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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. Even though I'm a Windows user myself, I can't think of any more pro's and con's concerning Windows... Mac, I never used and never been in contact, so I can't comment on Macs, even though I hope to come across one some day :rolleyes:Now, for Linux, I can add that it's main pro is that it's open source, and that you can change your kernel (provided that you know what you're doing), and change practically anything in your system, from appearance, to functionality...Pf course, main con is that it's not as user friendly as windows is, but that too is changing fast, as companies distributing linux are popping all over the place... Ubuntu must be the best distribution of user friendly linux around... Slackware is the oice of professionals, who know what they're doing...I have to keep Windows installed on my computer, because of work, but I should be getting another computer soon, so that machine will be turned into linux server, and I will finally be able to spend some time using linux :)

  2. Here's a silly question, but is this happening for just one CD, or any CD you insert... Because, if it's just a few CS's, it means they are damaged...

    Anyways, this probably means that the laser inside your optical drive is weakening, and will eventually fail... You probably got Sony, or LG drive, right? They are the ones that most commonly fail in this manner... Get a new one, several months ago, I bought a NEC DVD-RW drive, for 40 Euros, it's surely cheaper now...

    And to stray off-topic a bit, concerning IDE-40 and IDE-80 cables...

    These two are compatible, meaning that any IDE-80 cable will work on IDE-40 device, and motherboard... IDE-80 is by physical properties identical to IDE-40, only has slimmer wires, and is technologicaly more advanced... I know bunch of people using new IDE-80 cables on old motherboards, and old drives... So, that's not the issue... I can say with 85% certainty, that if it won't read any of the CD's inserted, it will fail very soon, and drive should be replaced...

    Here you can find more info on IDE-40 and IDE-80 cables...

  3. Do you and your friend have the same motherboard? Abit is probably one of the top 5 motherboard manufacturers in te world... I had Abit once, then sold it to a friend, and it still works perfectly, after 5 or 6 years of heavy use...What could be the problem... Maybe you have manually set the PIO mode in BIOS, to a too high number, or BIOS itself missread the PIO value, and set it too high..The 80 wire cable issue should not be a problem, since even old IDE-40 drives work on IDE-80 cables... But it's worth a try...Flash the BIOS, and if that doesn't correct it, try to ask a pro, maybe they'll have a better idea... Also, you should be prepared for a possibility, that it just doesn't want to work :rolleyes:I have NEC DVD-RW set on secondary master, and LG CD/DVD combo on secondary slave, and they work like a charm... But they both work in PIO mode 2... If PIO is seto too high, they tend to get freaky, either by the way of detection by the BIOS, or by not reading disks inserted in them, or missreading data...There is a vast number of possibilities, that I can't remember at this point, but those before mentioned, should do the trick... If they don't, let us know what was the problem, so we can learn from it :)

  4. Can you be more specific? Do you have any specific problem, or you just want someone to write you a chess game, or send you the code?

    Because, if you want someone to send you the code, just google it, I believe there are many chess examples in VB already made.. There si probaby at least 20 examples on Planet Source Code...

    If you have a specific problem, post it, and I'm sure we will all try to help you...

  5. Most likely your Windows has screwed itself up... Happened to me once... With Creative actually, but with SB Live!... What I did is, remove the card physically, power my computer up, clear DMI pool in the BIOS, entered windows, checked to see there are no drivers left from SB Live!, then shut the computer down, re-insert the card, again, clear DMI pool, enter Windows, and just give it the location of the new drivers, and it worked...What I found in experience, is that you can sometimes screw up your computer with new drivers... Usualy drivers provided on the CD with the hardware, are perfectly suited fro your hardware, and downloading is very risky... Few manufacturers provide drivers per model, most of them have universal drivers... And anything that is universal, generaly sucks :rolleyes:So, my advice to you is, just reinstall your old drivers, and if the above action doesn't do it for the new drivers... Well... :) Keep using the original ones :rolleyes:Keep us posted, tell us what did work, and what didn't...

  6. Well, I would recommend you get Ubuntu Linux, they also have Live CD feature... You can actually download it for free from the internet, and just burn it on a CD... You can also order it, and they will delver it, for free, but I guess that is not an option right now, since it may take two or three weeks for you to get the CD's... But, for begginers, I think Ubuntu is the best... Try to get ahold of one copy, there must be someone around who has at least one CD...


