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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. Being a curious fellow,I would band up with a team that has a duty to explore the surroundings,and discover how on earth did we get here.During the explorations,I would beat myself on the head,trying to remember who am I,and where did I come from.Probably the first assignment we'd do is to go check that person that fell of the platform,to see if they are alive,and in what state are they.After that investigation,we should base our further actions on our findings.It would be wise to organise a small group,to find some sort of weapons,just in case something unexpected happens,and we have to defend ourself.The remaining of the gruop should concentrate on the platform,as it appears to brings people here.If it does,than it is possible it can get us back.Wherever we came from.

  2. Hi all,Life is everything but black and white.If it were,it would be much easier,and much more boring.We can all agree that killing another living being is bad.And yes,if a mother should abort,that aborted child might in future save someones life.That is a very nice theory,in case that all existence ends there.Let us use that New York example further.Say a mother decided to keep the baby.And that baby saves a nother persons life,say and midleaged man.They run to safety,all is well.Now,here can come to a twist in the storyline.That rescued midleaged man,say 3 years later,goes home after a party,driving,and intoxicated.During that drive,he runs another car off the road, killing a family of 5.Doesn't seem like a very nice outcome does it?The other scenario you can complete by yourself.That man dies in New York,on that intersection,and that family,3 years later,gets home safely.And this does not end here,no.Ofcourse,you can twist the scenario your way again,and so can I.This only proves that life is a series of choices,intersections,where choices we make influence choices onwards in future.I like to look on life from the bright side,and to be always optimistic.A series of events in my personal life,that happened recently,have shown me that even though I look on the bright side of life,very bad,and very dark things happen.Despite all my cheery mood,and optimism,this doesn't change the fact,that my life has bad and sad and dark elements as well.I think mothers should have their choice,and all of us that are "not concerned" by that choice,should keep our noses clear.Or,we should all get implanted chips in our heads,and replace our names with numbers?To have one giant brain,that will make our choices for us.Abortion is mothers choice,and all parties not involved,should stay clear.Hypotheticaly speaking, if god existed,that mother of aborted child,will have to face god,and stand before him/her,and justify her actions.Not you,not me.Her alone.And I agree,this is a neverending discussion,and I doubt it will be resolved any time soon.Cheers

  3. Hi all,I don't know why religion ALWAYS has to be pulled in every discussion. Remember the Inquisition? The Crusades? All done by biggest Christians and religious people. Not something that follows the "do not kill" clause in the bible.I am a man, and I agree, I can never know the feeling after rape, but I can try to understand. If we were to follow do not kill rule, we would die. Why? Plants are a life too. Why do vegetarians think they are better than people who eat meat? Life is life, wether it is sentient or not. Let's not ever kill anything again. Let's see how far would we go.Say for example, a woman decides to keep the rape-baby, and gives birth. Then gives it up for adoption. And that child ends up at some psycho family. Then that child decides to become mass murder. That doens't sound very good thing.The fact remains, that people must have a choice, otherwise, we might just all label our selves with numbers, and call ourselves robots.There is a saying "exception doesn't make a rule". One child that became good, doesn't mean all will be that way. What if mother, after birth, just goes crazy, and become also some crazed mass murder. You heard what happened to Emma's aunt. I'm sorry for you loss, it must have been hard. I now understand why you feel so strongly about this debate.wild20, not all psychological problems can be solved, remember that. Just imagine yourself being raped by some guy.You can't become pregnant, but just imagine being raped. Then add pregnancy. What if mother doesn't give child up for abortion, but decides to punish the rapist trough her child. What then? Is that childs life going to be good? I think not.The nature of humans is like that, that we don't get along on some things, and there are always a minimum of two sides to every discussion. Women should be given choice to abort babies, no matter how horrible that looks to people. It is her choice.Baby is alive even when it is not sentient, and aware of the world. Ok, take cancer for example. It grows by splitting cells, it's in the same state as a fetus. But we do get rid of those cells. It may be a rough parallel, but it does make you think. People are always selective in their view of things.If god is so good, and has a plan for everyone... Nah, I'm not getting into that discussion.I don't think church or other people have anything to do with abortion. It is between a mother, that child, and possibly god, if he exists. We are not to get involved. We just need to give moral support to those women who decide to abort. Maybe they will feel bad after that. But maybe they would feel worse if they had the baby. You can't tell, and neither can say those who had abprtion.I agree, abortion is very bad, but it is sometimes the only way out.Cheers

