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Posts posted by seez

  1. Sadam? Innocent? Excuse me??? How can you call this terrible man, this racist dictator, this power-hungry terrorist, this horrible man who gassed thousands of his own people, this awful creature who killed thousands of others, innocent? What kind of person are you to say that? What kind of person are you to practically support this person? What are you? How can you say this????


    Let me get something straight. Sadam was right up there with Adolf Hitler, with Joseph Stalin, with Osama Bin Laden. He was a bad man. He could have been one of the most terrible, mortifyingly-disgusting men in the history of America - the history of the world. And you claim that he is innocent!


    I am furious that you would say this. That you would say this disgusting man has done nothing!!! That you would say that. I.... can't even describe my feelings. I'm disgusted. Absolutely disgusted.

  2. Look, Smack has a point. I should have done something, but ... you know, I didn't put this in the post but one of the guys had a bat. Not a plastic, cheap, light little play baseball bat you can buy at a garage sale, it was a thick, wooden, heavy, sturdy, large, hundred dollar bat one could buy at a great sports store. It was for people who interfered with the kid getting beaten.


    And the guys.... were huge. Some were overweight, some were just HUGE. Buff. I know that they all had blades as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if the leader even.... had a gun.


    If I tried to take the beating for the kid, the guys would have been furious at me and I would have been severely beaten with the bat and with fists. On top of that, I could have been cut with the knives. And even - I could have even been shot although it is unlikely.


    These guys were practically criminals. They didn't go to the kid's school - they were just playing basketball there. I had no control over them, and I didn't have my cell with me. The kid didn't either, although I didn't put that in the post.


    I know the kid now and he's okay, and they've been leaving him alone. That's good, at least. And I've actually been rounding up a gang of my own in case they bug him again.

  3. I wish I could say that: I am proud to say that, no, I have not had sex. It gets you a bad reputation and I have not had sex. I will wait till I am married.Well, I have to say: I am in high school and I have been dating a girl for seven years. She is the love of my life, this is the first time I have brought her onto Xisto. We have ... had..... sex. Three..... times. Pains me to admit it but it's good for me. I couldn't resist her. I love this girl. We have only had sex with eachother. I plan to marry her when I am old enough and she plans to marry me. She is several months younger than me. I know I should have waited till I am married and it was bad, it was wrong. I will not have sex again with anybody, not even the only love of my life. I regret it terribly. It will only bring me away from my studies... I commited a sin. And that weighs heavily on me.

  4. Public Schools

    Dell 600m Laptops (with blocks, and 2nd in entire US for security and management, next to NASA)

    Bus Transportation

    Different Types of Peope

    Poor | Middle | Rich

    Different Backrounds

    Often criticized about certian things

    No Fees (payed by taxes)

    Good schools

    Good programs (tech wise)

    Private Schools


    Dress Code

    No Laptops ( :lol: )

    Mostly Rich, Upper Class

    Not Much Diversity

    More upscale food, buildings, overall aspect (due to that you pay so much $$$)

    Smart People that care (sorta good)

    Kids thats parents will buy there way through life (sometimes)

    ...This is not true. I go to a private school and we have modern awesome laptops. There is lots of diversity. And there are lots of racial backgrounds. And we don't "buy our way through life" all the time. Whether you mean that as offense or not it's not true. This was a quite ignorant post

  5. I've seen many fights at school where split lips, black eyes, and bloody noses have been given, even though I go to a high class private school. I've also given many of these in self defense to the eight terrible kids in my grade/school, in self defense.I've also on the street seen teenagers fight. Once a teenager fractured his wrist, although my school is in an excellent neighborhood. Once I saw about six teenagers beat up a twelve year old boy, it was horrible.

  6. Let me make something clear, in case anyone here doesn't already know this: racism is bad. It's a terrible thing, really: hating a people because they are of a different skin color or race... it's the root, the cause, of so many problems in this sad, harsh world.


    How do I deal with it? Well I'll tell you.


    When I hear someone at my school make a remark like "look at that black hick, he don't know what he's f***ing doing, that nig***" or "d**n that pathetic redneck" or something I deal them a good blow across the head and send them sprawling out on the floor and I make it clear that I don't ever want to hear that again. And I'm not a rough bad guy or anything. But this makes me MAD. And it's got so everyone's on tip top no-discrimination behavior when I'm around. And the ones of other races thank me for it and hang around me, because they know that any white guy who tries to beat them up won't because I'm there.


    See, I believe that one should be punished just for making a disgusting remark like the ones above. Not be punished for being racist; that 's just taking away free opinions. And maybe taking away the right to say bad racist things is taking away free speech, but..... it's horrible. And I can't take anymore of it. That's why the other day when a white guy said something REALLY awful and disgusting and horrible about an African American guy who was my friend, I gave him a split lip and a black eye. But I can't help it, really I can't.

