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Posts posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. Well I know this program on sourceforge called synergy, and it is pretty good, used it cross platform. Its on sourceforge.net somewhere. That's what I use but I think you need multiple monitors for it. The other way you could go is some kind of VNC, but they are hard to set up, and are made for internet stuff. You could also have file/printer sharing, but it's insecure. There's a lot of things you can do, but do them in the order that I posted it in. If all else fails, google it.

  2. Ever go to some camp or summer program, or even a hotel? If you are like me, you are dieing just to check your e-mail or find a wi-fi spot from that house, woulden't you love just to do it the ethical way? Now you can! I found this site (http://www.all-free-isp.com/ that is) on google, they list all free/cheap ISPs. Now you can check your e-mail. It may be slow and tie up the phone line, but that's why we have cell phones (lol) So now, Check your e-mail. Post that tutorial. Keep your site up. I used this when doing the CTY/JHU summer program (yes, they changed the rules at the last seccond, but I snook it in) and it worked great. Most of them are windows only, but others are mac and linux compatable. This definatly helps, and now you know what to do...Oh yeah, don't be stupid and not get the access codes before you go, that would be really smart (Just kidding). That happened to me on another trip but lets not go into that. (lol again)

  3. Wich CMS is right for you? Here is a complete guide for choosing a CMS, and if a CMS is right for you.Now. If you want a site with an easy to use content system, and modules and components that save you some time coding it yourself, a CMS is right for you. If you are just going to have a page about your dog poochie, it's not right for you. It's good if you have alot of changing content. So let's go over some popular CMSesmambo OSJoomlageeklogphp-nukepostnukewordpressThere's a whole bunch of extras. What should you choose?Open source:Open source is the way to go. You can modify it, and so can anyone. You can have pre-packaged distros for this, it's neat.Your needs:Check for expandability. Can you put in modules if you need them? Can you make your own? is it easy to install them? and avalibility, are the modules you need avalable for that CMS? Some examples: site blocks, music player, downloads, DHTML menu, photo galary, etc. Some come with modules, so watch out.A good WYSIWYG editor:I hate having to code HTML to write an article. An WYSIWYG editor is esential. Some let you download more than one so look around.Is it easy to install:If you use a CMS, you probably are a small user who wants to get started. I'm not one of those people, but when I first used a CMS, I used PHP-nuke. Then I switched to mambo OS. I still liked how I could install it in fantastico, but I don't use fantastico anymore. All good CMSes let you use a script to configure the database.So good luck and start writing!

  4. Hey Everyone!


    This Post is Important if you have Mambo Open Source or something compatable to it...


    I have made a module for all of you to use. It's ready for upload and install, no hassle with your file manager.


    The file, eventually, will be posted onto my site. It is working on my site, just go to:


    Psych Designs


    And you will find it in the bottom left hand corner in a module. It fits in most themes, too!


    I will also be working on blocks for all the other CMSes out there on fantastico, so if you have a different CMS, check the (soon coming) downloads section frequently! I will have a special section just for ConnectMe there, just look around.

  5. I was looking for a good hard drive/flash key to back up my files on for the big switch to linux, and I stumbled apon the Seagate 5GB Pocket HD. It works great for file storage, but will it live up to it's potential? Let's find out. You may Call me crazy, but I have done these tests on it:In the pocket at school:All day for one week, I cept this thing in my pocket pretty much filled with data. I used it frequently in lots of variable conditions, and my files were untouched. When I was at school, I went up and down stairs, frequently, and went from hot to airconditioned rooms.In the pocket on a trampoline:Yup, I'm crazy. $ 112 harddrive + trampoline = no no? Nope, not here.On the trampoline I jumped 5 FT in the air, in which I did some tricks... which are going unnamed... Pocket harddrive in my pocket, I jumped for 5 minuites, with occasional 5 seccond breaks. So I brought it inside, then Plugged it in, and everything was fine! I had to do one more test...The random positions test:Ok so this sounds weird. What I did is I layed on the floor whith it, making it hit the *carpeted* floor lightly, and I went to the movies, it got squished, and put a magnet near it, but not too close. It kept up to it's oath, and all my files were good!----Bottom Line: It's a good drive. Plenty of space, cheap for so much space, Hide away USB cord (yup, I love fooling around with that :blink: ) a cool blue LED flash thingy, good look, but best of all, durability. This thing would not break unless you dropped it on cement. Your files are safe as long as you have it unplugged when you drop it. It runs of the USB port, and is a steal, I got mine for 112 bucks with shipping and tax! Small enough to fit in an altoids sours tin if you can visualize that. Comes with a great utilities CD, which has FreeDOS, secure partitioning, etc. I tested the fact that they said it was durable. Don't do what I did, cuz I have too much free time. Also, every drive is different, to get the max use, respect the darn thing.

