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Everything posted by BooZker

  1. Well lately i have been int modern type wallpapers, so here is some. Modern Black Blood
  2. Hey i was working on a new sig for awhile to try to get the perfect one. Here is what i came up with. Should i replace my current one with this one?
  3. Im way confused on this, but i will try it out. I want i-am-stoned.com to go to public_html/i-am-stoned/index.php So this method will do it?
  4. Thank god! haha i have been waiting. Good luck to all! Thanks truefusion
  5. Hey i just bought i-am-stoned.com and i switched the nameservers to trap 17's. I already own ojproductions.net which has been switched here too and that goes to my main index file (public_html>index.php)Thats perfect for ojproductions.net, but i wanted to have i-am-stoned.com go to public_html>i-am-stoned>index.php. How do i do that? I can't even test it for 2 days which makes me slightly nervous because i don't want ojproductions.net to screw up.PLEASE DONT PARK THE DOMAIN NAME ME. LAST TIME SOMEONE DID IT AND IT WAS A HUGE HASSLE. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, BUT PLEASE DON'T TRY PARKING IT. I ALREADY PARKED IT ANYWAYS.
  6. Not to bust your balls or anything, but i mean come on. If i was in track and i walked home in those short shorts i would expect people to look at me. I don't because i look like an idiot. Please don't complain about things that are obviously odd. I'm not saying karate is stupid i am just saying if you are walking around in that outfit expect people to look at you. I know i would look twice at you.
  7. That's just a joke. Some religious people do not and for other reasons they choose not too.
  8. This could be a problem. Maybe it would be possible in these other two ways i thought of: 1. The Daydream Version: You will still be awake and you will see whatever is in front of you, but it would be just like a day dream. The problem is that it might make it sort of vague sence you are awake and the brain waves are not the same. 2. There is actualy a way to fall asleep into a dream. This way will actually make you paralyzed before you are asleep and this is sometimes very scary for people because they can not move. You become like this because your body shuts down as though it was ready to go to sleep. Maybe you would be able to make do a sort of thing like this. Your body is in sleep mode, but your mind is slightly aware that your body has shutdown. This way when the dream is over you can awake and your body will also wake. What you were saying could be a problem though.
  9. I just read an article because i was bored about something like this. 90% of all adults have maturbated. Of course this doesn't say how many and how often each sex does this.
  10. Yes, true. Are you saying that because they do not beat kids now that they are street kids? There was a study which i should not bring up because it is controversial and it will change this post, but it says why there are so many street kids now then there was before. That seems kind of odd though. Wasn't there a lot of black people where they were. I mean it's not like they were in Russia. They were areas like the middle east and africa. I'm not saying they were racist, but why would he be called the black when most of the people were very dark in color. Plus i would be pissed off and bring terror if i was a slave. Just like most places, you have to fight for freedom. It's not like you can just be,"i'm a slave and i wish it would change," it's not like that at all. See that is not how i see it. I see it as a union between two persons. Plus if your in America isn't that blocking your LEGAL right of choice of religion? What if their religion was to marry someone of the same sex only? Just like you have to have certain shots to get into school, UNLESS, you religion says it's not right. Well yah, No animals get married. If it was a male and female or male and male or even a female and female no animals get married. Marriage was made up by humans. This is slightly off topic, but i have just a couple questions: 1. Before Jesus died, in the Christian belief, did all people go to hell? 2. If God is so nice why did he create the flood to wipe everyone out? That seems more like actions of a Devil. No matter how you look at it, it was an evil action. Murder is murder not matter what, correct? It was not self defence. Plus, if they had free will why would it matter what they did. It was their choice. So in conclusion, no matter how you see this it will always be evil. Please don't say well Noah. told them because there is no way he could tell the entire world.
  11. Umm... In Opera (my default) - Starts on the last page i was on when i closed out. In IE, Netscape, FireFox - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  12. haha this is a cool idea for a topic. I always used to get a cheese burger, a neste lemon ice tee, and some funyions. It was all less then 5 bucks! Pretty good deal.
  13. anjin, that is a good idea. I like the idea about sending it back to your brain. just save the brain waves and then send them back to your brain. Well the computer would be able to make it just as you saw it in your sleep. So lets say you only saw a person and eveything else is black, but her face then that is what you would see on the computer. I see the problem though.
  14. BooZker