  7. Well, tanning is supposed to be unhealthy, however I believe that if you keep your skin clean and moisturized you should be okay. Tanning beds aren't too good, and the kind of tans where they shine lights and stuff like that on you, is bad. Lotion is far better. Or natural tans are fine as long as you put moisturizer on your skin as you are tanning it every few minutes to keep the tan healthy.

  8. Ok, so here's what happened.I was walking home from school. It was a nice day, sunny out, and I had no homework. Everything seemed like it was going right. Then I saw a gang of six teenage white guys holding a smaller teenage white boy, coming towards me, in my direction, but not coming AFTER me. They were laughing at him and poking him, and shoving him and throwing some punches at him.I stopped. I hadn't seen something like this in a while. I ducked behind a trash can, not wanting to be next. You know what I mean. So I hid and they walked past me, teasing and tormenting the kid.The two teenagers that were holding the kid suddenly slammed him into the wall to their right. The kid was stunned. Another guy spun him around, and another guy shoved him back into the wall. Then another guy sent his fist crashing into the kid's chest. The kid got the wind knocked from his body. Another guy then kicked him in the knee. His legs buckled. Another guy punched him, hard, in the shoulder. It snapped back. Another guy grabbed his arm and pulled it across his back, and the kid gasped in pain. Yet another guy sent his fist into the kid's eye.They then pushed him into the middle of the wide sidewalk and circled him. Then they all started slamming their fists into his gut, and kicking him, HARD, and punching him in the noise, and ramming into him. Then it got worse. They took sticks and hurled them at him. But they didn't cluster around him and flail at him randomly. Each hit was given by a different guy, and it was consistent. The hits were clear and sharp, and not all at once. The kid staggered around. Twice he fell, and both times he was kicked, REALLY HARD, a few times, and hastily yanked back up. They forced him to his knees a bunch of times, and beat him like that. The last blow was delivered by the strongest and biggest and toughest of the guys, into his stomach. It was the hardest blow yet. The kid cried out in pain and crumpled to the ground, clutching his stomach and moaning in agony. His beating had lasted about five minutes, which is a long time to be in pain.I was horrified. The guys laughed and high-fived eachother, then the leader, the strongest and biggest and toughest guy said, "Remember that, JOHNNY, the next time you borrow my basketball." And they left. I ran to the kid, once they left, and knelt by him. He was about twelve, way younger than me. He had a bloody nose, a black eye, and many bruises. He was still groaning. He looked at me. I gently helped him up."You okay, kid?" I asked."You saw?" he asked, embarrassed."Yeah," I said."Oh. They owned me, didn't they," said the kid with resentment."No, not too bad," I said, and gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. "But what'd you do to get it?""I borrowed the leader's basketball when I was using our school's basketball court. They dragged me over here and.... well yeah, you know the rest.""Hope you'll be ok," I said.He smiled. "I will." And then he walked away, waving. I waved back.I continued home, mortified at the teenage guys who had beaten the twelve-year-old. I hadn't seen something like that in a while, and I haven't since. And I hope not to.But the incident seems to haunt me. Should I have done something? Please tell me. I am muscular enough, but I am smaller than them, and I would most likely have gotten beaten even worse than the kid.

  9. Lol just give yourself time, not all people are meant to be tall.... maybe you could try eating just a bit more and you would appear taller. You could of course stretch which should help and drink milk and dairy which would give you calcium and help you grow, but you need to wait for a growth spurt. Sit up straight and work on posture, you'll appear taller for sure. Draw your body up, shoulders back, and raise your head. Heels will make you appear taller. Other than that I can't think of anything....

  10. I know of hundreds of games like mmorpgs and rpgs. I will list some of them.



    Text Based Games




    1. Eragon Live (eragonlive.com)

    2. Vagabond's Quest (vagabondsquest.com)

    3. Kings of Chaos (kingsofchaos.com)




    1. The Crims


    Animal MMORPGs/RPGs


    1. Furcadia (furcadia.com)

    2. Penguin Chat (penguinchat.com)

    3. Club Penguin (clubpenguin.com)


    Medieval MMORPGs/RPGs


    1. RuneScape (runescape.com)

    2. Conquer Online

    3. Knight Online (knightonline.com)

    4. Maple Story

    5. Eternal Lands

    6. Sherwood Dungeon

    7. Sherwood Classic

    8. Mystic Online

    9. Silkroad Online

    10. Nowhere Else and Beyond

    11. Kal Online

    12. Graal Online

    13. Corum Online

    14. Diamonin

    15. Endless Online

    16. Monster and Me

    17. Free World

    18. Rubies of Eventide

    19. World of Warcraft

    20. Everquest

    21. Everquest 2

    22. Dark Ages

    23. Aspereta

    24. Survival Project

    25. Ilutia

    26. Dark Age of Camelot


    Pirate MMORPGs/RPGs


    1. Puzzle Pirates

    2. World of Pirates

    3. Dogs of the Seas

    4. Pirates of the Burning Sea

    5. Pirate The World

    6. Tradewinds Legends

    7. Zepirates

    8. Avast!

    9. Pirates of the Caribbean Online



    Those were only a few...

