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Posts posted by seez

  1. Excuse me, I go to one of the best private schools in NYC, and I think you public-schoolers are making alot of unfair, cruel generalizations. Maybe some people who go to private schoolers think they are better but they are prejudiced and don't listen to them. Me and lots of other people who go to private schools are not responsible for their unjust actions.I agree with htdefiant who posted. I don't think I am better than any one who goes to a public school - we also have a bunch of people in our classes, 14-25. It ranges that much. Not everyone has their own lap top, many do, but not most.Please be a little more fair.

  2. This is a disgrace to music. Rihanna and Lincoln Park and all those people must be so POed.... ugh their music SUCKS. It's such a take-off and humilation.... these artists who worked hard must be embarrased and devastated after they worked so hard on these songs on Kids Bop and amateur kids are wailing them out on overpriced, awful CDs!!On iTunes they have a one star rating, even less than K-Fed's awful Playing With Fire album. And I am astonished how they keep coming out with more - and more - and more - and more - and more!!!!! They are on their twelfth, not counting all of their holiday albums.The Kids Bop kids are off-key and they sound like dying cows. They wail with shaky voices that sound like nails scraping against a chalk board.Then there are songs meant for older people like teens, and these songs mean stuff that shouldn't be sung by kids of the age that the Kids Bop kids are!! I can see how younger children who like this songs finally have someone their own age singing these songs, however, the younger children shouldn't be listening to the songs in the first place!!Kids Bop is horrible, illegal when you think about it, and should be stopped.

  3. Hey people of Xisto: what's up? Xisto rules however I would like to discuss the admins at Xisto. (Admins: no offense meant!!)Admins? I have nothing against you and please don't boot me for being offensive, if this post is offensive, because I didn't mean for it to be. I would just like to make a few points about you, the admins.The admins here seem controlling (no offense meant) and mean (no offense meant). They bug you for every little thing you do (no offense meant) and I understand that they are trying to run a forum here but they bother you for everything (no offense meant). They are strict (no offense meant) and make you perfect every little typo or other error (no offense meant).I don't get in trouble alot but the admins always give verbal warnings (no offense meant). And I always put my topics in the wrong place and the admins get mad kind of for no reason (no offense meant). I follow the rules, I don't plagiarize or spam but they always bug me it seems (no offense meant), actually more of the other people not me.I do not speak in IM talk if you wanted to know.That is what I think (Admins: no offense meant!!), but I would like to hear the opinion of other people.(Admins: no offense meant!!)

  4. I'm sorry, man, about what she did to you. I know that you loved this girl with your life, like really loved her. And I don't mean to be cruel or rude, but:Maybe in a way you got yourself into this. Maybe you might be too young to be in love so deeply. Maybe you got a little too attached. Maybe you were so blinded with her beauty that you didn't realize the truth. Maybe you misunderstood.There. I've said it, and I've done what you asked: I've slapped you in the face with the truth. Hard.What should you do? Walk away. Just walk away from her and start anew. Don't try making up with her - she doesn't deserve you, and she's proven that many times over. Gather up the hurt and anger and walk away. Don't look at her with fondness ever again.Will it be hard? Yes. Will it be scarring? Yes. But you have to do it - it's just one of those things. I'm sorry.

  5. The online hate


    After reading a rant on a site I feel the need to voice my feelings


    thing that bug me




    I like to say some thing I don't like people who flame or bad mouth others for speaking there mind and you know what it makes no sense at all.When you post some thing like your feeling on some thing no matter what it is you expect to get some critical reply but to go out of your way to say horrible thing about them just because there views are not the same as them is just wrong.What wrong with people online just because your on online doesn't mean you lower your standards just because you can not be seen.


    Noobie bashing:


    I really hate people online on MMORPGs who ignore or bash beginning players just because there new to the game.Would it be so hard to help this person out just a little? or tell them you don't want or can't help them.I remember a long time ago I was playing ever quest and I was new to the game so ask other player if they knew a good place to start only to get people bad mouthing me for no good reason other then me being a beginner.Then there those very kind people whom see a beginner struggling and help them out like a very kind wolf who helped me get out of some water I was stuck in(long story).what make this worst is they forget that once upon a time they to were beginners.The bad thing is when beginners become experts they treat beginners they same way making a cycle.the same goes for other online community's like gaia online were my avatar is very plain and it is dressed in very basic wear well I'm working on making it better.I find that I was looking around for some one to talk to and out of the blue some one says "nice skirt noob" I said what was that for and I get a lol smile.What was I doing? but looking plain.

    Art bashing:


    This another thing that bugs me is the way people spam other peoples art with "your art suck" and "why do you bother posting" what does every body have to be the best artist ever.This person may have put a lot of time on there art and granted they may not be the best but there no reason to crush the hope like that.I think if you don't like that person's art then try giving them some help.Post some tip to help them improve.Becoming a good artist takes time and practice unless you were bless with good art talent from youth then you need to work at it.I think that good artist should help not bash art work and if your art is not so good then don't say bad things out of spite.I'm not going say I'm a awesome artist I can stand to become better and I love when people tell how to make my artist better.