  4. Hi,Could you give us some more information? Like, what is your windows version, what computer you have, that kind of things. Also, who made those programs that don't run.I would agree that it could have something to do with libraries, but it can be tons of other things. Give us more info, and I will try to help you as best as I can.Cheers

  5. I live in Serbia too, and I agree with kitty. Our government didn't try to get any medications or vaccines, and I doubt we have to money for something like this. Also, masks that are made here, are not with nano-filters, and therefore, are pretty useless against this flu.I believe someone has gone too far with biowarfare tests (read USA), and now, all of us will pay the price. Or perhaps, this is a natures way of telling us "If you don't get your sh* together, I'll start over, and maybe now try with the fish instead."Hopefully, I will be able to post here in a few weeks :)

  6. I don't understand why people take this as some sort of catastrophe? It's obvious that IBM's PowerPC processor didn't add up to the task (though I don't see how, as Mac on 500MHz, beat any PC, Intel and AMD running at twice the speed), and people at Apple decided to go with diferent manufacturer.badinfluence, CPU instruction set has nothing to do with stability of the system. Coding has. It's not that Intel or AMD are ustable. No, it's Windows, Windows is unstable. And since people at Apple have much experience in coding stable programs, I doubt they will have any problem migrating to Intel. Also, I think Mac will try to stay original, and non x86 compatible, even though processor itself will be x86. But maybe Apple is trying to enter mainstream market?One other thing. Mac is kind of expensive, atleast in my country. So, maybe going with mass-production CPU, it's cost will be lower?As someone said smartly, only time will tell what will happen.

  7. I can't say anything with certainty for 7200rpm drives for laptops, as I don't have a laptop, and can't say firsthand. On the desktop computer difference between 7200 and 5400 is very noticeable, specialy with some heavy disk operations, like copying large files, or compiling gigantic projects.Also, bear in mind, that ATA transfer rate also has some say in the speed. If you have ATA33 drive, it could spin on 10000 rpm, and still woudln't beat, 5400 ATA133 drive. At least I think so.And yes, 7200 drive uses more power, and therefore, battery will be emptied faster.

  8. I'm a bit late, but I will give my contribution to this. On Planet Source Code (here's the link: Planet Source Code), there is a project in Visual Basic, called MyVbQL, that compiles into ActiveX DLL, and can be used to access MySQL databases.

    I have used this project, and I can say it works pretty fine, it is stable, and runs fast. It relies fully on libmysql.dll, and even if you upgrade your MySQL server, it will work fine.

  9. Ooooooooooo, Saint Michaels proposal sounds so tempting :ph34r:But, the fact is, you could get in more trouble than them, if you act in violent way... Just spread rumours about them, as saucy as possible, but try to be discreet about it, no one must know you spread them... And, yes, the KEY! Ignore the ^$#%^ ehrr... those girls... It is true that certain type of people enjoy to torture others mentaly, and they enjoy to see you get pissed off when they say stupid things about you...Violent settling of things is out of question, they're girls man! Just defeat them in their own game, and ignore, ignore, ignore... In fact, when they say something nasty, you laugh with them! That is sure to get them bored quickly, because they don't get any satisfaction from you being hapy as well... Try that

  10. I also agree... "I need to tell you somthing" sentences usualy mean bad stuff... Not always catastrophic, but bad most of the time... If she's cheating... Well... I guess you do what Saint Michael said... Stand up, and walk away... Otherwise... Prepare for the worst... And take it like a man :ph34r:But most definitely ask her again what she wanted to say, because this thing will eat you, and eat you, until it consumes you on the inside, and you just break...

  11. What protocol are you using? TCP or UDP?

    If you are using UDP protocol, it will make things easier for you, but UDP is a connectionless protocol, meaning, there is no permanent connection made between clien and a server.

    If you are using TCP protocol, that will be a bit more difficult. You will need an array of Winsock controls, that will be used for each connection with the client.
    FOr example, use one Winsock control to listen for incoming connections, and an array of Winsock controls to accept incoming data for each client.

