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Posts posted by Galahad

  1. FAT and NTFS are two different filesystems used by Windows. FAT is originaly used by DOS, and earlier versions of windows (3.1, 3.11WG, etc.), then evolved to FAT32, and used on Win9x/Me. NTFS was used on NT platforms.Now, if the boot sequence has no effect, I suggest somehow flashing your BIOS... Also, is the computer brand name, or custom built? This may be the cause, because brand name computers do like to stop functioning if some of the hardware is changed... But, I do suspect the BIOS is at fault here...Get back to us with more info on this... And I'll ask arround with my friends, maybe someone has seen something similar to this...

  2. Damn, it happened again... For some reason, i get "Page cannot be displayed" when I first submit the post, and when I check the page, it doesn't show up even after I hit Refresh... Then, when I post it again, I get two same posts... I think I will definitely uninstall IE :rolleyes:Moderators, please delete this, and the post before this... I didn't mean to spam...

  3. I've been using IE for...hm... for about 7 or 8 years now, and I only had one problem with spyware on it. For this particular problem, I would suggest spyware, or some serious error in IE code, that for some reason is not reporting any errors. Try downloading CWShredder to check for CoolWebSearch spyware, maybe they created a new version that closes IE windows... It's free, and specialised in CWS searches only, and small... Also, try running more different antispyware programs, because they tend to overlook some spywares during scan... I had my IE windows close all at the same time, but it always showed some kind of error message... I would bet 90% on some spyware or similar malicious software, and only 10% on some internal IE error... I will ask arround if someone had similar problems, and see if they solved it. If you are not like me, you can switch to Firefox, and that should solve this problem. I on the other hand, am so stubborn, that when more and more people tell me to do something, I say no, more and more... Probably not so good, but hey, that's me :rolleyes:

  4. I've been using IE for...hm... for about 7 or 8 years now, and I only had one problem with spyware on it. For this particular problem, I would suggest spyware, or some serious error in IE code, that for some reason is not reporting any errors. Try downloading CWShredder to check for CoolWebSearch spyware, maybe they created a new version that closes IE windows... It's free, and is specialized just in CWS searches... Try also running more anti spyware programs one after the other, because they can overlook spyware sometimes... I had my IE windows close all at the same time, but it always showed some kind of error message... I would bet 90% on some spyware or similar malicious software, and only 10% on some internal IE error... I will ask arround if someone had similar problems, and see if they solved it. If you are not like me, you can switch to Firefox, and that should solve this problem. I on the other hand, am so stubborn, that when more and more people tell me to do something, I say no, more and more... Probably not so good, but hey, that's me :rolleyes:

  5. I know I'm a bit late to reply (just 12 days or so), but let me try and help without your code... Offcorse, if you haven't solved the problem yet...

    Type mismatch error usualy means that you are trying to assign variable of one type to the variable of the other type. Now, I'm pretty sure that's not the case here... Try to put SET in front of this line, so it would look something like

      Set Me.Recordsource = filteredRs

    This might also do the trick. If it doesn't, post a small portion of your code, as well as declarations for filteredRS, and what type is Recordsource property...

  6. I have Creative SB Live! 5.1I used to work on a radio station, so I needed a bit more from my sound card (up until then, I had OPTI 931 soundcard), and I went for SB Live!. It works fine for me, even tough, I have it connected to only two speakers, via AIWA NSX-S10 :lol:Speakers are only 25W, and the device has about 500W (PMPO though, could be arround 50W real power), but when I turn the volume up... It really rocks :(So, there, I have 2 on 5.1 system :(

  7. I really hate my company director. He's the type of guy, that will accept any job, saying that we can do it, and then jump on our backs, forcing us to work long hours, weekends...I work for a company that manufactures electronic roulettes, slot machines, and poker machines. I work there as a software programmer. We can complete about 4 or 5 roulettes per month, but only if we are not developing something new. And last month, we were developing something new. And it took a lot of programming time, to perfect the things. But, our dear director, failed to listen to us, when we said it's impossible to fully complete 2 roulettes in two weeks. So we had to stay whole day working, work weekends (and all that for the same wage, no extras), just so, that he would take up 3 new deals, for completely different roulettes. You see, every country has different gambling laws, every casino can have their own desires about what the game shoud look like, and we have to individualy change for every order. And it takes time. Especialy, since we have new hardware, new softeware, and nothing is tested. Then, when people complain, when bloody thing doesn't work like it was supposed (and as we said it would), all the blaim falls down on R&D department... So, our departmend head, is deciding to leave the company, wich would leave me as the only roulette programmer there. And I can't do it alone... I can't complete a programm, that needs 6 months of work & testing, in 8 days, impossible... And we can't reason with the guy, who by the way, has absolutely NO idea how difficult it is working 12 hours and more...I hate him, I HATE HIM...p.s.I feel just slightly better, just slightly...

