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Posts posted by seez

  1. yes, that is sad. I did it and I found that you were right. I was enjoying it when George Bush popped up. I wonder why it isn't there anymore? I did however see a click-able ad that said "Is George Bush A Failure?" So thats something I guess. But I wish it was still there

  2. Hey, good topic. But finding a tutorial on how to build a PC is hard. I have some solutions for you.1. Try Google or Wikipedia or some other search engine. If you haven't, you should.2. TheArrow had a very good tutorial. Use his, if you can.3. Try to see if you can find some computer mastermind or something that knows how to build PCs. He should be able to teach you.4. Try learning about each different part of the PC first, in full detail. Then try to go about building a computer.5. Go to YouTube or Google Video. There is a video on YouTube about how to take about laptops; maybe that will help you. Try typing in something like "how to build a PC" or something.Hope that helped, although I'm no computer freak. I'm still learning HTML as it is. ;) But I hope that helped.

  3. There are mean and rude people in everyone's schools, like bullies. There is mainly one in my school. He is the grade bully and I am quite mystified why he is still at my school as my school is private and rather high class. He is big, way bigger than me. I am muscular enough but this guy is huge. He never really bothers me outright anymore but I have had several encounters with him. I am lucky however that he did no more than shove me into my locker and trip me, sending me crashing to the floor.He bothers other people more though. Humiliates them, like says stuff to them that is embarrasing.I want to prove this guy that he is not the boss. I want to put him in his place, without physcially fighting. I want to get the dirt on him or something, and never make him talk to anyone meanly again, never to embarrass anyone again.What should I do?

  4. Everybody needs school! It's how life works. Everyone should go to school, otherwise our country will be filled with unknowing and uneducated slobs and hobos, and people with no place in society. America will have no future. You 'need' school, to answer your question, and don't even think about quitting. You need a good job, a good place in life. You need to be somebody, so school is good!

  5. I know it might seem a bit foolish, but I like to invent things. I don't actually make things from scrap, but I invent simple devices by taking two machines/items and putting them together. I have listed my inventions here.1. The Leaf-Blower Powered WagonI took a Little Red Wagon. I asked all of my neighbors for their leaf blowers to borrow. Mystified, they gave me their leaf blowers. I attached the leaf blowers to the back of the wagon and when all of the leaf blowers were turned up at their highest blowing power, the wagon moved.2. The Automatic Fly SwatterI bought a small fan, the very small cheap kind people can get for a few dollars. With this fan I attached a fly swatter to one of the parts of the fan that actually whirl around and do the fanning. When I turned the fan on, the fly swatter spun around and around, able to swat flies.3. The Action Figure Grappling HookI took a thin string that was thick enough not to break. I tied the end into an adjustable circle. I then took sharp Bionicle parts and tied them onto the string. When I attached the circle of string onto an action figure's hand and swung the grappling hook onto something like a window shutter, the grappling hook hooked on to it and my action figure could climb!4. The Glowing Crystal FlashlightI took a small flashlight and bought a small crystal. I taped the crystal over the flashlight's glass part completely. When I switched on the flashlight, the crystal glowed.I have only listed a few inventions. Please tell me what you think

  6. AOL lets you do this! Sign up. It is free of course and gives you 2 GB of storage space. You can do stuff like administrator@forum.net instead of administrator@aol.com This of course is exactly what you want. I am also pretty much sure Google lets you do this with Google Co-op or something. I would however stick with AOL as it's proven to be trustworthy and easier to set this up with.

  7. I don't have acne at all, well maybe a bit sometimes but here's what do: I don't dump thousands of face products on my face. I let it mend itself, take care of itself. In the shower I scrub it with water, then soap, then an invigorating apricot scrub. These work best instead of the calm moisture ones. The calm moisture ones don't penetrate into the acne, they don't do anything. The invigorating ones drill into your face and make it healthy, strip off the dead skin. This is much better.

  8. Being gay... is not wrong. It is sickening to see and goes against the Bible, goes against nature, goes against everything known about maturing, living, and life in itself... but it is not wrong. it just IS, and it is one of those things that we hope will stop one day - one of those things we are disturbed about for no apparent particular reason.

    Who cares what people do in their own lives. I think lesbians are awsome personally.

    It matters what every single person does, everyone matters
    And lesbians are awesome? Please tell me why? >;)
    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Please use the Edit feature to avoid sequential posts.

  9. I don't understand why your account has to be deleted in the first place for being innactive. That's just pointless and mean and I think there is no reason behind it.As for you "leaving" Xisto: you aren't leaving it. You are simply taking a break for a little while. You can always buy a computer or go to a friend's house and log onto Xisto. Why the big fuss? Unless you are a drama queen.Not trying to be rude or anything, but: this is a useless post in a way. Please get with the *forum* and don't post things like this.... bye.

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