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Posts posted by Danieluchis

  1. well, im 16 years old he was the only pope i've had for my entire life, and from all that i've hearded he was one of the best popes that the church ever had, and i believe so, He was a great man he adapted himself in this century because he was the first pope to made and enc?clic (it's spelled correctly?) via internet and used video-conferences so i think that's good, also he admited the church's mistakes from the past, and.. well he made many kind and good things, that took great influence in me, and i'm not very religious because i don't go often to church on sundays but he was a great man, it would sound stupid but i even thinked to become a nun :) well anyways even if i didn't knew him personally he left very good lessons in every people's heart.

  2. the Pope John Paul II was a very respected, kind man... i will never forget his 5 trips to my Country (Mexico) he was the Mexican Pope.. and im very sad to hear that this cherished man has passed away... but from the other side im happy because he is now passed the gates of heavens and is with Christ, resting in peace... He just leave us in his human form but im sure that his heart will always be with us... i will always remember a quote when he was leaving our country in one of his many trips to here


    Me voy... pero.. de coraz?n me quedo

    this means: Im leaving.. but from heart i'll stay


    and i think this is exactly what had happened... i hope the church and the cardinals choose a new Pope that can proceed with the lessons that this one started, he was always searching for the young ones in the world and now the young ones came to the Pope in his last moments... and one of his last words was that he was thankfull of that, i had the joy of been in the vaticain (it's spelled like this?) in my 15th birthday and i had the honor to see him like 3 meters from where i was, and the emotions you feel.. are unexplicable i felt very much peace and i was happy to tears to see him. anyways i will never forget a person like him and I'm really sure Mexico will never forget a Pope like him..


    Rest in Peace..


    Juan Pablo II te quiere todo el mundo!!!! ;__;

  3. well i like the shoujo type of mangas.. you know girly things like love storys between "A" who liked "B" but "C" interferred in their potencial relationship LOL well i recommend you:


    shoujo (for girls): Full Moon wo Sagashite, Sailor Moon (xD), ION, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Chobits, Clover, Card Captor Sakura!


    I can't fit them in shoujo/shonen category: Inuyasha, Magic Knight Rayearth, Chrno Crusade


    Shonen (for boys): Gundam Wing, Saint Seiya, X by Clamp, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing


    and these are some examples of good mangas I hope this little information can be of use for you

  4. i just can't believe how can a man can do this to a little girl... like everybody says he sures haves some mental issues, and i don't think the girl has them.. i hope they catch the raper and make him pay... i just can't found a reason of why a person would like to abuse from a little one.. what to they found exciting about that? that the little person can't defend himself/herself? i think that the persons that do that feel.. how to say it .. i can't find the word.. oh yeah inferior? in their "adult" life

  5. EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S GROSS!! eww! omg i thank god that here in Mexico aren't any Wendys (at least not in my city) but awww well at least the finger was cooked that was so condiderated :) ...... :) why the hell didn't the employees check the food O_O?Now.. this remember me, of one time i was at a restaurant when i was like 13 or 14 years old.. and i found a green worm in my salad!!!! my mum went insane and i was like B) ....ewww ;__;... but mum wouldn't let the trauma go and she made the manager come... and change us the meal xD

  6. or maybe if you want to change your .com .net .org (a.k.a. payed domains) you'll need to check with the domain name company were you payed for ur name if they have enable the change domain name option and if they charge you an extra fee, (the 99% of the companies does) at least that's what 've heard

  7. haha i use an optical mouse, in fact is the mouse that came with the computer when we bought it, the old one used to have a ball mouse, and i remember i got all this desperate because it wouldn't work properly (you know when they get all dusty and doesn't functionate properly) and i got to clean it like 3 times per month so then one day i say to myself "NO MORE CLEANING! :)!!!" and my mummy bought an optical mouse for the ol' good computer, haha that's a good memory: me throwing the old mouse by the window. but anyway i want a wireless mouse they seem good

  8. Posted Image

    love me ;_;



    in my country they were this copy of the Teletubbies called "Telechobis" hahaha it was so sad! but yeah i think teletubbies are kind of...strange (stupid :)) but if i got to choose between Dora the explorer, Teletubbies and "Juana la Iguana"(a show here at mexico too) I'll choose .....sesame street! yeah, i don't know why does little kids need to be watching TV at this age... i mean when i was little i watched TV all day (u know cartoon network old programs johny quest, tom & jerry those were some real programs) and now i have to use glasses! yeah.. instead of having those little kiddos run up the hill or things like that, the mummy sticks them in front of the TV so she can go to do her hair at the salon or things like that.

  9. i love notepad!! for php, html & CSS programming is the best editor i can have installed right now at my computer, i sincerely don't like the programs like dreamwaver or microsoft frontpage (im talking about creating html pages) because all of this META tags "extra" that they put in your page, i personally found them confusing because they make my html document a little heavy (in kb), and with the notepad y just can create every tag (of course it requires to memorize the tags and all that stuff..well it really doesn't..but meh i memorized them from writing them so often hehe) and decide which tag im gonna use and which don't, i don't know if im explaining myself correctly... :)

  10. i never heard that google had a worm or something like that, i always thought that Holly Google's servers were like super secures or something like that

    Google Hijacked, that would be the headline of the national news paper, I dont think GOOGLE has been Hijacked, its probably a bug in your computer.

    yeah i think that too, i can't imagine how can someone (well a hacker duh! xD) hack google

  11. Email Address you can be contacted by: danieluchisp@gmail.com

    Number of Invites: 50

    Thing(s) you want in return: hmm nothing! well maybe a "thank you!"