    I can't understand this kind of stuff in fact I may get flame for starting this topic but I just wanted my voice to be hear.

    people who steal:


    I hate people whom steal form artists maybe because I am a artist my self.People seem to think that because some things on a website and you can right click that mean that it is free but thats not how things work.If they would work hard on there art or graphics they wouldn't have take other peoples art.Then of course theres some people who think that editing it a little or changing colors make it ok well it does not! and what bugs me is they run around posting it and think there wonderful.The irony is that this work doesn't even look like there other work and they get flamed like crazy from people who know the real artist.I remember some moron who stole some sprites from a site that had HTML and BBS code that you post of your site and they put it on there site not only stealing the content by the idea to the irony again being that they didn't even change the code so it link right back to the site they come from it ended with the web master being flamed in his/her guest book.I my self always make two copies of my work,the sketch and finished work just in case I need to prove my work not that my crappy art is worth steeling.Well guess that how thing are now you have to go to amazing high level to protect your act on your website by disabling almost every thing or put a but ugly water mark over it....


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title should be specific and detailed.



    Hey man, sorry, but that's the Internet. It's how the Web works, and it may be illegal what people do, it may be unfair, but do you think the people on the Internet give a crap? No, they don't. Sorry man... wish I could do something but lol, obviously I can't. But maybe you could find some webmaster or something that runs your graphic-making program or something like that, and report your feelings. But other than... I really don't think that anything can be done. Sorry, man.

  6. Well? I've been looking for some decent forums as of late. These are nice, but the activity is a bit low at times. The only other place I really visit often is TalkBass.com.
    Anyways, if you visit any other forums, post the name/location of them, and give a short description of what the main theme of the community is (ex. - Talkbass.com deals with topics for bass players).

    Lol, sorry, it's lame but I don't know any other forums except Xisto and gaming forums. But wait: what is wrong with Xisto? Why do you want to change forums? You said the activity gets low sometimes, but why is this really a problem? I mean I can see why you would like a more active forum, but while others aren't posting, you can.

    The gaming forums I am sure you know of and don't like - like the Pirates of the Burning Seas, a free online pirate mmorpg, has a forum called Flying Lab. And there is of course a forum for Playerworlds, which is a free online 2D game-making program with confusing coding/programming language (my opinion).

    You said to give a description, name, location of the forums we post and there is the descrip, etc. above....

    I'm sure many other people know different forums for you though, although I don't. Sorry!

    Well I suppose I can't give advice or anything because I haven't visited any other forums except Xisto and gaming forums. But that's all I have to say - hope I have been of some help.

  7. I have a super-important question and I need help - here is my question: What Song Should I Use For A Theme Song? I am making a show and I need a song that I can use for a theme song. A dance song, preferably. I can also consider pop and/or rock. I have considered something by Cascada or Madonna. Maybe the song Turn the Beat Around by that Gloria lady in the 70s. The song doesn't have to be new... just anything. Please post!! Thanks

  8. Sometimes it's kinda freaky to see how people bump and grind in horror/sex movies and on MTV even... you gotta wonder what are they doing??? but my parents are fine when I sit with them and just watch good movies although they have sex scenes which I don't particularly like to watch, but it's ok for my parents and me to watch it. But I'd rather not. Kind of awkward.

  9. yes, I have lied online.... I lie online just as I lie in the real world, maybe more. I lie more online because: ok so email and IM aren't trustworthy - people can copy and paste and forward your emails to other people. I've gotten in trouble five times for misusing email in this way, like when I say "I don't like so-and-so." Then I get in trouble, so now I say "I like so-and-so." In this way I lie and I don't get in trouble.... sorry ppl but that's how email works. My mom reccomended this way to me and it works, its cheap and I guess in a way I'm taking the easy way out but... ;) oh well, I guess that's how life is. I have to lie on email alot.I guess though that it's easy to lie online, you can see what I mean. and lying online just turns into more and more (etc.) lies... and of course people lie sometimes when some freak asks them personal questions or something, they either lie or log off and tell their parents who of course then dont trust them anymore.... it goes on and on.

  10. Well first I would try to find out who it belonged to. If I couldn't find that person, I would just buy myself a nice car, new clothes, and buy a house with a pool and backyard, with nice furniture, and a bunch of things I've always wanted, then donate the rest to charity (which would be a few thousand dollars). A million can go a looooooong way.

  11. Yes, in a relationship age DOES matter because if two people at totally wierdly different ages are dating, they are at different stages of life and maturing. They can't even compare their thoughts and have nothing in common - it can even get dangerous. Some say it's a "bad mind attraction"... are you doing anything physical??? I should hope not!! If you are then stop.... that is bad considering your large age difference. It is unhealthy, dangerous and ILLEGAL. I guess I'm trying to say get a girlfriend your own age or dont get one at all.

  12. The world... at this time... is a sad place, with all this crime and war nad murders and threats...


    Yes, many countries hate America because we are fat, rich, and powerful.


    Some say:


    The French hate us because they think we are a take-off on their "fashion."

    The English hate use because we used to be their colonies.

    The Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese hate us because we stop them from being the most powerful countries.



    I don't know though...

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