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Everything posted by lonebyrd

  1. I had a pop-up blocked by Firefox at the beginning but that was all. I agree, the site was extremely slow in every page it had to load. But I did like the colors, but you can't see the band very well. But maybe that was the intention. If I wasn't there to give my opinion, I wouldn't have stayed to see it because of the slowness. But overall, I liked the look.
  2. I thought it was all about the <META> tags. I guess you learn something new everyday. So then what are the <META> tags actually used for?
  3. I think dreams only have meaning because you want them too. I believe that dreams are made up of things you do, people you see, and things you hear while your awake. In dreams, sometimes things are straight-forward and seem easy to understand, and sometimes nothing makes sense and you analyze it. You give dreams meaning based on how you feel about the 'awake' situation, and what you would like it too mean. Hidden meanings, I don't think so. Personal meanings felt inside the self, a good probablity.
  4. The 'enter' page was so slow, but then I had to wait while it was loading the next page too. That is going to keep many visitors away. If I wasn't going to give feedback, I wouldn't have waited. But then I gave up when everything on the site took so long to load. But as for the site itself, I like the colors. The picture of the band (if that's what they are) are a little hard to see. But overall I liked what I did see of it.
  5. Oh yes, the cables behind my computer drive me crazy. If I had some extra money, I would already have a wireless mouse and keyboard. If anything falls behind my desk, I have to search through the cable jungle to find it. I've tried using twist-ties to keep it neater, but still, with all of them hanging there it gets pretty messy. That's why I would buy wireless, not to type away from my desk (though that might be interesting to try).
  6. I may be asking a stupid question here but, how do the different pages (except for the activation) know what is going on with each other? I'd like to use some of the ideas in this script, now that I've learned a little from trial and error, but just a little unsure of how to connect them all.EDIT-When asking user to confirm password (pass2) does that have to be written in the database as well?
  7. I agree with Arbitrary about the Link Trading/Link Exchange. Some of it is just ridiculous. The main reason people do it, I think, is to get more visitors, but usually it is on some totally unrelated website. If your going to get visitors that way then why should your rank be higher. I don't plan on doing any Link Trading/Exchange for my site. I just find it pointless. Though I would like for my site to have a good amount of visitors, I would like them to visit out of interest, not because they saw my link on some page and were just curious.
  8. I for one am new to programming, so learning MySQL is proving to be a little difficult. Some things I can pick up on easily, but others, like the error messages I get, I just can't figure out. There is a book I want to get Called MySQL Tutorial (2nd Ed.) that looks pretty good. The user reviews seemed the best of all the MySQL beginner books I looked at. Of course, I need to practice, practice, practice. And for now, on-line tutorials are fine.
  9. The only free host I've used in the past was Geocities. But I agree with many here... It was Terrible. Now that I've been hosted here for awhile and am getting to know my way around the CPanel, I see that Geocities is Nothing in comparison. Xisto is great. I love the forums. I would post here even if it wasn't required! I think it's great that Asta can offer so many services for free. Must cost them a fortune! But for the most part there is awsome community involvment here, which I would think the Admins would like to see. I know I won't be switching, I'm not even going to look elsewhere. Well, at least for now, Xisto has everything I need. Maybe in the future I might have to have more space. I don't know what Asta's paid hosting offers, but if it comes down to a space issue, I will check there first.
  10. Thanks, but I did know how to do it in HTML. I was just wondering if there was a seperate way to do it using CSS. I knew that was very basic, but what I was trying to avoid was having to put it on every page. But I shall figure out what I am doing wrong.
  11. I was re-reading the posts because for some reason I can't get this to work. Now I have what may be a stupid question. Vusja wrote originally and said: Is there a way to put just images in CSS, not background images? Because every tutorial I've seen on CSS is all about background images, I've never seen anything with just an <IMG> tag before. If that's all I have to do, and it's that simple, I will do that. I just never knew that it was an option.
  12. Ok, I'm having a problem getting this to work. So I have a question. Do I add the URL for the banner and background where you put 'URL' or where it says '_x.jpg'? And another question I have is, I put the part about <DIV> in my regular script along with my link for my CSS page right? But why would I put a <DIV> when it isn't listed as a division, just a .banner?
  13. Wow! I never got past algebra in school. You guys are amazing. I look at that and it looks like its written in alien! But seriously, I love math and wish I could do things like that because it fascinates me. I love it when people post these math problems.
