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Posts posted by Danieluchis

  1. hmm i study on a religious school (administrated by nuns) and even though im catholic i can only see, that these nuns are charging us like $400 dlls of an inscription and $35 dlls of "voluntary tickets to help the missions" (obviously if you don't buy their stupid tickets they won't let you register in the school) they got these, delux leather-sit X-trails, and then each 2/3 months they are asking us money again! (the collegiature is like $280 each student and we're like 400 students) so im not surprised, the church has become a little more corrputed $__$, didn't they supposed to have Poor vote? (you know living like poor, chastity; that stuff) and i don't see it anywhere... and now that Ratzinger's the new pope i don't know what to expect, but i can't believe that they do this thing of quitting your religion in my country! i know we are a lot of catholics here in mexico but we know that we need to respect other people religions.. because the POPE (john paul II) and the moral! told us. besides when someone dies i think that they are judged by the same God but in the way their religion saw the good and evil

  2. hmmm mi current top 5 are



    1. Canon-D [Pachebel, but specially Banya's version]

    i always loved this song, and when i heard it from banya's version at the Pump It Up i was totally in love with it, the rythm, the.. aahh, amazing!


    2. Lilium [Elfen Lied Opening]

    i love this latin lyrics, the parte when they say kyrie, ignis divine, eleison that means "oh lord, divine fire, have mercy" i totally love it! it's so melancholic!


    3. Matando Memorias [Panda]

    well this is an spanish song =P it means "killing memories", i like this song because it clearly explains a situation i was living a year ago and that i can't end of superate @@U


    4. Don't Speak [No Doubt]

    what i like about this song is the bpm that it has, and the lyrics... it's a really sad song


    5. Helena [My Chemical Romance]

    besides the song i liked the video, the living dead girl ballet coreography it's so awesome! i love how she tipped all the way in the hallway and the "what's the worst that i can say? things are better if i stay"

  3. WOW! that sound AWESOME! but wait just a minute... how can a platform support up to 8 players, when the controll entries are for just 4 O_o? anyways i can't wait to see all the new Zelda Characters!!! do you know for what platform would it be? GameCube, DS >_>U, Xbox, Playstation @@!.. or even a date T__T?!? aahh i can't wait @@ now ill have to waste my moeny on new smash brothers and the new legend of zelda, i hope this isn't any fake news ;_; .

  4. yes i saw an articule about this einstein's theory it is based on an example: say that they are two twin brothers, one is an astronaut an he's going to somewhere in the galaxy so the other brother gives him a watch, so they can synchronize, ok now both have the same time, the astronaut twin get's on board and travels at light speed (you know 3000 km/s) and after 2 years passed in the clock, he rturns home, and when he does, he discovered that they have passed hundreds or thousends of years and that his brother or descendients are no longer there.. why? i think it's because the acceleration, time has flaws too, no? well but in first place in the magazine i read (where this example belongs to) says that this actually isn't possible yet, because human body can't handle to have a trip at light speed, and because there isn't a machine that can fly at a higher speed than light speed, but theoricaly yes, it's possibly, that would be cool O_O

  5. i hope this is true, mi grandmother died from a liver cancer... before i was borned, im amazed that a mathematic discovered the ecuation, i didn't know that with math you can also do those things... i just thought it was just Q.F.B. and doctors who do that... i hope someone is searching about the HIV cure too, imagine how thousands of people are dying and infecting with it

  6. yes i, remember it, it0s kind of old, i once click it by accident, because a friend and I where talking precisely about photos, pictures, drawings and that stuff and then she puts a link saying "wanna see more pics?" so i clicked it >_>! but for my fortune it wasn't really bad... of course i scaned my pc, it was brand new back then!

  7. my favorite movies are the star wars saga and the harry potter sagas from those two my current favorite movie is Episode III: Revenge of the sith and from Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets, anyways im waiting for the Da Vinci Code movie to be showned off my friends think it would be a great movie = )

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