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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. OK, I have absolutely NO experience with 7.1 speakers (well, nor 5.1 speakers for that matter, and the irony is, I have SB Live 5.1, but no 5.1 speakers), but I'll try to put in my 2 cents...If you say that all sound works good on 7.1, games etc, then maybe there is a problem wth the CMSS functionality itself? Perhaps some bug that skipped Creative, or something like that... Let me ask you this, how do the movies sound? Are all speakers active when you watch movies? DVDs, DivXs, no matter... I know I have certain problems sometimes, getting output on my rear outs (I have headphones connected there), and settup is on 2 speakers (that's when all sound from front outs is copied to rear), and, for example, I have to manualy configure rear out as another source, in Classic Media Player, that comes with K-Lite codec pack... Sounds silly, but that's how it must be done...Did you try playing your MP3s from say, Windows Media Player? Do all the speakers work? Maybe there's a strange bug in Winamp (I love Winamp, but it's made by humans too, and humans make mistakes sometimes :huh:)Many options to go trough, but try to do some of the things I suggested, for movies and wmp, and post it here, and we'll go from there ;) Maybe then someone will know the answer ;)

  2. I have Intel Pentium 4, originaly running at 2.0GHz, and I clocked it, and it's running on 2.6GHz, and it's core temperature is 54 degrees Celsius, at 100% load... You are safe with your CPU temperature, you have much headroom for it to heat up... Intels have a good reputation of saving a CPU when it overheats... They lower the frequency, it's slows down, or, if the overheat is extreme, it will immediately shut down...In conclusion, you are very safe, and your CPU temperature is very good :huh:

  3. Ok, I agree... With SOME of the things... One thing I learned, and is proven as true, spending ALL the time with your girlfriend is counter productive... You're not married, and you don't live together... She may need some time alone, as wall as you need some time alone too, time to watch you favourite TV show, go out with your friends, and she may want to do those things too... If you continue to spend all the time together, very soon, small fights will break out, then larger, larger, and finally breakup... So, give each other room to breathe...And don't pretend to care... You need to actually care, because if you don't, she will know, believe me, she will know ;) I never pretend to care about someone I don't care... I mean, I care for all people, but if I really care about someone, and would do anything for her, or him, for my friends, or girlfriend, they know it, and I show it...This probably sounds silly to all you kids, who are all out looking for adventure, changing your dates on a monthly basis, and I agree with that, you should live while you're young, there will be plenty of time to be adult ;)... Anyways, it may sound silly, but when I fall in love with someone, and it turns out to be real love, then there is care involved, no need to pretend... And no need to pretend to listen, either... I want to help my girl get over some problems if she has some, or just be there for her...Always listen to her, and HEAR what she has to say... Girls give away subtle signals, that we should pick up, like, what's her favourite flower, favourite food, what she likes, and what she dislikes... And you need all of those, otherwise, if you bring her tulips, and she's alergic, and really loves roses, then it shows you don't care enough, to listen, and HEAR, to what she has to say...And guys, never be shy to show your love to your girl, in public! There's nothing wrong with kissing her in public, or hugging her, or just looking at her with lot of love, and that doesn't make you less man, or anything...Things you do when you are alone with her, don't be afraid to do when you're in public (well, not EVERYTHING, but those cute talks, hugs, kisses, when you caress her hair, that kind of things)...Ane never, ever, brag to you friends, how you scored, or anythings... That's just plain rude, distastefull, and very, very wrong... Imagine how would you feel, if girls talked about you that way? Not very pleasant, is it? :huh:Always respect a girl/woman... No matter if it's your sister, mother, girlfriend, neighbour, or just a stranger... It comes to me now, that I should write some topic about chivalry and gentleman conduct, for these younger generations ;) They do need to learn something ;)

  4. A very dear friend of mine, tought me that little things, make our life. Not big ones, or giant ones, but small, every day kind of stuff, like drinking coffee, watching your favourite show on TV, being in love, feeling someone else loves you... Sunrise, or sunset, that beautiful red color spilled across the sky...I really should thank her, because she tought me this important thing, and that has certainly made my life a bit brighter, in this crazy world...Live your life day by day, and enjoy all those little things that happen to you, every day...

