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anwiii last won the day on July 20 2011

anwiii had the most liked content!

About anwiii

  • Rank
    I wont bite...unless you WANT me too
  • Birthday 03/15/1968

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  • Website URL
    http://astroloco.com , http://astroloco.com/forum/

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  • Location
    Chilhowee, MO
  • Interests
    watching grass grow....

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  1. ok. working on a nich keyword website. i will update you all when i am done. for now it's parked at sedo. http://kindlewirelessreadingdevices.net/ is focused on the amazon kindle wireless reading device. specifically geared to the new dx model. it will go live next week.

    1. sonesay


      whats a nich keyword website do?

    2. anwiii


      you are targeting something specific where it's easier to get ranked. they are used to make money off a product. i'll be posting about it soon in the seo category so people can follow a long using this site as an example of good seo and how to rank high in 1-2 months with a new domain.

    3. sonesay


      Ah nice. I will be sure to follow along.

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