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Posts posted by Danieluchis

  1. i like gamecube the most, but the only thing is that they don't produce many games that i like (only zelda and the sims =P) but anyways i like how nintendo made it, so no one could make copies of their games, (well at least i still don't know of a place where they sell you copies of Gamecube games)

  2. I got their number plate and a description of the car and ended up smashing it up with a baseball bat but I was still annoyed even after that.

    well, you say you don't like that kind of people so i don't understand why would you do that, besides there just some teenangers... but meeeh! i hate people who would abuse their power or money to make the people who have less feel miserable... i hate hipocresy, and i TOTALLY HATE copycats >=*

  3. The only we need now is efficient space travel and gundams and were all set for a huge war.

    LOL im totally agree with you Yipster, and the space travel is evolving day by day, so maybe we'll have that in no time... i've heard that many cientists tried to make a human baby clone before, but none of them function, in my opinion i think that a human clone can have a soul, because after all is human, maybe it will have a bit of the soul of the person who gave his cells, and by the way a little of his escence/existence wherever you wanna call it, i hope this time works so no more embrions would be trowned away...

  4. well ill just tell ya something, i wouldn't tell her anything... i was at the same situation before but the bad thing for me is that i still can't forget this guy |?? anyways if she told you to just being friends it means she values your friendship you should try to comfort her without trying not to demostrate the "i love you be my girlfriend" feeling she really would appreciate it and who knows maybe she'll someday like you =)

  5. my school doesn't have very regulated security options.. we don't even have a properly seismic alarm _o_ sad, very sad, but yes, the teachers will notice if we leave the school because at the entrance there is an old woman one of the prefects that ir in charge of guarding the door hehe ok well some kids manage to skip their unveiling eyes and get freedom (skipping classes) ho ho:unsure:

  6. hmm it doesn't cost nothing to re-explain it u_u:ok your domain registar said that if you do't have any hosting account (in this case if you didn't have a Xisto hosting account) then your domain name will be parked within the domain registar servers until you got your hosting =) but well i think you should ask or search trought your domain registar's website if you would have total control over the DNS because those are the ones you need to park your domain here at Xisto, sometimes i know of few of them who would charge the DNS change from $0.50 to 5.00 >_>! !! so i'll recommend you to check it @@! then when you have your domain ready and with control of the dns change them to point to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM then go to your cpanel and click on the park domain option put your newly DNSed pointed domain name and voil?! there you go =)! if it doesn't work you'll have to wait like 2 days to the new DNS to spread over the net :rolleyes: my domain took like 4-5 to propagate =( but it's kind of working right now =) hope this information will be usefull

  7. i went today to watch the movie and OMGWTFWTHL33T is GREAT! i loved it! Anakin looked so handsome and ewan mcgregor too *o*, today i watched the Episode VI so now im like in some star wars heaven hehe, the part the i most liked was:




    Highlight to read the spoiler

    the first one was, when anakin killed the little jedis apprentices in the jedi temple WAAHHH T_T, the second one was when anakin hurted padm? and the third one was when obi-wan-kennobi yelled at him (when his burning the hell out of him ><) "YOU WHERE THE CHOSEN ONE! YOU WHERE SUPPOSED TO DESTROY THE SITHS! NOT JOIN THEM! YOU WHERE LIKE MY BROTHER!"




    Notice from snlildude87:
    Made the spoiler background black. Highlight it to see.

  8. well my favorite site is obviously my domain collective (hosted here at Xisto) *o*, then, when im now playing Ragnarok Online, i like to post here at the forums, and then http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ because they have good mangas to download via http:// there another forums where i post are named DZ and they're on spanish, you know they're for talking about manga and those things url: http://fdzeta.com/

  9. ok, the only thing i have to said is this: HOW MUCH SPACE DOES GOOGLE HAVE?! omg.. i now im seriously thinking they are stealling bandwitch or something like that xD! i want to have servers like that.. i once hearded of that page, they give you like a review of certain videos and a place where you can download them (i didnt get clearly if it was from their servers or from anothers..)

  10. yes, if you have a Xisto account you only need to point your domain's dns to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM go to your control panel, park your domains, wait.... till it propagates and then just in the same ol' good control panel add email account it will automatically activate an option to make a @youname.trap17.com email address or a @yourparkeddomain.com address, that simply ^o^ or if you want to use your @yourdomain.com address to redirect all mail sent there, to your @hotmail/yahoo/gmail/etc.com just use the forwarding option! is very simple and easy =)

  11. This is all really sensitive stuff, so we can not turly prove which isde is right, or which side is wrong, untill we make space travel avabile to the public.

    i think they're already available, didn't you hear that old new of Lance of N'sync going to space or something like that, anyways i once read an articles about this topic, and they got this picture of Neil Armstrong (err... sorry if i type if wrong) with the USA flag, and they were arguing that the lights didn't match the trayectory of the sun and how whas the flag moving if it supposed that in space there's no air (in my opinion i think the cosmonaut just move it a little) and those stuff, anyways a very interesting topic here :(

  12. did you already parked your domain at the Xisto's control panel?? maybe that's why you can't see it o,o you can park it accessing to your cpanel account:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and typing username, password all that stuff, then you go to site management tools and then to parked domains, you just input your domain name without the http:// and voila! you just wait to the dns to establish, but first of all you got to direct your domain's dns to Xisto's i think they are NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM o.o

  13. OMFG what is wrong with Rupert Grint's hair!?!?!?!?!? :(?!?!!? i first thought it was a girl!! he looks so awfull T_TU rupert what do they do to you >_>U as long as i remember Ron Weasley didn't have long hair in the 4th book, maybe i read wrong :( the scene in the Yule ball.. i imagined totally different, the same with the Patil sisters, but anyways, does anyone know when is going to be the premier of this movie? and Dan in the pool *?* ... omg daddy he looked so good in there :( Emma watson looks nice too, but Rupert.. oh rupertsrinsky for one second besides of reminding me of a chick it remined me of Kurt Cobain ._., Dan in the tuxedo ooohhh !! how nice and cute he sees ;_; *hugs* yay! i hope this movie is going to be better than the other ones.. and i hope the new book goes out to the sale too!

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