    It would look something like this:

    ' Create 2 Winsock controls, name one wskListen, and one wskClients' Set Index property of wskClients to 0Private Sub wskListen_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)  If NumConnections = 0 Then    wskClients(0).Accept requestID  Else    Load wskClients(NumConnections)    wskClients(NumConnections).Accept requestID  End If  NumConnections = NumConnections + 1End Sub

    This is just an example, there is a lot of example code on Planet Source Code (PSC)

    As for recognition of incoming data, you will need to design your own protocol, and make a parser for that. Maybe something like this:

    For login data:
    LOGIN: <username> <password>

    For client incoming data
    CLIENT: <data>

    This is ofcourse just an idea, off head... If I come up with something better, I'll post it here. Hope I helped.

  12. Hmm... Favourite song... There's just so many...Since I like all sorts of music, don't be laugh at my mix :DNot in any particular order:Scooter vs Marc - MariaScooter - Vallee De LarmesThe Rasmus - In The ShadowsEnergy 52 - Cafe Del MarDa Mutz - Whaz UpBarthezz - On The MoveAll the stuff from GregorianMost of the stuff from NightwishBunch of others :(Did I mention I like music? :ph34r:

  13. Cerb, I appologize, I certainly did not want to be stereotypical, but I guess it did seem that way... I forgot to mention I thought about religious fanatics...The fact remains, Christianity is not at all that original in it's customs... From various pagan religions, Christians took different customs, and automaticly, they are good. But while those customs were pagan, they were considered evil...wild20, I agree the bible teaches people to distance themselves from material and worldly posessions. But (and there's always a but), what does the church teach us? Isn't catholic churc sitting on billions of dollars of money? Possibly more? Same goes for Orthodox church. They certainly don't show us the good example. The moment Catholic and Orthodox churches give away they immense capital, I will be first to try my best to become a believer.I still stand by my words, Christians have always, and they still do, try to force their view of the things and on the world. Not so forceably now as in the past, but still force... Hence all those "In God we trust" texts on the bills, country hymns with God mentioning in them, here, in my country, church is trying to force, and they managed to a certain degree, religion in schools. It was supposed to be mandatory, but now kids have a choice, that, or some other subject (can't remember the name, something to do with society - not sociology). What about us that don't believe in God?Woops... There I go again, sidetracked from the topic, but it's difficult not to, at leasy for me...Is Halloween evil? Those of you who don't, do whatever that you do on Halloween. Those of you who think it is - don't celebrate it, but don't go and try to force your oppinion on us.I think I'm done... for now :ph34r:

  14. This is for all Visual Basic programmers out there, who want to programm some form of encryption algorithm, or anything else that includes shifting bits left or right, for that matter.


    Most of you who have tried to accomplish this, know that Visual Basic doesn't have any function for bit shifting. And bit shifting si very usefull :ph34r: Some of you probably know how to shift bits, but this tutorial is for those who don't know how to do it...


    Shifting bits is actualy easy, we use multiplication and division by powers of 2.


    For right shifting, we use division:

    NewValue = Value \ (2 ^ BitsToShift)

    And for left shifting, we use multiplication:

    NewValue = Value * (2 ^ BitsToShift)

    Now, that's not all... With Visual Basic, things can get a little trickier :D


    Trouble with VB is that it's Integer (16bit), and Long(32bit) data types are signed, and what that means they can hold both positive and negative values. One bit is used to hold the sign. All remaining bits are used to store actual value.


    Integer data type can store 65.535 numbers, but, since it is signed, it can only store numbers from -32.768 upto 32.767.

    Take a lok at this (for all you visual types, like me :()

    DEC      BIN               HEX     OCT1        0000000000000001  &H1     12        0000000000000010  &H2     232.766   0111111111111110  &H7FFE  77.77632.767   0111111111111111  &H7FFF  77.777-32.767  1000000000000000  &H8000  100.000-32.766  1000000000000001  &H8001  100.001-2       1111111111111110  &HFFFE  177.776-1       1111111111111111  &HFFFF  177.777

    If you take the binary value of -1 (1111111111111111), and convert it to decimal in calculator, you wil get a value of 65.535. Same goes for hexadecimal and octal values... Neat, right :(

    Now, what does this have to do with bit shifting? It has everything to do, because during bit shifting to the right, sign bit is preserved in Visual Basic, and that gives wrong values in the end... Now, this explained, we can go on, and write that shifting function...