  5. Mine is 24th... I don't want to brag or anything, but I would have to agree on things written here ;) I am always optimistic, and I do like cheering others up, and trying to make them smile... And yes, people do have the tendency to open up to me, and tell me all their problems... That's not so cool, because the way I am, I all take it way to personaly, and from time to time, I can just snap ;)As for love, I can't really say... I do fall in love, from time to time, and often, it passes quickly... However, if it lasts longer than 1 or 2 weeks, then I'm really seriousely in love ;) Now, whether my partner is crazy about me, or not... That's a question for someone else :huh:p.s.I do love to do romantic stuff ;)

  6. This is actualy a very difficult question... There are good things about each of the seasons, and there are bad things as well... The thing I hate about the weather the most, is rain :huh: and as spring and fall are filled with rain, I'm not to "in love" with those two seasons... Of course, spring is great after a long and cold winter, to actualy feel sun rays again, for the first time in a long while... Everything blooming, becoming green again... Then, there's summer... This was my favourite season, but... Unfortunately, in recent years, summers in my area are becoming more and more hot, temperatures reaching 40 or even 45 degrees Celsius (which, for all you "imperialists", is pretty hot :huh:)Aaaahhh... Fall ;) was my favourite (but before summer was ;)), while I was a kid... My birthday is in September, and I loved the fall for all the presents I would get, and all the cake I would eat ;) but, as all good in life comes to an end, I'm not a kid anymore, and there are no more presents, and I'm afraid my cake supplies will run short too ;)Winter, is way to cold for my taste... Don't get me wrong, I love winter, but only on postcards and pictures... or if I'm in a worm room, looking through the window, but I'd rather avoid it if I can B) There are no words to describe the view, of about 60 cm of snow, in the country, undisturbed, looking like the white sea, frost glistening on a cold winter sun... Happened to me to stumble accross such a view a few times... Very beautifull... Made me want to lie down in that wast amount of snow... Which I did ;) I was ill for the next week ;) but it was well worth it! :lol:So, I guess, I like all of the seasons, and I disslike them as well... But my favourite... I'll go for the summer, and we'll see how that will work this year :lol:

  7. I to am European, and don't look positively on US government, and their "we know what's best for the whole world" attitude. This only further proves the fact, that 90% of politicians are scum of the universe, and are in politics only for their own well being, no one elses. And I believe Europe should unite, and oppose US government, and their bullying of the entire world. I know the allmighty buck rules the world, but if we let politicians think for us, and let them serve us what they want, and not what we want... Well, let's just say it won't be nice...Anyways, thumbs up for Wikipedia staff for banning US government IP range, and I believe more admins should do something like this. They do not own us, and they are here for us, not the other way arround...If only we were in like 15th or 16th century... Mobs are great for solving cases like this one :huh:

  8. The most important thing to know when you put in a new RAM, is that it most use the same standard, that is, that all the modules are either SDRAM, or DDR... Even thought it is physically impossible to switch the two, there are known situations where people put in SDRAM modules in DDR slots by force. That of course is NOT good :huh:Now, frequency mismatch, is not that big problem. Your motherboard SUPPORTS 266MHz memory. That means if you put, say, 333MHz DDR modules, it MAY not work, or work on 266MHz... Now, if you put 166MHz DDR module on your motherboard, and you already have a 266MHz module installed, both modules will work on 166MHz. That would universaly sound like: if you have two or more memory modules installed, all modules will work on the lowest speed of all the modules. Of course, there is also manufacturer compatibility issues, where two modules of different manufacturers refuse to work together, or you need to switch their slots, etc... If you have Kingston installed, and you plan on installing another Kingston, it should work fine, and no compatibility issue should occur.In my opinnion, you should be fine using that 166MHz module, as long as it uses interface supported by your motherboard, probably DDR. But, just to be on the safe side, wait for a few more answers on this...

