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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I agree and that dodgy breaking thing happened to me too... got at the site once and couldn't get it to work at all after??? whats going on??? Anyhow I like the overlay and I would agree that the top image was maybe a bit random...? I think the main problem is that failing thing... maybe look into it?
  2. Yeh thanks you guys... I think its helped... still worried and probably still will be in about 20 odd years....What I am getting worried is that i'm gonna run outta conversation. But I think I'm in luck cos she seems to be understanding al that shy stuff etc. and does seem to like me for who I am...GoodGood Keep ya informed L:-) <-- My God... Did I just write that???? She's definitely affecting me in a very good way
  3. Do you mean that it is hosted already and you would like to change the details of your hosting? (although as this is ur first post You probably mean): That you don't want to use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you want to move over to say http://www.yourothersite.com/? If so theres no easy way that I know of to change your domain, other than by buying a new one (only Ł2.50 though :))
  4. I think we were going to go to a movie first, but I found last night that there is nothing on she really wants to watch... could this be a good chance to know her a little better..? or it might give us a little more together time??? Any he also had the idea of us going to a cafe or sumthin afterwards for lunch (this would make it longer than 1 and a half hours but that was helpful:
  5. This is my first post in these 'life' forums as i'm a fair bit shy... but here goes: Well, I've got a friend called Guy and he's invited me on a double datee this sunday. It should help that I know him really well and trust him to accept me. anyway. I don't really know the girl who I'm going to be meeting this sunday Her name is Lucy... I was talkin to her on msn (which is the best thing for me cos it gives me time to see what I'm writing... not just blurt out random stuff that I'll regret) and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and she is also really really nice and she is fairly interested in me according to Guy. I would say that I am a really shy person and its really hard for me to get talking with someone who I've only just met... I would really like to make a good impression as she is so nice, I know a bit about her from out chat on msn last night (which I must say went extremely well in comparison to my first ever talk with Jeni...) I also managed to slip in a few nice little things like "thats really cute but incomparable to you" (I think worked fairly well) but I think I have a chance as it went wellcan anyone give me some help for that on-the-spot scene to maybe help it last ? People may have noticed that I edit almost all my posts just after... unfortunately It can't be done in real life!!!! i'm already worried (but in a good way) :/
  6. surely theres someone with a bit of knowledge about d-slr lenses?anyone able to recommend anything?Thanks
  7. Well, I would say that I am pretty much in the same boat... Just began exams and this is the time that I have never done so little wirk in my life - NONE!.Well Ive got to the point where certain things are really bugging me (crap headmaster, being punished for things I didn't do, totally annoying hypocricy in school - they say the were taking our english exam one year early and stress fir abouut three weeks that there will be npo re-takes and that that would be that.) Well I put my life for all that time into the exam and worked really hard... I got a "b", which in comparison to the other people who were much cleverer than me getting c's in their GCSEs it was very good. then two or three weeks later, they go "actually you will be taken again in a year's time -I was devastated- I hate the ****************s for that. To me It just doesn't seem woerth it anymore. I have tried everything - even meditation and I must say that meditation is very good and calming but can't seem to do anything for my total lack of work spirit.My dad also really annoys me for many reasons i just cant be bothered to list now...unfortunastely this turned out to be a post on a venting of mine... but i hope it may be able to help you in someway... - there are many people going through the same thing - just try to keep a low profile and just sail through it all as before you know it, you'll be somewhere better and much less pressured that will suit your character