    Ubuntu Homesite


    Free orders of Ubuntu CD's


  7. Whatever you choice is, you can go for Xisto, either free hosting, or Xisto - Web Hosting professional, payed hosting... As soon as I find a way to pay for Xisto - Web Hosting (I don't have a credit card that is accepted outside my crappy country :rolleyes: ) I'm gonna switch to paid hosting, and remain active here on forums... Xisto rules :)

  8. Well, I'll add my 2 cents here, please try to follow :blink:I was born in SFRJ, Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia... And lived there for about 10 years... Then I lived in SRJ, Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia for several years, then I lived in SRJ, umm.. I guess the best way to translate would be Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, again for several years... Then it was Serbia and Montenegro for few years, and now it's Serbia... I lived in all these countries, without ever leaving my himetown :wacko:It's a pretty crappy country, with bunch of right-wing radicals and xenophobes, and they really mess it up for about 20% of normal people, who just want to live with everyone in peace... I come from northern province of Vojvodina, which is the best example of multi culturalism in Europe... We have 7 official languages, and god knows how many ethnic comunities (Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks, Croatians, and tons more)... We work the most, we fill approximately 40% to 60% (depending on a yeaar, people in Vojvodina are mainly growing wheat, corn... We are mostly agricultural region) of the countries budget, but we receive back only 7% of that money... Kind of sucks... We have the highest prices, everyone thinks we have it going easy, and just harass us... But, it's an imperfect world ;)Politics aside, it's a nice country, Serbia, we have nice mountains, nice lakes, rivers... I'm biased towards my own province, we have beautifull vast plains, one tiny mountain, few lakes... All covered in green ;)You should come and visit, you're all invited :D

  9. So? What did you go for? Did you get a new computer? Give us something to drool over :blink:I would have chosen Intel over AMD, since you run 3D software, Intel has slightly more optimized instructions for that sort of stuff... Also don't see the reason your computer is lagging, I have Celeron @ 2.6G with 1G RAM on GeForce4 MX440, and it runs most of the new games smoothly... Ofcourse, it depends on the level of detail you set ;)Anyways, let us know what you bought :wacko:

  10. Memory module timings show how fast that module works, how it refreshes data, and how it accesses it... It generaly is good idea, to put modules of the same timings, in order for them to operate at peak efficiency... If you would put two memory modules, with different timings, your board would use the timings of the slowest module, and that would force the faster module, to work slower... No big harm in that, and you certainly can't feel the difference in regular work, but it shows in benchmark tests, and extreme overclockers, like to have all their components work as fast as possible...

  11. It is possible to create live CD that runs Windows, I'm just not sure is it worth the hassle... We experimented with that on my past workplace... I believe there is some edition of Windows, that can run from CD, but it won't be as universal as Linux is, meaning, it will only work on your machine, and maybe several different ones...I think Windows Mobile can do this, but I'm not sure tho... And as someone nicely said, there is a Linux version of every single Windows tool in existence... Be it OpenOffice, or mplayer, or whatever...Linux rules :blink:

  12. Windows Messenger? Yeah, right :blink:I'm using Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, and from time to time, ICQ, Odigo, Skype, aaaaaaand... Hmmm... Oh yeah, Google Talk...I personaly favour Yahoo over MSN, but I must use MSN, since my girlfriend uses MSN, and doesn't want to use Yahoo!, so I kind of use it just for her... Yahoo has those great emoticons, great smilies... The only thing they could put in, is adding a custom smilie, like MSN has... One thing that bothers me with Yahoo! is that it's kind of heavy on the system, don't know why... Maybe their working on fixing that, but hey, nobody's perfect (except for me :wacko:)Those would be my 2 cents... Yahoo! number 1, MSN number 2 ;)

  13. I had so many favourite things while growing up... Sadly, I can't remember most of their names, all that is left are blurred images... But, let me have a go at it...- I loved the book about Muppets... My mom or dad, had to read it to me, every night while I was a little kid... Later on, when I learned to read myself, I read it over and over and over... At one point, I just stopped, and that book is no more..- There was this show, in production of our local television, a puppet show, for kids, with many different animals and characters... There was this sheik with his camel Mathilda... Then, Artemije the eagle... He and Mathilda were madly in love with each other... There was a catchy song Artemije sang, mourning he didn;t have four legs :blink:... A small group of mice, 3 I believe, that played tiny little guitars, and sang with their squeaky voices...- Sabre Rider - I believe everyone knows what this is, sadly, I can't remember much of the show, aside that I wanted to be Sabre, and ride his robot horse ;)- Another show for kids, made buy our national television, called Branko Kockica ( Branko "little cube" :wacko: ), that kept us very occupied during those 30-45 minutes it lasted... It was mainly educational, but in fun way...- Survival, an old show, BBC production if I'm not mistaken... Great show... Mostly about nature...- Lego's, now that was the most important thing in my life... I could spend hours and hours making stuff, then demolishing them, and building something new... I wonder where they are now, I might build something again ;)I think that would sum up most important things while I was growing up... Basicaly, things that shaped me, and made me what I am today :D

