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Status Updates posted by anwiii

  1. thanks H4L! you will always be the best!

    thanks bani- i had to buy some juice and a pie. don't worry about the cake bud!

    thanks nnnoooooo. i am really glad to see you as part of this community!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. anwiii


      what do you mean? it's the actual musical perspective and how it was produce that made(at least the first song) so great. maybe that's why it's the only song ever to hit multi platinum status

    3. Baniboy


      success in the mass market is not a measure of the actual song. Anyway, they are way too repetitive, use all the clichés and way too predictable.

    4. anwiii


      hmmm, well we disagree. i thought the recording of the song and the performance of the video was excellent to see all the big names in the industry come together for one project. it was truely amazing and one of a kind back then. you weren't even alive back then bani. i get it now though because you weren't even alive back then to appreciate the true nature of the song. you can't possibly get it....

  2. -395.03 mycents, are you kidding me?

  3. "[#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 15 seconds before replying or posting a new topic." - i got this message after posting one post in one hour! we need to change the name here to KNOWLEDGE(only if you can post) SUTRA!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OpaQue


      Anwii, kamasutra will not solve your frustration permanently. KnowledgeSutra can :)

    3. deadmad7


      ewwwwwwwwwwww on opaque

    4. anwiii


      really? are you going to bend over for me? NO! wait.....i figured out i am not that frustrated...that didn't come out right...

  4. "it's easy to sit there and say you'd like to have more money. and i guess that's what i like about it. it's easy. just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money..."

    1. Baniboy


      gimme gimme! gimme gimme, gimme gimme gimme gimme!

  5. "kknowledge" - at first it didn't make sense. now it makes perfect sense. i finally figured it out! haha

    1. web_designer


      really?...tell me please i am still thinking about that...

  6. "To be foolish and to recognize that one is foolish, is better than to be foolish and imagine that one is wise."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chini13


      wisely foolish or foolish wise whatever...but it makes u interesting

    3. deadmad7


      seems like anwiii is starting to get wise...

    4. anwiii


      ohhhhhh i can't wait!

  7. "when i saw the old bum pushing his grocery cart down the street, at first i felt sorry for him. but then when i saw what was in his cart, i thought....well no wonder why you're a bum, look at all the dumb things you bought"

    1. Xamire


      They're usually a bum because they have a mental illness.. hence the bad decision making. =)

  8. “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”



      I like that quote.

  9. ***POOF***

    1. web_designer


      you are POOFING a lot lately...haha

    2. deadmad7
    3. anwiii


      nobody can ***POOF*** like me! haha

  10. ***SIGH*** i don't have the words. JOHN WOODEN, one of my idols since i was a child, died at age 99 last night. the best coach in ncaa history, but more important, one of the best human beings you could ever know with his morals, values, and life philosophies....***SIGH***

    1. web_designer


      i am really sorry...but as you said once, good people stay in our hearts for ever...

    2. deadmad7


      sorry about John Wooden, but I will always be a Bobby Knight fan!

    3. anwiii


      knight never had self discipline or control. how can he even be in the same category as a wooden. he can't. wooden was the best at what he did on and off the court

  11. *BLEEP* it!

    1. Baniboy
    2. web_designer


      hmmm i can imagine... :) he stuck with codes just like me...

  12. 0 active content in the last 24 hours? what is this....



      This? Oh, this is a Mexican Stand Off. *gives signal*

    2. Indego_Media


      hmmm seems to be something rotten in the state of xisto....


    3. Indego_Media


      hmmm seems to be something rotten in the state of xisto....


  13. 1000 posts exactly after 7 months of being a member. congrats! now what was our bet again? :) you will reach post 2000 by february at this rate.... :)

  14. a fruit calling me gay. now i've heard it all hahaha

  15. a snowball fight isn't a snowball fight without ANWIII!!! now.....where's the snow???

  16. after much thought, i had to resign as a mod. do not pm me why. it was a right choice and a difficult decision

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. anwiii


      i am not being allowed to quit. i hope people know what they are doing because this might just be the calm before the storm

    3. deadmad7


      awwww man just found out you became a member like us again.... yay now i can say *BLEEP* to you and you will not ban me... :P

    4. anwiii


      hahaha! we are not just members. we are extraordinary members! welcome to the club! and *BLEEP* you too! haha :D

  17. after standing up for the members of this forum about increasing the limit size of signatures, buffalohelp has now suspended my posting privlidges. when they return, i promise to post something he wrote a while back which will let everyone know how he talks to the members of this forum and how he himself abuses his admin powers for his own selfish reasons and show why he is a hypocrite. it will give a clear view of why his is so widely hated in this forum by his own admition in his own pm.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hurt4love


      hmmmmmmmmm I smell danger creeping up...Shall I be scared of your inspiration now?

    3. anwiii


      only if you piss me off :) are you going to piss me off? haha

    4. Hurt4love


      maybe a little :P

  18. after struggling to work 8 hours a day EVERY day, it just might pay off when 1 day you can become the boss......working 12 hours a day...

    1. chini13
    2. Baniboy


      But then you can choose which donut flavor you want in the office! see, it does pay off!

  19. an example of our forum moderators at work. who logged in last? XALOR- 5 months TRAMPOSCH- 2 1/2 months DEADMAD- 2 weeks

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J90


      Pretty dead round here....

    3. deadmad7


      i just don't log in... i check in here once in a while... :)

    4. anwiii


      good to know the mods check in once in a while without logging in. i was getting worried

  20. anyone thinking of earning mycents if you chase away a spammer, think again! you wont get mycents if you get warned and warning levels don't go down for three months. you need to find hosting elsewhere if you're like me

    1. velma


      The warning rule has been around from the beginning :) And warnings go down based on your posts/behavior on the forums..


      YOu know that very well

    2. anwiii


      Total amount credited: $11 USD, myCENTS: 67.17 exactly how active velma? more than that? my behavior was fine unless you count all the times i complained about xisto. you can tell me right now if i never had a legit complaint.

    3. anwiii


      i know how wanrings work velma. i am still the most active member here right now. i just think two months is way to long for any member. as you remember, i didn't complain and agreed and was very patient but two and a half months??? it's not even about the mycents. a person should be recognized for contributing to the forum.....even people who have warning levels. people should have to ask just because they have been forgotten

  21. back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    3. sheepdog


      Well it's about time, I was getting worried!

    4. web_designer


      hey welcome back..:) nice to see you again..

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