  6. Ok, so this is simple. Open up a canvas. Click atrobutes, size. Choose 16x16 or 32x32. Now just paint away!!!Once you are done, save this as iconname.ico replacing iconname with whatever you want to call it. Save it, and you will hopefully see the icon! you can use this on your site by renaming it favicon.ico, but remember: it has to be 16x16 for sites. You can also use it as something like a folder or document. Just right click and hit properties, then look for something where you can change the icon (it should be 32x32) and BOOM! (I am using linux at the time of writing, I just remembered this now...)Good Luck!There are also other uses for the icon, surf around! You can also make these in the gimp or photoshop, too.

  7. Ok, so everyone knows that sony realy outdid themselves with the clie, but one problem: You can't sync it outside windows. Or can you? Look, Up in the sky, It's a bird, it's a plane, No, it's Psychiccyberfreak! Come to save the day!!! :) Ok, so here we go.

    First, you need to get a sync program. I use Jpilot, I reccomend it. If your distro has a cross between KDE and GNOME, use anything...

    Ok, now it should work, Most cases only network sync will work, that's ok. Some distros have some drivers. Some don't. Most good ones do though...

    Now for the file imort/export part. You can mount it as removable storage, like you'd normally do. Just know the technical part of what to do, IE don't put it in the wrong folder.

    For the image converter, just resize it so it fits your clie's resolution and screen size. then put it in the folder. NOTE: this is not the 'clie viewer' folder in the programs directory on your memory stick.

    That's about it. If you still have problems, just use wine with the 'palm desktop for clie' CD you got with it.

    Also, this is just assuming you won't have problems, so if you need help, find a article online that goes a little mor in-depth. Good luck!

    Here is a good article for if you have probs:


  8. Ok, so I found out about podcasting on iTunes, and I fell in love with it. It was probably the coolest thing ever to happen. Now it's a big thing, and anyone can do it. This will cover just the basics of using MP3 file, tagging them, and uploading them in a directory on a web server with dircaster installed. If you want to get advanced I reccomend getting a book on it. This is only the basics, because I am running a windows computer at the time, and you can only have enhanced podcasting in mac at the time of me writing this... Let's get started.

    First things first, you have to get an idea of what it will be about. People don't really susbcribe to shows about everything, so it's good to have a specific topic to talk about on your show.

    Next, you will want to have some intro music. Surf around http://www.opsound.org/ and find some music you like. They don't have much, but you can leagally use it in a podcast.

    Ok, you have your topic, and your music, you need an icon now. Make one in the gimp, or paint or something. Make sure it relates to your topic.

    Now setting up a server. You may want to get a lot of space before you do this. just the 150 MB here dosen't cut it. Unless you are JUST using Xisto for your podcast. You may want to use paid hosting is what I'm saying.

    Now we have to download 'dircaster'. It can be found numerous places, you can find it at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Follow the directions in the readme (this is EXTREMELY important) and then upload your little icon to that directory.

    Now let's do a podcast! Remember that you cannot infringe the copywright law and sing a song like 'happy birthday'. That's just stupid, you'll get fined or jailed. Just remember to keep it clean if you want it to be listed as clean, if not then you can bleep things out... Save it and convert it into a MP3 file. Tag it using iTunes, or Winamp, whatever.

    Now we upload it to your podcast directory. Just simpally upload it into your dircaster directory and it will be on there, but what good is it if it is JUST on your website? Get it listed in iTunes or something! (note: linux users may not be able to use iTunes unless they get an emulator, or something like wine to run it.) There are many places you can get it listed. Some examples are feedburner, pluck, yahoo, etc. Just do as many as you want. Fill out the form, pluggin all the stuff and remember the info you got in the readme of dircaster. Now you are set! It may take a couple of days to get it approved, but that's about it, you're set!

