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anwiii last won the day on July 20 2011

anwiii had the most liked content!

About anwiii

  • Rank
    I wont bite...unless you WANT me too
  • Birthday 03/15/1968

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http://astroloco.com , http://astroloco.com/forum/

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chilhowee, MO
  • Interests
    watching grass grow....

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  1. BuffaloHelp Note Added 08 March 2010 - 11:05 PM Added to warn level (09:55 PM) anwiii - so i guess we know the answer to..."does buffalohelp *BLEEP* in the woods?" Hahahahahaha!

    1. web_designer
    2. chini13
    3. Misanthrope


      Thanks for visiting my portal, anwiii. I don't know what happened to my original thread on this, but it appears my "about me" page is finally in working order. I've been enjoying....no - REVELING.. in your insightful posts of late. Keep up the great observations! I've a feeling many members (and x-members) have garnered a vicarious sense of absolution via your valiant work! If only more would speak from the valiant Pleroma as you do, humanity might stand a fighting...

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