  8. MY MISTAKE - DIDN'T REALISE YOU COULDN'T EDIT A POLL AFTER - HERE ARE THE CORRECT FOCUS DISTANCES: * Sigma 150mm = 38.0 cm Sigma Four Thirds * Sigma 105mm = 31.3 cm Sigma Four Thirds * Olympus 35mm = 15 cm Olympus 35mm MACRO * Olympus 50mm = 28.0 cm Olympus 50mm MACRO hey guys and gals; Anyway I am forcefully narrowed to the four above and would appreciate any help choosing the correct one from someones who may know a little more. I do have a short-ish lens that has allowed me to do some (close to)macro photograph, but I really would like to have a dedicated lens to get much closer to the subject for proper MACRO photos. I am not sure of the benefits between a 30mm MACRO lens and a long focal lengthed 150mm, except I did work out that the 150mm would be able to produce closer images than the others (if I got it wrong please tell me!) but the only thing I can think of is the mobility and being able to get angles from below easier and also that a longer focal length would create a more blurred background. Unfortunately the prices are quite expensive but it would be nice to look at these without considering the prices in mind as I would be able to save and get the one that would suit and last me for a long time. Are there any strong advantages between a longer focal length or a short one for MACRO photography??? Thanks
  9. Okay... Its for the photos area of my site... link below for any of ya who would like to look at my awesome photos... (I know some don't work and those are the best ones >: ( and I have no clue why, as they all work offline, but not online and with no pattern of breakage either...) < E D I T ; GOT EM TO WORK PROB WAS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ".jpg" and ".JPG" PIC EXTENSIONS - NEVER KNEW THE DIFFERENCE!!!> Anyway... Here are the rosponses to yar posts in chrono order: The anchor tag (i'm not sure about using these) but it may work, although as the page I am linking from is on a completely different frameset . .. I'll look up about these . . I couldn't find anything on the W3schools, but I did find a page elsewhere for an answer to the exact same question but the link is broken I don't mean to be using Iframes... most of the site and simple non - i - frame frameset works fine, its just that one of my pages has a completely different layout and so it runs on a different frameset from another htm page. It is on this page that I have links on the top that I would like to be linking back into the original frameset and to show a specific page in one of the frames there.on the original frame I have a header frame that displays header.htmand a lower frame that shows everything else. I got the links from header.htm on the top of the original page to just change the lower frame fine, but as you all know the overall page stays with the one that contains the frameset and different frames always.What I would like to do is to link back from a completely different frameset / page set to get it to show a specific page in the lower frame e.g. the games page instead of just linking back to the whole thing (which would just diaplay the home page). I mean to include reloading the original header and frameset as well...Once again your speedy response is what I have come to know from Trap 17 (in a good way )
  10. Hi People...I am trying to get a framed website to work. I would appreciate your advice, if you are able to solve this? thanks?For one of the page sets of the site, I have deviated away from the original frameset, but there are links on there (the alternative pages) that I would like to take me back to display a specific page in a frame of the original set.How would I load the whole other frameset back (with header) whilst also loading a specific page into the lower frame of the original frameset, when the current page is not in that frameset? The original frameset consists of a header (with links) and underneath a frame with main content?Just PM me or reply if there is not enough info, or if this is not clear enuf for yas :)Thanks?James
  11. Thanks for that... Its nicely tailored to MX2004... which is good . I found a different build urself one, but it did have a few problems as it was a different version. I don't have time to check if this covers everythiing, but I will definitely be on there later. Should be able to get the basics from it A improvement to my knowledge builds up Thxnxs go out to both of ya
  12. I am so glad tha t I nopticed this thread... my dad just recently bought Flash MX 2004 cheap for his work and I would like to learn how to use it. Seems pretty complicated with all those functions and layers and what have you.Those tutorials are pretty good . . . soon I hope to be able to actually do something in it and spice up my website a bit. I am currently tyrying to teach myself all about CSS / html / java etc. and these flash tutorials should add to my knowledge bank well for the better!Thanks for linking to those :)
  13. O.K? well, its not overly complicated, a small menu (preferably drop down to show and choose tracks, a play/pause, next and back button. (also a volume control if poss...) within about 80px high and as many as you like wide (not silly though ) Thanks... every small piece of help appreciated
  14. If you ever come back to have a look at this... just be careful what you do with any copyrighted movies and such, just showing them on the web let alone allowing people to freely download may be riskey.... You may not be using clips from other copyrighted movies / DVDs etc., if so the i've bitten off the wrong end of the hotdog! but better safe than sorry! the internets a place for sueing and making money and enjoyment and .. bla .. bla .. bla on I go! .... Enjoy.