    In most cases, when people want to shift bits, they want to use unsigned shifting, that is, no negative values. When such a shift occurs, shift bit is not preserved. Now, this requires one extra step in order to work with Visual Basic, and it's signed data types. When value is negative, you need to AND it. Here's the example code

    If Value < 0 Then  NewValue = ((Value And &HFFFE) \ 2) And &H7FFF ' * Shift 1 bit right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFFFC) \ 4) And &H3FFF ' * Shift 2 bits right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFFF8) \ 8) And &H1FFF ' * Shift 3 bits right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFFF0) \ 16) And &HEFFF ' * Shift 4 bits right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFFE0) \ 32) And &HF7FF ' * Shift 5 bits right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFFC0) \ 64) And &HFBFF ' * Shift 6 bits right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFF80) \ 128) And &HFDFF ' * Shift 7 bits right'  NewValue = ((Value And &HFF00) \ 256) And &HFEFF ' * Shift 8 bits rightElse  NewValue = Value \ (2 ^ BitsToShift)End If



    Shifting bits to the left, doesn't require any additional operations, it is simply multiplied by the power of 2, and is same for the signed and unsigned numbers:

    NewValue = Value * (2 ^ BitsToShift)

    Some people recommend using Long data type, for Integer Values, in order to use unsigned bit shifting. Others, turning off 'Integer Overflow Check' in 'Advanced Optimisations'... Unsigned right bit shifting can't be tested from the Visual Basic IDE, instead, compile it into a project, turn off already mentined optimisation, and try it that way...


    That's all folks :(

  15. Halloween... Noone here in Yugoslavia celebrates it, or at least, I have never seen anyone... There are some attempts, but they are weak...What I don't like with Christians (both catholic and orthodox) is - everything is evil for you people! Everything has to be dark, and black, and the unholy one loorks around the corner... So what, we have to close ourself in church, and sit there until we die?Halloween is a pagan custom, and that's why Christians and some religions don't like it... But, they didn't mind taking customs for Easter, and Christmas from pagans? Yes, Christians made Easter and Christmas... But what about customs... They were taken from pagan religions, and incorporated into the religion... Which only substantiates my claims, but that's not the subject here...Halloween is a custom, it's omething fun for kids, to go out and have fun with their friends. It doesn't propagate violence. Just because few people like to demolish something, doesn't make the whole thing bad. They would demolish it any other day too...If you don't like halloween, make a board, and stick it i front of your house "I DON'T LIKE HALLOWEEN! DO NOT ENTER!" and you will be saved from scarry people...In my oppinion, Christians should lay off a bit, this is not just their personal world, and they should not dictate and propagate things they like, and condemn things they don't like... It's not the dark ages, and we're not going to be burned for not believeing in God... If we just mind our own bussines, world would be a better place... But... I guess people just like to stick their noses everywhere :ph34r:

  16. I'm a guy... And I like to cuddle :ph34r:I guess most guys do pretend not to like to cuddle, just for the sake of being macho, or something... But I have no problem with cuddling... It's great to feel person you love close to you, to hold her tight, and just... you know, cuddle :DFor example, you're on a beach, alone, it's dark, and hundreds of thousand of stars are spilled on the night sky... You and your loved one are just sitting, and watching the reflections on the water, listening to the sound of waves... Isn't it nicer to just hold tight your girl, to hug her, and do the watching? Or you just like to sit, and hold her hand from a mile distance? I'll take cuddling, thank you very much :(

  17. 1.  The focus requires for school should not be distracted.

    I agree with Dawid on this one... School, no matter how hard, doesn't require that much focus, that you schould sacrifice your love life over it...

    2.  How serious the other person may get about the relationship is unpredictable.  Unless one is committed to marry the other person if consent is availabe, the "let's just try my chance" attitude should not be experimented.  So far, I am almost confident that I will not marry anyone that I have seen; that's why I never show my feelings to anyone.