    Any other information you might want (or need) to include: hmmm o.o no nothing when i hace more invites i'll post them here!!! and i think is a good idea this exchange, because yeah ppl are literally hunting the invites!

  12. when girls, >_>, type in their profiles or something in alternating caps like this, "OmG LiKe U r So KeWl!!!!" Each time I come across it, it's like an unbelievable pain, stabbing my eyes like there is no tomorrow. There are some things I can stand, and this is one I can't. Sure, once in a while, but some people fill their whole profiles with walls of this sort of text and it's just so freakin annoying. I mean, learn to type. It's ugly and not stylish. Oh and, It's so 7th grade.

    i was ROFLing at the "stabbing my eyes like there is no tomorrow" xD.. but anyway that's EXACTLY how i feel too! i mean is really annoying, stupid, argh and i can't find a reason for people to type that way, i mean it looks horrible and sometimes i don't even understand what is says... and by taking that kind of terminology out of the net i think is also bad, because we are.. like throwing to the garbage the education our parents gave us, by being lazy and don't writing the whole words, (besides that it makes you look like a freaky) do you get my point? :s?

  13. have u seen this yellow bracelets? yeah, the ones that lately are on half of the world's hands, well you know they cost only 1 dollar no? well... i don't know if in other countries is the same as here but, i went to school the other day (like hmm a month ago) and a friend of mine had one.. so i tell her "hey nice bracelet! where did u get it?" and she told me her sister brought it from USA and that they were for cancer support, ok now 1 week later another friend come to school with another one and i was like "oooh were did u get yours?" and he told me that he bought it here at carlos obrians (a restaurant) and that it cost him........... 10 DLLS!!! OMGWTFWTH! this is sooooo arrghh ??!!! and a week later half of school have and i bet at least 60% doesn't even know what does it means! aaah !!! and my question is: why does humans are so... ambicious? i mean at first this was a good cause and now is only money and fashion... that makes me sick.. oh and i forgot to mention that now they are false bracelets too. please! aarrghh

  14. what is gmail drive??? i have a gmail account, but i never heard of gmail drive?!?!?!?

    i think that the gmail drive let's you use your gmail account like an extractable)does it is spelled like that?) hard disk.. now, i had wanted to download it... but i haven't found it anywhere! where did u download yours?

  15. hahahaha!

    And last of all:Your internet disconnects at random, and you don't care that your torrent thats been going for 6 hours, or your game was stopped.. your just pissed that you actually have to CALL your friend to talk to them now.

    yeaaah!!! that happened to me once! i was soooo pissed that i actually had to get up from the chair and grab the phone... that i just ... err this is freaking embarrasing xD but aah well i just went berserk mode with my poor old computer and start kicking it ! LOOL that was so pathetic i know

  16. yeah i think the same too, even from gmail i have like 50 invites in my account isn't supposed that gmail was a sort of "la creme de la creme" from email services? where do they get all that space...? and yeah i have seen many of this kind os sites too. [drama mode xD] before having a gmail account maded me feel special because not many had :D (sorry for my poor grammar) and now...... even the dumbest guy at my school has!!! :D [/drama mode] frus-tra-ting!

  17. I'm 16 years old. I'll be 17 when the date hits 21st of may. And... yes. Teenagers do have a brain. It is scientifically proven.


    yeaah! im 16 years old too. My birthday is [sarcastic]pretty soon[/sarcastic].. 16th november !! but people often mistake me for a 18-20 girl... i can go watch M rated movies and they don't even notice (wow how childish look this comment hehe) :D


    i'm 14, but i'll be 15 on march 3rd. just one more year till i can get a car and a part-time job, w00t!!!

    yeah here in mexico you can get yourself a driver license at 16 too (obviously with your parents approval) i want to drive too!!!! :D

  18. i use notepad to edit and create my php im a n00b at this too x_x i just codify and then when im done i save the file as file.php and voilá! there it is my php file

    p.s. use notepad, it edits everything!

    yeah!!! it even edits Pics! ony day i open a *.jpg and it appear a lot of coding.. so maybe if u change something the image appearance would change? ;) ?

  19. i use MSN Messenger i don't use Yahoo Messenger at all, but yeah im the type of person that has 150 contacts but... i think i don't even know half of them, like "hello!!! how are you? oh im fine too ooh btw ....who are you?" hehe :P but well i never had counted how much do i have using MSN Messenger... hmm like *counts* 5 years! wow ;). I have also been throught good and bad things because of my messenger, good things are that i've met very nice and decent people and i have maded lots of very good friends from around the world, and the bad things... hmm ...well i have been stabbed in the back too..really painfull, but well that's part of it isn't? that's the way the digital world works

  20. OMG i think that ur dad should go out and buy some beans instead of gettind mad at your mother ;) well my dad doesn't fit in this cathegory.. but instead my mother it's like that haha she'll get all crazy if hmm let me put an example.. if she doesn't know some function on Word and she erases her document she'd call me and if i can't recover it, she would get all mad at me "Didn't you say that you know it all?! blah blah" and im like this " :P it's not my fault that YOU don't know about computers" ... and obviously i run for my life.

  21. no, it's not free you can read it in the Pinned topic at the Request Hosting Account forum _o_U but well i think the (.com!) is there because they can only host .com domains? imagine how many people would sign to Xisto because they give out .com domains! and pay each member's domain name... ;) they would be very..hmm poor o_o..

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