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Posts posted by seez

  1. I had another post where I introduced my latest Hannah Montana DS Game problem. I now have a new one! Here's the story: Ok, I am NOT playing the Hannah Montana DS Game out of my own free will. My little girl cousin bought it and she's really bad at DS games so she told me if I beat it for her in two days she would give me twenty bucks. I am flat broke and I need all the money I can get.My latest problem: I have to search lockers at the school to find Ricco's homework because Jackson is doing it for him. (Don't ask!) How in the world do I search lockers? PLEASE HELP. I have to finish this dumb game in two days.

  2. I'm sorry to say I don't know beans about computers/files/programming/coding/all that stuff, well I kind of do, but I'm still figuring it all out. But I'm posting for two reasons: (1) I hate it when no one answers my posts for a while, it's irritating and I get impatient and (2) I wanted to say welcome to Xisto. :XD: Enjoy your time here!

  3. Ok, I am NOT playing the Hannah Montana DS Game out of my own free will. My little girl cousin bought it and she's really bad at DS games so she told me if I beat it for her in two days she would give me twenty bucks. I am flat broke and I need all the money I can get. So I agreed, and I breezed right through a lot of the game. Now I'm at this part where I have to give scissors to a Madison girl at the food court at the mall. WHERE IS THE FOOD COURT???? WHERE IS MADISON??? I'm losing my head here trying to find the both of them! Please help me!!! I need this money. And I'm in agony here. Post anything you know about this Madison and the food court at the mall. Thanks...


    [hr=noshade] [/hr]

    Problem fixed!! No need to post here.

  4. I have found the best game EVER. It's called The Endless Forest, or TEF, or the Forest. Its an MMORPG!! (Massively multiplayer online role playing game. You make an account and chat with other people from around the world. Like RS except WAYYYYYY better!) First let me tell you that there are not that many people who play it so everyone knows eachother kind of, and on the game's website forum everyone talks to eachother and says like "oh, i saw u in the game!", and its a really welcoming and close-knit community, and you can talk to the actual main person who created the game! His name is Michael and hes really nice and kind of famous, and I'm one of the people who gave him the idea of putting a waterfall in the game! If you give him a suggestion, there's always a good chance he'll add it to the game!! And the game has AMAZING GRAPHICS for a 50 megabite game (you have to download but its a small file so who cares? and it only takes 2 minutes max)! The graphics are 3D and petals float everywhere (there are seasons too, like winter, fall, etc.!) And ur character actually has a detailed face and the ground is detailed and so is everything else. NOW TO THE ACTUAL GAME. You play as a deer!!! You register an account, then you download the game. (Download Phase Three Beta Testing. you start out as a fawn!) Your character has a golden, strange, shining symbol floating above its head to indentify you, as your account name doesnt show. you start out as a fawn, and grow into a majestic stag with cool antlers!!! (after a month of playing as a fawn). You enter into a forest that is ENDLESS!!! No, seriously- it's endless. I went for 1 and a half hours in one direction and couldn't reach the end of the forest. It reduplicates. So you run around and walk and see other deer from around the forest, and there are lots of forest landmarks like a HUGE TREE and HUGE ROCKS, ruins, and a pond and river and mini-waterfall and statues and things like that. With other people you can: play tag, follow them, chase them, communicate, dance with them, and cast spells on them (Like turn them into frogs or squirrels)!!! You can also swim in the mini-river and pond. When you swim you turn into a tiny frog!!! (All in 3D of course!!) And you can eat from the ground, eat from trees, drink water from the river/pond, and worship (lol). and there are actions like rub against tree, sit down, lie down, rear onto hindlegs/buck, jump, and a LOT MORE. You can't chat with the other people. BUT!!!!! You use deer actions to communicate!!! Like you can do a deer roar and stuff if you want people to know you're there or if you want to have a roaring contest or if you're annoyed at someone (lol). The deer roar is like "MMMMLLLLYYYYUUUUAAAAHHHHHH" It's HILARIOUS AND FUN. And you can *BLEEP* ur head like you're confused, shake your head yes, shake your head no, paw the ground to say "I want this" or "follow me", or something. You can do a sweeping bow to show respect, thanks, farewells or greetings to someone. And there's more. If you're angry at sum1 you can lower your head like your about to charge, and of course you can rear up and/or roar. You can do them at the same time too!! Half the fun of the game is getting your point across to other people. It doesn't even take that long. The people on the game are smart, nice, helpful and considerate. Plus you can carry flowers on your head!! You can CAST SPELLS ON PEOPLE. Like you can turn people into stuff, give people new fur patterns (instead of just plain brown), give them new faces (masks), give them new antlers, and turn them into creatures like frogs, birds or squirrels and others too. The only thing is you cant cast spells on yourself but its totally easy to get someone to cast them on you so it's no big deal. There are kind of mini-rituals to cast spells. BUT ALL THIS SPELL CASTING IS ONLY TEMPORARY. But when you're a fawn it doesn't last as long as when you're a stag. When you're a stag it lasts a WHILE. You can take it off by taking a dive in the pond, or you can let it just wear off if you're too lazy. :XD: You don't have dumb levels or quests in the game. You just run and see what happens!! There are no goals to achieve and it's totally STRESS FREE, like you don't have to worry about being called a noob (like in RS), you don't have to worry about low levels, or anything. 'cause they don't exist!! It's just FUN. And NOT repetitive AT ALL. and the game's simplicty but complexity is the most perfect balance I've ever seen in a game. The game never exits you. You always stay in and you don't get booted and you usually don't lose connection, because the game can also be used as a screensaver!! Or you can launch it as an application- it has an icon. When lots of people are on, you can have a dance party sumwhere because the deer can dance, or you can have a pool party at the pond, or you can play tag, hide and seek, marco polo (with roaring) and/or man hunt, or you can have a spell-casting party, or anything else. There are seasons, so in our winter it's snowy in the Forest!!! And it rains too and leaves and petals and things can fall, and its really cool. You can fight kind of, like you can buck at people and roar at them and lower your head and charge at them, plus you can shove your head at them and shake it and jump on/over/at them, so it's sorta like fighting. Then they get intimidated and they run away!! I'm trying to advertise the game to get more people on it, 'cause it's just a really fantastic game. It has something for everyone and I highly reccomend you play.