  9. My reply to this email, which definitely is intended as more of a joke, than actual pointer. I agree, that there are guys that would fit that description nicely, and ofcorse, there are guys, that are not that way. I definitely think I don't do those kinds of things, but just to be on the safe side, I'll ask my girlfriend, if she thinks I'm doing them.I shall repeat what others before me have said, this is just something, that someone would write when hurt, and it points out the extremes, and makes us guys all look like...umm...pigs, or whatever :rolleyes: and definitely stereotypical. And stereotypes ARE bad...

  10. I've been here for a while, and ever since I got here the name of Saint_Michael has been arround. We haven't crossed paths much, but I kept seeing your sigs all over the place, and I liked them. And I rarely like any sigs :rolleyes: I read quite a few of your posts, and I can agree, that there will hardly come someone to fill your shoes.
    I don't know you personaly, but I have a feeling that you are not a bad person. I'm sorry to see you so depressed and down, and I hope, with all my heart, that you will sort everything in your life, in the most positive way there is, and that you will decide one day, to return to Trap, where you will be most welcome.

    I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through, but it doesn't sound good to me, doesn't sound good at all. Try to talk to your friends, to your family members, try to let all that anger, depression, feelings of meaninglessness out, it will make you feel a bit better. And definitely try to seek out one of those support groups, they will surely point you in the right direction to solve your problems. Consider a therapist? It's not a bad thing. Heck, even I went for a while, and it did help me. No one can solve your problems, but they surely can point you the right way, and support you while you solve your problems.

    And, just as jlhaslip did, I too will include this in quote marks... This is not a topic, nor the situation, in which I want to gather some credits, nor have I thought about doing that. There is nothing more important, tha a well being of a fellow human... Saint Michael, if there is any way I can help, don't hesitate to contact me, I will do all I can...

    All the best to you, and your family, and I hope to see you back soon...

  11. MTU is Maximum Transmition Unit (if I'm not mistaken) and it represents maximum size, of one packet that is sent and received from and to your computer... Setting it to low, or too high, can affect speed of your internet.I really don't like wireless LAN's, and don't have much experience with them, but I will try and help you. If I understood correctly, your router is a wireless device, and your home pc, and laptop will connect to it, via wireless. So, you should check your router settings. See if there is MAC address restriction enabled, or some form of IP packet filtering turned on. Also, check to see the status of DHCP server, if there is one included in the DLink router. There are many things to check and cover, and it is very broad subject to cover in this topic.Detailed specs of what you have would be most helpfull. If you have a server computer, why not use it as a router, why have separate device? That's the way I've done it in my company, one router/gateway/firewall computer, that is between the internet, and our LAN. Gateway is running on Linux (naturally :rolleyes:)When you give me some further details, I'll help with what I can...

  12. The above example should work fine, but additionally, you can add folder selection, make your program seem more professional. This is the code you need to add to your program, and it will pop Folder selection window, just like some windows programs do.

    This code should be put inside a module, or in form declarations section

    '*** If you put this code inside Form declarations section, replace Global keyword, with PrivateGlobal Type BrowseInfo  hWndOwner As Long  pIDLRoot As Long  pszDisplayName As Long  lpszTitle As Long  ulFlags As Long  lpfnCallback As Long  lParam As Long  iImage As LongEnd TypeGlobal Const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = 1Global Const MAX_PATH = 260'*** If you put this code inside Form declarations section, add Private keyword in front of all DLL declarationsDeclare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal hMem As Long)Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal lpString2 As String) As LongDeclare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As LongDeclare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" (ByVal pidList As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long

