mean 57 votes? Look how many replies also! This is great because i have learned a lot about all religions. And Kasm i hope you don't think i'm arguing with you haha. Truefusion has been a lot of help too.

    There has always been one God above all other gods. Oh, and here's a link for you: http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/sciencebible.html

    I read it, but no matter what everything is interpreted. Even the law everyday. This also supported my opinion about how the world will need a god less as science learns more. Let's just say that tomorrow there was proof of how the world started and it started through the big bang (I am not saying that i believe that) What would people do then? They would get rid of that idea. The same way they did with the rain god for example. Another example that is much more recent is that the Catholic church has accepted evolution. So the Adam and Eve story is just a story to Catholics, or Catholics who believe this. Just like anything, however there will be people who will not believe it no matter how much proof. There are still people who believe the world is flat haha. Seriously. I don't have the site here, but i can keep looking if you want proof. It's actually really funny.

  10. Well i was getting bored with O&J Productions logo as seen on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and wanted to change it up a bit. You can also see all of the old logos on our site under pictures. This one:


    Posted Image


    Was made with AAA Logo and i wanted to make one all by myself. Yes, i am an amature and this is the one i was thinking about changing it too:


    Posted Image


    What one do you think is better and WHY. I can take cristism, but i hate it when people say,"Well it's good, but not great" Tell me what i should change so i can fix it.


    UPDATE: Here is version 2 of the 2nd logo. I did everything truefusion said except completely get rid of the glow because when i did you couldn't read the text.


    Posted Image

  11. ~Lunar

    I know your new here so i'll tell you so you don't get other people telling you haha. Don't sign your name. Thanks

    A world where religion did not exsist would be impossible, as we are born curious about the underlying principles in religion. Any religion is basically just a series of stories outlining three things:

    Indeed, but that is why religion is becoming less "needed" Remember the sun god and rain god in history class? Well we now know why there is rain and sun, so there is no need for a rain god anymore. Eventualy we will come to find out more and more and less god's there will be. How many gods are there now? Really there is not many.

    Only I said that while parents has no right to displines their kids, they are responsibles of the damages their kids do what in my view unjust.

    I believe this also. If a child does something wrong it is the child's fault somewhat, but it is the parents job to teach them wrong and right and to correct their behavior.

    2. You asked me why they call him "Moses the Black" and I answered. He was from Ethiopia then he was pure black not as the Egyptian. If you want reference I can give you but this is not our point.. In that place was many Moses and to distinguish them they use another character (the tall, the black, the fat, etc...). That was not racism. The opposite they upgrade him to become famous Saint. I give the story of "St Moses the Black" as how a murder and bandit can be transformed to be pure and saint by beliefs and religion.

    I didn't think it was racism. I was just wondering why they called him that sense there are many black people where they are in the bible.

    4. I am summarizing what Christian and sometimes the Jews believe. Whatever you agree or not.i. Christian believe that people before Jesus Crucifixion were in temporary place and they released after eliminating the original sin (Adam's sin). Jews still waiting the Messiah.
    ii. God is Love and mercy but also JUST. Exactly as father or the judge in Court. The flood was happened for the sin of people (that what you can read in Bible). Sodom city set in fire because there were no more than 10 persons in the city doing the God's order. Ancient Egyptian also believed on the judgment in the after death life and every has account for his first life.
    ii. there were many time in old testament, where God order to kill people for their sin and purify the group. Both Christian and Jews believes that were just whatever you agree or not.
    iv. It is not matter what I see it or you see it. But it is matter of belief of Christian , Jews and Muslim.
    v. People wasn't need Noah to told them about the wrong things. These were the responsibilities of all parents from generation to generation since the head of the tree (Adam & Eve). Only Noah did the Ark to save his family and samples of the other animals [that was the story]. People some times were needed prohibits or messenger to remind them.

    Thanks. I was wondering how that worked.

    5. You speak a lot about murderer and forget what your citizen in US are doingevery where and how they Justifying what Israel is doing. You repeat that murder is murder but don't till your people to stop doing that. Also executing the murders (I don't against) must me murder too.

    I DO! I am very liberal and i would never join the army. I litteraly HATE George Bush and i think he is thee worst president we have ever had. I think we should back off. George Bush is the one who says god speaks to him and tells him to kill human lives. Trust me i don't think any god would tell one person that he should go and kill children and ruin familes. I know you didn't mean it, but to me that is very offensive to say I justify that. That is against ALL of my morals and beliefs. War is such a stupid thing.

  12. Well i told him i can change the colors very easy depending on the Shark he chooses. So what ever shark he picks ill match it up along with the background.

    Does any one know where i can get good logos?

    Like professional logos or ones that are generated free?

    these are just a texual base logos, a good looking logo must have some text and some cool graphics

    Yes i know as i said in the first post these are just the base text choice. He picked the first 2 and he is looking for a shark he would like me to copy and put it in there. Yes i know these are only the text part. Haha im not going to make him that dumb of a logo.

    The others just look amateurish. Forgive me for being frank but its the best way I know to help you out. Cheers!

    No, no, thank you. These are the first logos i have made on photoshop. I have always used fireworks, so i am very much an amature and have TONS to learn.
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