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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. That's some bad luck... I had few WD Caviars die on me, a while ago, and I swore I would never ever buy another WD, and if they were the only ones making HDD's, I would stop using computers :)Joke aside, I'm not quite the fan of Samsung either, as I witnessed two of them dying too (maybe just a coincidence, who knows)... But in 10 years I've been using computers, I never had any problems with Quantum or Maxtor drives. I know, I know, Maxtor bought Quantum, they are the same thing... But the fact remains, they are fast, reliable, and much quieter than Seagate (I had one Baracuda, the drive was screaming :P)But you should definitely buy a new HDD, as fast as you can, and backup your data... Try using you computer as little as possible, to avoid data loss...Hope this helped...

  2. This is out of head math, don't count on it to be accurate, but gigabit should let through about 120 MB/s...People often confuse bit and byte bandwidths... There are 8 bits in 1 byte, as you most certainly already know... So, 1kilobit net, would pass only 125 bytes... OK, to recalculate those bandwidths now... 1 Gb => 1,000 Mb => 1,000,000 Kb => 125,000 KB => 122.07 MBunless I'm doing my math wrong too... You divide bits with 8, to get bytes, and you know how to get kilo-, mega-, and giga- bytes from bytes, multiplying them with 1024...I hope this helped a little... But as I said, don't take it for sure, it's out of head, and a quickie...

  3. This isn't recommendation, this is a fact, and a personal desire. I had some work experience on a radio station, and I stumbled across certain set of speakers. I prefer to build my own, and as such, I would build my own 5.1 system, with sub-woofer, or buy one, of extreme quality. I speak ofcourse of Genelec speakers. I believe they are made in Sweden, or some other Scandinavian country, and they are my absolute favourite. These pieces of equipment have outmost quality, but they're price is the same - extreme. Buying profesional set of speakers equals an extreme sport ;)Building your own sound system is easy, and may even come cheaper if you know where and what to buy.As for well known PC brand speakers, I guess I would go for Creative, as I play games very rarely, but listen to music while I work, or watch movies.But, as someone said, I'm strugling to pay the basics, so for now, my 11 year old AIWA NSX-S10, performs extremely well.

  4. HiI personaly don't side with anyone in this,so called,war.It appears to me that these two sites are working together,claiming they are at war,and using that to boost trafic at their sites.However,I would probably side with the squirrel,because this guy has presented some of the mails,received.Guys at that dotcom didn't present the first hate email that allegedly came from the squirrel guy.It is easy for me to believe that those dotcom guys are just kids with too much spare time on their hands,and that they weren't happy he wouldn't put a link on his site.Anyways,I think this is just a way of boosting trafic,nothing else.Though that squirrel guy has this other site,with a neat way to make some nice pictures.I will try them as soon as I can.Hell,I'll probably side with the wine-drinking-squirrely ;)Cheers

  5. Hi allBad thing that happened.Anyone watched Myth Busters,when they went on to expose the urban legend that CD's can blow up inside a CD drive?They put it on sub-zero temperatures for 24 hours,and then on high tempratures for another 24 hours.After that they put it in the CD drive (opened) and recorded how it worked.Nothing happened.The CD burst when they put in on 40.000 rpm's!If you say your friend held his CD on cold temperature,and immediately put it in his drive,it's logical that the drive 'exploded'.Fast temperature change most likely was responsible for this.And on account of some of you claiming that CD burst out flying,chopped off pieces of CD trays.CD just doesn't have enough momentum to do that to the CD tray.Then,in order for a CD to go out flying across the room,you need to spin in to close to 10.000 rpm,and send it off flying.There just isn't any physical explanation for tray door opening,and CD flying out.It could fly out maybe a meter out,no more.And that ofcourse if the tray opened WHILE drive was spining the CD.CD's are raised from the tray,and even if the tray opens,CD should stay inside,held by drive's axle.Those are just stories,and urban legends.We all love to exagerate now and then,even myself.I don't mean to call anyone liar or anything,far from it.I just say those are urban legends,nothing more.Fact remains,that damaged CD,can burst inside a CD drive,but at low speeds that drives use,that kind of burst is generaly harmless,since CD's crack on tiny pieces.That's why CD's have a temperature range of -5 degrees Celsius,upto 55 degrees Celsius.Temperature changes,especialy quick ones,damage the structure of the CD.And those tiny metal pieces are silver coating,that make up reflective layer of the CD.I hope I said all I had in my mind,I feel like I'm missing something here ;)Cheers