    Now that you added these declarations, you can modify your code further, to display this selection dialog, in the following way:
    Private Sub cmdRun_Click()  Dim iNull As Integer, lpIDList As Long, lResult As Long  Dim sPath As String, udtBI As BrowseInfo    With udtBI	.hWndOwner = Me.hWnd	.lpszTitle = lstrcat("C:\", "")	.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS  End With  If cmdRun.Caption = "START" Then	lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(udtBI)	If lpIDList Then	  sPath = String$(MAX_PATH, 0)	  SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sPath	  CoTaskMemFree lpIDList	  iNull = InStr(sPath, vbNullChar)	  If iNull Then		sPath = Left$(sPath, iNull - 1)		TXTPath = sPath		Timer1.Enabled = True		cmdRun.Caption = "STOP"	  End If	End If   Else	   Timer1.Enabled = False	   cmdRun.Caption = "START"   End IfEnd Sub

    I haven't tried this code, but I believe it will work, by just copy / paste. This dialog will add professional look and feel to your program, and also, prevent typing errors if users manualy enter location. Hope this helped, and for any further questions, don't hesitate to reply in this topic, or drop me a private message, or email.

  13. I'm not exactly a grand chef, but I can cook a meal or two :(Basicaly, my cookbook consists of the following dishes:1. Eggs (different variations, omelette, scrambled, with bacon, with ham, with green stuff in it...)2. Instant soups (yeah, those bagged soups) - but I'm learning to make a real soup, the one that cooks for several hours :(3. I can make pancakes (not those hiddeous American thick pancakes, but those lovely thin pancakes)4. I can make gritz (it's some kind of wheat product, or something, and it's cooked with milk... yummy)5. I can make fabulous chicken white meat, with ham and cheese, with orange sauce (wonderfull combination)6. probably all sorts of chinese meals (you basicaly chop everything and cook it :()7. other meals that don't require much intervention from me :DThe point is, I'm still learning to cook, slowly (because my parrents cook, and I don't need to yet, but I like to surprise them once in a while :(), and I wouldn't starve... :(Cooking is somewhat of an art, and much effort and love need to be put into cooking, in order for meals to be prepared properly, and be tasty...But, I much more prefer to eat :(GO CHEFS! :D

  14. Someone said here, that it's funny looking at your posts, where you youngsters feel short... well, it is :(And what should I say? I'm 24, and I'm ~ 168cm (that should be about 5' 5"), and I weight 70kg (that's about 140lbs, if I'm not mistaken)... What do you want me to say? My girlfriend is taller than me! She's about 172-173 cm (about 5' 7")... I aint growing anymore :(I did sports when I was a kid, and thanks to that, I have rather developed upper thorso (I was a swimmer), and that kind of makes up for my height :(

  15. You can't switch to manual IP address configuration, because ISP's have limited IP address ranges, and have them assigned to their users automaticly, via DHCP server. If you setup your IP manualy, that would cause a conflict with a user that get's that IP by DHCP server, and both of you would be left without internet. Further more, your ISP could decide to ban you from using their services.Error may be in length of your cables, or indeed, because you are going through a switch. You can't use one modem on two computers at the same time. A solution for this would be to connect your modem, or broadband directly to one computer, and share that connection. Connect that computer to a switch, and the other too, and form a small LAN, with shared connection...I hope I'm clear about this. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them...p.s. Just a thought... Did you contact your ISP customer support?

  16. Type changes what program is associated with each extension

    it is used with the asscoc command usualy

    also you do not ned to type in gjg.txt, you only need to type in "txt"


    Type changes what program is associated with each extension? I think you confused TYPE command, for FILE TYPE ASSOCIATION... Two completely different things...