  15. Hey Guys, I decided it would be handy to get a flash mp3 player that I could use. I have already got a design that is fairly good and I would appreciate it very much if someone would be able to code / build it for me.I do have Flash MX 2004 (only extremely limited knowledge, but I can rearrange things and understand the code a bit, so it would not have to be perfect, I just really cant do any coding of any kind for anything!If you just pm me or e-mail "James@projectjim.co.uk" Ill be happy to accept a proposition and send you whatever you need i.e. designs, backgrounds etc.!Thx for any help whatsoever (p.s. probably be a credit tip there too if I can muster up a fair few more!!! but my thanks and also your kind spirit :) is always the most important!!!!!)James.
  16. I hope I can help ya out... as a perfectionist and someone who is annoyed by 'tackiness', I spend ages researching anything I buy to make sure that I get the best deal. Im writing this on an HP pavilion laptop (zx5000), after a very long time worth of research and trying out other laptops / makes. I bought this a while ago and it originally cost me just over Ł1000, which was (and still is if i'm not mistaken) a very good deal. If you went out to buy one now, I would not be surprised if it would probably be available under Ł1000 for this model. For portability wise, it may be slightly large if you want to lug it around for hours every day, then it may not be for you, but I cycle to and from college every day and it is suitable for me. The screen is of very good quality (15.4 widescreen (with 17" being the better model although that was a year or two ago...) with the physical look of the resolution and pixels better than other makes of laptops with the same specs I have seen. The graphics should be able to handle the majority of games/anything you want to use it for (although only being 64mb card, it was a rarity for this that was designed for 180+ mb. card. This meant that the overall performance and texturing / features... etc were amazing for the laptop. also, all of the components used have the best match between them to give the performance that is good (i'm pretty sure that other well renowned makes like dell (many of my friends have them) are nowhere near as good for the same specs. 512 mb ram isn't too bad and is upgradeable too... I suggest that U have a look at alienware laptops if you want a dedicated gaming thingy, but I would recommend to everyone an HP for an immense overall sturdy, value for money comp. all of the time . If not going for the specific laptop type that I have I would definitely reccomend an HP, as their designs perform much better than the specs that they put out. I have dropped this three times and its hardiness definitely cannot be argued with. It only caused one problem: a slight crack and scratch(s) in the plastic rim on the front which is easily replaceable (P.S. I had to glue the corner of this rim back on to it as it was smashed in after a hit in a rucksack (only on the plastic bit) though... but it did still fit !!!.) It still works perfectly - miles better than the original specs. Enjoy - but definitely have a look at em. One reason for it working so well may be due to the modified windows software that they install on it (come on the backup disk too in case u wanna reinstall every now and again) They say that It voids the software warrenty if you overrite it, but It seems to definitely make a difference to the overall performance...) - for my college I need xp pro and I just did a dual boot to keep the original there... If treated with lots of respect an HP laptop ( I don't know about their desktops, but...) years of great use and it should still be sellable for a fair price at the end of everything. Definitely worth a look in the grand scheme of things...!
  17. I totally agree... there are many hundreds of people out there who are going to places like macdonalds or pizza hut every day or just eating those microwave meals for every time they are not visiting a fat feasting place. With the introduction of 'buffet' meals and supersizes that get bigger and cheaper every day, making even more of an incentive to enjoy the food. People say that 'it is glandular'. Though this may be true for a very small amount of the population, it makes for absolutely no excuse not to try and get a little exercise. Even though being large would be fairly embarrassing, many gym machines are available extremely cheaply for your own home so there would be no need for them to advertise being obese. if you are overweight it should not be difficult to cook your own healthier meals. This doesn't mean just eating boring salad or stuff like that, but just getting a wider range of diet with everything that should be nicer anyway. A main problem would be the fact that all those high fat fast food restaurants were proven to be addictive. This is probably the worst problem, the 'enjoyment factor...' The only reason it would be productive to accept that anyone was fat would be if we were to accept in order to do something about it. Once it has been accepted, that should make it even easier to go outside and get some exersise, without being overly worried about other people's opinions about it. otherwise, the society tht we live in will begin to expand, literally, with the majority of people too accepted to care about the way they look and feel. I cannot say how it would feel to have slimmed down to a normal size, after being obese, but I can imagine that it should be a great feeling, if nothing else of what an achievement has been completed Personally, I wouldn't call myself 'fat'. I would admit that I do not get enough exercise as I should be getting, but I don't seem to expand very easily at all. Unfortunately for other people, I can eat as much as I want (even Ł10 worth of chocolate in two days - of course not all the time!!! ) but I still seem to not expand. I would say that my weight was average, I am not obese, nor am I critically skinny. In a few years this will probably change, but i will enjoy it whilst it lasts!.