  6. HiIf I understood you well,you say that internet works fine,and you just can't see local computers and shares. Doesn't seem like a router or main firewall problem.I suspect McAffee is responsible for that.Or a firewall on that particular computer.If you use windows firewall,something could have messed it up.Probably McAffee.Maybe firewall in now blocking ICMP packets,or entire local IP range.What OS are you using for a router?Windows or Linux?Maybe you changed local IP network?There can be hundreds of possibilities.Networks are very sensitive to different errors.But in your case,it seems very likely it has something to do with windows.I'm 99.9% certain of it.If it were some hardware fault,router or firewall,then network wouldn't work even after restoration to Wed. restore point.It's windows,and you're probably right to want to reinstall.That should solve the problem.Cheers

  7. HiIf it says no data found,then probably you have a damaged CD,or something.Linux shouldn't have any trouble reading any type of CD.Possibly it is a problem with Wine's emulation and connectivity with the CD.Try to use ISO image,and get back to us with the results.It would probably help to tell us what distro are you using.Cheers

  8. HiI would also recommend going with Ubuntu distro.My brother gave me 5.04 a while ago,and I found it quite apealing,and functional.Tons of software is available over apt-get,but as someone said,don't try to use it over dialup.Didn't try to mess with compiling from source,but I imagine it's not dificult to do.Each CD package you order, contains one Live CD and install CD,so you can try Ubuntu without installing.Instalation is easy,almost as windows.90% of stuff works out of the box,I just needed to fiddle around to make the network functional.I swaped to Slackware soon after.However I ordered Ubuntu Breezy Breezer,new version of Ubuntu,and expecting them any day now.What I love about them,is they send CD's everywhere around the world,and I mean everywhere.My brother waited for 5.04 version to get here in Yugoslavia,for no more than a month.So,my recommendation is to go with Ubuntu.You get a live CD,and a very user friendly Linux distro.Cheers

  9. HiCan you be more specific how your DVD drive stopped working?Did it altogether die?Not powering up?Or it powers up,reads the CD,but does not recognize it?If it powers up,but doesn't recognize CD's,than it's most likely that lense has gotten dirty,and you should use aircan to spray it out,or get someone to clean it for you.Or,maybe your IDE cable is loose,and your computer doesn't properly understand your drive,and hence,doesn't recognize CD'sIf it in fact died,and is not powering up.Maybe you have a loos power cable,or your drive just simply gave up life.Or maybe I have no idea what I'm talking about,and didn't help at all :PCheers

  10. Hi

    Exactly as Spectre said,there is a lot of potential for abuse.Look up specified RFC's,and spend a lot of time learning how SMTP protocol works,and then try to make a mass emailer.

    Let me add another,let's say,sugestion.You are wondering how many 2 line emails,can gmail account hold.Aside the fact that it is very odd thing to wonder about,you can calculate it mathematicaly,and it's very simple,and perhaps faster than mass emailing.Maybe gmail has some mass email protection,did you think about that?Anyway,here's what I suggest you do.

    Say you write two lines,at 256 characters in length,that's 512 bytes + 2 for new line, that 514 bytes for body of the message,consisting of 2 lines.Let's say that RFC-822 headers take up about 300 more bytes,let's round the number,headers take up 510 bytes,which gives us message length of exactly 1024 bytes,or 1 kilobyte.Average gmail mailbox size is (and it's increasing every moment) is about 2.5 GB.Pretty big huh?

       Message body = 514 bytes   Message RFC-822 headers = 510 bytes1 message = 1024 bytes = 1KBGMail Mailbox = 2.5GB = 2560MB = 2621440KB2621440KB / 1KB = 2621440

    And there you have it,gmail mailbox can hold about 2 milion 2-line emails (2,621,440 to be exact)

    I hope this satisfied your curiousity,and been helpful at the same time.At least,now you know you can use RFC-822 for research too.


  11. Hi

    That code works,but it doesn't add new lines,it just appends text at the end of existing one.To add a new line,you would type something like this.