  14. I have a problem with Xammp and don't know if anyone here can help me out. The people at the Xammp forum arent very helpful, but I got a little info out of them. My Xammp worked at first when I went to localhost/xammp, but then for some reason, it didn't. Come to find out, it is because something was deleting it's temp files, least that's what they say at Xammp's forum. I run a program called Clean-Up! that gets rid of cookies and temp files and such, but there is no way to configure it to not get rid of Xammps files. But I was wondering something. I went to windows start menu, system tools, and disk clean up, and there it has an option for 'Web Client/ Publisher Temporary Files'. Does anyone know if this is what I should be keeping for Xammp and getting rid of the regular temporary files? I'm getting very frustrated that every time I try to clean up my computer I lose access to Xammp!
  15. Im trying to use a blue textured background image on my website using CSS. That would be all well and good if I didn't want to also use a picture with the name of my site that I made in photoshop in CSS also. I just don't know how to get the two to work using CSS without one canceling the other out. Is it possible to use two images with CSS? If so, can someone tell me how? I can't find a tutorial on it.
  16. I'm just beginning to use CSS and come to find out that many things are different when it comes to setting things up on a page. It's like starting all over again. When I first went to do CSS, I started typing it out, set out the font color for text and links, background and all that jazz. Come to find out it didn't work, because everthing had to be written differently. Boy, I've got alot to learn!
  17. I had the Genuine Windows thing happen on my computer without my doing. I don't have automatic updates, but when I went to update one thing, it ran it. I knew i was legit (well at least pretty positive, just got computer re-vamped).But one thing I would say about M$. They will probably be more likely to help you out then let illegal copies of their software running around. They'll probably charge you a smaller amount then the new version, but their in it for the money. But thats just my opinion.
  18. Thanks for those sites Houdini! The second on the list was very helpful in what I was looking for. In the future, I think the Dev Shed will be a help, but right now, I think it is a little advanced for me. I need to get the basics and I found it a little confusing at that site. But I think I can get things working now from some things I learned from these sites. Thanks again, very helpful.
  19. Playing on medium level is great. I tried it on hard and I actually finished a song. But on expert... it's impossible. My favorite song is the one by Incubus. I love playing that. The first time I played that on 'easy' I got around 95% and it's not all that easy to do (at least that's what the other people I played with said, they couldn't finish it). Anyway, still lovin it!
  20. I hate button mashing, but for me, sometimes it's a necessity. When I just can't get the moves down... look out buttons. But I prefer technique and strategy above all else. When I know a game well enough, going agains a button masher is easy enough. But being a button masher against someone who knows the game, I get my butt beat hard. So I try my best to learn the game, but when all else fails.... mash away.
  21. I've only been using FireFox for maybe 3 months, but from the sounds of it, if there only adding a spell checker, why bother. I agree that some of the add-on should be included in the upgrade. But I really don't even see why, at this point why they are doing it. I mean unless they come up with something major. Like I've said, I'm a relatively new user, but I just don't see the point.
  22. If it's a suprise to people that the internet keeps your data, then maybe you shouldn't be using the net. I mean really. O.K. maybe that was harsh, but why wouldn't they keep at least some of the information. They are a company trying to expand its horizions, a multi-billion dollar company at that. From day 1? Maybe some info, but, like others have said, it would take massive hdd's to keep that amount. If you put personal information out over the internet, you always put yourself at risk... to hackers. But I really don't think companies such as Google will do anything with it. I don't see any problems with them watching what I seach for. I use Google to search all the time, I hate the other search engines. I would get GMail, but don't have an invite. And also like others have said, don't always trust what you read on the web. Do you believe everything you see on T.V?
  23. MySQL is getting very hard for me to understand. I've got a script I've been working on with a database, and some of the MySQL lines are coming up as errors. I've found W3Schools website good most of the time. If its just the very basic, then I'm probably going to have to find something else. I'm reading the online book 'Practical PHP Programming', and though its not all about MySQL, it does touch on it. But it doesn't, in my opinion cover them in the detail I would like. I've been looking at Amazon.com for some books, and looking at getting a book called "MySQL Tutoral (2nd Ed.)" by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson. If anyone has heard anything, good or bad about this book, let me know. I'm also looking at getting "PHP in a Nutshell" to help me there as well. I figure every little bit helps
  24. Creating a new user and password in Cpanel for MySQl did the trick. After I did that, and included put the login.php in my script instead of a seperate file, everything worked fine. Thanks for the advice. Granted, I still have problems in my script, which I knew about, but at least my page works now.
  25. Ok.. My database name is lonbyrd_FTV and I know the username is lonebyrd_. Here are the two codes I use: Config.php <?php$user = "lonebyrd_";$password = "password";$database = "lonebyrd_FTV";$host = "localhost";?> Login.php <?phpmysql_connect($user, $password, $host,) or die (mysql_error());mysql_select_db($database) or die (mysql_error());?> I just thought of something. Is it because of the order I put things in my Config.php file? Well, I'm just grasping at straws, but I'll try that.
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