  5. I like MMORPGs alot and animal-themed ones are the best!! I like how in some mmos you can make an animal character, and name it and stuff, but unfortunately there aren't many of these type of MMORPGs... I know of Club Penguin, Penguin Chat, Furcadia, Avatar Chat, Pokemon Online (and other Pokemon RPGs), and The Endless Forest. Please post the ones and you know, and/or post where I can find an animal mmo. Thanks!

  6. Go to the doctor and see what's wrong. If you drink or smoke, then stop. Keep breathing. Drink alot of water. Try to ease up on roughousing. Relax a little more, get a head massage to relieve stress. Lie down when your head hurts, and close your eyes. Maybe you can also spend less time on the computer which might hurt your eyes, make you dizzy.

  7. DAMN! that really sucks! how could you take all that? can't you stand up for yourself? well if not, haven't you EVER thought about telling your parents of what Adrien does to you?!!! c'mon! you can't just take all that *BLEEP* and shut up! do something about it! use a baseball bat or something! and when your older brother tries to beat you hit him with the bat or whatever weapon you got and make it clear to him that he can't just bully you and get away with it! he only keeps on doing all these bad stuff because you showed him that you are weak and you can't do anything about it. but once you stand up for him and defend yourself and maybe beating him, he won't dare to do it again!

    I took all of it because I was really underweight. I didn't eat too much and I worked out, but it didn't really help. Adrien was a huge, buff and muscular, and tall. He ate alot and worked out alot. If you could only understand the types of punches he could throw . . .I tried standing up to him. What happened? I got a black eye and three huge bruises. Fantastic, right? I tried telling my parents. My mom grounded him for three months from TV, computer and girls the best she could. My dad? Uh... I won't even go there. Then when the punishments were over, and my parents and I were confident he wouldn't ever bother me again. What happened? He caught me and bloodied my nose and split my lip. Anyways, this doesn't happen anymore to me because Adrien is up and away. It only happens at school now.

  8. Dude you are CRUEL. (To Freewebs, I mean. I'm sure you're really a nice guy) Freewebs has so many templates and gives you background music, images and animations. Its insanely easy to use and you can put in forums, blogs, forms, chat rooms, albums, postings, ratings and comments, ratings, and so much more. The domain is fine! It's like any other. And you change it anyway to a .com, .net or .org website anyway! You can create your own templates with CSS and you can do HTML with the Raw HTML Paragraph Editor. They also got rid of the toolbar at the top of the page, making the site really real and serious. They now offer about one hundred AWESOME customizable free widgets that are extremely easy to put into your site. Yet it does require hard work. Freewebs offers tons of smileys, fonts and font colors as well. I think Freewebs is fantastic.

  9. Dude you need to STOP going to those parties with your friends. And stay away from alcohol until you're 21! You're breaking the law by getting drunk which practically makes you a criminal, and a rebellious one at that. And getting drunk is unhealthy at age 15. It's definitely having negative effects on your body. If lawmakers thought 15 was too young to start drinking, why do think they would set a law against it? Anyways STAY AWAY from smoking, alcohol, drugs, fornication, EVERYTHING.

  10. Have you ever been beaten by an older sibling? I have. My older sibling. when I was younger, like 10 and 11, and my older brother, Adrien, was 15, he and sometimes his friends would give me occassional beatings for stuff like telling on him for going out late with girls, coming back home at 2 o'clock in the morning when my parents were alone.


    Once I told my dad about something really bad that he did when I came home from school. Adrien had a date until seven. So at about eight he came home and went to his room - I didn't know he was home, otherwise I would have hidden. He was in his room and I walked by it. All of a sudden the door flies open and Adrien yanks me in, slams the door shut, throws me onto his bed. Then he held up my legs so I was upside down. "What did you do?????!!!!!" he raged through clenched teeth. "Nothing!" I replied frantically. "I'm sorry!" Just then my mom and Dad call us for dinner. Adrien takes me by the shirt and slams me twice into the wall. Hard. Then he socked me in the shoulder and twice in the stomach. "I'll get you after dinner" he threatened. Then he left. After dinner he caught me in the closet, took me into the yard and beat me up, but I was okay.


    Another time he and two friends waited by the door at my house and ambushed me when I walked in with a plastic bat and fists. I think that one was for reporting to my dad that Adrien was failing history, science and math.


    Just felt like sharing these experiences. So have you ever been beaten by an older sibling before?

  11. That kind of happened to me. I was with one of my friends and we were talking about TFC in the hallway (Team Fortress Classic, best PC game ever) and then I said something about spies in the game and how awesome they were and one of the top school bullies was coming right past when I said that. He suddenly rammed into me. I went flying back towards the lockers. Then he spun towards me, shoved me up against the lockers, and slammed his fist into my stomach three times. I doubled over at each. Then he grabbed me and hurled me into the lockers on the other side of the room. I went crashing to the floor... Then he picked me up again, pulled me towards the nearest lockers, slammed my head into it two times. Then I staggered backwards, I was so dizzy, so he put his foot behind me and I tripped over it and went toppling over. He stood over me and laughedYeah. I had bruises the size of grapefuits the next day, but I was okay. The dude taught me never to say anything stupid like "the spies are awesome!"

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