    Text1.Text = "This is line one in the textbox"Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "This is line two in the textbox"

    It is neccesary to use vbCrLf (Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)) because using only vbCr(Chr$(13)) or vbLf(Chr$(10)) will display single caracter,and won't insert new line.Hop this helped a bit.


  12. HiI found that .gp4 is a CCITT Group 4 File,used for fax,and .cal is CALS Raster Graphics,1bit black and white image.Now,I take it that you are trying something to do with faxes or something.A good place to start looking for details about .gp4 and .cal file formats is some site that has technical documentation on these formats,possibly a CCITT site.There you find and read the documentation,and start writing your code.You picked such formats,that no one has written a program that works with these files,and therefore no one has posted code or something.Taking into account that CCITT is in question,posibly there .gp4 and .cal are protected with patents,and you may have to purchase technical documentation from CCITT.Cheers

  13. Hi

    I'm just downloading this new YIM,so I'll inform you how it works.I used YIM 7 Beta,very extensively,and it rarely crashed.It only crashed few times,since I installed it,and only crashed when using "Sign Out" feature,but as I said,only few times.

    ... So, I dont know i guess alot of people hate yahoo messenger. Aim and Msn seem to be most popular ...

    I don't hate YIM.And I bet there are millions of others who would agree with me.AIM and MSN are more popular in the US,and therefore,their popularity is more disputable.And YIM has integration with MSN coming up.And I'm definitely not going into deeper discussion here,'cause I'll be off-topic.

    Yahoo did very good job with adding voice features,because people with slower connections can use voice,whereas Skype uses no compression,and sends raw data,that clogs all the bandwidth to people with slower connections,modem,1 channel ISDN,etc.

    Fact is,all of the aforementioned software works,and is useable.It's just a matter of personal preference and liking.


  14. HiI would definitely say,it is something with configuration on your router.Check to make sure,all of the neccesary ports are open,and forwarded to your machine.Also,if there is a DHCP server running,check what's the lease time for your IP.Maybe server is changing your IP,and then people get disconnected.Possibly something else in the configuration.Check with your administrator,or if you are administering your router,check the configuration thoroughly.Cheers

  15. HiI can't tell you exactly,but maybe there is a way to use subclassing to achieve this.Since you are asking this question,you are probably new to Visual Basic,and I actualy didn't help at all.But try looking on the internet,and search for "MsgBox subclassing",or something similar.Cheers

  16. HiFirst of all,as KuRuP7 said,IDE is a thing on the motherboard.IDE stands fir Integrated Drive Electronics, a standard formerly known as AT Attachment or ATA.This is a way of integration of hard drives to the computers.If you have further questions about this,please ask.IDE1 on motherboard stands for first, or PRIMARY interface,a place to connect your harddrives,or optical devices.IDE2 is second interface for another set of harddrives and optical devices,and is known as SECONDARY.Defined by a standard,only two devices can be connected on one interface,so it means you can have max of 4 IDE devices in your computer,2 on PRIMARY interface,and 2 on SECONDARY interface. This is their setup.HDD0 is Primary Master, First harddrive, that connects to IDE1HDD1 is Primary Slave, Second harddrive, that connects to IDE1HDD2 is Secondary Master, First harddrive, that connects to IDE2HDD3 is Secondary Slave, Second harddrive, that connects to IDE2Primary Master is usualy used for operating system,and thus HDD0 is default startup device.New BIOS' have startup from all HDD0 thru HDD3, CD-ROM,Network,possibly modem,and potentialy other devices.I hope this helped clarify some things up.Cheers