  14. I don't have Firefox 2.0 yet, but I will download it and install, and ofcourse, try it... Ever since I migrated to Firefox, from IE, I can't switch back... I have everything I need in Firefox, and it;s extensions and plugins are awesome... And, I have no doubt, that Firefox 2.0, will kick the rear end, with new possibilities, and most importantly, stability, and effectiveness...Firefox rules :blink:

  15. I think, that "Native Americans", should be called whatever their tribe name is... I mean, OK, they all look similar, have sligtly reddish tan, one could say they are one race, a race for themselves... But, if we take into account, that white race, has different nations, such as the french, germans, polaks, and others, why can't natives, have something like that... So, if the tribes name is Sioux, they should be called the Sioux, and so on, and so on...What was the name they had for American continent? It's the Europeans that gave it such a name, so even Native Americans, can be wrong... Maybe they called America Bambiland, or Great Wast Land, so they would technicaly be called Great Wast Landers :lol:My oppinion is, if they can't be called by their tribes name, then, at least, Native Americans...And we know who the Indians are... You know... That country, India? Pretty much people there, and I'm sure they're no more too happy with this name game, then the natives... People should pay more attention to these details... Details are everything :(

  16. Well, I choose rock over rap... In my oppinion (and it's just my oppinion), people who would really much like to sing, but just can't, go into rap :(I'm sorry, but I just don't see much music in rap... I'll admit, there happens to come along a song or two, that has a catchy music, but I can't stand all that talk... And that talk, often makes no sense at all... Same goes with hipp-hopp, and other similar genres of music... I much prefer songs that make sense, have lyrics, that people can understand, without having to slow the song down :lol:Anyways, those are my 2 cents... Didn't mean to offend anyone, that's just how I see rap... I myself listen to eurodance, trance, and similar genres, but I also like to listen to rock, metal, and pretty much most of the music... So, in this poll, I'm on the side of the good ol' rock :(

  17. Why do you people always compare safety with whether something is known (famous) or not?Firefox ALWAYS asks me, if I want to install somehting, or not, and it NEVER EVER does anything on it's own, aside from checking for updates (and even that can be turned off)...IE on the other hand, will install whatever it likes, and there are like millions of little holes you can punch a bigger hole through them... Firefox was "ported" to windows, from Mozilla, a browser made for Unix systems... Unix is built for networks, and accent was on security... Therefore, it's built more secure... I don't see why people refuse to accept, that Firefox is safer, and much more functional, than IE... I was once IE fan, and claimed that Firefox is nothing more, than rebelion, and it in fact wasn't better than IE... I rarely caught any ciruses or adware with IE, but there was some, occasionaly... Then, I tried Firefox... And now there isn't ANY adware or viruses, that appear on my computer from nowhere...Firefox is safer, wheter some like it or not... And it's gaining in support every day,more and more... And hopefully, it will push IE where it belongs, in the gutter :lol:

  18. I'm sure I saw this list, or similar to this, somewhere...But, sadly, it is quite true... I myself am a software developer, and I know it can be quite hard to make something that works flawlessly, and it takes a lot of tries, and a lot of fails, to get it right... But, Micro$oft has a ton of (supposedly) good developers, and one would think they would write better code, that works, if not flawlessly, then close to flawless...Micro$oft's biography could consist of following section, repeated constantly:Try to make something. If someone makes it before you, analyze what they made. Make same thing they did, name it slightly differently, and say you made it first. If you can buy the product, do it. If they won't sell, buy the whole company. If you can't buy the company, discredit them, any way you can. Once you DO have the product under your control, make it crappy...:lol: I kind of think that's what their employees have posted on their boards :( maybe like some kind of daily mantra :(

  19. It would have been better, if you had put this into PHP section of the forums... Mods, please move it when you see it...

