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Posts posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. Some tips:

    try making a new user account (if possible) and transfering all programs and stuff there.

    run that program in the run dialog that changes the registry startup thing and make sure explorer.exe is there, if not add it somehow

    swich to linux, mac, or anything but windows

    Get a new computer, transfer all the files, and burn the old one

    panic in your room not knowing what to do

    go to one of those good old fashoned computer stores and tell them you have a credit card. When you have to pay, grab your computer. Run away. :)

  2. That's a good idea, but it has to have a motor which will be slow which will probably not be worth it, plus you have to push the button if it is motor operated :D

    It would stink if you pushed the button accidentaly when you were pooping, ouch.

    Why am I posting here anyway, and talking about what would happen with a motor-driven seat?


    New!- The Motor Toilet

    Now with a 6v engine and Power Steering!


    :) lol :P


    Good luck though. You should send it to that weird inventer show that's on.

  3. they say that with this new technology put into standard desktops, they can have a single computer running a single processor running multi operating systems, so if one crashes, you can quickly switch to the other to finish that spreadsheet, fix the other operating system, and boot from that other operating system all without ever pushing that power button. I'm not sure when they are doing this, but it's going to take a hell of a lot of planning and coding...

  4. I have found that tech has been a big problem with me. (don't panic, I'm not going to kill myself or whatever) It is kind of cutting into my social life, on days where I work on my laptop, when all I want to do is hang out with my friends. I have pretty much learned everything I want to know about computers, exept for mabie programming, which I am taking a summer coarse for anyway. I've done linux, done windows, tried making stuff (like in make magazine, I got hurt way too often to keep doing it, plus it's frustrating), mac I know enough about from windows and linux, plus my friend has one. Laptops are ok, I have a palm pilot, and used to have a pocket PC. Now I'm waiting on ubuntu disks that come in 2-6 weeks. Now, I just stay at home, posting on message boards like this getting help, getting hosting credits, and some other stuff. Generally, I just feel that computers and the internet have let me down, that I have deticated a whole lot of time to, and is my main interest, and now I feel like I'm at a dead end. I'm not saying that I hate computers and computers should burn in hell, but I really don't have anything to do. I want to buy some new computer equipment but I don't have the money, and I get all my money from my website. I don't have a job (which is normal for me anyway, I don't have working papers, don't really want to have a part time job either). Now that I know it all, I think I just need money, but have no clue where to get it. So on those weekends where I want to go with my freinds, I do homework which I hate doing, and then it's too late to hang out with friends, so I just waste time boring myself on my computer. I don't really like computer games anymore. I guess all I want is some more time with my friends, more tech addict friends (all I have is like... 2... or mabie 3... and they are busy or I am busy) and something to do on the computer. Games are OK, but I find that they are not truely entertaining. I like to laugh, but it also eats up at my time that I can do stuff. Once I do that stuff I go on some funny sites like uncyclopedia, and get bored and stare at the wall. I guess it is also interfering with my schoolwork, seince I do most of my homework on my computer, and then get destracted.I fix things, and when it's finally fixed, I think to myself "now what?"even now as I type I am taking long empty breaks.I need something to occupy me, any suggestions?

  5. they have had this before, you can use skype on cell phones, but I think you need to have a data plan and a windows mobile phone [insert loud painfull scream here]


    The real problem is more of "will free viop be compatable, like skype or google talk? Will I have to have an endless data stream to the cell phone tower for skype and my mobile phone? It's going to cost more, I can tell you that. Anyone can intercept a phone conversation with the right tools, so there is really no diff. I am exited to see what happens, and if skype is supported. (just because it's going through the internet dosn't mean that we will have skype on our phone)

  6. well it's a hoax, they would not send it from donotreply@gmail.com, that's just stupid. Google is not loosing money, or else you would see a huge fall in the stocks. Plus, they get money from it, google is not a web service company, or a search company, they are an advertizing company. They make money off of adsense. They show those on gmail, and they get money per click.Don't wory about it, don't click the links, some itiot is trying to get rich off of people's stupidity.

  7. I'm going to see if I can get ahold of some ISOs of my friend's Linux distro he wrote.. it's called Janus. It's geared toward extreme network security and wireless. It's got some monster encryptions =) But ya, if he gets me an ISO and gives me permission I'll figure out a way to get the ISO online (torrents or something) for folk to download if their interested.

    If you want I can be a mirror for your friend, e-mail me


    Why don't u just some debian based distros since they're famous for not getting u onto dependancy hell?try SymplyMepis or Kanotix and why not Ubuntu/Kubuntu? I myself like the first 2 cause they are closer to debian but ubuntu forums simply rocks.Ah, of course SimplyMepis and Kanotix are also LiveCDs so you can boot right from the cd and give it a try.
    Hope this helped anything:)

    Yeah I tried a whole bunch of distros. I don't like gnome cause it's butt ugly, more ugly then windows. Most of the distros you mentioned use gnome, and it's tough to change the default. My DSL line is really bad so I wanted to know if anybody could make isos of mandriva, debian, suse, or kubuntu for me. (I like RPM based distros) and zip them in .tar.gz format I would really appreciate it. So if you have any other suggestions, that would be great.