    Doom 3

    Well i think it is actually kinda freaky. It's awesome. I have never played a game where it made me jump that damn much. For sure a 4/5 star game. You will like it if you like 1st person shooters. I barely ever play all the way through a game, but i did for this one.
  15. This is exactly why i left high school to go to college in the 10 th grade. High school is such *BLEEP* now. They don't even teach any of the skills you need for a real job. It is all a social game, which is fine to some extent, but it is school. No matter how hard you work at high school you can go to college and get a GED in a matter of weeks instead of 4 years of high school. Trust me, a 4 year degree is better the a 4 year high school diploma.
  16. Really depends on the event, but i don't think it is too early. I was not directly affected at all by it though. People that were affected i think it will be. I do not think it matters if it is released in theatres or in stores because either way you have to go and buy it. The people that wanna watch it are going to watch it in a theatre or on a tape or DVD. I really don't think it makes a difference at all. Well why not. There have been worse movies like XXX haha. No, but seriously... I was not affected by it all. I mean it was sad that all those people, but no one i knew or no one i knew, knew anyone that was there and died. Anyways on another note. I wont see that movie just because i think those towers are better gone. I think it is sad all those people had to die, but those towers stood for everything i dislike about America. How the rich get richer and the pour more pour every day. They stood for capitalism which to me is such a horrible thing i can't believe America, land of the free home of home of the brave, stands for such a thing. Good riddens to the Trade Towers. I just wish all those people didn't have to die.
  17. OK i can not figure out why this will not play. This is the HTML that will not work <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ NAME=loop VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff><EMBED src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; loop=false menu=false quality=high wmode=false bgcolor=#ffffff WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></EMBED></OBJECT> That does not work on any browser, but IE. I have tried Firefox, Netscape, and Opera and none work. Only IE. This works though and the ONLY difference is the link. Take a look: <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://www.boohbah.com/zone.swf;&/?gtnjs=1 NAME=loop VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#ffffff><EMBED src="http://www.boohbah.com/zone.swf&%2334/?gtnjs=1; loop=false menu=false quality=high wmode=false bgcolor=#ffffff WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100% TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></EMBED></OBJECT> don't ask why i am using teletubbies and boohbah lol. It's for my site.
  18. Yes true what Gondero Werkus said. I do not like Math at all and i will never go up to much higher of math then Algebra 2. I have narrowed down what i am going to do. It will be either:Video Production (like editing, camerman, ect)Website designerMusic. Either in a band or teach.
  19. That's not very clear though either. What if you were to walk out in front of a car. Then that thing was useless because it would never have time to tell you. Right now you can go to the doctors and give them a bunch of answers such as do you smoke, drink, ect and they can estimate pretty good. The HUD would be pretty useless because you can only get hurt so much. Life is not like a game where you can get shot 300 times and not die.
  20. The reason why he is famous is because people laugh when they see him. All you have to do is be like Chuck Norris and make one movie and if you look like an idiot then you'll be like Chuck
  21. You should here the NoFX version. It's awesome. It's sped up like 100 times haha
  22. OK i will. Do you think you will want a affilate (88x31) or just a link? You can view my site now at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (my testing server) I am supposed to also warn all of you MY SITE CONTAINS DRUG RELATED MATERIAL. YOU MAY NOT ENTER UNLESS YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE. YOU ALSO MAY NOT ENTER IF YOU ARE PART OF ANY POLICE OR GOVERNMENT AGENCY.
  23. I have a HTTP server and i can access my PC on any computer in my network, but i couldn't ever get it to work when its over the internet.
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