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Posts posted by seez

  1. I am not a nerd but I have to say that in ways I enjoy school. I like my school and my teachers. Learning isn't always that bad, and I don't dread school.However, I wonder sometimes if there is a point to some of the subjects taught. For example, with history. Now I am a good student in history and make straight A's in history. However: if you are applying for a job as a store clerk, why do you need to know about the Revolutionary War?And if you have spent years in Medical School and are a doctor, a heart surgeon, then why do you need to know how to play Handbells??Please post what you think.


  2. EXCELLENT BOOKS!!! They are exciting and make sense and are absolutely magnificent books. I love the books!! I read them over and over and over, every day, for at least an hour and a half. I can quote from the book, I can tell you everything about every person, place, item.... WONDERFUL BOOKS and I highly reccomend them.

  3. I am assuming you are meaning a relationship as in boyfriend/girlfriend type thing.
    Not at all, relationships can have nothing to do with sex at all, really you are in a relationship because you like that person and they have the same interests as you and you just click and get along.

    There are other ways of having a physical relationship that have nothing to do with sex, for example hugging, holding hands and kissing, some times these ways of showing affection can be more special to someone than sex.

    I hope I have been of some help :lol:

    Exactly, I completely agree. This person's right - listen to him.

  4. This is a good topic: I know many text based RPGs and MMORPGs. Here they are.Eragon Live at “http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is EXCELLENT. It is Eragon-themed. Make a character and live an Eragon-themed life.... Kill Galbatorix, become a Shade when you die, travel to Ellesmera, get armor, pets, gems, money, items and weapons and stuff like that. It is text based and I reccommend (did I spell that right?) it.Another is Vagabond's Quest. I know that VG is text based, I played it a long time ago and I don't remember much of it. There is also Vagabond's Quest 2 and you should check it out, but I don't know if it is text based or not. Sorry, you'll have to find out!The Crims is a criminal-based text RPG. You just be a criminal and shoot people and steal, make alliances and stuff like that. You also buy guns and knives and weapons and things. Very violent, if you like that sort of thing. I guess it is cool but I didn't like it that much, but you should try it out definetly.You can find more text based RPGs by going to Google and typing in "free online text RPG" or something like that. I'm sure you'll find lots of good results.I am going to see if I can create my own text based RPG. If I succeed in making one, I will post in on this forum and you will be notified immediately.I have played Kings of Chaos and it is not that good. I couldn't really figure it out, but although you said you didn't want to play it, I think you should try it out. Just to see if you like it. It is worth a try.Well I hope that helped. Bye!

  5. I didn't watch the videos, my computer wouldn't load them. I don't know if what you're all saying is true or not, but I'm now distressed. This is a sad, sad world. I only hope that things will be better in the future. Please, please stop arguing. I'm just really distressed now, of all this horrible stuff that goes on these days. I don't want to watch the videos... I just want all death and crime and sickness and all bad things in the world to stop...

  6. When you said "Are We Living In A Game?" I was like laughing, saying, "This guy is soooo confused!!Hahahaahahahaha!" But now I think... Oh my god, you're right, are we living in a game??


    That is a SCARY thing to think about. Because the Sims, they don't know they're being controlled. So naturally, we wouldn't either. It seems certainly possible.


    But then, think sense. It is so impossible. What an absurb idea! How could that really be happening??


    So the answer to your question, sensibly, is no. But thats just the sensible way. As for myself, here's what I think: I don't know....

  7. Of course you know of Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3.... surely that is good?? And try looking up some army X Box game. There is also a sweet game where you are in a plane called Crimson Skies so yeah, you should definetly check that out.Although they are not shooting games, more cool games are Need for Speed, ATV, and Test Drive. DO NOT BUY THE NEW X-BOX GAME MEET THE ROBINSONS!!! SO STUPID!!! It really is.Pirates of the Caribbean comes to X-Box soon... and the Tony Hawk ones are cool. Hope this helped!

  8. How Old Will People Live 80 Years In The Future? I mean there will be medication and eternal life operations or something like that, won't there? I understand that noone can know for sure (of course), but what do you all think? I mean I know that people will keep on living longer, because as history can most surely tell us, people are living longer and longer. For example, in the times of the Native Americans, living to 50 was considered living old.Please post what you think/know about this subject.

  9. The best Mp3 player?? Hard question. Like catigorizing or asking by these questions: the lowest price, easiest to use, most space on it, best design, longest warranty, best graphics, easiest to get, or the most options??


    Well, if all of them, then the iPod.


    The Prices: The prices are not that bad, and if you consider them high, then you must agree that the iPod is worth the price. But to most the iPod prices are fine.


    Easiest To Use: The iPod is pretty easy to use, and the iPod has loads and loads of space. The iPod Video has 80 GB space on it!! And all you need is 2 GB to store your whole life on a computer....


    Best Design: And the iPod has sweet design. You can get it in different sizes, colors and styles. You can even get your name engraved in the back of it. Tons of customization option.


    Longest Warranty: The iPod has a nice warranty. I'm not sure how long it goes on, but for weeks at least. Most likely it goes on for months.... yes that has to be right. It has a longer warranty than most Mp3 players.


    Best Graphics: The graphics are great. The words are easy to use and the graphics aren't blurry, they are clear. They are not smudged. You can also adjust the brightness and it doesn't strain your eyes alot. The screen is protected and you can see color.


    Most Options: You can listen to music, play games, check out the calender, use a calculator, and way, way, way more on your iPod. There is lots of option, unlike most Mp3 players. You don't just download songs and listen to sings. There is way more to the iPod than that


    I'm not and iPod freak and I don't know a whole ton about it, but I know and can see that The iPod has every quality perfectly (sorry, that's worded awkwardly). Yes, the iPod has to be the best. If you don't agree, then come on and use common sense. It has to be when you use critical thinking and work it out with your mind.

  10. I am looking for an SEO program that is free, online, easy to use, and gives you lots of customization options.


    I know of:


    Google Custom Search Engine


    About Google Custom Search Engine:


    Easy to use, online, free, but it DOESN'T GIVE YOU LOTS OF CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS. Not really - all you do is give keywords to narrow down the search results. You can't actually tag sites with keywords and put them into your search engine.



    I also have seen a program where you can customize your own search box, and search box results, and this is cool. However there are two problems: (1) I don't remember what site I saw this on and (2) I would prefer making a search engine.


    I guess you could say I am a bit picky about this. And I don't think that there are many of these programs, although I wish there were, but if you know of any, PLEASE POST THEM!!! Thank you

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