  8. I downloaded mandriva 2006 free for my laptop, and it kept being corrupted when I downloaded it. I finaly download it at a friends house and install it on my laptop on a seperate partition. Then I was so compitent that I uninstalled the programs that I didn't need on windows. (Stuff that I had on the linux partiton) So Later on it just keeps screwing up and now I have no programs to work with... It's really annoying, so I wanted to buy it, but its like 80 dollars, should I buy it?

  9. If you have good virus controll and a firewall, you are set. Another problem is UPnP routers. Porgrams open up ports (virtual, not physichal) ports in your router, and let what you want to come through, but also you may have bad things come through. The safest thing to do is turn of UPnP and manually define and open ports If you have to but your really don't have to. A good podcast that explains this is security now. Google it, it's a great podcast, even if you don't have an iPod or can't download it, just read the show notes.

  10. here's some tips:if you have a CMS, you don't really need oneunless you are experienced in programing in many languages, you can't make onethere are good ones out there that are free...I assume you use linux on your server since you mentioned Cpanel. Webmin is a good one, cube panel is another, there are also VNC programs that let you do that. There are a lot of things you can do.It may be cool, but you can't use it on this host. you need to have a computer, and some kind of web site program running. You also need a static IP address from your ISP. So really, I would just suggest getting paid hosting, it's really pricey.

  11. Mints these days are becoming more and more filled with sugar. Sugar helps bacteria growth and can actually make your breath smell worse then you began with! How can you know that you are getting the right thing? Here's a guide to buying mints:Read the Ingredients:Reading the ingredients definitely helps. Identify these ingredients:Sugar (AKA sucrose, glucose, dextrose, maltose, (high fructose) corn syrup, etc)Mint flavor (shown as artificial and/or natural flavor)NOTE-- Artificial flavor could be artificial sweeteners like splendaNow, every good mint has either no or little sugar. If you do see sugar, good mints have it toward the end of the ingredients list. If it does have sugar, you won't get as much mint out of it. Make sure the artificial/natural flavors are towards the beginning, or else you won't get as much mint as you paid for.Choosing the form (liquid and solid):solid forms are dissolved by your own saliva. This can be bad if you get dry mouth easily. They are not as good, because there is no force to push them in to your mouth's skin, so usually the effects don't last long. That and they need something to hold them all together, so most companies use sugar. Liquid forms are the best, they can get into the hard to reach areas, and can work if you have dry mouth. They can sink into the skin of your mouth, and don't need sugar. They are the best I've tried.NOTE ABOUT 'LIQUID ICE'-- liquid ice is a gelatin outside with a vegetable oil and mint inside. These are small, but not so powerful, because of the vegetable oil contents. They are too small too, if you had two at once they work.Price:Of course, most good mints are 2 dollars per unit. I would get quality over quantity.Size:If you keep mints in your pocket, size can be an issue. Large tins like Altoids are bulky, and get in the way. Make sure you get something that will fit.Flavor:Flavor changes intensity. If you are looking for something mild try freshmint, or wintergreen. For more intense, try spearmint. For the ultimate, try peppermint, cool mint, or Cinnamon.Recommendations:Listerine pocket packsListerine pocket mistice breakersice breakers liquid ice (for people who don't want something so powerful)any peeper spray on the marketSo use these tips next time you shop for mints.

  12. This is going to be really expensive. Having a seperate oled in each key may sound cool, but it's pricey. Its good if you are a bilinguist and you need this. The chinese and japanese would love this idea. If you look around the site, it says:


    The keyboard is in production. The first lot is set to arrive on May 15.


    Retail price of Optimus mini three is US$100 (subject to change after April 2).

    And the optimus mini three is this:

    Posted Image


    Yeah, so expect this thing to be in the 2,000 dollar range...

  13. I would just say get a template with a nice layout, then replace it with your own images and edit the CSS code. It takes like a day or two to do, but the result is really nice, that's what I did to my site. As long as you have a color scheme in mind your fine. You may want to get the gimp (http://www.gimp.org/) if you haven't allready, or photoshop, they come in handy when it comes to making these kind of GFX works (the gimp is free btw)

  14. Seccond life is kind of like an MMORPG, exept it is free. You can get a premium account, or a free account. There is no goal of the game, but it is still fun. You can make your own person, make stuff and sell it, buy land (in the premium account) and you can have friends! You can script stuff in this, which is the cool part, so you can make addons and stuff. There are events that happen all the time! You can sell stuff like I said, but you can buy/sell currency too! If you make some money in seccond life, you can convert it into real money online and get paid to do this. This is really fun. You can attach any item on to your body (which is kind of funny) and stuff. Check it out. http://ww17.seccondlife.com/

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