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Posts posted by no9t9

  1. Why not get started? No-one who actually knows anything about these things is gonna take your opinion seriously anyway.


    People who THINK they know about standards won't take me seriously because they are too stubborn to understand how standards actually work. People who ACTUALLY know about standards will agree that the WC3 "standard" is just a pipe dream.


    Talking down to people is simple. Everyone can do it. Now be quiet.

  2. the credit system is ok here. i was active about 6 months back and then had like 300 credits. It allowed me to stop posting for a very long time. The best way to get credits is to get into a "heated debate" with some one or even a few people. You end up making long posts and have the urge to come back often to see what kind of responses you got.Some topics that generally are good for discussion are things that people have strong feelings about. You should also have strong feelings about that topic in order to provide some good responses. For example, talking about politics is always a hot topic. One risk of this is that the discussion can get out of control. But that's what mods are for...

  3. employers can make you sign whatever they want but just because you sign it does not meam you can't do it. Even the non-compete clause where you are not allowed to work for a competitor is bull *BLEEP*. You can basically ignore that because it can be argued that this is a clause that tramples on your right as a person to earn a living.As for this coworker relationship, as long as it does not affect your performance on work time, you are allowed to do it. An employer cannot tell you who you are allowed to make friends with. If you get fired because of that, and make sure you get it in writing that you were fired because of that, you can sue their asses for wrongful dismissal.You have a fundamental right of freedom of association. Meaning you can hang out with whoever the hell you want. Now, I don't know where you are from but this is how it works in america.If I were you, I would go for her. It is easier to find a job than it is to find love. In the end, *BLEEP* your employer, they are *BLEEP*s for putting a line like that in your contract

  4. everytime i say firefox sucks I always get flamed. But it does suck. It can't render pages properly even if they ARE WC3 compliant. And don't get me started on how stupid the WC3 "standard" is.My biggest complaint of firefox is that the *darn* scroll wheel doesn't work on the browser. It has NEVER worked no matter what version I have used. It is so crap. How can you design a browser where the scroll wheel doesn't work?!?!? it is so frustrating because i use the scroll wheel so much. For that reason alone, I would not use firefox.Besides that, it does not support ActiveX which many websites require for more advanced features...

  5. there was an issue with the ipod nano's. Apple has admitted that they had a problem with the screens. They cracked and scratched extremely quickly. Some people had their nano screens cracked after only putting it in their shirt pocket for an hour. These people only had it in their pocket and didn't crush them or drop it at all. Apple basically admitted there was a manufacturing defect. I would be careful buying an ipod. If it was from the batch that first came out... it could have this problem. To be honest, I don't like Ipods. They are overpriced and you HAVE to use iTunes. I hate iTunes. Although, I have an iPod myself, the reason why I bought it is because all the accessories are made for iPod. I bought an iPod car connection unit for my car. No other mp3 player has that unit.

  6. I think the story is really stupid. I haven't read the books so I can't say about the books.It seems like they are just talking for the sake of talking because the words that they speak really have no meaning. They say it is very dangerous etc. to join the competition, yet they are all shocked when someone dies. They say that the competition is supposed to be for "international cooperation" or something like that, yet all the tasks are individual tasks.Next, it is so obvious who is the villian. i guess it is supposed to be for kids...

  7. the only sure way to be rid of that spy ware crap is to reinstall your OS. You should re install your computer and then get a program like norton ghost or acronis. These programs take an image of your computer before any virus or spyware. if you get a virus or spyware, you can simply load the image back onto your computer. I can get my computer "reinstalled" within 15 mins. All you have to do is partition your hard drive and save all your info on the secondary partition. You won't lose a thing.

  8. To get CPM from google you have to be a BIG player. And when I say BIG, I am talking like $50,000 a month from Adsense. The little guys only have the option of CPC. But it's not all bad because the little guys will probably not have enough traffic to make much on CPM. I have adsense on a website that gets about 70-100 uniques a day and I make enough from adsense to get a check every month. On another site, I have about 200-300 uniques a day and I make about double the first site I mentioned.BTW, the minimum payout for Adsense is $100. So you get an idea of the type of money that can be made with the Adsense program. And you don't need insane traffic on your site. What you really need is content. Chances are, if you have content, your ads will perform better. Plus you will get more visitors.

