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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. baniboy the birthday boy. i agree with philie. get crazy. you aren't accountable for your actions until your 18 so take advantage of it :D happy birthday buddy!

  2. bet you can't guess what i am doing right now! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. web_designer


      yeah i do...the truth...i expect you do worse than these hahaa...but i will limit my imagination anwiii...

    3. deadmad7


      are you sitting on your porch with a shotgun and waiting for a random person to come through your lawn and your gonna shoot them and then point to the sign that says "no trespassers".... or running away from the police on your donkey :D

    4. mahesh2k


      @deadmad7, reminds me of plants vs zombie game :D

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  3. beta server down but they wont admit it!

    1. web_designer


      yeah and therefor i couldn't login the whole last week...the page is hardly loads...thanks god i could now...

  4. bikerman is the chicken, truefusion is the egg, and i am the walrus

  5. bikerman put me on ignore because he doesn't like what i have to say. i think i will sit in a corner and pout now

  6. black eyed peas at halftime....blah

    1. kobra500


      Thats because the superbowl sucks

    2. anwiii


      the most watched event every year sucks? :) hmmmm ok


  7. BuffaloHelp Note Added 08 March 2010 - 11:05 PM Added to warn level (09:55 PM) anwiii - so i guess we know the answer to..."does buffalohelp *BLEEP* in the woods?" Hahahahahaha!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Misanthrope


      Are you inquiring with me, sweet WD?

    3. anwiii


      thanks misanthrope :) what is the matter, wd?



      Did that come from GTA:SA where CJ gets asked a question and he replies "Does the pope **** in the woods?"?

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  8. call 911- USA got ROBBED!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hurt4love


      I knew that :) but I'm saying Germany lost the game yesterday so I guess this is the unpredictable season for the World Cup this time :)

    3. Baniboy


      you were lucky you managed to tie haha

    4. deadmad7


      OMG ITS TRUE!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFES... but i heard that referee is getting booted..

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  9. comments now opened for spam....



      You beat me to it!

    2. anwiii


      well it's hard to beat me to it when i spammed myself 2 seconds later! :D



      True, so I'll be the second. SPAM!!!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. congratulations. after 5 years of being on this forum, you are the first user i have put on ignore.

  11. do a diddy diddy dumb diddy do!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. anwiii



    3. chini13


      im already part of the group :P

    4. anwiii


      yes you are! so is wb even though she just stands there confused not knowing what is going on in here....and in fact....neither do i haha

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  12. don't be adding me to your list of friends. i don't know you and you have made no posts here. i deleted you once, now i'm doing it again. don't add me again. you're a freak adding all those people you don't even know...

  13. DOWN with buffalohelp - IN with velma!



      buffalo'no'help lol?

    2. anwiii


      that would be a good name change since it fits

    3. velma
  14. drunk guy in the chat room. who wants to join me? i ain't sharin' my "juice" though!

    1. anwiii


      you were the only one crazy enough to join me!

    2. Baniboy


      yea and you didn't even give me juice! cheating!

    3. chini13


      lol anwii ..i would like to join u in the chat lol

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. dude, that's how i think! do you have a problem with it??? :)

  16. EZA has now put a disclaimer on the comments section of his/her profile. that is too funny. only someone ugly would put fake pictures up and put a disclaimer

    1. anwiii


      why because opaque makes a few extra bucks in adsense from spammers at the expense of legit users?

    2. velma


      If only it was that simple, if earnings were possible through spammers.. This forum would have nothing but a giant EZA and baby ezalings floating around.

    3. anwiii


      then there is no excuse.....is there :)thanks for proving my point.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  17. eza is is a cookie short of a cookie jar with one more cookie left inside it. i got warned a couple weeks ago because i told the truth about why she pastes copywrited pictures in her profile. i thought we were allowed to share knowledge here? :)

  18. EZA the spammer is back from the dead. beware of spam!

    1. Baniboy


      She's lurking in the chatroom every time I'm there too. I always say "we know you're there, eza the stalker" or something along the lines and she leaves immediately. Now that's a silly one, thinks he can go stealth in my home without me noticing.

    2. anwiii


      hahaha bani... "my home"....you're funny bro....

  19. fake account alert! :)

  20. firs sign of fireflies this year. they were out just after dark :)

  21. give me your best shot in the chat room. limited time only!

    1. anwiii


      how about in the *bottom*

    2. anwiii


      yea *BLEEP*ers.....bring it!

    3. anwiii


      come on! i drove two people away already. who is up for the challenge!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. god. this place really DOES suck now. i never wanted to believe it

    1. Hurt4love


      It feels completely dead doesn't it? No longer the same and it is taking the admins forever to do what they say they are going to do to make this place better and to bring it back to life :(

    2. canada


      uh yeah ive just signed up

  23. good job boys! made it in 6, but still proud of ya! how about lakers and celtics again?

  24. good riddance osama bin laden. now it's your turn to face judgement in the world you will now call hell!

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