  17. Hi allEveryone starts the arguement,that whoever wants the abortion,had to be more careful not to get pregnant.And what if a young girl,18 years or so,was raped,and got pregnant?What then?Should she be more careful?Should she stayed in her room,not leave her home?Or what if a mothers health is endangered?What if the only way to save the mother is to abort the baby?Mistake with people is that we all react emotionaly,rather than logicaly.I don't like the idea of "killing babies" any more than anyone else here.But for,let's say,"practical" reasons,abortion may be the only alternative.If for instance,mothers life was in danger,but the law prohibits her to have abortion,and mother dies,and the child dies at the birth,what then?No good came from that?Two people are dead.And one life could have been saved.Ofcourse I'm agains abortion in late months pf pregnancy,but in 1st trimester,abortion should be allowed.And ofcourse father should have a say in abortion,if he is present in mothers life.This may sound harsh and insensitive from me,but world is overpopulated.And allowing abortion in early months of pregnancy,is a way of birth control.Again,look at this from the logical point of view,not emotional.If we overpopulate the world,all natural resources will be depleted.Then what?All 6+ billion people will be famished,water will be poluted,not to mention air.And what good is that?Yes,you may say "it's not gonna happen in my lifetime,why should I care?",but then,you're not a very good person,are you?I'm not being insensitive ba*rd,I just try to look from different perspectives,before forming an oppinion about anything.Life shouldn't be observed so plainly,it's either black,or white.There are many shades of grey in between.And decisions and oppinions should be formed based on emotional AND logical response.Try to think like someone else.Keep that in mind.Cheers

  18. Hi all,Good old end of the world...I've seen very much good arguements.End of the world is bound to happen,when the sun starts to fade.There are dosens of scientific shows,describing how it will happen.Before the sun starts fading,it will consume Mercury,Venus,and Earth.So,I believe if I say this planet is done for,in a few million years,I'm not mistaken.Now,to my question.Why does everyone connect end of the world,with some natural catastrophe,or planetary destruction?Human race is very,very stupid race.With idiotic American government,that thinks it can police the world,take whatever resources it wants,and the only one insane enough to use nuclear weapon of mass destruction,what can we expect?The remainder of he world is bound to raise agains them.Maybe tomorrow,maybe in a year,10 years,or in 100 years.But it will happen.And what happens then?World War III.Only this time,I doubt there will be as many survivors in WWII.That,from my point of view,qualifies as the end of the world.People are incredible when it comes down to money.We wish to think we are highly evolved and inteligent race.But we're not that highy evolved and inteligent as we give ourselves the credit for.Someone,somewhere,sometime will come up with a brilliant idea to extract raw energy from a rock,with no cost at all.Then,someone else will see this as a potential for something more,and with the everlasting (and my personal favourite) excuse "we need this technology to defend our country,THEY are using this same technology to build a weapon to use against us,aren't you a patriot?"...Instant recipe for end fo the world.Like it or not,this world,as we know it,is in hands of very few people,10 at most.Correct me if I\m wrong,but I think human race itself will be responsible for the end of the world.Someone said earlier, "this planet ain't going nowhere for a long,long time".True,I agree.There's just this one other thing:we won't be here to see it!Cheers

  19. Hi all,Yes,those are very good solutions to automaticaly start an application,but what happens when that machine is not used by regular users,for example,it runs as a server,and never gets past the login screen.I thin windows doesn't process startup part of registry at this point,but waits for you to login.In this case,application wouldn't start.I wanted to try making my own service app,but never got around,so I can't be of any big help.What I can do,is tell you where you maybe should focus your attention.Maybe there is another way that services run,I do believe you need Sub Main,or something similar.Some extra piece of code that needs to be moved or so.If I get around to making application that runs as a service,I'll notify you on results.Cheers

  20. Hi


    You can do as Inspiron said,make a whole new form,and place controls as you like them.


    I was never good in subclassing,but I believe changing button captions can be done using subclassing.I would love to give the example,but as I said,I'm no good with subclassing.As always,I direct people to use the web,Yahoo or Google a bit,and dig out some information that is of interest to you.Because,nothing can stick in peoples minds better,than hard way of finding some info out.Check Planet Source Code (http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/default.asp?lngWId=1) for examples on MsgBox usage,maybe there are some of customizing this function.



  21. Hi

    Could you make this a little clearer?Do you want to link a program with a remote database,that's available from the some website,or you want your webpage to access a database?

    As Inspiron gave you the links,you can use VBScript,but that's not good solution, that is, it doesn't neccessarily work.If for example,user has scripting disabled,VBScript will not execute,and therefore,you won't be able to access that database. In this case,if your webserver is running on windows (very rare,but not unheard of),you can make CGI equivalent in Visual Basic.I will try to find the code,or remember the name,under which this project was released.I am pretty sure you can find this code on Planet Source Code

    If you want to use remote database,you can use RDO, or perhaps ADO has the same ability, I'm not sure.