  9. Bush got the idea to start a war in Iraq because of his DAD and his dad's right hand man, don rumsfeld. Who, conincidentally, was also the current president's right hand man during the start of the war.It it my opinion that Bush Jr. is being "influenced" by Bush Sr. in all decisions that are made. After all, it is normal that a son would goto a father for advice especially a father with experience as president of the United States. Anyone who argues that the war in Iraq was started without ANY self serving reasons must be very niave. Oil was a certainly a factor, and also personal financial gains. Yes, part of the reason may have been to help Iraqi people but who really knows how big a part that was. Keep in mind Bush Sr. and Rumsfeld were instrumental in setting up Saddam in that region knowing full well who and what he was capable of. Bush Sr. and Rumsfeld sold WMDs to Saddam so that he could disrupt the region (primarily Iran) to provide free flowing oil. These are the very WMDs that the current administration insists are still in Iraq. Little did they know, they could not control Saddam. This is all well documented fact.In response to a previous post about how people feel about Saddam... I have talked to many Iraqi people (of varying cultural backgrounds). I can tell you that the common theme is not a hatred of Saddam because he is a murderous dictator. While this is all bad and the Iraqi people don't like this, the Iraqi people share a common hatred of the US because they screwed up their country allowing Saddam to get into power just to profit from the country's oil. Their sentiment is that if it were not for the US, Saddam would not be there in the first place.Maybe, Jr. is just trying to right a wrong and didn't quite execute as well as he had planned...

  10. It is bad programming to store temporary variables in a database. Depending on what you are using the information for, there is a "best practice" solution. Since you are basing your post around the session ID and closing the browser, I am assuming that the information saved in the database is used based on a per visit basis.In the case where you want to store information for a customer that is deleted after every visit, you should store that information in cookies. When the user leaves you never have to worry about deleting it. In addition, you could track a returning user.On the other hand, if you are just storing information that doesn't get passed to various pages, it may be best to use temporary variables and arrays, passing them through the URL.

  11. This is a result of inexperienced sales people. In most "gadget" or computer stores, they are typically high school kids. This means they really don't have much experience selling to people. I'll admit that this does happen with older more experienced sales people as well but not nearly as often.For example, if a lady went to buy a car with a man... chances are, the man will get all the attention. He is the bread winner and the person who likes cars. That is the perception.Most sales people nowadays are not like that. They realize that women make many of the financial decisions in the household. I think it was something like 70% of households is where women make the decision for large purchases.

  12. I also skateboard but i don't do tricks because it is just too dangerous now. I am too old and bones don't heal so good anymore. I just stick to some ollies over stuff (about knee high at most). Some other simple tricks.I prefer snow boarding now because I can do tricks and land in snow rather than land on concrete or pavement. Going off jumps and the half pipe on a snow board is just as fun as doing it on a skate board. Just as satisfying when you land a jump...

  13. advertising online can make you some pretty decent money. I have already made over $1000 from google adsense. I think it is awsome. Getting money for simply having a website. I don't know why anyone would NOT want to do this.The best is that it is all profit. Besides the time I spent creating my website, I haven't paid a single penny to make the money from Google... it is sweet deal...

  14. The site is extremely slow now. It takes a good 30 seconds to load any page. by the way, load times like this have absoliutely nothing to do with what browser you are using. I don't know why you guys are talking about the browser. The load time between browsers will never be more than a few miliseconds. Certainly the theme is not helping much because every user now has to download all the extra stuff for this theme. Can't even pick the standard IPB skin in the selector. The slow load times makes it very difficult to even post. I just end up closing the window because I am tired of waiting most of the time.