  11. I don't really rate websites as ugly based on their web design. I rat ethem ugly and horrible based on the CONTENT of the site. So I can't post the sites I think are ugly because they are VERY inappropriate, and I never meant to stumble upon them in the first place.And that site wasn't too bad.... I'm sure many people will find it inspiring. The web design's not that bad, and the content is nice, so I don't find it ugly.

  12. I don't hate SMOKERS. Not smokers in general. I'm not prejudiced like that or anything, and I know that you aren't either. Smokers get addicted to smoking and there's really nothing they can do about it.... I hate smokING. SmokING is bad. And that is what I really hate, for the same reason you do.

  13. You have nice skill in making sigs, nice job. Those are great! They must have been hard to make. I made a topic about what sigs are, how to make them, what they stand for/what they're short for, because I don't know much about sigs. You seem like you know what you're doing when you make sigs so if you ever find my topic (it's in the Multimedia place for computers and stuff) please post what sigs are, how to make them, etc.Thanks!

  14. Ok, so I am figuring out PHP and HTML and computer coding and programming, and scripts and game-developing languages and computer software and technology and stuff like that. And I am wondering about sigs.I don't know what this stands for. Does "sig" stand for anything in the first place? Is it short for anything? I think I know what they are because I've seen people make them. And I've seen their final results. I think I made a sig when I went to http://www.danasoft.com/ and made my own sign... that IS a sig, right?Please post what they are and how to make them, and what they stand for, what they are short for.... etc. Thanks!

  15. Flexibility is extremely important. Most people these days think: muscle, muscle, MUSCLE. Flexibility is just as important. You need it to help you grow, keep fit, and help your muscles stretch and things. Flexibility also helps your muscles swell out and become stronger.

  16. Well that's cool. Pullups are pretty hard for me, lol, and I can only do about 50. I once saw this guy in the park do 200 pullups in sets of 20, or something very much like that. He was really muscular, but not a body builder I don't think. To me, more than 60 pullups: that is ALOT.

  17. You want to build muscle at your house? Here's how to do it.



    1. Eat as much as you have to. You are a man, and men need to it. This will not affect you in a bad way, like making you gain fat, if you just watch what you eat, kind of, and excercise. You can easily manipulate the food into making your muscles swell out. But yes, try to eat healthy.


    2. Do the basic excercises that don't require equipment. Keep doing the basic excercises like push-ups, crunches and things. These, of course, help.


    3. Buy weights. Weights are two to three times more effective than the basic excercises like crunches, pushups, etc. Just buy them and use them, and they help ALOT.


    4. Stretch. You can't imagine how much stretching helps. It helps your muscles swell out like eating the right foods does. It will help alot.



    I think that will help you out. I hope it does! :unsure:

  18. Here are some things I've listed to help you prevent stitches whilst running.


    1. Drink water. Drink lots of water. When you get stitches it often means you don't have enough water in your system. To fix this, drink some.


    2. Breath deeply. Breath very deeply, so that you have enough oxygen to keep your insides working right. Then they will not contract and cramp, and you won't get stitches.


    3. Hold yourself well. Hold yourself in an upright position when you run. Don't hunch over, clutching your cramping stomach. Keep your back straight.


    4. Stretch. You can do simple stretches to get the cramps going away. Just bend your back slightly, very slightly, backwards. Your insides will uncramp and relax into a normal position.


    5. Get in better shape. Some people get stitches because they aren't in shape, don't get enough excercise. Their bodies aren't used to what they are doing, like running, and they get cramps. Try to get in better shape and you can prevent this.


    6. Don't eat while running. Eating while running gets all this food in your system and then it cramps while you excercise and run. So don't eat while running and you won't get as many cramps.

  19. I have several solutions for you.


    I know of http://mp3.com/ and download.com But all the other ones I know of are illegal.


    You can download songs from CDs onto your computer.


    And there is of course iTunes, which isn't free, but it is legal.


    You can ask your friends, if they have songs you like, to download the songs from their computers onto a CD and then give the CD to you, for you to download the songs onto your computer. This is illegal though.


    And you can go to AOL Music - they let you listen to some free songs and watch free music videos. If you were some computer mastermind you could figure out a way to manipulate AOL into downloading the songs that they let you listen to for free, but this of course would be: illegal. (I think.)

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