  18. Personally I think that the PS2 currently would be the best, but even though I have not used the PS3 i suppose it would be the best. The one fault that I know of of the PS3 is those ugly and hard to hold controllers that look like they could be used as a boomerang. overall, Sony's experience with consoles has to be much better than Microsoft's, also with a much wider range ( and better ) games over three different platforms INSTEAD OF THE XBOX ONES. I always liked the PS2 and with so many improved features on the PS3 I think it has the future as the best console over all of the others. Also owning many games on the PS2 it would be incredibly annoying to have to re-buy then for a newer, microsoft console and the renge of games on them is seriously limited, with many of them extremely similar. I also agree a lot with ssj4johhny that it a mistake on Microsoft's part to release the XBOX 360 so early, this way the PS3 can be properly compared to it and so they can really improve on it's faults and over-do its positive aspects. thank you for your hospitality ( edit ) ( sorry wasn't me lol )
  19. This is a load of absolute rubbish... what a plonker :lol:even DNA ages as time goes by so it would be impossible to live forever, until you deteriorate to soomething rather unusual... I suppose if he makes any money from it, good for him, not a great example though!!! Once they get those cryo-chambers ready im in there at the first slot
  20. hehe: very amusing stuff. even if it doesn't have a proper meaning, still nice to know for future reference is you want to look clever . Thanks for the link - I had some good fun browsing those names, especially the few dodgy ones!
  21. malicious stuff... monitoring outbound signals with a decent program (preferably one that isn't a keylogger itself or free from somewhere) seens to be the best realistic idea that doesnt require tampering with the registry.It is usually easy to see if a site is only a temporary one that doesn't seem to be of very good quality and its probably a better idea to stick with sites that look genuine and seem to be quite large.
  22. H m m m It would probably be jim carrey as he can always get a laugh outta you. orrr I will never tire of watch bruce almighty . . . I t just strikes home and I think they hit GOD bang on the head ! ! !
  23. Awww thanks for this dude... I was looking for a way to do panorama photos as I just got a newer decent dslr . Im chuffed to bits with it. I was looking to expand with a fisheye lens but hey!!! thisll do the trick just nicely for me right now :lol:mmmm... cookies - now I can have 360 degree piqqies of them
  24. I use a rather big laptop for all computer stuff and find that, for most of the time, it remains on for 2 days at a time. Its just easier to leave it on. ( ( ( If you have problems with virus / stuff get urself a network button! - if the internets not being used I just press the button to turn off the wireless card. ) ) ) Its extremely handy and is probably the main reason my comp still works.Main problem with leaving it on is heat. the two main fans on the laptop are on the bottom / right hand sid at the bottom. It helps to just jut up one side on a book or something... Thats how I do it I hope to get a desktop soon which will negate the need for me to use the big book of guiness world records to stop my area of the house burning down :blink:I've almost burnt myself on the keyboard the other day so i think I'll be turning it off more than usual from now on...The only real problem is fires... the only answer is to just be careful with what you block up fans with and to turn it off once in a while.
  25. Actually, its not completely useless. The defence governments would pay you a huggge amount of money on top of that $100,000 (although it would still be very handy on its own) if you just happened to find the next one. -better get to work- prime numbers are used to encode their top-secret goodies for some reason like they are not divisible by other numbers to make them safe or something or rather. If a new prime number got into the wrong hands it would end up with someone getting very angry, and the risk of their information being leaked. GIMPS now have a decent use...
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