  15. This is not that hard to do. All you really need is to set up some tables and use the layout-flow CSS tag to orient the text vertically. Create 2 "tabs" by creating a table with 2 rows. Create another table that will be your "content" area. Align both tables to "left" and you will get your tab effect.

    goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you can see an example I made. Feel free to look at the page source to see what I did.

    Also note: The layout-flow CSS only works in IE 5.5 and up. If you want to have rotated text on other browsers, it will be more complicated (you will need Javascript).

    BUT... I am not sure why you don't want to use images. Cause that is the best way to do it. Replace the text in the tab with an image of some text and it will look and work perfectly.

  16. You need to check your stats, they're out of date. W3Schools shows that IE's market share is at 61% to FF's 28% and falling all the time.

    And you need to pay attention to my post before telling me I'm wrong.

    If you'll notice the word IF in the statement regarding the 99% IE usage... Next, I say that MY website generates 90% IE users. I could care less what the industry averages are. MY website is all I care about when designing webpages...


    As for the standards being 'BS', imagine if every other industry held such an attitude, like car manufacturers for instance. The standards are there to ensure that everyone regardless of device, operating system, browser or whether they are disabled, can enjoy the same Internet experience.

    I know what standards are. I've had this discussion MANY times. You keep talking about internet experience... Well, if you are designing webpages that IE can't display properly cause IE is "broke" then what does that do to the web experience for 61% of the internet users (using your number). You are gonna crap on me for dismissing 2% of users when you are willing to dismiss 61% of users because "they are stupid for using IE"... That makes sense...


    You say you design for 98% of users which means you're disregarding the needs of the other 2% - well that may be fine for you but people who make money from their sites won't be happy with a potential 2% loss in market share.


    You obviously don't know anything about business. 2% of users is not a 2% market share... And the effort to create a 100% or even a 99% compatible website COST MONEY. It isn't free to develop websites... In case you didn't know, developers for websites cost anywhere from 30-100$ an hour. You're telling me that you are willing to spend thousands of development time so that some loser with a MAC can properly view your website? Get real, the MAC user will see what all people using crappy browsers will see... some dumb down page that is crap. No one is gonna design for 2% of your "potential" customers. .


    And governments worldwide are increasingly introducing legislation to make it compulsory for government websites to adhere strictly to the web standards to ensure that no users are being discriminated against.


    Hey... good for the government. Have you actually seen government sites???? They are some of the simpliest (in terms of layout design) websites on the net... WHY? because that way people will be able to see it properly across platforms. You think a government website is gonna be designed to look good? NO. They can't because people will not be able to see it properly AND because it is a WASTE of money. Just like you would WASTE your money designing a nice site for the loser that is running Konquerer (or however that browser is spelled).


    Also, designing for IE5/6, which are fairly antiquated browsers now as it stands, is like still driving around in a horse & cart when there are cars available. Sure, you still get to where you want to go with a horse, but you're not taking advantage of the latest technology.

    Just because technology exists doesn't mean you have to use it. I can also come up with some stupid comparison that make no sense as well. But I won't. Instead, I'll just use yours. So you say that IE is like a horse and carriage while "standard" browsers are fancy modern cars. If 61% of people on the road are using horse and carriage... do you think that the roads will be suitable for your fancy modern car? Do you think there would even be traffic lights? None of that would exist if the majority of people are still on horse and carriage. Your fancy car would be USELESS.


    I agree that 100% compatability is beyond the means of most individuals, but by conforming to the standards you can certainly get a lot closer to 100% than you can if you just design for IE.

    Learning (or relearning) web design correctly may take a little longer but once you know how to do it, building standards-compliant websites takes no longer than it does to build a non-compliant one.


    First of all, I already said that so called "compliant" browsers DO NOT DISPLAY THINGS THE SAME. Regardless of whether they are compliant or not, you will get a difference between FF and Opera, or some other "standard comliant" browser.


    Also note that I stated "I design for IE AND FF to cover 98%" of my visitors. Where did I say my code is not compliant? Even if it IS compliant, it will STILL look different across browsers. If you don't agree with this statement, you don't know what you are talking about.

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