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Status Replies posted by anwiii

  1. xisto strikes again! i can't log in to my control panel directly throught the ip. i wrote a support ticket....AGAIN. lets count the days in how long it takes them to fix it.....this is DAY ONE

  2. xisto strikes again! i can't log in to my control panel directly throught the ip. i wrote a support ticket....AGAIN. lets count the days in how long it takes them to fix it.....this is DAY ONE

    1. anwiii


      welp. i recieved help with my ticket and my problem was resolved in around 24 hours. amazing.....

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. xisto strikes again! i can't log in to my control panel directly throught the ip. i wrote a support ticket....AGAIN. lets count the days in how long it takes them to fix it.....this is DAY ONE

    1. anwiii


      velma- it wasn't the wrong server 2 months ago! so xisto is changing *BLEEP* with peoples settings without telling people again? figures....


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. xisto strikes again! i can't log in to my control panel directly throught the ip. i wrote a support ticket....AGAIN. lets count the days in how long it takes them to fix it.....this is DAY ONE

    1. anwiii


      not oops. it's how xisto operates. nothing really works with them

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)


    1. anwiii


      it shuts the toilet seat down after he's done taking a crap. and people thought it had to do with ks.....

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  7. Still chatty, trying not to do anything wrong. waiting to see if I am accepted to qupis.

  8. Oh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only 6 days left :D

  9. Inea and Eza have been banned.. Sick of the spam

    1. anwiii


      it's about time. although her posts have changed DRASTICALLY....for the better even. it just sorta makes me wonder why. almost like two different people writing the posts. i've been gone for over a week so i don't know what she did to deserve a ban when others were allowing her to continue on....

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. host gator rocks! when i had a problem the first day when i opened an account there, i called them voice and they fixed the problem in 5 minutes. go host gator....down with xisto! also, host gator is cheaper! haha i got unlimited shared hosting for $6 a month. yeaaaaaaaaa! xisto over charges.....and for a crappy service none the less

  11. Now that I customized a desktop, I need $3619 then s/h money.

    1. anwiii


      were you just playing around with it or are you really going to buy this system. don't get me wrong. nothing wrong with dreaming but that is like 2 months work wage for some people. after taxes and shipping and handling. that might be up to 4 grand. what do you have now?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. i have many idea.but sorry friends i can not share mt idea.....

  13. Now that I customized a desktop, I need $3619 then s/h money.

    1. anwiii


      ahhhh! i was thinking something else. i'm an idiot. you should post the specs. has to be really awesome for $3,600+

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Now that I customized a desktop, I need $3619 then s/h money.

    1. anwiii


      what does needing money have to do with customizing your desktop?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Having a terrible time since I woke up...Struggling with a really bad sinus allergy :(

    1. anwiii


      i toook his comment as a joke. i took it as he gets it more than for times a year and year round like you.... 4 time a year....4 seasons? i could be wrong... :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. sooo.... there is NOT going to be a "big" "update" ?

  17. Just found out that I've forgotten my domain email's password... this is just great.

    1. anwiii


      finally a support ticket that xisto can actually take care of.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. why the title has changed to "innocence is bliss"??? haven't logged in for a while and things change a lot

    1. anwiii


      it's a take off from "ignorance is bliss". whatever you don't know can't hurt you. it creates a false sense of "innocence" while still being ignorant. i love the new motto. it fits well with all the screwups over at xisto

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. xisto has done it again. instead of fantastico, they are installing a software installer called installatron. with fantastico, they made it easy to uninstall your sotware. with installatron now on the xisto servers, you will have to do everything manually including deleting the database manually. way to go xisto! i knew you could come up with other ways to screw over your members

  20. hahahahahahahahaha! after a week of downtime, all my sites are back up and running. guess when.....ONE HOUR after i bought new hosting and changed name servers. that has to take the cake to this whole ordeal. after all i went through, they couldn't even tell me what the problem was.....

  21. hahahahahahahahaha! after a week of downtime, all my sites are back up and running. guess when.....ONE HOUR after i bought new hosting and changed name servers. that has to take the cake to this whole ordeal. after all i went through, they couldn't even tell me what the problem was.....

  22. no more wishfull thinking. purchasing 3 years of host gator service in 5 minutes. i lost a ton of time and money due to xistos neglegence. knowledge sutra goes down? up the next day. all my sites go down? it's been a week already. i will never be referring anyone here for hosting again. in fact, i will be doing the opposite

    1. anwiii


      they are in effect forcing me to stay with their hosting right now when my hosting doesn't even work. i think i will have to transfer my domains soon too. this is too funny! their who system is crap

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. no more wishfull thinking. purchasing 3 years of host gator service in 5 minutes. i lost a ton of time and money due to xistos neglegence. knowledge sutra goes down? up the next day. all my sites go down? it's been a week already. i will never be referring anyone here for hosting again. in fact, i will be doing the opposite

    1. anwiii


      now xisto is locking me out where i can't even change my ns records. what the *BLEEP* is this?!?!?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. i just wanted to say that with all the crewups over there at xisto, velma isn't one of them. she has been the ONLY person who has responded to me about my issues and gave me an update which i highly appreciate

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