    To add another file to the directory, just record it, convert to an MP3, tag it, and upload it. It will atomatically update the feed for you. Happy podcasting!!!

  9. why don't these people do this to the competitors and test it on theirs so they don't screw ours up? :D just kidding. For basics like PHP, you can setup your own little test server cheap, but for advanced stuff, you probably have your own server allready... I remember when that happened, it happened frequently too. Well, Glad that's over...

  10. Distributed computing is computing distributed among computers to solve a huge task. Usually you have to download a client, and your computer's idle time is when you make this happen. This is neat because you can walk the streets saying "I helped with MIT reserching effects on protein!" ;). It's a cheap alternitive to geting a supercomputer or something, especially if the budget is tight. I found the link on google, but I lost it. Look it up. Check this out!

  11. andrew, no.sammaye, pretty much any section of a website with a password required to enter is almost imposible to block, because the filter's spiders can't view the content. This is good with eyeOS because you can't just sign up, you have to have a friend with an account to the certain area.I hope that cleared things up...

  12. eyeOS is a web based portal made for use on any internet enabled computer. It has DHTML scripting, so it has an operating system feel to it. You can install apps, or make your own. There is no mySQL database needed, just PHP. You can make user accounts, send messages, and is good for a development team, gaming clan, you name it. It also has PIM apps for those of you who are too poor to buy a palm pilot or pocket PC. I perosnally use it at school, for writing papers, and *cough* playing *cough* games that are *cough* pretty much imposible for *cough* web filters to block *cough*. It has a web browser, notepad, HTML editor, mesage center, PIM tools, and more. You can even install your own mix of tools easily with the GUI, just upload the .tar.gz file you downloaded from the site, and go to 'install app' in the 'eyehome' app, and you can install it without Cpanel! You can also upload files. I personally love this, it's great. My suggestion though is to get an old computer and turn it into a web server. You will get more storage that you can't really get from a free web host. Even though the load times will be slower, it's worth it. Whatever, do what you want. It's pretty basic, so you won't get a full desktop functionality, but it's still cool. The site is http://www.eyeos.com/ and it is FREE!! Go check it out.

  13. What's a webring? a webring is a collection of sites strung togeter, to evenly distribute the members and hopefully attracting more visitors. Here's the requirements:A membership on Xistothe ability to put some PHP code in a block in your CMS or somethinga site with ways for members to cnat and hangout online, and just have fun!People that I really want to join:Sang Nguyen (http://www.nerdnirvana.org/)cmatcmextra (iambored.info)cragllo (sponk.co.uk)So e-mail me if you want to join, I'll make the code asap, once I fix my CMS!

  14. I've been getting pages that don't load on my site in PHP. Here is the actuall source:





    /* NSN News                                            */

    /* By: NukeScripts Network (webmaster@nukescripts.net)  */

    /* http://www.nukescripts.net/                          */

    /* Copyright © 2000-2005 by NukeScripts Network        */




    global $admin;

    if (is_admin($admin)) {

      if(!is_array($admin)) {

        $adm = base64_decode($admin);

        $adm = explode(":", $adm);

        $aname = "$adm[0]";

      } else {

        $aname = "$admin[0]";





    $adm_info = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."_authors WHERE aid='$aname'"));

    if ($adm_info['radminsuper']==1 OR $adm_info['super_user']==1) {

      $pagename = "PHP-Nuke";

      switch($op) {


          $pagetitle = $pagename;




          echo "<table align='center' border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'>\n";

          echo "<form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method='post'>\n";

          echo "<tr><td>This script will install, destall or upgrade the tables for the $pagename.</td></tr>\n";

          echo "<tr><td><b>Backup data tables before going on!</b></td></tr>\n";

          echo "<tr><td><select name='op'>\n";

          echo "<option value=''>---- Downgrade Options ----</option>\n";

          echo "<option value='78-76'>Downgrade $pagename 7.8 to 7.6</option>\n";

          echo "<option value='77-76'>Downgrade $pagename 7.7 to 7.6</option>\n";

          echo "</select> <input type='submit' value='COMMIT'></td></tr>\n";

          echo "<tr><td><b>Once you have finished with this script, delete it from your server!</b></td></tr>\n";

          echo "</form>";

          echo "</table><br />\n";

          echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' align='center'>\n";

          echo "<tr><td width='100%' align='center'><b>Help Support NukeScripts</b></td></tr>\n";

          echo "<tr><td width='100%' align='center'><a href='http://www.nukescripts.net/modules.php?name=Donations&%2339 src='https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but21.gif' border='0' alt='Make donations with PayPal!'  align='center'></a></td></tr>\n";

          echo "</table>\n";





        case "78-76":