  8. Brothers and sisters, I have come to convert you to the Holy Church of.... just joking :( :(I don't really hate when people ask me what religion I am, I hate the fact that they start *BLEEP*ing about it, when I tell them I'm an atheist. Yes, I'm an atheist, so what? It's my bloody business, not their's. Don't try to convert me...Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro) was a comunist country until few years ago. No one was allowed to go to church. Now, when we are not comunist country, everygbody is free to go to church. BUT! Now we have just the oposite effect. EVERYBODY became religious: president's of the communist parties, members of different comitee's, everybody. And now that the church sees it, they became more agresive in trying to convert us atheists to religious people. No way am I going to start believing in god, just because some old guy with a beard longer than my leg, says there is a god. Nope. I never believed in god, and I don't plan to. Maybe one day I will, but until then, just leave me alone...My parents never were members of commuinst parties, but they never went to church either. And they didn't start going now. My mother sort of believes in god, my father doesn't. My brother to, and so do I. But you don't see my mother trying to convert us "sinners" into believeing in god.Religions are a product for mass control, and that's all. If someone believes in god, they can do it without following any religion. It's not about what religion you follow, it's what kind of person you are, that is, nothing more, nothing less.Thank you for your patience, and good night :P

  9. If there was no Internet... I'd probably die from boredom :P I met my girlfriend over Internet, so, that would be impossible too... Internet is generaly a very usefull thingy, if used in limited amounts. If you use it too much, you'll end up with poor eyesight, and god knows what else... I guess, if I didn't have it, I would go out more, meaning, doing some useful work, like... Well, I don't know, I'd have to thing something...Luckily for me, there is Internet :(

  10. All you have to do, is leave out single quotation marks (')

    That is, following code:

    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from Production where " & Searchfield & " < '" & Searchmore & "' Order by " & Sortby & " " & Sortorder)
    will not work, because you put Searchmore variable inside single quotes, and that tells database engine to evaluate it as a string (or text).
    What you need to do, is simply leave out those single quotes, like this:
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from Production where " & Searchfield & " < " & Searchmore & " Order by " & Sortby & " " & Sortorder)
    and this code should work fine now.

    When you want something evaluated as string (or text), you put it inside single or double quotes. And if you want it evaluated as a number, just leave out the quotes.

    Here are two examples, of SQL statements, one for text, and one for number search:
    SQL = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE FieldNumber > 1 ORDER BY FieldNumber ASC;"SQL = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE FieldText LIKE '1' ORDER BY FieldText DESC;"
    You can use all comparison operators (<, >, <>, =, >=, =<, LIKE, etc.) with both text and numbers. LIKE is however most usefull when comparing strings...

    Hope this cleared things up :(

  11. My shipment for the best one ( guess which on the list ) is coming in 4 weeks now! I can't wait to upgrade from my 3.4ghz processor :D I wonder how great of a difference it will be, CPU-Power wise. Any takes?


    Damn... And I'm still dreaming about owning a P4 3.2 HT CPU -_- Ummm.... what are you going to do with your "old" processor? Wanna give it to me? :D I mean, it is old, and slow, and... yeah :D


    Anyways, being Intel fan, this is quite useful image... I did now most of that stuff, but I also found out something new... Thanx :D



    We want the edit button back :D

  12. I agree with all of you.. I mean, I get a/s/l question constantly when on IRC. An it all comes from mega newbies, who have been using their computer for like 3 days -_-


    Oh, and that thing, where they change letters with numbers and stuff like that (M4StR ov L4mRz and stuff :D)... I mean, come on :D You can see from 100km they have absolutely no idea what they're doing... It was fun to me in the begining, and made me laugh, but now... Now it's slowly starting to get on my nerves :D Swapping letters and numbers is kind of cool, but they are using it overly extensive. It's OK to change one or two letters, but swap them all around? I bet that after a week, they couldn't read at, let alone anyone else... :D


    But, as you said... I guess they'll just grow over it... Let's hope before I go nutts :D

  13. Yes, you can get your quiz to use Access database, or any other for that matter...

    To use Access DB, you can use either ADO, DAO or Data control... I prefer to use DAO 3.6, so I'll explaint it quickly...

