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Posts posted by psychiccyberfreak

  1. merry trap-mass, but what about people who celebrate hanukka and kuanza? Whatever. Happy Christma-hanu-kuanzica to you all! As a gift, I will open up a new section of my site for all to see! It will be something everyone likes!!!oops, forgot. I am very thankfull for all the good fortune I have had. I have a great website, friends, a laptop, and a good head on my shoulders. I have a great sense of humor, and a good taste in music. What am I asking for from my parents? I'm asking for an 8 GB flash drive to put a linux distro called slax onto, a new memory stick for my clie, and a motor skooter so I can get home faster. My New years resolution is not to truely hold a grudge against anyone, to get better grades, and to make some more gift sigs sense I am in the T17 GFX crew... Happy holidays!

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Merged double posts.
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  2. I think it's great for managing my photos. I have four cameras. One is a webcam, one is my clie, one is my parent's camera, and last, my parent's digital video camera. I really like this because I can manage all my photos withought having to wait for thumbnails to load or anything. And, it intergrates with all of the other google services and tools, like gmail and desktop search. I reccomend it to everyone!

  3. Switching from Windows to Linux

    wiping away the evil simplified by psychiccyberfreak AKA B.J.


    Ok, so in here, we will cover ALOT of things.


    Linux is a command based OS with HUGE possibilities. In this tutorial, we will cover things that will get you familiarized with linux, seince you are switching from windows. It's ok, you can still have a window system. It's pretty much downhill from there. The best part is that it's free.

    :::::::::::Table of Contents::::::::::::::::::::::

    :: 1. Is it right for you? ::

    :: 2. Why bother? ::

    :: 3. Step 1: getting a distribution ::

    :: 4. Step 2: getting a Window environment ::

    :: 5. Step 3: getting program replacements ::

    :: 6. Step 4: Bringing over your old files ::

    :: 7. Getting used to your new OS ::

    :: 8. Oh no! I can't find drivers for my ??? ! ::

    :: 9. End notes ::





    ::1: Is it right for you?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    If you have a slow running computer with windows, yes.

    If you are tired of having to buy software, yes.

    If you want a cool new look, yes. If your computer is really screwed up, yes.

    If you have problems with 'the blue screen of death', yes.

    If you are a developer, HELL YEAH!!!

    If you have a HUGE number of apps and hate the start menu, yes.



    Basically, if you have problems with windows, get it. If you are secure, and bug free, skip it (for now anyways... lol)

    Ok? ok.



    :: 2. Why bother? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    You may want to skip this part...

    Ok, so basically, it's alot more stable then windows. Then again, isen't everything?

    No patches. Simpilly upgrade the OS, for FREE. Most of the programs are free or under the GNU licence. It in my oppinion runs smoother on computers. It supports almost every processor imaginable. Basically, Get it.



    ::3. Step1: getting a distribution::::::::::::::::::::::


    There are a huge number of distributions. Get a free one. The most popular are:








    Red Hat





    Some are easyer than others to setup, I reccomend Slackware.


    Instalation varies, so check on the support site for details. DO NOT INSTALL UNTILL YOU HAVE FINNISHED THIS TUTORIAL!!!!!!!!!



    ::4. Step 2: Getting a window environment::::::::::::::


    Some distros come with something like KDE. These are the ones that are most popular.





    I would reccomend KDE. It's the one I use. Installation of this varies, if you have only one computer, this may be tough. See your distro's manual for info.



    ::5. Step 3: Getting Program Replacements:::::::::::::::


    Ok, make a list of the programs you NEED. Then download the replacements. I reccomend linux.softpedia.com for this. Remember- you can get emulators for win32 programs which will run most programs. (ex: wine, dosbox, etc.) So if you have GNU programs, you WILL find linux distros for them. If not, build it with linux! Here is just some stuff on my list:


    1. Trillan ----> kopete

    2. Gimp 2.2 --> Gimp 2.2

    3. ZipGenius -> ZipAnywere



    ::6. Step 4: Bringing over your old files:::::::::::::::::::


    Find the stuff that you want to keep and put it on a flash drive, or a CD/DVD. Floppy???(lol) If you have a bunch of word files, save them as a different format that will work in linux, depending on your programs. (ex: open a word doc with abiword freeware edition, save as a abiword file, then open it and convert it in Kword.) You can open .ppt in Kpresenter, do some research.



    ::7. Getting used to your new OS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    Ok, so now you're done. It's easy with KDE. You have the big K icon for your start menu. Get used to the new programs and OS. There is no worse situation where you are typing up something and you can't print it. When in doubt, read the manual for your distro!



    ::8. Oh no! I can't find drivers for my Whatever!!!::::::::


    Don't panic. This is a common problem. It happened to me when I had to get a new Wi-fi card for my laptop. Look around online. Still nothing? contact the hardware company and ask around. If not, get a major brand. For wi-fi, (this is a huge problem) get 'wi-fi manager'. I think it comes with slackware. I don't know. It's for KDE. So if you don't have KDE, consider a switch...



    ::9. End notes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


    If you want to get a new program, I recomend linux.softpedia.com. They have a nice selecton of programs from many publishers, most under the GNU licence.

    There are linux support forums everywhere. Go find it.

    KDE is great, it comes with a great programs suite, runs smoothly, and has great functionality. It's 'start' menu clone is actually sorted by topic! YAY! Now you don't have to sift through a sea of programs. Plus, most programs on linus are good quality.

    There are viruses for linux!!! Get antivirus programs RIGHT AWAY!!! Also, get a FIREWALL, and SPYWARE PROTECTION.