          $pagetitle = $pagename.": Downgrade 7.8 to 7.6";




          echo "Operation Status!<br />\n";

          echo "<hr>\n";

          $message = "Everything seems to have completed succeesfully ;)<br />\n";

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner_clients` RENAME `".$prefix."_bannerclient`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner_clients failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner` DROP `ad_class`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner` DROP `ad_code`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner` DROP `ad_width`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner` DROP `ad_height`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner` DROP `name`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_banner` CHANGE `position` `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_banner failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_banner_positions`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_banner_positions failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_banner_terms`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_banner_terms failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_banner_plans`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_banner_plans failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$user_prefix."_users` DROP INDEX `karma`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$user_prefix."_users failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$user_prefix."_users` DROP `karma`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$user_prefix."_users failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_comments_moderated`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_comments_moderated failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_pollcomments_moderated`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_pollcomments_moderated failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_reviews_comments_moderated`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_reviews_comments_moderated failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_comments` DROP `last_moderation_ip`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_comments failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_pollcomments` DROP `last_moderation_ip`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_pollcomments failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_stories` DROP `rating_ip`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_stories failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."_config` SET `copyright`='Resecured PHP-Nuke 7.6.'");

          if(!$result) { echo "- UPDATE ".$prefix."_config failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."_config` SET `Version_Num`='7.6'");

          if(!$result) { echo "- UPDATE ".$prefix."_config failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $test = $db->sql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".$prefix."_modules` LIKE 'wysig_status'");

          if($test) {

            $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_modules` DROP `wysig_status`");

            if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_modules failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }


          echo "$message<hr>\n";

          echo "Operation Complete!<br />\n";

          echo "You <b>MUST</b> upload the PHP-Nuke 7.6 files to your server for the downgrade to be complete.\n";





        case "77-76":

          $pagetitle = $pagename.": Downgrade 7.7 to 7.6";




          echo "Operation Status!<br />\n";

          echo "<hr>\n";

          $message = "Everything seems to have completed succeesfully ;)<br />\n";

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$user_prefix."_users` DROP INDEX `karma`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$user_prefix."_users failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$user_prefix."_users` DROP `karma`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$user_prefix."_users failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_comments_moderated`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_comments_moderated failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_pollcomments_moderated`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_pollcomments_moderated failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("DROP TABLE `".$prefix."_reviews_comments_moderated`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- DROP TABLE ".$prefix."_reviews_comments_moderated failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_comments` DROP `last_moderation_ip`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_comments failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_pollcomments` DROP `last_moderation_ip`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_pollcomments failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_stories` DROP `rating_ip`");

          if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_stories failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."_config` SET `copyright`='<a href=\" class=\"footmsg_l\">NukeScripts</font></a> Resecured PHP-Nuke 7.6.'");

          if(!$result) { echo "- UPDATE ".$prefix."_config failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $result = $db->sql_query("UPDATE `".$prefix."_config` SET `Version_Num`='7.6'");

          if(!$result) { echo "- UPDATE ".$prefix."_config failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }

          $test = $db->sql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".$prefix."_modules` LIKE 'wysig_status'");

          if($test) {

            $result = $db->sql_query("ALTER TABLE `".$prefix."_modules` DROP `wysig_status`");

            if(!$result) { echo "- ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_modules failed<br />\n"; $message = ""; }


          echo "$message<hr>\n";

          echo "Operation Complete!<br />\n";

          echo "You <b>MUST</b> upload the PHP-Nuke 7.6 files to your server for the downgrade to be complete.\n";





    } else {

      $pagetitle = $pagename.": ERROR";




      echo "<center><b>Sorry, ONLY super admins may run this script</b><center>\n";







    and here is what I receve:




    Please Help!

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