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Posts posted by Danieluchis

  1. well i was successfull to host my best friend in my domain hosted at Xisto.com (like this: fuuko.crystal-sorrow.net)i used the subdomain feature and in the username i put fuuko then i created a ftp account with the same username (fuuko) but when she tried to login she couldn't so i check it out and her ftp the user was fuuko@mytrap17username.trap17.com, anyways the point is that i could host her n__n! try it out!

  2. well my most scariest moment was when i went to my grandma's house and i stayed for the night.. at midnight i went to the kitchen for some water and i swear i saw a monster! >__<!!! i don't know if it was because i was a little sleepy or i don't know maybe my imagination but i swear i saw it ;__; i was scared to the bones, and i remember that after that i never went to my grandma's place again until she went to live to another house, but it was horrible :( it was like (don't laught im dead serious :( ) a fried chicken but more..brown and tall.. aaarrghh!! i know it sounds stupid but that's my most scariest experience ...

  3. hi! now that i got my host at Xisto and my domain name.. after all the things i do.. (i almost kill my domain name host support team ) its now functioning! wiii please visit it! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ its a collective that means its my site where i organize all my web pages.. the only ting is that is in spanish... but i have friends that speak english too so im making the english version! please tell me what do you think about it! :)

  4. Nirvana is the best grunge band i have heard.. ;__; i love Kurt Cobain (R.I.P.) personaly i just think that Courtney Love Kill Him.. because after all the two of them where in the music bussiness. people would just pay more attention to kurt instead of Courtney's music which i think was something courtney didn't like.. whatever the reason was i just think he was murdered.. i dont know.. maybe that day kurt tried to kill himself and someone came to "help" him..

  5. or you can just paste the scroll bar code under the BODY o.o like this

    [/br]BODY[br]{[/br][br]font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;[/br]font-size: 12px;[br]font-weight: normal;[/br]margin: 0px;[br]padding: 0px;[/br]background-color: #2d3851;[br]scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FF6600; [/br]scrollbar-arrow-color:#FF6600; [br]scrollbar-base-color:#333333; [/br]scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FF6600; [br]scrollbar-face-color:#333333; [/br]scrollbar-highlight-color:#999999; [br]scrollbar-shadow-color:#666666; [/br]}

  6. hi if u open my page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it just opens one post of my blog..and i add it comments but it doesn't seem to function!!!

    the error is:

    Unknown column '4' in 'where clause' (which can be seen at the bottom right part of the page)

    here is ALL the display.php code

    <?php [br]// Put database connection variables here[/br]$hostname='localhost';[br]$user='xxxxx';	//'user name to access database';[/br]$pass= 'xxxxx';	//'password';	[br]$dbase='xxxxx;	//'database name';[br][/br]$connection = mysql_connect("$hostname" , "$user" , "$pass") or die ("Can't connect to MySQL");[/br]$db = mysql_select_db($dbase , $connection) or die ("Can't select database.");[br][/br]$q = "SELECT * from blog order by date desc ";[br]$result= mysql_query($q, $connection) or die [/br]("Could not execute query : $q." . mysql_error());[br][/br][br]// dynamic navigation variables[/br]$rows_per_page= [B]10[/B]; 	 // adjust the number here to display number of entries per page [br]$total_records=mysql_num_rows($result);[/br]$pages = ceil($total_records / $rows_per_page);[br][/br]$screen = $_GET["screen"];[br]if (!isset($screen))[/br]$screen=0;[br]$start = $screen * $rows_per_page;[/br]$q .= "LIMIT $start, $rows_per_page";[br]$result= mysql_query($q, $connection) or die [/br]("Could not execute query : $q." . mysql_error());[br][/br][br]while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))[/br]{[br]	$id=$row["id"];[/br]	$name=$row["name"];[br]	$email=$row["email"];[/br]	$entry=$row["entry"];[br]	$date=$row["date"];[/br]	$icon=$row["icon"]; [br]	$title=$row["$title"];[br][/br]?>[br][/br]	<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">[/br]	<tr>[br]	<td><b><?php echo "$title"; ?></b></td>[/br]	</tr>[br]	<tr>[/br]	<td>[br]	<p><img src="<?php echo "$icon"; ?>" alt="icon" align="left"><?php echo "$entry"; ?></p>[/br]	<p><a href="mailto:<?php echo "$email"; ?>"><?php echo "$name"; ?></a> Cried at <?php echo "[br][/br]$date"; ?>.</p>[br]	</td>[/br]	</tr>[br]	</table>[/br]	<p align="right">[br]	[/br]	<?php[br]	[/br]	$query = "select id from blog_comments where blog_id=`$id` ";[br]	$ret = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());[/br]	$comment_num = mysql_num_rows($ret);[br]	[/br]	// display number of comments[br]	echo "<a href=\"readcomments.php?id=$id\">$comment_num</a>";[br]	[/br]	?>[br]	[/br]	</p>[/br]	<?php[br]} #while[br]?>[/br]<div align=center>[br][/br]<?php[br][/br]// Display dynamic navigation here[br][/br]// create the dynamic links[/br]if ($screen > 0) {[br]$j = $screen - 1;[/br]$url = "display.php?screen=$j";[br]echo "<a href=\"$url\">Prev</a>";[/br]}[br][/br]// page numbering links now[br][/br]for ($i = 0; $i < $pages; $i++) {[br]$url = "display.php?screen=" . $i;[/br]$j = $i + 1;[br]echo " | <a href=\"$url\">$j</a> | ";[/br]}[br][/br]if ($screen < $pages-1) {[br]$j = $screen + 1;[/br]$url = "display.php?screen=$j";[br]echo "<a href=\"$url\">Next</a>";[/br]}[br][/br]?>[br][/br]</div>[br]
    [/br]and that's all also.. i have 4 posts till now with TITLE that doesnt seems to appear too u_u..buuhhhh T__T can someone help me? im kinda n00b at php & mysql

  7. I LOOOOVE manga!!! especially the shoujos, i have read, sailor moon, inuyasha, Gundan Wing (blind target, not so shoujo (^^U) Penguin Brothers.. omg Parfait Tic..my best friend Fuuko-Chan (_-_U) has her trauma about it, but it's all upset cuz she has only unitl vol 12 i think o.o i personally haven't read it cuz i diudn't like the drawings and that doesn't motivate me xD but aww well..

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