    You can put this on your site, as long as you let me know via E-MAIL ONLY! You also need to mention me and my site in the end or something. My e-mail is bj[at]psychdesigns[dot]net

    my site is http://www.hflw.org/, and you can put 'psychiccyberfreak AKA B.J.' as my name.


    This was all put togeter on what I did to my super slow laptop that took 10 mnuites to boot every time! So have fun with linux. I helped so many people this way.


    Remember: EVERY DISTRO IS DIFFERENT!!! so get a manual right away!


    Good luck and have fun!!!


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Since no one approved this AND it's not an actual tutorial with step by step guide, I'm moving this to spam for safe deletion later.

  4. Potter puppet pals is a flash animaion site with ony 2 episodes, but it's really funny. It's not obscene, just really weird. Check it out at http://www.potterpuppetpals.com/
    They have other links to other sites so you can look around and stuff.

    I found an easter egg!!!

    if you go to 'trouble at hogwarts' and play it through, wait untill voldemort is going to kill snape. Pause it with the thing on the bottom left corner, and fast foward a few frames untill you see a star where the sparks are. Click it, and you will get a random scene with ron. then it will continue.

  5. I think it would be great if we had a form with PDA stuff! There could be a form for downloads, what programs we have on it, etc. We would have to seperate it into two subgroups: Palm powered, and Windows powered. Then we'd break it down to versions. It would fit in with the form, sense it's tech based, and there could be a reviews section just for Palm Pilots and Windows PDAs. I remember the day I got my PDA, it was am old casio E-25, and I took it everywhere. What do you think?

  6. I got a lousy grade in math this quarter, and got my computer taken away. I can't use my e-mail, can't post here, can't do anything... I still have everything else, so I use my dad's computer for all of my stuff. It's really annoying. I need to get a good math grade and KEEP it high if I want my computer back, but I have a test like once every 2 weeks, and I study! my math teacher just gives me hard tests. I have my clie, so I can tap into my nebor's wi-fi spot and go online while my parent's are busy... but other then that i'm grounded. I can still go to the lirary and use ther computers, and go over to my friends houe, but no computer. I can't do anything to my site becase I have all my files and my FTP client on my computer. Oh well, I guess I deserve it.

  7. Ok, so I put togeter an old windows 98 computer, ans I want to put slax on it. I boot it from the CD, it dosen't load. I make a new copy and it works. I go to 'install slax' in kde, and I get the window, but it's too big for the screen resolution I have it set to!!! Now I have to get a new graphics card. What I plan on doing though is getting a nice flash drive and putting it on there, and using that old computer to boot it from, So I can use it from school or a friends house. I still need another computer if I want to install it on to the flash drive... Mabie my laptop.

  8. So how do we make GFX? Good question. Here's some misunderstandings:


    You DON'T download the backgrounds

    renders don't have to be 3D, it's different.

    it takes like 3 minuites per sig

    if you have a good eye for art, it's easyer for you

    brushes are more like stamps


    Ok, so let's get started. First, get photoshop. If you cant, use the gimp

    It's free. Don't worry.


    Let's download some brushes. Go to deviantart. Go to browse, then under the first thing go to 'resources' and then on the bottom box look for 'gimp brushes' or 'photoshop brushes'

    here's the links to the two


    photoshop- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The gimp- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    You can use deviantart for alot of other stuff too B)


    Install the brushes. look it up in the manual, I don't know how to for photoshop. In the gimp, you just drop the brushes into the brushes folder in wherever you installed it to. That's it.


    So what is a graphic work?

    The background is a solid color, with brushes over it. For a dark color, use white. For light colors, use black brushes. Check out the different tyypes of brushes.


    Make a color for the background, (you can use black and change the color balence later) and brush over it with ONE type of brush for now. Once you get what you like, go to color balence in the filters menu or tools menu and change the color untill you get something cool. Then find a render. You can find tons of these, try saintmichel's directory on filefront. PM him about it, or search the resources in this forum. GEt a render, and under the file menu select 'open as layer'


    Find a good place to put it, depending on whatever it is facing for...


    OK, now you can add a noise filter for an 'extreme' look to it. Add filters to the bakground too if you want.


    Thre are tutorials on other types of sigs, like where you use just filers for the background. Look around. This is just to give you an Idea and get a kickstart, just look at what happened to my first sig, I had no clue what I was doing:


    Posted Image


    So good luck on your sigs and GFX, it's generally the same thing for all graphic projects. Thereare also some tech border stuff you can do, just look around this forum, it's a good resource. I'm off.

  9. I have verizon DSL and the main problem is the router you get is kind of bad, it stops working if it gets overheated. The speed is great, I had to call verizon because I was 50 feet shy of the access point :) It works fine though, and you get other services free or discounted if your phone company is verizon.Summary:ups: high speeds, great service, unlimited accessDowns:low upload speeds (as with all DSL lines)crappy router that you can only replace if you know how to set up the new oneYou may be out of rangethey may charge you a penny more than stated to make extra money

  10. I think we should have a section for things that you would find in "MAKE Magazine" and stuff, I think it would be a nice addition to the site, sense the forums are about tech stuff. I think it would be cool to post resources, how-tos, etc. Mabie we could do something like the Trap 17 GFX crew, exept with that kind of stuff. What do you think?

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Title editted to remove word which is not desirable for promotion on this forum.You should be aware of the TOS.

  11. Well most sites just put the copyright symbol up on their site.  In fact if I own my website domain and I put up content written by me then I own the copyright to that material.  Also when you are on a site that you can share work with other people you also own the copyright to that material. 


    I don't think the creative commons thing really does much good.


    is that real? so if I put a copywright symbol it counts? and its free?!? wow, I should do that. Sweet thanks. I'm still going to use creative commons for some stuff though.
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