    Before everything, add a reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6 object. Next, you need to create Database object, that will hold the database, and create Recordset object, that holds actual table with questions and answers...

    Dim DB As DatabaseDim RS As Recordset
    Then, proceed to open database and table
    Set DB = OpenDatabase("databasename.mdb")Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("tablename")
    Now, I prefer to use SQL for search operations inside database, so here's how you get a group of questions, based on a first letter for example. I assume you have some basic knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language). Like with filenames, * is a wildcard, and SQL syntax is fairly easily understandable...
    SQL="SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE question LIKE ""A*"""Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(SQL)
    Now, you may have noticed I used OpenRecordset, to execute SQL... This is a great way to create a recordset object, containing search results in your SQL query... Now, it is not neccesary to open the entire table, if you will be searching for specific questions... If you have some basic knowledge of databases, you will handle this easily... Here's the portion of the code you could use (it's not tested, but it should work, just replace database, table and field names with your own):

    Dim DB As DatabaseDim RS As RecordsetDim SQL As StringPrivate Sub Form_Load()Set DB = OpenDatabase("database.mdb")End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()SQL = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE FieldName LIKE ""A*"""Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(SQL)RS.MoveLastRS.MoveFirstIf RS.RecordCount > 0 Then  ' Write your code to handle the resultsElse  ' No matches found, what to do, write hereEnd IfEnd Sub

    If you need further help, drop me an e-mail...

  14. Yes, you can get your quiz to use Access database, or any other for that matter...

    To use Access DB, you can use either ADO, DAO or Data control... I prefer to use DAO 3.6, so I'll explaint it quickly...

    Before everything, add a reference to Microsoft DAO 3.6 object. Next, you need to create Database object, that will hold the database, and create Recordset object, that holds actual table with questions and answers...

    Dim DB As DatabaseDim RS As Recordset
    Then, proceed to open database and table
    Set DB = OpenDatabase("databasename.mdb")Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("tablename")
    Now, I prefer to use SQL for search operations inside database, so here's how you get a group of questions, based on a first letter for example. I assume you have some basic knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language). Like with filenames, * is a wildcard, and SQL syntax is fairly easily understandable...
    SQL="SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE question LIKE ""A*"""Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(SQL)
    Now, you may have noticed I used OpenRecordset, to execute SQL... This is a great way to create a recordset object, containing search results in your SQL query... Now, it is not neccesary to open the entire table, if you will be searching for specific questions... If you have some basic knowledge of databases, you will handle this easily... Here's the portion of the code you could use (it's not tested, but it should work, just replace database, table and field names with your own):

    Dim DB As DatabaseDim RS As RecordsetDim SQL As StringPrivate Sub Form_Load()Set DB = OpenDatabase("database.mdb")End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()SQL = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE FieldName LIKE ""A*"""Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(SQL)RS.MoveLastRS.MoveFirstIf RS.RecordCount > 0 Then  ' Write your code to handle the resultsElse  ' No matches found, what to do, write hereEnd IfEnd Sub

    If you need further help, drop me an e-mail...

  15. I don't know how many of you are familiar with IRC development, but all time/date information are saved in unix time stamp format. Unix timestamp is number of seconds elapsed, since 1st january 1970. Unix timestamp is also used in phpBB forums, and possibly in other bulletin boards. It is very convenient for manipulation, mathematical calculations, and other things...

    Use these functions to work with Unix time stamps (this is fully working code, just copy/paste it):

    Option ExplicitPrivate Type SystemTime        wYear As Integer        wMonth As Integer        wDayOfWeek As Integer        wDay As Integer        wHour As Integer        wMinute As Integer        wSecond As Integer        wMilliseconds As IntegerEnd TypePrivate Type TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION        Bias As Long        StandardName(32) As Integer        StandardDate As SystemTime        StandardBias As Long        DaylightName(32) As Integer        DaylightDate As SystemTime        DaylightBias As LongEnd TypePrivate Declare Function GetTimeZoneInformation Lib "kernel32" (lpTimeZoneInformation As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) As LongPrivate Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As LongPublic Function FromUnixTime(ByVal sUnixTime As Long) As DateDim NTime As Date, STime As DateDim TZ As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATIONSTime = #1/1/1970#NTime = DateAdd("s", sUnixTime, STime)GetTimeZoneInformation TZNTime = DateAdd("n", -TZ.Bias, NTime)FromUnixTime = NTimeEnd FunctionPublic Function ToUnixTime(ByVal STime As Date) As LongDim NTime As Date, sUnix As Date, sUnixTime As LongDim TZ As TIME_ZONE_INFORMATIONsUnix = #1/1/1970#GetTimeZoneInformation TZNTime = DateAdd("n", TZ.Bias, STime)sUnixTime = DateDiff("s", sUnix, NTime)ToUnixTime = sUnixTimeEnd Function