    Okay, you don't need to marry first person you like. I know, I rarely fall in love, but when I do, I will do anything for her... Thoughts of marriage also cross my mind. But the reality is, you don't marry the first person you like, and she likes you. It takes time to find the right person for youself.

    3.  You might say, "I just wanted to have some fun; having a girlfriend/boyfriend should be enjoyable." But do you realize that one day, especially if you were not serious in the first place, a breakup is inevitable.  The person that you hurt may be totally devatstated and never recover.

    And what if she breaks up with you? Did you think of that? Yes, we are all devastated when our love leaves us. But we recover. It's human nature. We recover, sooner or later. And it hurst, more or less, depending on type of relationship you had. But going in with that attitude "everything will fall apart, and disaster will follow" is very wrong. I used to be like that, thinking if things won't last, there is no point in trying. But a very special person tought me not to be like that... Occasionaly, I still get like that, but less, and less...

    You should try and look on the bright side... Maybe she is the one! You don't see a person for the first time, and have the feeling "I'm gonna marry her". No. It would be nice if that were the case, but it's not. That feeling slowly creeps in, and grabs your heart when you least expect it... Believe me, I know...

    Just drop your negative attitude, and look things on a bright side... There is no plain black and white... There is gray also... It's like Yin-Yang... There is white in black, and black in white... All is not lost :ph34r: Be positive!

  18. I don't have everything overclocked... yet! :(CPU: Intel? Celeron? 2.0GHz (multiplier x20 locked, freq. 100MHz FSB 400MHz/ o.c. freq 130MHz, 2.6GHz, FSB 533MHz) poor L2 chache, 128K, 1.550VCOREMB: Asus P4PE-X S478 i845 (FSB upto 800MHz with HT support)RAM: 512MB DDR PC2700, 333MHz CL2.5HDD: Maxtor 80G ATA133 8M cache + Maxtor 40G ATA133 2M cache, both 7200rpmSound: Creative SB Live! 5.1Monitor: Philips 17" 107E5GFX: Sparkle GeForce MX440 with 64M (added a fan to the heatsink, from old PI)Headset: Genius H02-A (or something like that)Keyboard: unknown, possibly Mitsumi (about 3 years old)Mouse: Logitech opticalCase: no name, both sides open, added 4 80mm fans, all pull hot air from the caseModem: USR 9014 56K (a real piece of... you know what; can't get it to work above 33.6K)Connection: dialupOS: Microsoft Windows XP SP1 build 2600; Ubuntu 5.04Benchmark: nope, didn't do it... I don't want to break someones program :(BOINC benchmark: Floating point: 1462.68 million ops/sec, integer: 2431.82 million ops/secI'm trying to save money, to buy Asus P5WD2 Premium MB, and Intel P4 (820 DualCore, 2.8GHz, EM64T, FSB800, 2 x1MB L2 Cache, LGA775)That would cost me about.. hmm... 240 euros for CPU, and approximately the same for motherboard... 480 euros for CPU and MB.. + new DDR533 :(... I'll get the money saved in about a year or two :PP.S.I also hate AMD, really, REALLY hate it :P

  19. Damn, some people don't think at all :(You could've sold that info for some good money :D :D just joking :PThis guy, or a girl, was more than lucky to stumble accross you, and you being you, deleted the info... But, if it were some kid, who has the hots for hacking and cracking, and he stole his/hers identity... That woul've been very, very messy...I try to take care about my information, what info I give to people, and how much, is by my own choice, and thankfully (knock-knock-knock on wooded desk), my identity was never stolen (or at least I think so :P)The fact is, times have changed, and you should even be carefull who you give your name to, because everyone is trying to scam something, here and there... People should pay attention on their privacy... But, not to exagerate either :D Not telling anything to someone, for long time, can have counter effect on people :(Privacy, privacy, and more privacy :(

  20. Guangdian, man... Don't let yourself be draged down by the sadness. If you allow it to take you over, nothing good can come out of it. But as someone before me said, you should draw strength from this bad situation, and be stimulated to make things better... Now, I know this sounds a little cliche, and you might think "it's easy for you to say that", but believe me... We've all been there, at one time or the other...