    Here's an example of what you are trying to do:

    CREATE TABLE `probni` (`field1` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'field test' NOT NULL,`field2` DATE DEFAULT '00-00-0000' NOT NULL,`field3` VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL);

    As you can see, you should only put DEFAULT keyword, before setting the new default value for the field... Also, I don't think you can change the format of the DATE field, if you're not comfortable with it, use your own format, in a regular text field, or UNIX timestamp in a number field... I think that about covers it...

    Oh yes, there is no BOOLEAN type in MySQL (at least in version 4.x), so you can either use ENUM, and specify True and False as it's values (or Yes/No, or others), or use number type, and use 1 and 0...

    Hope this helped...

  20. I like that idea of "failure to fail is failure"...But I have a question? How all-mighty is this Supreme Being? Perhaps he "seems" all powerfull in out eyes, since we don't ahve that level of power... Humans seem all powerfull to ants, do they not? And you would agree, that humans can very well create things they can't lift... So, why can't god create a rock, he can't lift?And another question: Who created the creator?

  21. I don't actualy think doing anything which brings us pleasure is bad... Then again, I'm an atheist, so there you go...What is marriage? Marriage is an artificial creation... In my opinion, churches said, doing this, or doing that, is bad, just to frighten people, and to bring them to their side, claiming if they don't repent themselves, they will burn in hell... In my oppinion, bunch of horse hockey...If I have sex before marriage (and I did, so I guess that's a sin, among others I have), and I enjoy it, there's no way in hell I'm going to stop it... Why is it bad? I want to hear one good reason, why would it be bad? How does that make me closer to demons or whoever?I'm prepared to burn in hell, if I'm wrong with my oppinion, but somehow, I doubt I'm wrong... But it's my choice... What were people doing before churches showed up? Did all those millions and millions of people all end up in hell? Doubt it too... People shouldn't believe in church, if they want to believe in something, then believe in goodnes, kindness, and humanity, not some stoney, cold building, with bunch of people, dressed all in black...I don't believe in demons, in a conventional sense, since, human beings can be very demonic when they try... But I don't believe sex before marriage is bad, I do believe drugs are bad, but hey, if one wants to ruin hers/his life, who am I to stop them, etc...

  22. Well, being romantic does come natural for some people, and some come to it trough practice... And yes, it is possible for male in the relationship, to be more romantic than a girl...For example, my girlfriend told me, that I'm incredibly romantic, so... I guess I am... I always come up with ways to make her feel loved, and to get her to smile...For example, here's the story where I surprised her for Valentines... Since we live in different cities, we can't see each other every day.. I wanted to be with her on Valentines, but she said not to come, because I work, and it would be late until I arrive... So I said OK... BUT :) I ran home from work, changed, and ran off to a bus station, while sending her an SMS that I'm going to sleep a little, to rest... And at the moment I was in front of her door, she sent me an SMS to wake me up :) So I rang the bell, she opened, and for the first second she couldn't believe, and the next second she jumped right on me, with the tightest hug ever, kissing me... Offcourse, I wen there with beautifull flowers...There are many more stories like this, because I try to make her feel special on some unimportant date, trying to make her feel special every day... So, she has learned by now, that she HAS to expect something romantic, anytime :P

  23. My advice would be to go for the wired connection between PC's... As people said, much faster, much more secure, since anyone with a laptop can tap into your home network, and do 100 of things, either delete your files, steal them, or just use your internet connection for malicious operations... With cable, it's much more comlicated :)I have at home the following layout... One, old PC, Pentium II, is being used as a server, with Linux installed on it... ADSL modem is connected to this computer... Server has 2 LAN cards, one is used to connect PC with ADSL modem, and the second connects the PC with the rest of the network... I have a 4-channel switch, that connects to a server, and remaining 3 computers are connected with wires, to that switch, and in turn, all having internet access via server... Not complicated at all... And if you do the wioring nicely, you can coneal it, so no one knows the cables are there :)

  24. Mmmm... Commodore 64... That was the machine... I still have it too, though it hasn't been used in quite a while...I believe the command was LOAD "$", 8, to load a catalogue, or folder list from the casette player, and LOAD "$", 8, 1 to load list from 1541 (i think it's 1541) diskette drive...There is some girl, that bought schemes for C64 from Commodore when they went bankrupt, and she is making a C-1 (C One)... It's supposed to be a computer with programmable CPU, so it could basicaly run anything, from Commodore, via ATARI, Amstrad, Spectrum, to PC and Mac software... Google for it, and you'll find it...Only catch is, it's still high pre-alpha version, so it's for nerds only, and it costs about 200 USD, something like that... Oh yeah, it's hand made :)

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