    I hope this helped someone :o

  16. I built my own comp:Asus P4PE-X Intel CPU MB (FSB400/533/800 w/ Intel HT support)AsusTek/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Mbps (integrated)Intel Pentium 4 Celeron Processor 2.0G (o.c. 2604 MHZ)Maxtor 40 GB HDD @ 7200 RPM 2M cacheMaxtor 80 GB HDD @ 7200 RPM 8M cachenVIDIA GeForce 4 MX440 AGP x4LG CD-RW/DVD Combo 52x/24x/52x/16x512 MB RAM6x USB (2x USB2)

  17. It would help us if you tell us what specific error you get... If you get an error at that line, I guess you don't have Label object with that name. Maybe you spelled it differently or something... Try to be more descriptive in your posts, we will be able to help you quicker :)

  18. Ok, first of all, you need to know what software is installed in C:\PROGRAM FILES\CXTPLS\, is that something you, or someone in your family installed, or it just appeared. If it appeared after installing some game or something like that, it is very possible it's some kind of spyware, and you can safely delete the damn thing. Try manualy deleting the file CXTPLS.DLL, from Windows commander, or Command prompt, not Windows Explorer. If you get an error saying you can't delete it, press CTRL+ALT+DEL, and look for CXTPLS.DLL in Processes tab, in Task Manager. If you find it, terminate the process, and try to delete that DLL again. If it again fails, than some other program is using it. If however, you can't find it running, it means some program is using it. Now, I can't precisely tell you what to look for, because I go on a hunch, and just guess what should be running and what shouldn't... If this is the case, I suggest waiting for your dad's friend, to look what's wrong.I don't know how much experience you have in editing registry, but if you do it as much as I do, try looking trough:1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce5. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceExand delete any occurence of CTXPLS.DLL, or anything suspicious...But, BE VERY CAUTIOUS! You can easily disable some of the applications, and in turn, maybe Windows itself. If you are unsure of anything I mentioned, don't do it, or drop me an email, and I'll guide you trough it, or wait for your father's friend...That's about it...

  19. Hello guys...I made a program but when i run it i get a debug because i put the wrong timers action i tried to change it but still:


    Private Sub Form_Load()

    Let lblTime.Caption =

    Let Timer1.Enabled = True

    Let Timer2.Enabled = False

    End Sub



    OK, first of all, following piece of code

    Let lblTime.Caption =
    will produce run-time error... You need to assign some value to Caption, like

    Let lblTime.Caption = "" ' This will set Caption to empty string
    I don't know what you are doing in Timer events, but this is the only error in this piece of code... This has nothing to do with Timer actions, it's just a syntax error...


    A little tip: You can leave out Let statement, it really has no function anymore. Your code would then look like this:

    Private Sub Form_Load()lblTime.Caption = ""Timer1.Enabled = TrueTimer2.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub

  20. Universal pass changer is impossible to make. You can however, make a program that works for most popular sites and so... You just need to find out how each one of them works, Yahoo! for example, how they change passwords and all. But due to security reasons, I doubt that you will easily find out, or evem manage to change password, when you do find out.Changing passwords in software, is more difficult, because it's easier to make more secure. In this area I can't help you. I would recommend finding some texts on the net, about passwords and stuff, though my personal opinion is: this can't be done. I think this is great idea, but impossible to make.A password manager, with AutoFill option for browsers would be also great piece of software...

  21. I first found out about Trap 17 in November last year, and immediately registered, and got my hosting very quickly. My site has been up and running for almost 5 months, without a glitch. Server downtimes are minimal, and actualy expected. In fact, they are shorter than server downtimes for some paid hosts I know of, so, this is great. Trap 17 offers everything a paid host does, and all they expect in return, is we give back something for the community. I started working now, and have less time on my hands, but I try as much as I can to come, and write a few quality posts, that can help someone. That's all there is to it, nothing more, nothing lessTrap 17 rules! :)So, my site has been hosted for ~5 months, and I had no problems with it. Ever.

  22. Can you specify closer what you are sending?If you are sending just one file, and you use separate CSS file, then it won't work. Pack ALL files you used in creation of your site, and maintain directory structure used. That's about all the help I can give you without further info from you...

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