    Maybe it's my fault, TYPE is a system DOS command, that was introduced while MS-DOS was the underlaying operating system, and Windows was just a user program. If you are not in windows, you can't use notepad, or some other editor. You have to use EDIT, if it is present. If it's not (and that happens to be the case, on most rescue disks), you have to use TYPE command, to see its contents


    Okay thanks guys.  This helps a lot.  I will try it.  I don't even know what the file is, but the computer works fine still.  I just would like to know because I don't know what the file is.  The Operating System is actually a 95 Windows. :(


    The file is probably a summary of scandisk report, maybe a list of files, who knows. It probably contains, for you, useless information about which files were repaird, maybe info about lost chains... But it is a text file, generated to inform you of things scandisk did, nothing else. You are safe to view it :(


    I'm glad if I helped in any way :(

  17. I try and read each and every post, but sometimes I only fly over posts, partialy reading them. But I always read at least part of every post. As people said, it's the only way I can write a decent post, that makes sense, is connected to the entire topic and posts, not just the first post... It is annoying whe you come across a post that is connected with the first post only, on the 6th page... And it's contents - one line!I'm here for the free hosting, and I do my best to give something back for what I get, it's the least I can do. Besides, I like helping others, it makes me feel good to know, I helped someone...People should at least try and read few posts, not just the first, and try to make some sense of their posts, connected to the actual topic...

  18. As always THG manages to bring new, and extreme ideas to the crowd :( I am definitely trying this, but as they recommend, I will use motor oil. And as I won't be using my computer for display, I won't use plexiglass, I will see to use some other material, maybe wood. I will first try sinking a piece of wood in motor oil, and leave it for few weeks to see the results :(As soon as I get rid of the projects I'm on... It's modding time :(

  19. type is an system DOS command, that displays contents of file you give as a parameter. It's usage is quite simple, and it goes like this:


    type somefile.txt

    It is usefull on systems, where edit is not present, and you need to view some files contents. If the file is longer than 24 screen lines (as it may be the case with scandisk log file, in your case) of text, you should add |more option, like this:


    type somefile.txt |more

    Using this option will pause after each full screem of contents, and wait for key press, to display next screen of information from the file. Using type to display contents of some file other than plain text, doesn't make much sense, since many characters will not be displayed, or not displayed correctly. Anyways, I'm going into deep explanations :(type is a system command, built into DOS command interpreter, command.com. You can try it on any Windows, by going to command (or MS-DOS) prompt.

  20. Which linux distro are you using? What kernel version? It is very strange that older version would recognize the modem, but newer will not...ttyS is equivalent to COM port under windows, so I guess it would be possible to access the modem via ttyS, where you should specify port modem is using by default, usualy 3 or 4...Are you 100% sure it's hardware modem? Maybe you had previous version of kernel compiled with lucent drivers for DSP modems...

  21. Tascam is a pretty good manufacturer of sound equipment, I don't know what's the price of it...I worked in a big radio station, and we used Sonic Foundry Sound Forge, and Vegas, for all recordings and edits, and it provided excellent quality. We even converted entire musical archive from tapes and records, to MP3's and CD's, with no quality loss...With Sound Forge, you will need some external mixer, to mix all inputs into one, and record it from the line-in... Ofcourse, you will need some good sound card, like Audigy, of the new FX series...It's quite safe to use software recorders, they provide semi-professional sound...

  22. Like most people here, I too wear glasses... I started wearing them few years back, when I couldn't stand having to refocus my eyesight every few seconds. My arms just got too short to read, or do anything usefull :)First time I put them on, was kind of weird, everything was bigger, and kind of distorted. But after a while, I got used to it, and it's now hard to see without my glasses. I actualy chose to wear glasses, not contacts. Dunno why, it just seems better to me. Also, I don't agree on the point that girls don't like guys with glasses... It all comes down to different tastes... Someone will look even better wearing glasses, but someone will probably look silly :blink:Don't mean to brag, but everyone says my glasses look good on me, so... :ph34r:They are also photogrey, meaning I don't need to switch to sunglasses, they darken completely, which is even more cool :PI agree with amitojduggal, don't play with your eyesight! Many young people don't want to wear glasses or even go to eye doctor, because that will make them less cool... Later on in life, when they're eyes suffer, and they become blind as moles :P

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