  22. Hi,First of all,welcome to Trap.You will see that people here are very pleasant,and like to help,and service is extraordinary.I myself am Visual Basic programmer for almost 10 years now,and don't plan to change it any time soon B) I tried .Net, and didn't like it from the start,they made a Frankenstein from Visual Basic, and turned it into VB.Net.But that's not the issue now.If you need any help with anything in Visual Basic,please,feel free to send me email.Cheers

  23. Hi all

    You still have failed to tell me where in the Bible it even gives the hint that we can have an abortion and kill innocent babies

    Why would it say in the bible?Back then,women had no right to speak for themselves,a patriarchal society.Not that I read the bible,but I don't think it mentions drugs anywhere in it.

    I am sorry.  Let me clear this up.  It doesn't say, the onnocent.  I am saying that by the power given to the government to execure His wrath on the evil,

    It says that in the Bible. I gave you the text. So I don't need to make a judgment.

    I think the question here is, who makes the judgement who is innocent and who is not.If I understood you correctly,god gave them power to execute his will.Ok.What do we do about Hitler then?How many innocent people were killed,viciousely,by him?It would appear that god gave Hitler the power to do that,wouldn't it?Why didn't god,when he realised his mistake,act to rectify his mistake?And I don't buy those stories about god being unmistakeble.We are made in his image apparently.If we make mistakes,so can god.

    Other thing

    Without anger justice cannot be delivered.

    Where there is anger,justice is anything but delivered.Judgment is clouded and obstructed,by that same anger.

    You keep mentioning "executions" on the evil.Can you point evil people?Can you somehow sense them?Or am I evil to,for not believeing in god?Who says "you are evil","you are good","good","good","evil",and so on?And don't tell me god makes that choice.Who makes that choice HERE,in the world of the living.Do authorities have an 24/7 open line to god,to ask him who is good,and who is not?Or it goes something like this:Innocent person is executed on the electrical chair,and dies.And then god says "Ooops",and sends that person to heaven?Therefore "fixing" that mistake.

    You have your arguments,we have ours.This is a neverending battle.But one fact stays: 90% of christians interpret bible in the best way they see fit at any given moment.Not as it was written,but just to suit their needs.

    And for n-th time i say: it is womans decision wether she allows something to grow inside her,or not.Not mine,not yours,not that of her family.Only and noones but hers.

    People should look their own business more,and let others make their own choices and decisions,be they good decisions,be they bad.And that person will stand before god,and he will judge them.You don't have anything to do with that,and therefore,god won't ask you to testify or be put to trial.

    I understand everyones need to "do the right thing",but as you yourself said,we are just human,and we mistake.Think about it.

    Whoever wrote the bible,wrote it well.Nothing specific is said,just some outlines,and every statement inthere, every verse,can be interpreted in several ways.Truly ingenious.


  24. Hi allIn my oppinion,your os list could have been better defined,but then again,I am a geek,so :)I have used different distributions of linux,and all versions of windows,begining with 3.1.Linux is by far,the best os,but depending on your needs.If you wish to work with video material and high quality graphics,you should definitely choose a macintosh with any of their os's.That's quality software.If you mainly need a stable server environment,or stable development environment,that is in the same time secure,use any of the linux distros you like.They are all similar in the basics,with slight differences.Use windows if you have adventurist spirit,or if speed and reliability are not that big priority.It's a sad fact that people base their oppinions on how much users one prodact has.Just because,for example,1,000,000 people uses windows,and only 300,000 people use linux,doesn't mean that windows is better.Windows just appears easier than linux,when basicaly,they are very similar.As a side note, X Window System is not an operating system,it is a GUI for use with linux. Maybe an option linux - text mode, and linux - x windows, could have been a better choice.All in all,my oppinion and selection is linux.Cheers

  25. HiThis may not be the correct explanation for your "problem",but I will try.I don't know if you have multiple accounts,and wether you have admin privileges,or not.If you do use multiple accounts,I believe this might be correct explanation.You have one default account windows uses.Now,every time you start windows,it will first load settings from that default account,and use its background image.When you logon to your account,windows will load your settings,and put your new background image on the desktop.This is how things worked under Win9x.Come to think of it,it is unlikely that this is the solution to your "problem".Perhaps your windows is experiencing some new bug,that may not be so horrible :) and cool :)Keep us informed on the development of this...Cheers

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