    I also lost my job few months back, in february actually, and was devastated. I slowly closed my self to others, and spent my days sitting trapped between 4 walls, just being sad, and depressed. Then, I saw the light on the end of the tunnel. No, I'm not saying I found god, I found a friend, when I least expected to. This friend of mine, helped me gather my self, and forced me to go and look for a job. And indeed, only three or four weeks later, I found a new job, and what a job it is... It's what I always wanted to do, I'm a programmer, I'm still with that company, and I don't plan to leave... I'm going off topic now...


    What I'm saying is, you shouldn't give up on everything, we've all had our bad days, and we all got over them, in some way. You should open your eyes, there is a true friend for all of us somewhere, and I know there is a friend for you out there, who is waiting to get you out of your bad mood.


    And believe me, here at Trap, we KNOW you are here... Though we rarely cross posts, I know for you, and I often read you posts... So, get your head up, pick yourself up, and go out in the world, 'cause, even though we think it's horrible world (and it is), it is also a wonderfull world...


    Someone said "work cures all wounds"... And I agree... Go out, find yourself some hobby, and work will come along, and you will slowly start to forget all the bad things... I know I have...


    It's gonna be OK, man, don't give up :( we're here for you :P


    As Saint_Michael said



  21. Yes, I had that same problem once...
    In Visual Basic, LOG function is returning a value of natural logarithm (base2), whereas in math LOG specifies Base10 logarithm (or at least I think so). Now, in scientific calculator, you might have noticed LN button, just above the LOG button. If you do that function, you will get the value you want. So, in order to get the numbers you need, use this code or put it in a function:

    Public Function MyLog(ByVal Number As Double) As Double  MyLog = Log(Number) / Log(10)End Function

    This should give you the values you need, so your code might look something like this:
    Na = 0temp = 0temp1 = 0rs.MoveFirstDo   For column = 1 To rs.Fields.Count - 1       'If rs.Fields(column) <> Null Then       If Not IsNull(rs.Fields(column).Value) Then           Na = Na + 1       End If   Next column   N = rs.Fields.Count - 1   temp = Log(N / Na) / Log(10)   temp1 = Format(temp, "0.0000")   rs2.AddNew   rs2!Na = temp1   rs2.UpdateNa = 0rs.MoveNextLoop Until rs.EOF

  22. Ahhh... BMW... I'm a fan you know :(I just love BMW, and I can recognize it, from a kilometers distance, from any angle :D I don't mean to brag, but I can in 85% of the cases recognize the model from the look of it's rear lights... But then again, I am a freak...I especialy love the new 6 series, and I love the old 8 series... Did you know that 8 series was built in only 30,609 pieces? However, there is some beauty in all the BMW's models, however, I don't like this 1 series, it's... It's just not w BMW, if you agree...I think BMW and Mercedes can't compare, because BMW is targeted more on the younger population, that want's speed over comfort, while Mercedes is more a luxury car... in my oppinion :( These days ofcourse, every manufacturer has all sorts of car models, targeted at all populations, so it's hard to know the difference...Anyways, new BMW 650d is about 90.000 euros, for wich I would have to work, hmm... Well, about 30 years, and to put my whole paycheck aside :) not much for the ultimate thrill :)So, now you know... I want a BMW 650d for my birthday :(

  23. It's hard to conserve fuel in the city, when there is a traffic light every few hundred meters. However, the less gear shifts, the less fuel consumption. Now, this doesn't mean you go on driving in the first gear, that would suck all the juice out of the reservoir, plus, you'll be crawling :(The best way is to see the cars handbook/manual, and see on wich rpm, the fuel consmption is lowest, and the power generated is the highest, and try and keep your cars engine revolving at that rpm...As I said, this is difficult in the city, where you have to stop and go frequently, and slowdown, and speedup. But, on a highway, it's the best way to conserve fuel :DOh, and tip to the Americans :) driva a smaller car, with less engine volume :( so, for example my car has 757 cubic centimeters volume, and spends about 6 liters in the city (i'm hard on the gas pedal :()... So, just scrap those 3.0 liters + engines, and drive smaller car... Just a thought :)

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